"Ich habe nicht genug getan", "Sie haben viel getan" (Schindler's List) "我做的还不够",您已经做了很多"《辛德莱的名单》
Read more…Why MUST I annihilate the inhumane Nazi Microwave Terrorists? Because they have attacked my Central Nervous System.
Read more…世界公民要求联合国<<关于禁止针对公民使用攻击性精神控制技术和定向能等隐蔽侵害武器>>立法议案 案名:关于禁止针对公民使用攻击性精神控制技术和定向能等隐蔽侵害武器的刑法增修案 提案人:世界各国政府及各国人权组织联合向联合国提交 在世界范围内出现众受害者.他们经历着阅读思维(Mind reading),精神控制(Mind Control),电磁波武器(Electromagnetic weapon),声波武器(Acoustic Weapon),或许还有超声波武器(Ultrasonic Weapo
Read more…http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/paperclip2.htm New World Order and Nazi Germany - Operation Paperclip Operation Paperclip casefile Date: Fri, 08 Aug 1997 Dossier: Documented Evidence Case File: 5X067 Compiled by Agent Orange OPERATION PAPERCLIP A
Read more…1. While sleeping listen to music using ear-phone to let them without time have a rest ... 2. If the Nazi Microwave Terrorists had been eliminated into CO2 and H2O, then there would be real PEACE on the human earth.
Read more…I have being attacked by the Nazi Criminals and Terrorists for a few years as I was a student in Germany. The attacks by means of electromagnetism, microwaves, sonic waves, lasers and directed energy including mind control, remote manipulation of Cen
Read more…The inhumane Microwave Terrorists come from the WW2, are the leftover evil. ---- With power and to spare we must pursue the tottering foe,cannot seek fame study the WW2.
Read more…个人信息保护法不能只关注“点灯者”而放走“纵火犯” 尊敬的委员长、各位常委、十一届人大法制工作委员会: 目前公开报道的个人信息保护法所涉及的问题仅只是冰山之一角、九牛之一毛。成千上万人脑电波被解读、精神被控制,甚至被折磨致死,这才是该问题重要的实质性危机所在。 脑控技术通过向人脑发射电磁波,解读人的脑电波数据,窃取脑思维信息(见参考文献1;2)。并且每天24小时进行强制性的同步传播,同时还针对你的思维活动不停的和你对话。成千上万的干部、职工和无辜的公民因此被折磨成精神病或被当作精神病或神经不
Read more…Gene Therapy for Microwave Terrorists I think inhumane Terrorists of Microwave and Direct Energy Weapon have the Gene defect or Nucleotide Base changed, because the reaseon of their anti Humanity could only be explained by the means of the Molecular
Read more…The House Science and Technology Committee introduced a bill Jan. 15 about the need to strengthen federal efforts to better comprehend the potential environmental, health and safety effects of nanotechnology.
Nanotechnology receives $1.5 billion annua
How can anyone help us? No one will believe you. The only thing I have going is I think I know who they are. I've also been taking plate numbers off cars. I'm scared. I have no family and do not know who to talk to. My neighbor is involved in this.
Read more…"Ich habe nicht genug getan", "Sie haben viel getan" /"I have done not enough", "You have done much" (Schindler's List)
Read more…Lots and lots of targets talk about torture, but I don't think all of us define it the same way. Torture, for me, is the use of direct energy weapons that inflict a layer of energy over the head and deep, total pain that is electronic. It is cripplin
Read more…MK-ULTRA ---- MK = Mind Kontrolle = Bewusstseinskontrolle (German) CIA Mind Control Operation MK-ULTRA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i46RI2twVao&hl=zh-CN
Read more…just listening to Cathy O' Brien's voice feeding back ever so slightly in the room she is addressing in the video on google fills me with a real excitement. And I have listened to it before. I can't say that she's my friend. I CAN say that she's my
Read more…the cruelest people in the world are average caucasian americans, it seems at times. while there is bragging about love for freedom and equality under the law, EVERY DAY a psychic form of lying and intimidation go on, and have for generations. The s
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