The Rose - Sharon Poet's Posts (54)

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Plight of Targeted Individuals

We are unheard victims lost beneath the lies.
We are the fading ones put on a list to die.
We are rising wounded begging for your aide
Becoming specks of dust in an evil charade.

   There are different types of Targeted Individuals. I can only speak for those of us who are long term victims of both covert harassment and criminal use of microwave weapons, because this is what I've experienced. What I've written on the other pages of this site describe most of what we experience, especially the pages on covert harassment, Microwave Weapons, mind control, Surveillance and My Testimony

     We are held under constant satellite surveillance while being stalked, harassed and inflicted with various types of microwave and laser weapon attacks. The targeting starts out so inconspicuously that we do not realize we are being targeted until those who target us have succeeded with isolating us and instigating financial ruin. Prior to this point we can think we are just having a lot of bad luck. Once this point is reached we are targeted in ways that make it look like we are just "depressed," or have "Paranoid Schizophrenia" when we try to seek support from loved ones or help from law enforcement, especially when they are not familiar with the types of targeting we are experiencing. Most people are not yet aware of the technological part of targeting or the covert manipulations that surround us. Many doctors are happy to try to label and medicate us, instead of performing tests to prove the targeting. I have read reports about doctors who have aimed to prove the targeting and then got targeted or threatened for doing so. Efforts to prevent us from getting the types of help we need are strong and sometimes lethal.
    Our relationships, homes and businesses are destroyed or sabotaged. Even our own family members and friends are brainwashed against us and/or are convinced that we are just "mentally ill." Set ups to discredit our testimonies start in the early stages of the targeting and can include false rumor campaigns (slander), fabricated emails, letters or phone messages and literal technologically induced brainwashing.
    Consequently we are often forced to either not seek help or struggle to accomplish the seemingly impossible task of proving our sanity - proving that these technologies exist, and are being criminally used. . .and then proving that it is actually happening to us, WHILE WE ARE BEING TORTURED WITH MICROWAVE WEAPONS! This has had no success, that I know of, due to public lack of awareness, our diminished functionality while our brains are being microwaved and interference by those who target us.
    I've experienced good objective reactions from some law enforcement personnel, which I have deeply appreciated, although they were not able to help protect me. And I've also experienced some who have launched into intense efforts to try to convince me that I am "mentally ill."
    Sadly, some Targeted Individuals have been shoved into institutions. Can you imagine "being sane in an insane place"? I know of a woman whom this happened to. And it tears at my heart, because it almost happened to me as well. I want to find her and save her, but my hands are tied and this feels horrible. There are times, like when I remember my daughters being brainwashed into trying to have me institutionalized, that my heart has cried. . .

I don't want to be left to evil pretenses of helping hands.
I need to be comforted by those who can care to understand.
I don't want to be declared insane for their hateful gain.
I need you to soothe my wounds instead of inflicting more pain.
I don't want you to watch from a silent distance while I die.
I need you here beside me as I pray to God and cry.

No problem ever got solved by misdiagnosing it!

    Much of the targeting seems literally satanic and inflicts painful rounds of psychological and physical torture. There seems to be a heavy aim to instigate feelings of being unloved while being tortured. There are many reports of heavily Targeted Individuals committing suicide and this appears to be one of the aims of those who target us. But these are not REAL suicides - they are psychological and physical murders that are called suicide. They also try to frame us for crimes in efforts to have us incarcerated or discredited/slandered. And then there's the "rescue" - the part where they attack and set us up to be framed and then zoom in pretending to be rescuing us. I believe that the only reason this has not worked with me is because I have publicly exposed it and have not fallen for it. But, sadly, it appears that many have. I strongly feel that the "rescue" is really a desguised abduction, which they can call our choice to be shoved into literal enslavement with the use of "mind control technologies. I believe that this has happened to some of my loved ones. And it is too so sad, because they are no longer who they were.

    After we are isolated from loved ones its more than difficult to form new friendships. When we get close to an individual they are either brainwashed against us or targeted into such states of emotional overwhelm that they have no energy left for us. And this appears to be the intention. In my case, there has been many deaths. Inconspicuous murders of the loved one of someone who is starting to believe us or care about us is not at all uncommon. I have been reaching out to people and am recently realizing how severely the targeting follows me. . .and this now has me feeling like I am trapped. I don't want people to be hurt for listening to me. Yet without public awareness the crimes seem to freely grow! Its a horrible "catch 22!"

    I understand how difficult it is to believe that this is really happening to people, but it is true. What is happening to us is as inhumane as inhumane can possibly get. We are suffering indescribably - we are suffering in ways that no human being should EVER have to suffer.

    Many Targeted Individuals have web sites and blogs on the web. But those whom I know personally are not on the web. I had found one woman on the web - (Racheal Orbin) who seemed to be another long term victim and was going throigh very similar chains of events as I have. But it appears that we were blocked from connecting and I got only one email from her before she seemed to have vanished.
    There are a few people, whom I had been close to, who are also being heavily targeted. One has lost his license and has experienced strange chains of "accidents". . .like a head on collision with a Police Cruzer and a skiing accident that has partially crippled him. My gut feeling is that these were NOT Truly accidental. The fear and pain I saw in his eyes the last time I talked to him has haunted me as much as that in someone else whom I had been close to before the targeting vamped into lethal levels on all of us. It appears that those who can not be easily controlled or recruited are literally tortured around repeated attempts to force a "rescue" into enslavement. (It appears that those who have been enslaved are used in the "gang stalking" part of the targeting.)

    This is a critical situation that is in desperate need of public awareness and government action to free those who have been enslaved and protect the rest of us from further harm.

    When I read the following statement it forced my aching heart to release a batch of tears, "I wish to everyone who has lasted long enough to read this, all luck in searching for just normal life. When we will get the right to that, the most important battle of humankind will have been won." by Targeted Individual, Aleksander Zielinski. (I wonder if he is still alive.)


Click here if you are a Targeted Individual

Click here if you want to help us

My Blog;

"On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of
Mind Invasive Technology" by British Psychoanalyst Carol Smith

P.S. Please do not look for faults in Targeted Individuals instead of helping us in the ways that are needed. We are surrounded by manipulations that are intentionally set up to make us look bad. The people who target us, and those whom they control, will use those set ups to discredit us and make people look down on us.
     I have undergone round after round of attempts to frame me or have me labeled as "mentally Ill." The "mentally Ill" labeling stuff started in 2003 - directly after I reported my belief that my little brothers death was not an accident. Other members of my own family have been used in this process of trying to label me, although I have been separate from them through most of my adult life. The aim has also continued through puppets - people who are controlled by those who target me. It has often felt like a full time job to just avoid these set ups.
     And on the smaller scales; There appears to be an aim to try to make me look bad for smoking cigarettes. I've caught puppets taking pictures of me smoking. What they will not tell you is the extreme levels of distress, torture and abuse that they used to drive me back to smoking in 2008/2009. . .and the ways that they have tortured me with microwaves and/or surrounded me with smoking puppets every time I try to quit. The last time I quit they even had two puppets offering to buy me a pack of cigarettes. When I quit smoking I usually get emotional, for a while. . .as I release pains I've suppressed with the cigarettes. And this now posses a serious problem, because there have been too many times when I've been tortured for crying or having any sort of deep feelings. . .and times when they have had people suggested that my tears are just cause to label me as "mentally ill."
     I do not know of any words that can describe how horrible it feels to be held in a public prison, remotely tortured and not allowed to fully take care of myself. While being heavily technologically and psychologically tortured, cigarettes have actually helped me to retain my sanity through numbing out some of the emotional pain that I have not been allowed to privately and freely release. (This may appear to go against what my original work is about, but my past statement do not aply to extreme situation.)
     While under these extreme levels of distress, and forcibly held in destitution, I have even bought cigarettes with the gift cards I've gotten from churches...etc. And that leads me to another set up; The targeting has also forced me into, and holds me in, such a state of poverty that I've had to seek help from different towns, organizations and churches. I guess this is something we are not supposed to do, but I have done what I have to survive. The first organization I had sought help from severely limited degrading levels of help and repeatedly suggested that I was not allowed to get help from any other place. This seemed like part of the torture process. After that I sometimes felt guilty for seeking help in other places so that I'd not starve. They changed their tune, with me, after I started writing about it, but I wonder how many other people are treated this way. And I still feel like I am doing something wrong for seeking help in other places.

     My homes have been destroyed, in various ways, by those who target me. My work has been repeatedly sabotaged. And the dozens of other jobs I have aimed for were either used as a way to inflict deeper levels of abuse or were quickly sabotaged when they are with people whom they do not have control over.
     Since 2004, I have repeatedly aimed to restart my work. . .even changing my name and its name and locations, but it had been repeatedly sabotaged. And the amount of financial help I get seems to have been being controlled by those who target me.
     My first reports about something suspicious happening were in 2002 or 2003 after my little brother's death, which happened within a year after he started figuring out that our family was being targeted. I have been begging for every level of personal help since 2006. But those who target me have prevented the levels of help I need.

    Since 2006 I'd been held in a state of having to spend most of my time trying to figure out how to survive while surrounded by manipulative walls that hold me in a state of destitution. (I have even begged for money at gas stations and in parking lots.) There are those who chose to use my need for help a reason to judge me, instead of helping me. But, thank God, there are also those whose Hearts understand and do what they can to help. I think of them as my human angels although I do not know most of them.

