PRINT THIS OUT NOW, before they take it off...
Got this from another TI fb page, I have his name and information, as well as Attorney name and information..
We may need to do this in each State?? Please respond and let me know what you think.. I don't think this is a scam,
and for no money or for a 10-25 dollar amount.. c'mon this is OUR FREEDOM!!
Word from FBI Legal Department - EH Mass Filing Court Case Pending Victory Important... READ....
I was in communication with someone in the FBI's legal dept. and informed them of our mass filing lawsuit
and of the support for it from politicians' offices and of tv news crews planning on doing stories and of the ACLU supporting our litigation and cause.
They informed me that they do not intend on fighting us and have no interest in fighting 500 court cases
and will settle immediately upon the cases being filed and our attorney contacting them to settle out of
court for what we are seeking, but that they need to be able to show the perosn in charge of the legal department
that this many cases are lodged against them so they can get official permission to settle.. thsi means that we won
and that the FBI will be investigation electronic harassment from here on out and we as victims get a speicial number
to call into for electronic harassment victims where the call is answered by an agent appointed by the FBI to handle electronic harassment.
This means that the systems going to us will be turned off shortly and we will be free and we each will be able to sue with government files
of what was done to us being furnished to us by the FBI..
We just beat EH inot non existance in the entire UNITED STATES. You must mail off your info to our attorney so he can file and quickly settle.
As soon as he gets your info he files and settles so we aer only waiting on you guys to send off your forms to get these
horrible cursed EH systems turned off, please hurry I want to be free and so does everyone else. Here is what you must do and pleas quickly do it.
We already won just send off the information so th FBI has what they need to settle... isn't that great..
We're finally FREE
All you have to do is send an envelope to Law firm.. contact me for this info.. Janet Smith..
and inside this enevelope enclose only a one page letter with your name, address and contact info. as well as
a completed form for non payment of court costs.. the form fo rnon payment is available at
For defendant put FBI and FCC for plaintiff put your name..
Do not worry about filling out court location number or docket numbers, thats for attorney to do..
If you do not have a printer or can't print the form call the court clerks office and have them
mail you the form its called form for non payment of court costs for non prisoner or in forma paupeis form,
call the clerks office and sak them to mail you the form if you cant print it from the link abover.. here is the number...
Please contact Janet Smith for this information..
Inside of this envelope to our attorney enclose a check for any amount between 10-25 dollars,
we have 500 ppl to split $10,000 for the attorney do the math and youll see what the share is that you need to enclose.
If for some reason you cannot afford to pay then just send off the forms and dont worry about the money.
The funny things is as soon as we do this we settle and we win and get these systems turned off.
I would gladly empty my bank acct. for that. ten dollares i nothign make checks or money orders out to the Attorney.. Janet Smith has name
If you can spread word of this news and email to others to make sure others join us in the filing
so we can make sure we get our five hundred ppl and the attorney fees payed off please do so..
If you have any problems or questions whethere its how to fill out the form or whatever just get email to ... contact Janet Smith for this info..
We arre Free we did it.. we won... we wait on you now for our freedom get these forms off as quickly as you can..
If you are getting this message and are not a part of the original 500 to file,
send off the materials stated in the message to our attorney,
lets make sure we get all 500 ppl sending in their forms and stisfy our legal fees for this filing..