Susana Loureiro's Posts (26)

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a gap in V2k?????

to people with V2K : I´ve being doing a meditation for one hour with sun frequency (126.22 Hz) then I took the bus and continued listening this frequency, when the street theater started instead of listening normal voices saying me nasty things I listened "robot voices" just like that, was very simple so detect the anormal voices.. Could someone try to listen sun frequencies while is getting V2K street harrasment and explain about the experience please??? thanks a lot

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My lovely ex Boss

Very important information that shows that my Ex Boss is involved in a really HUUUUUGE shit.

I found someone who is investigating about him for 2 years... and guess what... ALSO HE IS AN IT !!! That start looks great.. 2 people that we know a big Boss and our connection is after he was in our lives..... we became ITs ...

Let´s see if we kind find even more people.... could be possible??? :D

Another issue: I see several people that I´m suspecting that they are under mind control, they shake part of their body something like each 5 min.... Did you see that???  Today I saw this "dance" in a couple of my stalkers... is very ackward.... JESUS!

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again and again I see that my post are overanswered in the way to just look at another side.... OK ACTUALLY looks  as I´m hitting of answer of V2k.

I´m going to school everyday there are 15 students more . I cannot put wire on all of them of tape their mouths.... (LOL could be very funny) Most of them or ALL are playing stalking role.. (most of time they are not saying nothing wrong, are the guys behind computer, another times yes thay are, (they kick my table when I´m writing or they put me music about get out in German)

Again i cannot change people or World the only I can change is myself. And the way that is working for ME is to be FUUUULL OF LOVE AND TRUST ON MYSELF. That is very very powerfull... Is not easy  but it´s POSSIBLE. Two months ago I could stop everything because what the people says or think about me NOWADAYS I just laught about it, I´m not focus on listen what the people is saying about me, I don´t waste time and energy (yes.... save energy is very important, physical and mental) to get worried or angry about what they say. Giving smiles is the most powerfull weapon that I can through them, (because they are not getting the result expected, that I get angry, nervous, cry, break down... and leave the classroom. I repeat again.. I deal 5 hours per day with V2k and 15 stalkers in classroom (+ people on street and buses) 

I just notice they are so desperate that today was passing in front of me 2 Military big Vans,one of vans when was near by me the driver was saying to something to the ones behind.(I guess I get some wave present?? LOL) I  don´t giv a sh..t  . What should I do?? Stay at home and wait till next energy attack?? Nooooo I gonna continue in my goals till end. Kisses to all my stalkers, I love them :D

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Susana´s Diary...

As v2k(24h without stop), they see doesnt´work, now they are trying to upgrade with colaboration of all single person in Salzburg, doesn´t matter status... kids, old people, young ones, black, asian ,white... doesn´t matter.... Even objects. This morning a cigarette machine said to me : " GO TO PORTUGAL BITCH"!!!!!

HAAAHAHAHAH  I.m smelling how desperate are those pleople... and I´m seeing how bad actors are here in Salzburg. People they thook their phones, put on  ear.... but no move mouth??? WTF!!!! these people should spend more money for teach them to be better actors.... haahahhaa.... Everyday I´m more aware how stupid is this game... There is no way to have panic  or be afraid of....

P.S. I´m posting stuff not for get answers, is just an evidence that I´m a victim. I don´t care about your answers, I notice this page is FULL  of stalkers trying that the important information don´t POP UP.

Always they play same game.... Strategy of Distraction ( lets fight who is a real victim and who are not)

If you want to know about manipulation strategies read this link:

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I found GOLD information....

People check those pair of Ted speeches:

(that could explain the ray of light I saw through wall few weeks ago)

Looks like hippocampus is the part about our brain that they(stalkers behind pc) really are interested to break ....

Another of... cameras instead of eyes....

The problem of human being.... Always searching for fame and recognition.... And they are start showing to the world the big shit that they are doing....  Looks like NEURO SCIENTISTS are our enemies.....

I cannot stop edit that post..... TED  is a huge Source of Gasngstalking information...

