LIM SC's Posts (275)

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Bio-Electronics. The Cyborg Era Begins (Full Article)

John Rogers doesn't look like a cyborg yet, but his transformation has begun. As he delivered a talk at a recent
conference in San Francisco, Rogers, a materials scientist at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, picked up a penlike microscope connected to the projector that beamed the PowerPoint slides on his computer for all in the audience to see. As Rogers pressed the pen-scope against his forearm, viewers got a close-up view of the craggy hills and valleys of his skin, as well as an array of squiggly gold lines and square pads. The lines and pads, it turns out, were components of arrays of circuits—not the Intel or ARM variety found in your laptop or cell phone, but a postage stamp–sized collection of flexible, stretchable, and nearly transparent devices that
molded perfectly to the contours of Rogers' skin.

Other related articles :

Nerve-Electronic Hybrid Could Meld Mind and Machine  (Wired Magazine)

"Interface scaffolds" could wire prosthetics directly into amputees' nervous systems  (Gizmag)

Harvard creates cyborg flesh that’s half man, half machine

Cyborg flesh created with nanowires and human tissues


Cyborg Foundation  founded by cyborg activists


Silicon chips inserted into living cells can feel the pressure (w/video)

Nanotools for neuroscience & brain activity mapping


Army scientists earn patent for advanced neural chip

Brain cells fused with computer chips  (Annie's postings)


2012 Human-Animal/Cyborg Genetic Manipulation!

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Google has filed a patent for a throat tattoo which not only blocks out   background noise in a bid to make telephone conversations in crowded   restaurants easier, but also flashes when it thinks you are lying. 

According   to the patent filed last week in the US by Motorola, who are owned by   Google, the tattoo could solve the problem of strained telephone   conversations in “large stadiums, busy streets, restaurants and emergency   situations”.

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In Healthy Body, Heathy Buildings Conference (Oct, 2012), Camilla Rees, MBA of ElectromagneticHealth.Org

spoke extensively about EM waves on human's health and bodies in this youtube :

I guess she's like Barrie Trower who is creating awareness in the public about health effects by EM waves.





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Based largely out of University of  California-Irvine, in conjunction with labs in Philadelphia and Maryland,  scientists are trying to improve so-called 'synthetic telepathy' so that it  could be used in a battlefield.

At this point, they have set their sights on  2017 as the year when their plan may turn into silent action.

So far, 45 per cent of the commands that are  transmitted from one volunteer to another- like 'call in helicopter' or 'enemy  ahead'- are correct. That statistic is expected to improve.

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'Biohacker' Implants Chip in Arm

Kids, don't try this at home: A self-described "biohacker" had a big electronic chip — almost as large as a deck of cards — inserted beneath the skin of his arm. Without a doctor's help. And without anesthetics.

Tim Cannon is a software developer from Pittsburgh and one of the developers at Grindhouse Wetware, a firm dedicated to "augmenting humanity using safe, affordable, open source technology," according to the group's website. As they explain it, "Computers are hardware. Apps are software. Humans are wetware."

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Russia : Hidden spy chips in home appliances

Russia: Hidden chips 'launch spam attacks from irons'

China is spying on you through your KETTLE: Bugs that scan wi-fi devices found in imported kitchen gadgets

Russian authorities seize goods from China implanted with spy chips

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Washington Post :  Documents reveal NSA’s extensive involvement in targeted killing program

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