This is not a "theory." Its a fight for our lives. Its not a matter of if you "believe it" or not -
its a matter of if you are aware and if you can care to help restore our safety and freedom.

World I See

What kind of world can my weary eyes See
What kind of world need grow to be?
A world where kindness picks up paces
To lift broken people from wounded places.
A world where the void of greed and hate
Is filled with Love by the hands of fate,
A world where all is in a state of repair
And none are left in deep despair.

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   There is a desperate need of realization of the recruiting process - enslavement into the program that has been taking over the USA since at least the 1970s. I have experienced aims to recruit me in several different ways. I have no doubt that this has been happening to other people. And I feel that it is in desperate need of being exposed and stopped.

I feel that if the whole public were aware of the recruiting processes, and that joining means being enslaved, most people would not participate. . .and the program would stop growing.

     I am deeply concerned that, in this covert war, victims of decietfull and forced recruiting may be seen as the enemy by the better side. Please become aware of the following recruiting techniques that are being used on us. And PLEASE help spread the word, especially to government officials.

* It appears that some citizens are being brainwashed, apparently with the help of mind control technologies. . .and then coerced into the covert program under the guise of it being a good thing. Sometimes people are targeted - pushed into financial ruin and then enticed to join for money. I have experienced these sorts of attempts to recruit me. Victims of this ARE NOT the enemy. Those who deceive them are the enemy.

* It appears that heavily targeted victims are physically and psychologically tortured and then "rescued" after forced isolation from loved ones. This "rescue" is really an abduction. I believe that some "deaths" are even staged, during abductions. I have experienced repeated attempts to rescue me directly after experiencing severe rounds of electronic and psychological torture. And I strongly felt that the "rescue" was from perpetration and not a good source, although they seem to sometimes use good people in the foreground of this operation. Apparently, once the rescue takes place we become a slave to the rescuers. Victims of this ARE NOT the enemy. Those who torture, abduct, brainwash and enslave people are the enemy.

* It appears that when we can not be deceived, coerced or tortured into the program, we are more heavily targeted and become "Targeted Individuals" who are lured into groups where we are brainwashed into blaming only the USA government and are offered opportunities to seek vengeance on "those who target us", which I believe is a sly way of recruiting us into a program that is really lead by those who target us and would use us to target other innocent people. Victims of these recruitings ARE NOT the enemy. If they were aware of the deceptions they would resist it.

* It appears that some of us are drugged and staged for photographs or framed for a crime. . .and then pushed to "escape" with them. I have experienced them telling me about bad pictures on the web around times when they were trying to "rescue" me. I never checked for pictures, but know that if there are any, they were totally fabricated. They have also told me that I have already been framed just before pushes to make me escape with them. The goal, with both of these things, seems to be to make me feel that my life is ruined and that it would be best for me to start a new one with them.

* It appears that covert attacks on isolated Targeted Individuals are being followed by a staged "rescue" that is really a recruiting into enslavement. This has often happened to me. The last time was on the night after March 11, 2015 when I was woken in the middle of the night with what seemed like a microwave attack, which caused sudden fluid accumulations in my lungs and lasering of my brain. Then this morning puppets (one with oxygen tubes in her nose) talked of hospitalization and a push for another covert "rescue". . .and I strongly felt perpetration in the background of it. These sorts of things - attacks followed by pushes for a covert "rescue" have been happening a lot since June of 2013. It was probably happening before that, but I just didn't notice, because I had gotten the message, "Your daughters will be OK if you leave" in 2006.

* On the darker side of recruitment; it appears that some join "the occult" and participate in the gang stalking part as if it is a cool game. If they were aware of what they are following, and that they are being used to destroy the lives of fellow human beings, most of them would not be recruited.

* I hear that some get recruited through prisons where they are trained and then do gang stalking as a job when they are released. This sounds like a dangerous type of reform that needs some reforming!

    The bottom line really is that. . .until huge levels of public awareness are gained, unaware victims are being hurt, and/or recruited, by those who are destroying our Freedom and our country. In the lower stages of this war, it appears that innocent people are being targeted by victims who are fighting to regain our Freedom from the infiltration. . .and the fact that this does not make sense should show you how senseless the covert war has become. Meanwhile, the REAL criminals freely continue with their rapidly growing operation, which thrives on the secrecy that ALL sides sustain for them. How much sense does that make?
     I feel scared for those, whom I know to be decent people, who have been literally tortured and brainwashed into something that they do not even realize is criminal. . .and for victims who are frantically fighting for Freedom in ways that are helping to destroy it. Its all just too horribly sad.



    If you are in a covert program, STOP - Just PLEASE STOP and help save yourself, your fellow citizens, our country and ultimately all of humanity from further destruction. Please follow your Heart instead of them.

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    Is it a coincidence that the field of psychiatry is suspected, in Bernard Schreiber's research, to be involved in a continuation of holocaustal crimes against humanity since Hitler's holocaust. . .that, according to General Barrie Trower, microwave weapons began perfecting their ability to remotely inflict symptoms that mimic "mental Illness" in targeted individuals in the 1950s. . .that the field of psychiatry was making shifts from Freudian methods to medicatable "mental Illness" diagnosis in the 1950s. . .and then (thank God) along came people like Dr Thomas Stephen Szasz, Dr. Paula Caplan, Dr.Peter Breggin, Dr. Colin Ross, and Dr. Gary Greenberg to stand up for humanity against what he classified as false "mental illness" labels?

    In my first edition of "Embracing Feelings" I strongly encouraged people to work out personal issues through embracing/releasing suppressed feelings, instead of taking harmful medications. The first edition of this book was completed in 1999 and was followed by severe rounds of targeting which ended in the loss of 3 pets, loved ones and a suspicious fire that raged through my New Hampshire home...etc.
    I am not sure if this round of targeting happened solely because of my book. It does appear to be due to other things also. But, the final manuscript, along with most of my other writings, were lost in the fire. And due to how much interference I had while reconstructing it, it was obviously part of the reason for vamp ups in the targeting. But who would want my work destroyed? And why?
    My work, was not offensive or threatening - it was all about healing the heart of humanity and bringing more Love into our troubled world. The only types of people, whom I’ve thought could be apposed to it, had to be some sort of dark occult. But could it have been a threat to some other sort of organization?
    My drive to encourage healing instead of medicating, grew from my own experiences with personal growth and things I'd witnessed in a mental health facility, which I'd worked at. I found that through embracing our feelings we can heal from past trauma and that medicating our issues prevents resolution and stalls or prevents personal growth.
     I have never taken psychiatric medications but I know people who have and I've witnessed the stagnation, and sometimes even harm, that they can inflict, especially on people who are not really “mentally ill.”
    Even without meds, the "mental illness" labeling can destroy a person's life. I believe that there are many children and adults who were being labeled although they are perfectly healthy and just needed to be encouraged to allow a healthy grieving process or an outlet for their frustration...etc. I’d not mentioned this in the book, but its time to.

    People who are labeled as mentally ill can lose their rights to take care of themselves and make decisions for themselves. Their work and/or homes can be taken over by relatives. In the worst of situations they can be forced into institutions and medicated against their will. This form of destruction of healthy human beings is probably the worst kind of crime that humanity has ever been faced with, because most victims are not aware and the full scope of the crimes are not yet openly exposed and recognized by the general public.

    I'm not a doctor. But, when I wrote the book, I had a lot of experience with the embracing of feelings, in order to heal from past trauma, instead of suppressing it with medications. I personally trust the wisdom of experience and instincts above scientific text book knowledge, when it comes to personal growth, because every individual's circumstances are different. But, for those who need a Dr. label, in order to believe that we have a serious problem here, I've compiled statements from doctors and other scientific experts.

     I feel that the crisis humanity is faced with has multiple dimensions which are summed up in the following paragraph. Some are so obvious that investigations are probably already taking place. And some may be difficult for you to believe, especially if you are not aware of the capabilities of microwave and psychotronic weapons. Please become aware.

     The following doctors have waged a war against the psychiatric label of "mental illness" and the harmful pharmaceuticals that are either prescribed for or forced upon victims of the label, which comes from the DSM - the book which defines criteria for the diagnosis of "mental illness." Some psychiatrists are even concerned that the labels and psychiatric drugs are so unethical that it could destroy the credibility of the whole psychiatric profession.

     In the video below Dr. Paula Caplan explains that, "the whole process of mental illness diagnosis is unregulated. . . there are categories in the DSM that have scientifically proven not to exist and they're in there anyway." Normal "things that everybody goes through. . . get diagnosed as "mental illness" for example; if someone close to you dies and your still depressed two weeks later, now, according to the DSM you have minor depressive disorder" And she expresses a VERY justifiable concern that normal feelings and social behaviors, especially those of natural grieving or anger, are listed in the DSM as cause to label a person with "mental illness." I like her approach and was glad to find her as a back up for what I have been writing for so long. I feel that the false labels and harmful medications soar beyond unethical and into what can be called the destruction of our natural process of personal and spiritual growth. (Dr. Paula Caplan wrote a book entitled, "They Say Your Crazy.")

