I am not as heavily bombarded with gvt tech as many other are. My targeting is not for gvt research, it is a vendetta using GS tactics. However, when I begin to relate what is happening to me, EVEN IN SMALL PART, I can watch the person I'm talking to turn from a concerned individual wanting to help me, to an individual who thinks I am a bit crazy - especially since I can offer no concrete evidence which does not appear either coincidental, random, or even normal. I can't even imagine the reaction of a "civilian" being told about V2K. There is no lawyer who will believe most of what is happening to any TI w/o questioning the sanity of that individual - that's probably why the ACLU has not gotten involved, because our rights and freedom certainly have been circumvented.
As TIs, we have an uphill struggle and the number one issue in front of us is to present our side of the story so that it is believable. People are NOT willing to believe TIs hear voices in their heads or are being shot at with microwaves simply because it sounds like a science fiction novel/funnybook.
Each of us is FRANTIC to not only find a way to stop the harassment, but to find someone to believe us, and regain our credibility and freedom.
So, even tho I might be labeled as a PERP for saying this, until you have a picture of someone shooting you with a clearly identifiable gun labeled "microwave gun", or the technology is developed which will independently produce a transcript of the voices you hear inside your head, I suggest TIs focus on collecting instances of abuse/stalking that a "civilian" will not be able to dismiss as the rantings of a crazy person.
Every time we open our mouths uttering proclamations alien to "normal people", we tend to hang ourselves by further proving to "civilians" that we are paranoid and delusional. Be SMART, TIs, and ignore what you can't collect evidence of, and focus only on what you can collect that a normal person would believe w/o questioning your sanity. The grunts on the ground are limited mentally and keep repeating tactics - find a way to document w/a camera. Eventually you will begin to capture the same person over and over doing the same thing. Dont focus on ALL your perps, pick one that you have the most "evidence" on and take it to a lawyer. Check out digiscoping using a spotting scope or pair of binox:
go to Amazon and look up digiscope
Having been a TI for 14 years, it is imperative to mental health that each and every TI come to the fact that life as they knew it is OVER. This one realization may take years to acknowledge bcz of the terrible wrong that is being done to you. However, you may reclaim your freedom, but everything that was your life bf being stalked has been tainted, damaged, or destroyed. The only way to have a future is to stop looking back at what once was with rage and anger, and look forward to a fresh beginning a some unknown point in the future.
Start planning on :
1. a way to make a living online == whether it be thru developing a business plan derived from your talent, or from buying cheap and reselling == find a way to make a living while hiding behind an online identity == if your home computer is not secure, go to the LIBRARY and use one of theirs to set it up and run it - keep your business info on a small thumb drive, and hide the thumb drive somewhere in the library or elsewhere so your perps can't gain access == for more security and less invasion LEARN TO USE LINUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Linux can be booted on any computer from a 1gb thumb drive, and when your session is done, everything disappears unless you otherwise save it to an internal/external drive
2. a way to escape == if you can be tracked via implant, make it your number one priority to discover the ways to remove or block transmissions == develop a positive thought process directed at opening the door and walking away with the clothes on your back == start selling what you have and put the money in travelers' checks (record TC numbers in case they are stolen) == you won't be able to escape if you leave yourself totally destitute w/o any resources
STOP being your own worst enemy and smarten up. Stuff the rage and begin working on solutions for yourself.
.Use your HEAD, not your EMOTIONS!