's Discussions (4873)

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Deep_Thought Articles

It looks like the user "Deep_Thought" ,who wrote the series of articles "Can a Satellite Read Your Thoughts?" on Newsvine, deleted them all. Does anyone know of an online archive? They were probably the closest anyone has come to describing the the w

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The Biobolt

The Biobolt is a disgusting tool, used to help "vegetables walk".  Oh, I forgot to mention, it can also help people walk against their will.  You might not find much about it, but it was developed at the University of Michigan.  It is composed of nan

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The press is watching.

Hi everyone,

Peacepink might be watched by the Swiss press following the intense activism Katherine and i have made, this time in the French part of Switzerland so, by all means, whatever the perps are doing to you, please post all the details onlin

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The great deceiver

If you've been around some you'll know that there are large numbers of religious people who hear voices, etc. The symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia, demon possession, and targeting are all much the same. The symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia and de

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