Those neuroscientists are completely sick in my time those weird pleople allways were mobbing, looks like now they take the revenge... LOL

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I realize that several guys in my class are stalkers, but in but there where something like 20 guys(Pakistan/iranian looking). The one who is managing all ,( i saw his small movement with his head, for positioning the other guys) I could not make a photofrom him, but i get a selfie from another, he get so nervous when he saw me smiling and taking a photo... why my dear??? you do your job.. i do mine... LOL my Pc stalkers don´t let me upload photos from mobile to pc but I snapped in PC.

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SOS V2k massive campaign.

Hei, guys! as you can see my last post, was on saturday. I remember for several days I could sleep for 4 or 5 hours. But since Sunday I´ve been completely depravated to sleep. I bring 4 days where maybe I just could sleep 30 minutes.. Voices become very very agressives to me.. everytime that I´m about to sleep they stress me enough that I cannot sleep. There are new and weird remixes of the voices that don´t let me take rest at all. I took bromazepan 6mg, for couple of months. now I´m taking queatepin, I don´t know also about changing was not good for me.. but now after take it I feel as i´m smothering (asfixia?) do you have some last minute solutions to reduce Very strong V2K performance?? and I realised my mouth is really dry when I ´m trying to sleep.I´m staying alive by binaural beats and doing reiki to myself, but I start feeling this is not enough.. Help me please.Thanks and God bless you.

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I REALLY DON´T  KNOW IF THOSE PAINS ARE REAL OR NOT!!!! V2K ARE REALLING ATTACKING ME KNOW BUT REALLY HURTS MY BODY, more than 3 parts... maybe injections we´re not where are hurting now..... i have pain in so many parts of my body that it´s imposible to describe from where We´re coming those injections,,,, because is hurting  me : second finger of my right hand, right ear .... right lung, my neck right part. y really get an injection in my left  buttlock? (nalga)also hurts my face right side near where is ground the hair... i just right starting have nauseas... i really want to vomit... let´s see what will go on today..... if something happens i just want that all of you know that i was in berlin in that stupid unusefull conference full of stalkers,, and i was i ibis hotel i donßt know wich fucking straße...... v2k are attacking me without non stop.... trying to confuse me...... i´m just gonna try to upload the video that i just do right now... before something turns..... really wrong....BYE BYE JUST IN CASE!!!

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what could happpen if ...

 What could happen if part of the society is Gangstalked by another part that they are apparent stalkers but the reality is they are mind-controlled people??? Cause yesterday I see so many perps surrounding me.... And I realised each time that my "friend" cough I see again and again people automatically touch their hair or grabb their nose.(and also at home in bayern it´s the same) Maybe that people are hipersensitive people to some sounds or some people.... Sometimes my "friend " have a face like is listening somebody  else or dowloading a programm in his mind... really like a zombie.. and the way that the people look at him  when speak betwen them is like they are communicating telephaty with him by signals and something else....  Is really strange.... well  I have no idea... as on this conference there is no part about masonic conspiracy... And organized sects.... lets go for the second they conference.

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well.... I was there... but I had the sensation that I was not in the right place... I get no one solution just advices of scientists about "educate the people...." excuse me??? Why you don´t educate first your COMMUNITY (big brains as lawyers,doctors,detectives, scientists,etc) for when I ask for help I don´t the diagnosis of Squizofrenic or that I´m completely nuts!!!?? Who gonna be educated by Susana when Susana have no one school degree???  Today I just get no sense information, not useful, and when victims try to speak  out about their cases, their speeches always have been cutted... Maybe for me could be more useful listening a story of a Woman who is saying and have a video evidence about his ex-boyfriend is one of the guys who develop part of mind control stuff, than a man who is explain how nice where the muslims on his trip to the middle east countries and that doesn´t exist radical minds.... ok ok... I get it...

So I had the feeling that I was in the wrong place because I´m not covered harassed, I´m Gangstalked that means: Mind controlled, dream controlled, privated to sleep, lap top stalked, Mobile stalked by hundreds of hidded calls,monitored minded,readed minded, V2K harassed, Weapon energy attacked,burned face,body and intern organs,public stalked, 24/7 under surveillance, under descredited campaign, perps go inside my flat.I have no idea if I have Implants, my healthy is under control of those perps.And is getting worse rapidely. And they are speaking me" God is a kind of Evil because he lets those kinds of misfortunes....." (Nooooo God is not doing this... is the human being who is doing this....) Why to put religion on that issue?? Are you trying that I PAY ATTENTION in what is not important for me? Are trying to help me or misinform me!?? What are their goal?