Dr. Paula Caplan on how psychiatrists decide who's normal

    Dr Thomas Stephen Szasz appears to be the pioneer in the movement to save the field of psychiatry from the shame of unethical "mental illness" labels and harmful medications that they justify. On the battle to save humanity from harmful pharmaceuticals Szasz says, "The task we set ourselves to combat psychiatric coercion is important. I think its important. . .not enough people think its important. Its a noble task - a task in the pursuit of which we must, regardless of absticles, persevere. Our conscience commands that we do no less." Dr. Szasz wrote a book called "On the Myth of Mental Illness" and says that “there is no such thing as mental illness.” Szasz says that ""Labeling a child as 'mentally ill' is a stigmatization, not a diagnosis. Giving the child a psychiatric drug is poisoning, not treatment." His web site;

    An interesting paper on this site is entitled, "On Being Sane in an Insane Place". . . by Michael Fontaine     Dr. Colin Ross has extensively studied scientific data which disproves the validity of "mental illness" labels and renders most of the prescribed drugs harmful or ineffective in most patients. He and other ethical psychiatrists strongly feel that the DSM's false labels, need to be exposed and stopped. He says, "Its not going to stop until psychiatry takes responsibility for what its doing and the public gets educated and says wait a minute I'm not buying this anymore." (Dr. Colin Ross wrote a book entitled, "The Great Psychiatry Scam.")

Is Psychiatry A Scam? Truth About Mental Disorders,
Psychiatrists Colin Ross and Corrina on Psychetruth
    Dr. Peter Breggin makes a strong stand against the psychiatric labeling and pharmaceuticals on an interview with FOX News in the videos below. Breggin calls the psychiatric drugging "medication spell binding" and that they do "more harm than good." His focus is more on the violence that drugs can instigate in victims.
    There is, however, a danger that those, who are not aware of the technological part of the targeting, can easily blame psychiatric pharmaceuticals for severe cases of technological targeting like in the Navy yard shooting, which Breggin blames on a pharmaceuticals. I feel that it was both. The shooter was obviously being targeted.

FOX News ; Peter Breggin MD Psychiatric Drugs Part I

    Dr Jeffery Schaler went so far as to say, "The diagnosis of mental illness is always a weapon."

A Bit of Surprising Research into Psychiatry and Eugenics

    Bernard Schreiber, wrote a book entitled "Men Behind Hitler - A German Warning to the World." In this book, (which is freely downloadable on the web as a gift for humanity) his research exposes the profession of psychiatry being involved in a covert continuation of the eugenics movement.
    Schreiber's book is "Humbly dedicated to the memory of countless ordinary people who's lives were taken because they were considered less than perfect, and therefore, unworthy to live."

The History of Psychiatry; Age of Fear: Psychiatry's Reign of Terror was "Filmed in Germany and Austria, The Age of Fear contains shocking personal testimony and revealing inside footage that tell the true story of psychiatry, whose reliance on brutality and coercion has not changed since the moment it was born."

Potent quotes from this video; "Far from being places of healing, psychiatric institutions have always functioned as the worst sort of prisons. . .where someone can be incarcerated against their will without even being charged with a crime." and "This is an industry that doesn't just specialize in destroying people's lives, it kills their souls."

And Here's the Most Dangerous Part of the Puzzle

    Microwave expert, General Barrie Trower describes microwave weapons , and their use on human beings since the 1950s. On the subject of the use of microwave weapons on human beings Trower says, "By changing the pulse frequency... of the microwaves going into the brain and interfering with the brain. . . you could induce psychiatric illnesses to the point where a psychiatrist could not tell if it is a genuine psychiatric illness or an induced psychiatric illness.""
    He describes these weapons as technologies which shoot beams of microwaves into space to bounce off of the ionosphere and be redirected to the target, which can be virtually anywhere in the world. His description fits technologies like the Russian SURA and the American HAARP. (At least six of these types of technologies are reported to exist around the globe.) This sort of targeting would also have to be done in conjunction with satellite surveillance systems. So, there are many technologies used.

According to experts the mind control parts of Microwave Weapons are most successful on people who are taking mood altering drugs, like anti-depressants.

    Aside from the book I wrote in 1999, there is one more thing I did before hell broke loose around me. I’d had a prophetic dream, which showed criminal contamination of a public water supply and had shared my concern about it with a few people, including the water department. But many difficult years passed, as I struggled to survive the targeting, before I found the following information and realized that this is probably what my dream was warning of.
    In 2008, news reports stated that pharmaceutical drugs, including antidepressants, were being found in around 24 major public water supplies throughout the USA.

Drugs found in 24 public water supplies

    In 2013 a secretary at a New Hampshire Environmental Protection Agency told me that these drugs are STILL being found in our public water supplies! Reports say that its from the "run off” of pharmaceuticals that are improperly disposed of. Perhaps those who are coming to this conclusion are not aware of the microwave and pharmaceutical targeting of humanity?
    Because of the dream I had about criminals putting toxins in public water, and the fact that I had this dream while I was focused on writing a book to help steer humanity toward healing, instead of medicating. . .I believe that the drugs are being placed into the water by groups of criminals who are involved in a covert continuation of the eugenics movement, which includes efforts to control human beings with microwave technologies, which are aided by mood altering drugs. Whether the drugs are from “run off” or intentional contamination the resulting problem remains the same and something needs to be done to stop it.

    I understand how unreal this all sounds. But PLEASE think about this and DO NOT STOP thinking about it until you feel/know the absolute Truth. Too much is at stake for it to be washed away with blind disbelief.
    Even when we put aside the unpublicized technological part of these crimes against humanity, the process of falsely labeling, and inflicting healthy human beings with harmful pharmaceuticals, are still holocaustal crimes against humanity, especially when those human beings are rendered too numb to freely live their lives or when they lose their credibility and right to make their own choices with their own lives.
    But please do not push aside the technological part, because it is the worst of it - it is what makes the rest succeed - it is what makes it all so difficult to face - it is the part that is inflicting humanity with brainwashings and more severe levls of mind control as well as other lethal types of targeting. Criminal use of microwave weapons is the a critical problem that must be faced and stopped as quickly as possible.

    Why would people be targeted in ways that could make them go see a doctor and get labeled as “mentally ill,” and either prescribed or forced to take, harmful pharmaceuticals? Who would put drugs in our water? Who benefits from this destruction of lives? I believe that the roots causes are greed and evil. And we ALL need to do what we can to stop these crimes and save humanity from further destruction

Lets face this
With determination to preserve humanity,
With gentle hands reaching out to those in need,With peaceful non-acceptance of the evil seed.

Please print and share this information with everyone you know.

    This is a work in progress and may be added to soon. Please check back later.
    Until then please let your heart be touched; because its OK to feel sad, angry or scared. THESE ARE NATURAL HUMAN FEELINGS THAT WE NEED TO EMBRACE AND WORK THROUGH, IN ORDER TO GROW INTO ALL THAT WE ARE MEANT TO BE.

World I See

What kind of world can my weary eyes See
What kind of world need grow to be?
A world where kindness picks up paces
To lift broken people from wounded places.
A world where the void of greed and hate
Is filled with Love by the hands of fate,
A world where all is in a state of repair
And none are left in deep despair.


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This is not a "theory." Its a fight for our lives. Its not a matter of if you "believe it" or not - its a matter of if you are aware and if you can care to help restore our safety and freedom.

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Mind Control Steals Hope

Disbelief of Remote Mind Control Technologies
Is Enabling Lethal Crimes Against Humanity

Criminal use of microwave weapons, and remote mind control technologies, is a crisis that's having ill effects on increasing numbers of individuals, families and communities through the past few decades. What's happening is so outrageously inhumane that the natural response is to slip into shocked denial, overwhelm, or complete disbelief, but there is not time for this type of response. This situation needs our immediate awareness and attention.

There are all sorts of foolish "conspiracy theories" bouncing around the world. . .and the damaging outcome is that they lead us to disbelieve EVERYTHING that can be perceived as a "conspiracy." A similar thing is happening in Hollywood where existing technologies are being depicted in science fiction movies. . .leading us to believe that they are merely science fiction. And with the media ridiculing mind control "conspiracys" and discrediting "tin foil hat" people, its difficult to be objective.

Now, in order to face a few Truths, which deeply need our attention, we must break through the walls of doubt and let our Hearts realize the Truth - that there TRULY ARE genuine "conspiracies" - that covert organized crime DOES REALLY exist and even thrives due to our lack of awareness. . .and that there TRULY is the existence of technologies, which most of us have not been made aware of. The secrecy around their existence has enabled such wide spread misuse that this can be accurately called a technological holocaust.

It appears that there has already been a mass brainwashing against the belief that remote mind control is even possible, because most people seem unable to even think of the possibility of this devastating reality. The unusual part is that people seem to not even want to TRY to investigate it, although many books have been written about it. This sad scenario, on its own, can be proof of mass mind control, because there is scientific proof of such technologies and just a little bit of research and common sense can KNOW that they were created to be

Quote by
(the late) Jim Kieth: "Brain-computer radio communication has
long been considered impossible by the majority of people and has
consequently been relegated to science-fiction, but the fact is that the
technology had been developed into reality by at least the 1960s, during
which time the initial experiments were being performed on unwitting
subjects." Read more

When we cast aside other people's judgments, perceptions, projections
and listen more closely to the Heart of our own instincts, we can FEEL what is
or is not True. This is what we must now do, because, blind disbelief of the
criminal use of things like Remote Microwave Mind Control Technologies is
enabling lethal crimes against growing numbers of individuals, families,
communities and even whole countries.

