This is an interesting insight into how perps are organized within the site itself. Most victims waste their time and energy attempting to analyze perp activity related to their own targeting, which is never going to lead to anything anyway. They s
The guy has no cell phone and no computer and his hand-written answers are a bit difficult to pair up with the respective questions. Hence, I have paired them all up below for my own
There are some fascinating observations in this account, which most targeted individuals would never have the opportunity to appreciate. I am only able to do so due to having to relocate from time to time, and am thus able to observe how my targeti
I have neither the time nor the inclination to attempt to get my little brain around Deepthought´s comments, as I am about to be relocated, so would just suggest the following. I will admit it´s an afterthought, as opposed to Deepthought, whom I su
I brought up the subject of Deepthought deleting comments on Newsvine right at the outset when exchanging messages withSymore Thanu.I asked why all TI comments related to the technology were delete