"Focus on what matters and don´t try to police/doctors believe in your story "they said..... WHAT!!!???  How suposed to get some help???

So I get more questions than answers... Now I´m trying to convince myself than tomorrow gonna usefull day,I´m trying ..I´m really trying hard..... without everybody doing signals all time and look at me strange... (is just my controlled mind) Good night to all of you. 

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I´m already in Berlin.........

Well... I´m in Berlin, never have been here before....

Only I can say is the Hotel where I am is FULL of stalkers... looks like there is no work in that city. I also check the place where will be the Conference.... I must to confess is very hidded place with unclear entrance.... I tought that was in a Big place,as a Fair... But nothing like that.... is a really strange place... I must to confess that I´m very dissapointed about. I hope that this long trip will worth it.... Actually my friend receive a message about a sender called " SECRET EMPIRE" that is making wondering more that he is a perp. And he don´t stop doing signals all time... touching hair... grabbing nose, touching eye.... without non stop, and people is answering and doing the same.... or all that people need a psycho for all those twitchs or "my friend"put me in the eye of the hurricane and here is full of perps. V2K attacks increased today like 200% I cannot explain.... I think I´m becoming a kind of deaf disability.... I just hear what they want and when they want. I realise when I put my face up and open my Jaw I can listen in "Stereo" normally looks like i´m in a kind of "mono" mode. Also when is completely dark I can see a kind of Green flourescent shadows, like if my eyes are in "night vision camera mode" So I think soon I will stop deaf and blind... I´m not kidding... Couple of times I see how things are blended like a broom, when my eyes are not directly looking to the object... I guess that is the start of my Matrix, really must to search for Matrix information, never readed nothing about, but I think is time for look into that subject.. Good night to everybody.

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hahahhaaha, I caught them so badly.... OMG aren´t we in the Internet generation??? Why he had to run in front of me doing the signal of " be on watch"  to everybody.... He was reaaaally stupid... he had the information that I was going to supermarket( by reading mind) but they didn´t know the moment.... but they need someone who give the signal in person...really??? then I´m sorry but you become the "wipping boy" and I have a video of you f......g face...... what the hell is doing a guy running around without jacket when everybody is with jacket and stays in supermarket les than 10 seconds???? hahhaha later I post a map with my track, his track and video and photo of his f.......g. face. The thing he was acting like everybody knows him..... i´m wondering how many is the percentage of stalkers here in Salzburg... between teenagers and young adults looks like is a kind of "Fashion" and very "IN". Shame on you, Salzburg....

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Red light??

Hei guys!! I have some new stuff.... let´s see if you can understand... English is not my mother tongue so... but I will try to be as clear as possible....

Is about the lamp on my ceiling:

If I look directly to the lamp: the light is yellow-white- OK

If I look to the window the reflection is yellow -white more clear than the reality....OK

If I bow my head ,look at the corner of my glasses looking to the reflection of the lamp on my ceiling... instead of see yellow-white I see them red and a bit with green and blue.. Why the reflection on my glasess come in that colour?? ???( i never saw that a reflection light could cause on my glasses a diffent colour, Most of my life I´m wearing glasses)

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Street Theater

Ei guys!! thanks a lot for soo many comments on my blog!!

I would like to share my recent situation...

As I´m going to school biggest stalking now is street theater... 

Is unbelievable the quantity of stalkers that surrounds me.... But actually I´m starting doubt about... A couple of times I see an object that should be straight was like bended.... ( a brommer and a gear shift) sometimes my eyes hurt really bad.. like if they are uploading the programm on my eyes.... I don´t have a lot of knowlegdement about Matrix ( actually that movie I NEVER UNDERSTAND!! LOL) But do you thing I could see much stalkers than what are on reality?? Is that shit so advanced that I´m seeing everybody doing the same movement ( touching their eyes like saying "we are watching you") I have video... but is a kid doing that going with his mother... A lot of times are just kids... Very sad... 

So.. my question is... really exists Matrix??? can I see things that are not real !???

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