What are these technologies and how do they work? Microwave targeting
involves the computerized manipulation of various radio wave frequencies,
which utilize satellite surveillance systems in conjunction with other radio
wave transmitters like HAARP and cell towers. . .and can remotely flood whole
communities or target specific individuals with finer beams of radio waves
directed into the brain or other organs. (Radio wave targeting, with harmful
frequencies, can also be directed through technologies like cell phones and computers.)

When I listen to my instincts, it feels important for us to know that
operators of radio wave technologies can easily target an individual,
family, community or country from the opposite side of the world.
Though many want to blame ONLY the USA government, it appears that
countries like Russia, Britain and Germany were perfecting and
successfully utilizing remote microwave mind control technologies
long before parts of the USA government, and/or associated organizations,
appear to have leapt into the pit.

Many are now saying that these technologies are only "on the horizon," but
victims know different. And according to knowledgeable scientists and
researchers, remote microwave - radio wave mind control programs have
been operational, since at least the 1950s.

Scientists, authors and researchers like Jim Keith, Jerry E. Smith and
Philip Coppens appear to have fought hard to expose and stop these crimes
against humanity. The fact that most of them suddenly died as they began
uncovering and exposing their hidden depths, gives their testimonies more
credibility than those who now aim to inform (or misinform) the public.
Many of us want to scream, "Would the WHOLE truth please be revealed!"
But the main stream media is not yet doing so and this is enabling the
continuation of uncountable numbers of psychological and physical deaths.

I believe that our own military and government personnel were the first victims of remotely
inflicted mind control, after the success of initial experiments, and that it later swung
onto the rest of humanity with many of those initial brainwashed victims being recruited
into the program.

it later. I beg you to let your doubt research this with a Heart that aims to find absolute
Truth and does not stop until you FEEL 100% sure of obtaining it.

Please start researching this and be aware that web searches on this subject can lead to an
intentionally confusing array of misinformation. You will need to listen closely to the Heart
of your own instincts. At this point in time it even appears that operatives of
this Technological Holocaust are placing themselves in the front lines of a SLOWLY
emerging publicity campaign that is claiming that these technologies are merely
"on the horizon" and offering only tiny glimpses of what has already been exposed
to the point of its inability to be effectively denied.
It appears that the same technologies, which are used for mind control, are also being
used for a eugenics based microwaving that INFLICTS LUPUS and is said to also be capable
of inflicting Leukemia, tumors and other terminal illnesses, through lasering particular
parts of our organs, effecting their functionality and/or causing cell structure damage...etc.

Symptoms of Microwave Targeting

In community or organization targeting, remotely directed radio waves can contain subliminal messaging or be set at frequencies which interfere with human functionality and technologies. Effects can range from mild brainwashing and unusual technological malfunctions to debilitating levels of mental fatigue/numbness, confusion.

Heavily targeted individuals can experience symptoms that range from mental confusion, fatigue, forgetfulness, sinus problems, unusual cellulite formations, unusual or repetitive thoughts and mood swings, a high pitched ring in ears, flu symptoms, giddiness, immune system problems, cataracts, eye damage, ear problems, body bloating, digestive problems, dehydration, unusual head and body aches, diminished eye sight and hearing, lung problems like asthma and COPD, misdiagnosis of mental illness and blocked emotions. . .to aneurisms, heart attacks, seizures, unusual neurological, mental or physical disruptions, stress, manic behavior, schizophrenia, nervous breakdowns, physical collapse, brain and nervous system damage, forced suicides, cancer, tumors, blindness, paralysis. . .and inconspicuous murders that are misdiagnosed as suicide, lupus, leukemia and other cancers...etc. (Severe angry victims can be remotely forced into things like lethal shootings at schools or navy yards.)

Thus far heavily targeted victims, who have become aware of what is happening, have not been able to obtain help or protection. We are almost steadily tortured in the worst kind of prison - a prison that is filled with people who appear to be brainwashed into disbelief. Can you imagine?

Quotes by Turan (Tim) Rifat:"Russian and American research has found
that pulse modulated microwaves (as used for mobile phones) can, when
modulated with ELF which mimics specific brain patterns, change the
behavior of the victim with the flick of a switch."

"Precisely modulated microwave radiation is used to influence brain function.
Human behavior and reactions can be entirely controlled by
using pulse modulated microwave EM radiation" There is "a catalogue
of every specific brain frequency for each mood, action and
thought. . .there is one for anger, suicide, hysteria, trauma,
serial killing, paranoia, lust...etc."

The most recent developments in Remote Microwave Mind Control Technologies,
(now called "Psychotronic Weapons") which have mind reading capabilities, seem
too outrageous and dangerous for most of us to even want to believe at this point.
So, I'll not address them here. But PLEASE believe me when I say that this crisis
can only get worse VERY quickly, until masses of people become aware of what is
happening and take HUGE steps toward bringing it to an end. At this point in time
it seems safe to say that MOST of humanity is being effected to some degree by
criminal use of microwave/radio wave technologies. Our natural process of personal
and spiritual growth is being blocked and the ramifications of only this part of
it could fill a book or two. THIS IS SERIOUS! I urge you to at least give this
the benefit of your understandable doubt, so that you can start taking steps
to protect yourself and your loved ones as well as the rest of humanity.
If you think you will not be effected you are sure to be proven wrong.
Most of humanity is already being effected. And there is a desperate need
for people to realize what is happening. . .and rise into a STRONG peaceful
stand against it.

There are many valid witnesses to the effects of microwave targeting.
(I am one of these witnesses, although those who target us have been
dyscrediting/slandering me I feel that people will FEEL the truth instead of the manipulations.)
However, through the past few decades, witnesses
to this criminal operation have been either inconspicuously murdered or tortured
into silence - heavily targeted with Microwave Weapons and organized stalking
and harassment groups, (Hitler Style) with even our own family members being
manipulated against us, in efforts to publicly discredit/slander us and either
label us as "mentally ill," or frame us for crimes we did not commit.
The targeting that is happening to cover the criminal use of Microwave Mind Control
Technologies is as inhumane as inhumane can possibly get. This is a lethal holocaust,
people! This is a covert war of the deadliest kind! I am being more heavily tortured
and threatened for telling you about it. So PLEASE make good use of this information.
Please do not let my suffering, and that of many others, be in vein.

Around the year 2000 my concern shared a prophetic dream, which showed
criminal contamination of the Concord, NH public water supply. By May of
2001, most of my pets were dead or missing, my daughters and I were suddenly
surrounded by at least 5 unusual deaths, unbelievable levels of chaos and a
suspicious fire in my home, which destroyed most of my writings...etc. Pieces
to this puzzle are now clicking together. . .

According to experts the mind control parts of Microwave Weapons
are most successful on people who are taking mood altering drugs,
like anti-depressants. ( I have witnessed the Truth in this.)
In 2008, news reports stated that these sorts of drugs were being
found in around 24 major public water supplies in the USA.

Drugs found in 24 public water

(The kind that aids success of remote mind control)

A secretary at a New Hampshire Environmental Protection Agency recently told me that these drugs are STILL being found in our public water supplies and I do not believe that its from "run off"and she was not apposed to my belief. PLEASE think about this and DO NOT STOP thinking about it until you feel/know the absolute Truth. Too much is at stake for it to be washed away with foolish assumptions or blind disbelief.

I can attest to the fact that microwave weapons have been used to
either interfere with or destroy the lives of dozens of individuals in New
Hampshire since 1974. Prior to becoming aware of the technologies, that are
being criminally used on my family and I, I'd known that something was wrong but couldn't
accurately label it. I had known that my mother's death in 1977 was NOT "meant to be,"
but with people assuming that I was just "not accepting it" and my own
technological ignorance, I was not able to understand what had happened.
I had also not realized what was happening when my sister and husband
started behaving strangely around 1990 or when my little brother called
me and said, "Something weird is going on around here. Pop's is acting weird..."
a few months before he suddenly died in a mysterious accident. And the list could go one.

Since a private investigator opened a door that began helping me to
realize this criminal targeting of humanity. . .pieces to a horrible puzzle
have begun to click together. . .and I now believe that I was a witness to
the effects of Microwave Weapons being used on unsuspecting victims,
including myself, in 1974 when I worked at the original location of the
Hillsborough County Nursing Home in Goffstown, NH. Among other things
I'd experienced strange headaches and witnessed unusual things during
my employment there. I now believe that occupants of this facility,
which also included a small hospital and low security prison, were
used for microwave mind control experimentation. A recent report of
an unusual amount of cancer cases in long term employees has validated
my belief. I believe that, since then, my family has been used for remote
technological experimentation. . .and that I got singled out for heavier
targeting for reasons that I am still struggling to understand.

I have also witnessed targetings of some original members of the
Concord, NH area Spiritual Growth Network and original members of the
Concord, NH Yoga Center. Some victims seem to have forgotten whole
chunks of the late 1980s and early 1990s. I had also. My memories are
returning, but they still show only a small fraction of these crimes,
which surely extend into MANY communities, families and individuals WORLD WIDE.

It is imperative that you listen to the heart of your own
instincts on this subject, because your mind is not going to want
to believe it and your heart may ache so much that it aims to slip
into denial or overwhelm. . .but there is not time for these types
of responses. This situation is already at a critical point and needs
to be exposed and stopped as quickly as possible.

One of the best articles I've read is
"The Russian Woodpecker: Experiments in
Global Mind Control" by Philip Coppens. Within it he writes,
"In April 1953, CIA Allen Dulles gave a lecture at Princeton
University, detailing Soviet developments in the field of mind control. He
stated they were out to control the mind of free men, both individually
and collectively. . . Dulles proclaimed that the Cold War was moving into
a new era of psychological warfare, which Dulles characterized as the
battle for men's minds. "We might call it in its new form brain warfare. .
.In the 1970s, some of this "secret war for our mind" was exposed. .
It appears that Phillip's site has been taken down but the article is on this

In 1976 Time
Magazine said, "Last month the
U.S. confirmed that for some 15 years the Soviet Union has been beaming
microwaves at the hulking nine-story U.S. Embassy..." More recently, researchers and scientists are
finding out that this microwave energy is used for mind control and that
this may have been what was happening to the embassy from around 1961 to
1976. This gives us
an idea of how long these weapons have been in use. It would be foolish to
assume that these technologies have not remained in use and have not been
improved upon. The fact is that they have been unleashed on an unaware
population and countless numbers of people are suffering the effects
without even knowing what is happening to them. Find more

More recently, various sub media forums are starting to help expose this devastating reality:
Gordon Duff - senior editor of Veterans
Today stood up for Targeted Individual's mind control claims,

At one time, we thought of all of them as "tin foil hat" conspiracy theorists. This was until we were
able to break through the encoding with some mobile communications devices. . . and The concerns go
well past simply a few thousand targeted "trouble makers" that the government wants to destroy.
In reference to the general numbing effect of mass mind control, in whole communities, Gordon Duff says,
Tens of millions have been turned into some of those who will. . . read these words and feel and think nothing.
And I have experienced and witnessed the reality of this.

What will Become of Humankind if not allowed a Free Mind?

This is a question that deserves and needs immediate serious contemplation.
Continued criminal use of microwave technologies is covertly harming humanity
in many ways, but the mind control part is by far the worst, because it can
be found at the roots of most of the other serious problems we face in our
troubled world. . .and it has the devastating outcome of preventing us from
freely living our own lives - preventing our natural process of growing and
evolving into healthy functional human beings - preventing our natural process
of personal and spiritual growth. The seriousness of this can not be over stated.
ALL of humanity is in grave danger. This isn't a "cause" its a fight for our lives.
Its not a matter of if you "believe it" - its a matter of if you are aware and if you can care to fight for our freedom.

Take COURAGE, wrap it around your HEARTS and rise
into a strong PEACEFUL stand to regain your FREEDOM.

Never, in the history of humanity has there been a more
devastating holocaust or a more crucial time for humanity
to rise into a peaceful fight for our freedom and well-being.

This is so outrageously inhumane that the natural response is to slip
into shocked denial, overwhelm, or complete disbelief, but there is not
time for this type of response. This situation needs our immediate
awareness and attention. What's happening is NOT "meant to be"
and is a criminal assault on an unsuspecting and defenseless populous.

What is the remedy? Aside from standing up in a strong and peaceful
fight to stop criminal use of said technologies, we will be far better
off when we more fully open and listen to our Hearts above what is
being projected into our minds. . .and also do the following things:
take as few pharmaceuticals as possible; drink only pure clean water;
build or purchase radio wave detectors that do NOT have a filter,
which prevents detection of the low frequencies used for mind control;
build or purchase radio wave blockers, although I hear they are becoming
illegal to obtain and use in many countries. I feel that we have a right
to protect ourselves through creating and using radio wave blockers as
long as it does not interfere with anyone else’s right to receive radio waves.
I feel that this is what we must do until honest and uncontrolled parts of our
governments begin doing something to end this holocaust and protect us.
It also appears that water, lead and tin can help to interfere with frequencies that are used for mind control.

Names of radio wave technologies keep changing, which seems like a ploy to
confuse the public and hide previous writings on the web. Among the labels
are; behavior modification technologies, Bio-communications technologies,
Radio wave mind control, Microwave Weapons, Microwave Mind Control,
Bio-electromagnetic Technologies, Radio Wave Mind Control, Electronic
Harassment, Directed Energy Weapons, Remote Neuro Monitoring,
Brain Warfare, Bio-energetics, Electromagnetic (EMR) mind control,
microwave mind control, Psychotronic weapons, Electroenergetics,
Geophysical weapons, psychoneurological weapons, M.I.N.D. - Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator, Psychic Warfare...etc.

Experiments Into Remote Mind Control Technology by Jim Keith:

The Russian Woodpecker: experiments in global mind control? by Philip Coppens

A History of Mind Control - Tim Rifat:

The Truth about Remote Influencing by Tim Rifat:

Mind Control by Anna Keeler:

Jim Keith Books (can be found on Amazon)

"Mind Control World Control" & "Secret Suppressed Banned History"

Jerry E. Smith books on Haarp Mind Control & Weather Modification: (or look him upon Amazon)

The Silent Massacre by Nicholas Kirkland:

Mind Control Patents:

Patent on Mind Control:

Hidden and Banned - Remote Mind Control:

Mind Control Experiment Evidence by Cheryl Welsh:

WARNING: Accurate writings on the web are sometimes interfered with through being altered, removed or blocked from public view. Also please be aware that writings and experiences of genuine victims may be plagiarized by criminal operatives who aim to have you trust and follow them into avenues that turn into disinformation.

even with my writings, because they are sometimes interfered with.
Your mind’s Freedom needs the Truth. Please search until you find it.
Heart over Mind for Humankind

Komsomolskaya Pravda stated in
this article
that" In 1924, chairman of the academician council of the Animal Psychology
Laboratory, brilliant animal trainer Vladimir Durov wrote a book on
animal training and told about his experiments on hypnosis applied to
animals. In 1932, the Bekhterev Institute of Brain named after the scientist was
officially charged to conduct experiments on distant interaction. In 1965-1968,
the Institute of Automatics and Electroenergetics based in
Novosibirsk studied mental communication between humans and animals.
The materials of the study were classified and were never published
officially." (It would be foolish to assume that these technologies are not also being used
on human beings within the same time frames. My experiences say
this has been done since the mid 1970s, but it appears to have begun much sooner than this.) More can be found
on http://english.pravda.

For the sake of preserving the integrity of
humanity please let your imagination take a glimpse into the forbidden
atrocities that perverted criminals can perform with these secret remote
technologies, which also encompass the capability of stimulating any nerve
or organ in our bodies. . .including the ability to project recorded
voices and/or images into or around unaware victims. . .or to instantly
render a person unconscious. (Keep in mind that these technologies can see
through walls and into a person's body in similar ways to that of cat
scans.) Through satellite technologies, which appear to be linked to the
mind control technologies, a perpetrator can be sitting at his or her
computer in Russia while zooming in on victims in the USA.

Can you
imagine what kinds of abuses will continue to increase if the general
public remains unaware of being held under satellite surveillance by
criminals who use psychotronic weapons - mind control technologies and
laser weapons on unsuspecting citizens?
Aside from those who use these
technologies in perverted and torturous ways, there are those who aim to control the
minds of others.

I believe
that many government, military, media and law enforcement personnel are
unaware victims of remote mind control and are, at this time, being used
to accomplish a silent takeover of the USA and ultimately all of
I have noticed that
the perpetrators of this holocaust are masters at deceptive set ups for
blame to be placed on innocent people or nations. . . and that we must be
VERY careful to not continue falling into their traps. Though PARTS of our
own governments may be involved in the higher levels of this atrocity, it
appears to have roots in communism, secret societies, the UN, satanic occults, the global "elite"...etc. I think that
this crime has run so far out of control that there are different groups
who hold the controls. It appears that the general numbness, the growing lack of care and
growing levels of discord in the world are mostly due to the effects of
wide spread remote mind control. Many of the criminals who hold the
controls of these technologies appear to be sadistically aiming to cause
chaos, pain and suffering. The rise in crimes are being blamed on economic
difficulties. But the truth is that, by nature, human beings tend to pull
together during tough times - letting our Hearts help each other through.

What is now happening is not natural, not normal,

not meant
to be and is a criminal assault on an

unsuspecting and defenseless

It is difficult,
to say the least, to face these facts and realize that such sinister
forces are ALREADY taking control of our minds, our lives, our countries.
. .our world. However, we must not only face this, but also rise up and do
all that we can to stop it as quickly as possible.

The ultimate remedy
is to fully prosecute the criminals who are leading such atrocities and/or
completely disable their technologies. But until these crimes are believed and
stopped, by either a united public or agencies that are supposed to be
protecting us. . .the only protection we have is to help bring these
crimes into public awareness and quickly develop technologies that can
protect us from microwave weapons. There are technologies, which can
detect and block the radio waves that humanity is being attacked with, but
they are ironically becoming illegal or altered in ways that do not detect
the frequencies that are being used for mind control. Sometimes it is
difficult to hold onto the hope that this will be stopped, because its
secrecy has enabled it to grow and remain hidden for too long. But we

A Few More Symptoms of Remote Mind Control

Many victims will
only experience a faint high pitched ringing in their ears, which they
not even notice. Others may experience symptoms of mental illness (even
hearing voices) and/or any number of the following symptoms and some that
are not listed here. The symptoms may come on suddenly and then disappear
as quickly. They may slowly increase, come and go, or continue almost
constantly. There are many variables.

High pitched
ringing in ears
(Can be very faint) - Light headedness or dizziness - mental fatigue -
Forgetfulness - Sinus Problems - Faint sharp pains shooting into head -
Periods of numbness in face or limbs - Burning sensation in mouth -
Unusual head aches - Interrupted thoughts or speech (including forced
speech) - Diminished hearing or eye sight - Unusual decrease
or increase in memory - Unusual depression or anxiety - Unusual thoughts -
Unusual swings in emotions - Slow or sudden altered belief systems - Slow
or sudden change in personal preferences - Slow or sudden change in
personality - Slow or sudden change in values or morals - Aneurysms -
Migraine Head Aches - Lupus...etc.

Unaware mind control victims tend to
become disconnected from their hearts and natural instincts, which is perhaps the worse symptom of all,
(although its not immediately noticeable) because this blockage of our Hearts - the blockage of our ability to
feel and heal. . .is a SERIOUS hindrance to our natural process of
growing and evolving into healthy, functional human beings.

Some people seem less susceptible to being
completely controlled. (I'm glad to be one of these.) People who are taking mood altering drugs,
like anti-depressants, are VERY susceptible to being completely
controlled. In 2008 there were news reports of mood altering drugs being
found in around TWO DOZEN major public water supplies in the USA. I
believe that this is not a coincidence, no matter what excuse is
made. This is HUGE people.
This is not just a few criminals targeting a few people! ALL OF
TIME. Our own hearts and natural instincts can override
SOME of the remote manipulations. BUT if we are not AWARE of what is
happening we can easily confuse them with our own thoughts, feelings and
instincts, and this can be devastating. . .to say the least. Through
awareness and a strong will that we can avoid manipulations that are alien
to our own nature. But when issues or feelings, that already have roots
inside us, are triggered it is more difficult to resist.

It is critical that we quickly unite into an awareness that can form a
peaceful stand to end these crimes and protect the Freedom and
free will that enables our inner

Perhaps the
saddest part of this atrocity surrounds those of
us who have figured out the full scope of what is happening. . .and have
been heavily targeted, in order to discredit us and prevent our
testimonies from reaching or being believed by the public. These targeted
individuals have been put on a 'hit list' in a program that aims to
literally destroy us in ways that are not obvious to the general
public. Many are
victims of remote weapon attacks and Hitler-style harassment programs
(gang stalking groups). For decades now, they have been crying out for
help that has not been there for them, due to our own lack of awareness.
Many have died. Many have been falsely labeled with "paranoid
schizophrenia" and sometimes even institutionalized. Many have been framed
for crimes they did not commit. Many have been driven to commit suicide.
Many have been murdered with microwaves that produce Lupus, Leukemia and
other forms of cancer. Many are now fighting for OUR lives in a world that
does not even acknowledge the crimes that are being committed against

Jerry E. Smith - HAARP & Mind Control

Jim Keith - Mind Control, World Control

Jerry E. Smith - Jim Keith's death and Conspiracy research

Weapons of Mass Destruction

CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons (1 of 2)

CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons (2 of 2)

Dr. Patrick Flanagan on Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons

Science Channel Admits Microwaves Used in Mind Control

Dr John Hall - ELF Technology and Microwave Based Mind Control

CBS News Admits Navy Yard Shooter Possibly a Victim of Mind Control

Control with Jerry E. Smith & Jim Keith

The host of this
documentary had originally declared that his research found the mind
control parts of HAARP "true". This section has recently been cut out. Is
this proof of another TRUTH seeker being mind controlled against mind
control or something else? Your guess is as good as mine. But there sure
are a lot of cover ups happening.

Note to medical, media and law enforcement personnel:

PLEASE investigate this for
your own sakes. . .and do not blindly judge or label a Targeted
Individual. Please care to at least have them scanned for microchips,
tested for cell structure and brain damage, overdoses of microwave
energy...etc., instead of making them have to prove their sanity (which is
an impossible task with anyone who does not realize what is REALLY
happening) on top of everything else that they are being hit with.



What kind
of world can my weary eyes see -

What kind
of world need grow to be?

A world where Love fills the void of hate

And freedom is delivered by hands of fate.
world where everyone picks up paces

To lift
broken people from wounded places.

world where all is in a state of repair

And none are left
in deep despair.

No matter how difficult life is today -

no matter how much is
torn away

The sun will rise on all of humanity
As we embrace our
hearts and set Love free.

I am a targeted
individual. I am being slowly murdered with microwave weapons - I am being
held under surveillance, stalked, threatened and attacked with remote
technologies for witnessing, for knowing, for writing. . .and perhaps even
for being a decent independent human being who had perfect credit and owned
my own home and businesses prior to being heavily targeted. My birth name
was Sharon Yvette LaBree.. My Married name: Sharon Y. Buck. My pen name
was Namatari Neachi. I was born and raised in New Boston, NH USA and I believe
that my family and residents of the Hillsborough County Nursing Home had
been being used for remote technological experimentation since the 1970s.
Please help this statement be recorded in the event of my death. My legal name is now
Sharon R. Poet, PO Box 383, Mont Vernon, NH 03057 USA.

websites are sometimes tampered with so please do your own
research if they become unviewable or filled with questionable content.
Authors Jim Keith, Jerry E. Smith, Tim Rifat, Nicholas
Kirkland, Philip Coppens and Anna Keeler offer many references to documented proof of
remote mind control technologies and their use on both military personnel
and civilians since at least the 1960s. I believe
that Jim Kieth, Jerry E. Smith and Philip Coppens were inconspicuously murdered when they
began figuring out that remote mind control technologies have been being
used on an unsuspecting populous for DECADES now. Lets not let their
deaths be in vein. You can also do web searches and see what you find. But
remember that many accurate sites have been taken down. And there are
sites set up to intentionally misinform and confuse the public. So, please
let the heart of your own instincts do the searching. And please help
spread the word as quickly as possible.


Experiments Into Remote Mind Control Technology by Jim

Mind Control and the US Government by Martin Cannon

The Truth about Remote Influencing by Tim

Microwave Mind Control by Tim Rifat

The Secret Uses Of Microwave Mind Control... By Tim

Extracts From Mind Control Books by (the late) Jim Keith

Haarp: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy. .
.Jerry E. Smith

 Hidden and Banned - Remote Mind Control
Read more…

Mind Control Steals Hope

Disbelief of Remote Mind Control Technologies
Is Enabling Lethal Crimes Against Humanity

Criminal use of microwave weapons, and remote mind control technologies, is a crisis that's having ill effects on increasing numbers of individuals, families and communities through the past few decades. What's happening is so outrageously inhumane that the natural response is to slip into shocked denial, overwhelm, or complete disbelief, but there is not time for this type of response. This situation needs our immediate awareness and attention.

There are all sorts of foolish "conspiracy theories" bouncing around the world. . .and the damaging outcome is that they lead us to disbelieve EVERYTHING that can be perceived as a "conspiracy." A similar thing is happening in Hollywood where existing technologies are being depicted in science fiction movies. . .leading us to believe that they are merely science fiction. And with the media ridiculing mind control "conspiracies" and discrediting "tin foil hat" people, its difficult to be objective.

Now, in order to face a few Truths, which deeply need our attention, we must break through the walls of doubt and let our Hearts realize the Truth - that there TRULY ARE genuine "conspiracies" - that covert organized crime DOES REALLY exist and even thrives due to our lack of awareness. . .and that there TRULY is the existence of technologies, which most of us have not been made aware of. The secrecy around their existence has enabled such wide spread misuse that this can be accurately called a technological holocaust.

It appears that there has already been a mass brainwashing against the belief that remote mind control is even possible, because most people seem unable to even think of the possibility of this devastating reality. The unusual part is that people seem to not even want to TRY to investigate it, although many books have been written about it. This sad scenario, on its own, can be proof of mass mind control, because there is scientific proof of such technologies and just a little bit of research and common sense can KNOW that they were created to be used.

Quote by (the late) Jim Kieth: "Brain-computer radio communication has long been considered impossible by the majority of people and has consequently been relegated to science-fiction, but the fact is that the technology had been developed into reality by at least the 1960s, during which time the initial experiments were being performed on unwitting subjects." Read more on:

When we cast aside other people's judgments, perceptions, projections and listen more closely to the Heart of our own instincts, we can FEEL what is or is not True. This is what we must now do, because, blind disbelief of the criminal use of things like Remote Microwave Mind Control Technologies is enabling lethal crimes against growing numbers of individuals, families, communities and even whole countries.

What are these technologies and how do they work? Microwave targeting involves the computerized manipulation of various radio wave frequencies, which utilize satellite surveillance systems in conjunction with other radio wave transmitters like HAARP and cell towers. . .and can remotely flood whole communities or target specific individuals with finer beams of radio waves directed into the brain or other organs. (Radio wave targeting, with harmful frequencies, can also be directed through technologies like cell phones and computers.)

When I listen to my instincts, it feels important for us to know that operators of radio wave technologies can easily target an individual, family, community or country from the opposite side of the world. Though many want to blame ONLY the USA government, it appears that countries like Russia, Britain and Germany were perfecting and successfully utilizing remote microwave mind control technologies long before parts of the USA government, and/or associated organizations, appear to have leapt into the pit.

Many are now saying that these technologies are only "on the horizon," but victims know different. And according to knowledgeable scientists and researchers, remote microwave - radio wave mind control programs have been operational, since at least the 1950s.

Scientists, authors and researchers like Jim Keith, Jerry E. Smith and Philip Coppens appear to have fought hard to expose and stop these crimes against humanity. The fact that most of them suddenly died as they began uncovering and exposing their hidden depths, gives their testimonies more credibility than those who now aim to inform (or misinform) the public. Many of us want to scream, "Would the WHOLE truth please be revealed!" But the main stream media is not yet doing so and this is enabling the continuation of uncountable numbers of psychological and physical deaths.

I believe that our own military and government personnel were the first victims of remotely inflicted mind control, after the success of initial experiments, and that it later swung onto the rest of humanity with many of those initial brainwashed victims being recruited into the program.

PLEASE THINK ABOUT THIS! DO NOT AUTOMATICALLY DISBELIEVE, because you will be sure to regret it later. I beg you to let your doubt research this with a Heart that aims to find absolute Truth and does not stop until you FEEL 100% sure of obtaining it.

Please start researching this and be aware that web searches on this subject can lead to an intentionally confusing array of misinformation. You will need to listen closely to the Heart of your own instincts. At this point in time it even appears that operatives of this Technological Holocaust are placing themselves in the front lines of a SLOWLY emerging publicity campaign that is claiming that these technologies are merely "on the horizon" and offering only tiny glimpses of what has already been exposed to the point of its inability to be effectively denied. It appears that the same technologies, which are used for mind control, are also being used for a eugenics based microwaving that INFLICTS LUPUS and is said to also be capable of inflicting Leukemia, tumors and other terminal illnesses, through lasering particular parts of our organs, effecting their functionality and/or causing cell structure damage...etc.

Symptoms of Microwave Targeting

In community or organization targeting, remotely directed radio waves can contain subliminal messaging or be set at frequencies which interfere with human functionality and technologies. Effects can range from mild brainwashing and unusual technological malfunctions to debilitating levels of mental fatigue/numbness, confusion.

Heavily targeted individuals can experience symptoms that range from mental confusion, fatigue, forgetfulness, sinus problems, unusual cellulite formations, unusual or repetitive thoughts and mood swings, a high pitched ring in ears, flu symptoms, giddiness, immune system problems, cataracts, eye damage, ear problems, body bloating, digestive problems, dehydration, unusual head and body aches, diminished eye sight and hearing, lung problems like asthma and COPD, misdiagnosis of mental illness and blocked emotions. . .to aneurisms, heart attacks, seizures, unusual neurological, mental or physical disruptions, stress, manic behavior, schizophrenia, nervous breakdowns, physical collapse, brain and nervous system damage, forced suicides, cancer, tumors, blindness, paralysis. . .and inconspicuous murders that are misdiagnosed as suicide, lupus, leukemia and other cancers...etc. (Severe angry victims can be remotely forced into things like lethal shootings at schools or navy yards.)

Thus far heavily targeted victims, who have become aware of what is happening, have not been able to obtain help or protection. We are almost steadily tortured in the worst kind of prison - a prison that is filled with people who appear to be brainwashed into disbelief. Can you imagine?

Quotes by Turan (Tim) Rifat:"Russian and American research has found that pulse modulated microwaves (as used for mobile phones) can, when modulated with ELF which mimics specific brain patterns, change the behavior of the victim with the flick of a switch."
"Precisely modulated microwave radiation is used to influence brain function. Human behavior and reactions can be entirely controlled by using pulse modulated microwave EM radiation" There is "a catalogue of every specific brain frequency for each mood, action and thought. . .there is one for anger, suicide, hysteria, trauma, serial killing, paranoia, lust...etc."

The most recent developments in Remote Microwave Mind Control Technologies, (now called "Psychotronic Weapons") which have mind reading capabilities, seem too outrageous and dangerous for most of us to even want to believe at this point. So, I'll not address them here. But PLEASE believe me when I say that this crisis can only get worse VERY quickly, until masses of people become aware of what is happening and take HUGE steps toward bringing it to an end. At this point in time it seems safe to say that MOST of humanity is being effected to some degree by criminal use of microwave/radio wave technologies. Our natural process of personal and spiritual growth is being blocked and the ramifications of only this part of it could fill a book or two. THIS IS SERIOUS! I urge you to at least give this the benefit of your understandable doubt, so that you can start taking steps to protect yourself and your loved ones as well as the rest of humanity. If you think you will not be effected you are sure to be proven wrong. Most of humanity is already being effected. And there is a desperate need for people to realize what is happening. . .and rise into a STRONG peaceful stand against it.

There are many valid witnesses to the effects of microwave targeting. (I am one of these witnesses, although those who target us have been dyscrediting/slandering me I feel that people will FEEL the truth instead of the manipulations.) However, through the past few decades, witnesses to this criminal operation have been either inconspicuously murdered or tortured into silence - heavily targeted with Microwave Weapons and organized stalking and harassment groups, (Hitler Style) with even our own family members being manipulated against us, in efforts to publicly discredit/slander us and either label us as "mentally ill," or frame us for crimes we did not commit. The targeting that is happening to cover the criminal use of Microwave Mind Control Technologies is as inhumane as inhumane can possibly get. This is a lethal holocaust, people! This is a covert war of the deadliest kind! I am being more heavily tortured and threatened for telling you about it. So PLEASE make good use of this information. Please do not let my suffering, and that of many others, be in vein.

Around the year 2000 my concern shared a prophetic dream, which showed criminal contamination of the Concord, NH public water supply. By May of 2001, most of my pets were dead or missing, my daughters and I were suddenly surrounded by at least 5 unusual deaths, unbelievable levels of chaos and a suspicious fire in my home, which destroyed most of my writings...etc. Pieces to this puzzle are now clicking together. . .

According to experts the mind control parts of Microwave Weapons are most successful on people who are taking mood altering drugs, like anti-depressants. ( I have witnessed the Truth in this.) In 2008, news reports stated that these sorts of drugs were being found in around 24 major public water supplies in the USA.

Drugs found in 24 public water supplies
(The kind that aids success of remote mind control)

A secretary at a New Hampshire Environmental Protection Agency recently told me that these drugs are STILL being found in our public water supplies and I do not believe that its from "run off" and she was not apposed to my belief. PLEASE think about this and DO NOT STOP thinking about it until you feel/know the absolute Truth. Too much is at stake for it to be washed away with foolish assumptions or blind disbelief.

I can attest to the fact that microwave weapons have been used to either interfere with or destroy the lives of dozens of individuals in New Hampshire since 1974. Prior to becoming aware of the technologies, that are being criminally used on my family and I, I'd known that something was wrong but couldn't accurately label it. I had known that my mother's death in 1977 was NOT "meant to be," but with people assuming that I was just "not accepting it" and my own technological ignorance, I was not able to understand what had happened. I had also not realized what was happening when my sister and husband started behaving strangely around 1990 or when my little brother called me and said, "Something weird is going on around here. Pop's is acting weird..." a few months before he suddenly died in a mysterious accident. And the list could go one.

Since a private investigator opened a door that began helping me to realize this criminal targeting of humanity. . .pieces to a horrible puzzle have begun to click together. . .and I now believe that I was a witness to the effects of Microwave Weapons being used on unsuspecting victims, including myself, in 1974 when I worked at the original location of the Hillsborough County Nursing Home in Goffstown, NH. Among other things I'd experienced strange headaches and witnessed unusual things during my employment there. I now believe that occupants of this facility, which also included a small hospital and low security prison, were used for microwave mind control experimentation. A recent report of an unusual amount of cancer cases in long term employees has validated my belief. I believe that, since then, my family has been used for remote technological experimentation. . .and that I got singled out for heavier targeting for reasons that I am still struggling to understand.

I have also witnessed targetings of some original members of the Concord, NH area Spiritual Growth Network and original members of the Concord, NH Yoga Center. Some victims seem to have forgotten whole chunks of the late 1980s and early 1990s. I had also. My memories are returning, but they still show only a small fraction of these crimes, which surely extend into MANY communities, families and individuals WORLD WIDE.

It is imperative that you listen to the heart of your own instincts on this subject, because your mind is not going to want to believe it and your heart may ache so much that it aims to slip into denial or overwhelm. . .but there is not time for these types of responses. This situation is already at a critical point and needs to be exposed and stopped as quickly as possible.

One of the best articles I've read is "The Russian Woodpecker: Experiments in Global Mind Control" by Philip Coppens. Within it he writes, "In April 1953, CIA Allen Dulles gave a lecture at Princeton University, detailing Soviet developments in the field of mind control. He stated they were out to control the mind of free men, both individually and collectively. . . Dulles proclaimed that the Cold War was moving into a new era of psychological warfare, which Dulles characterized as the battle for men's minds. "We might call it in its new form brain warfare. . .In the 1970s, some of this "secret war for our mind" was exposed. . ." It appears that Phillip's site has been taken down but the article is on this link: 

In 1976 Time Magazine said, "Last month the U.S. confirmed that for some 15 years the Soviet Union has been beaming microwaves at the hulking nine-story U.S. Embassy..." More recently, researchers and scientists are finding out that this microwave energy is used for mind control and that this may have been what was happening to the embassy from around 1961 to 1976. This gives us an idea of how long these weapons have been in use. It would be foolish to assume that these technologies have not remained in use and have not been improved upon. The fact is that they have been unleashed on an unaware population and countless numbers of people are suffering the effects without even knowing what is happening to them. Find more on:,9171,911755,00.html

More recently, various sub media forums are starting to help expose this devastating reality: Gordon Duff - senior editor of Veterans Today stood up for Targeted Individual's mind control claims, At one time, we thought of all of them as "tin foil hat" conspiracy theorists. This was until we were able to break through the encoding with some mobile communications devices. . . and The concerns go well past simply a few thousand targeted "trouble makers" that the government wants to destroy. In reference to the general numbing effect of mass mind control, in whole communities, Gordon Duff says, Tens of millions have been turned into some of those who will. . . read these words and feel and think nothing. And I have experienced and witnessed the reality of this.

What will Become of Humankind if not allowed a Free Mind?

This is a question that deserves and needs immediate serious contemplation. Continued criminal use of microwave technologies is covertly harming humanity in many ways, but the mind control part is by far the worst, because it can be found at the roots of most of the other serious problems we face in our troubled world. . .and it has the devastating outcome of preventing us from freely living our own lives - preventing our natural process of growing and evolving into healthy functional human beings - preventing our natural process of personal and spiritual growth. The seriousness of this can not be over stated. ALL of humanity is in grave danger. This isn't a "cause" its a fight for our lives. Its not a matter of if you "believe it" - its a matter of if you are aware and if you can care to fight for our freedom.

Take COURAGE, wrap it around your HEARTS and rise
into a strong PEACEFUL stand to regain your FREEDOM.

Never, in the history of humanity has there been a more
devastating holocaust or a more crucial time for humanity
to rise into a peaceful fight for our freedom and well-being.

This is so outrageously inhumane that the natural response is to slip into shocked denial, overwhelm, or complete disbelief, but there is not time for this type of response. This situation needs our immediate awareness and attention. What's happening is NOT "meant to be" and is a criminal assault on an unsuspecting and defenseless populous.

What is the remedy? Aside from standing up in a strong and peaceful fight to stop criminal use of said technologies, we will be far better off when we more fully open and listen to our Hearts above what is being projected into our minds. . .and also do the following things: take as few pharmaceuticals as possible; drink only pure clean water; build or purchase radio wave detectors that do NOT have a filter, which prevents detection of the low frequencies used for mind control; build or purchase radio wave blockers, although I hear they are becoming illegal to obtain and use in many countries. I feel that we have a right to protect ourselves through creating and using radio wave blockers as long as it does not interfere with anyone else’s right to receive radio waves. I feel that this is what we must do until honest and uncontrolled parts of our governments begin doing something to end this holocaust and protect us. It also appears that water, lead and tin can help to interfere with frequencies that are used for mind control.

Names of radio wave technologies keep changing, which seems like a ploy to confuse the public and hide previous writings on the web. Among the labels are; behavior modification technologies, Bio-communications technologies, Radio wave mind control, Microwave Weapons, Microwave Mind Control, Bio-electromagnetic Technologies, Radio Wave Mind Control, Electronic Harassment, Directed Energy Weapons, Remote Neuro Monitoring, Brain Warfare, Bio-energetics, Electromagnetic (EMR) mind control, microwave mind control, Psychotronic weapons, Electroenergetics, Geophysical weapons, psychoneurological weapons, M.I.N.D. - Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator, Psychic Warfare...etc.

Experiments Into Remote Mind Control Technology by Jim Keith:
The Russian Woodpecker: experiments in global mind control? by Philip Coppens
A History of Mind Control - Tim Rifat:
The Truth about Remote Influencing by Tim Rifat:
Mind Control by Anna Keeler:

Jim Keith Books (can be found on Amazon)
"Mind Control World Control" & "Secret Suppressed Banned History"
Jerry E. Smith books on Haarp Mind Control & Weather Modification: (or look him upon Amazon)
The Silent Massacre by Nicholas Kirkland:
Mind Control Patents:
Patent on Mind Control:
Hidden and Banned - Remote Mind Control:
Mind Control Experiment Evidence by Cheryl Welsh:

WARNING: Accurate writings on the web are sometimes interfered with through being altered, removed or blocked from public view. Also please be aware that writings and experiences of genuine victims may be plagiarized by criminal operatives who aim to have you trust and follow them into avenues that turn into disinformation.

FOLLOW ONLY THE HEART OF YOUR OWN INSTINCTS even with my writings, because they are sometimes interfered with. Your mind’s Freedom needs the Truth. Please search until you find it. Heart over Mind for Humankind

Komsomolskaya Pravda stated in this article that" In 1924, chairman of the academician council of the Animal Psychology Laboratory, brilliant animal trainer Vladimir Durov wrote a book on animal training and told about his experiments on hypnosis applied to animals. In 1932, the Bekhterev Institute of Brain named after the scientist was officially charged to conduct experiments on distant interaction. In 1965-1968, the Institute of Automatics and Electroenergetics based in Novosibirsk studied mental communication between humans and animals. The materials of the study were classified and were never published officially." (It would be foolish to assume that these technologies are not also being used on human beings within the same time frames. My experiences say this has been done since the mid 1970s, but it appears to have begun much sooner than this.) More can be found on http://english.pravda. ru/science/tech/14-08-2007/95965-psychotronic_weapon-1

For the sake of preserving the integrity of humanity please let your imagination take a glimpse into the forbidden atrocities that perverted criminals can perform with these secret remote technologies, which also encompass the capability of stimulating any nerve or organ in our bodies. . .including the ability to project recorded voices and/or images into or around unaware victims. . .or to instantly render a person unconscious. (Keep in mind that these technologies can see through walls and into a person's body in similar ways to that of cat scans.) Through satellite technologies, which appear to be linked to the mind control technologies, a perpetrator can be sitting at his or her computer in Russia while zooming in on victims in the USA.

Can you imagine what kinds of abuses will continue to increase if the general public remains unaware of being held under satellite surveillance by criminals who use psychotronic weapons - mind control technologies and laser weapons on unsuspecting citizens? Aside from those who use these technologies in perverted and torturous ways, there are those who aim to control the minds of others.

I believe that many government, military, media and law enforcement personnel are unaware victims of remote mind control and are, at this time, being used to accomplish a silent takeover of the USA and ultimately all of humanity.I have noticed that the perpetrators of this holocaust are masters at deceptive set ups for blame to be placed on innocent people or nations. . . and that we must be VERY careful to not continue falling into their traps. Though PARTS of our own governments may be involved in the higher levels of this atrocity, it appears to have roots in communism, secret societies, the UN, satanic occults, the global "elite"...etc. I think that this crime has run so far out of control that there are different groups who hold the controls. It appears that the general numbness, the growing lack of care and growing levels of discord in the world are mostly due to the effects of wide spread remote mind control. Many of the criminals who hold the controls of these technologies appear to be sadistically aiming to cause chaos, pain and suffering. The rise in crimes are being blamed on economic difficulties. But the truth is that, by nature, human beings tend to pull together during tough times - letting our Hearts help each other through.

What is now happening is not natural, not normal,
not meant to be and is a criminal assault on an
unsuspecting and defenseless populous!

It is difficult, to say the least, to face these facts and realize that such sinister forces are ALREADY taking control of our minds, our lives, our countries. . .our world. However, we must not only face this, but also rise up and do all that we can to stop it as quickly as possible.
The ultimate remedy is to fully prosecute the criminals who are leading such atrocities and/or completely disable their technologies. But until these crimes are believed and stopped, by either a united public or agencies that are supposed to be protecting us. . .the only protection we have is to help bring these crimes into public awareness and quickly develop technologies that can protect us from microwave weapons. There are technologies, which can detect and block the radio waves that humanity is being attacked with, but they are ironically becoming illegal or altered in ways that do not detect the frequencies that are being used for mind control. Sometimes it is difficult to hold onto the hope that this will be stopped, because its secrecy has enabled it to grow and remain hidden for too long. But we must.
A Few More Symptoms of Remote Mind Control
Many victims will only experience a faint high pitched ringing in their ears, which they may not even notice. Others may experience symptoms of mental illness (even hearing voices) and/or any number of the following symptoms and some that are not listed here. The symptoms may come on suddenly and then disappear as quickly. They may slowly increase, come and go, or continue almost constantly. There are many variables.

High pitched ringing in ears (Can be very faint) - Light headedness or dizziness - mental fatigue - Forgetfulness - Sinus Problems - Faint sharp pains shooting into head - Periods of numbness in face or limbs - Burning sensation in mouth - Unusual head aches - Interrupted thoughts or speech (including forced speech) - Diminished hearing or eye sight - Unusual decrease or increase in memory - Unusual depression or anxiety - Unusual thoughts - Unusual swings in emotions - Slow or sudden altered belief systems - Slow or sudden change in personal preferences - Slow or sudden change in personality - Slow or sudden change in values or morals - Aneurysms - Migraine Head Aches - Lupus...etc.

Unaware mind control victims tend to become disconnected from their hearts and natural instincts, which is perhaps the worse symptom of all, (although its not immediately noticeable) because this blockage of our Hearts - the blockage of our ability to feel and heal. . .is a SERIOUS hindrance to our natural process of growing and evolving into healthy, functional human beings.

Some people seem less susceptible to being completely controlled. (I'm glad to be one of these.) People who are taking mood altering drugs, like anti-depressants, are VERY susceptible to being completely controlled. In 2008 there were news reports of mood altering drugs being found in around TWO DOZEN major public water supplies in the USA. I believe that this is not a coincidence, no matter what excuse is made. This is HUGE people. This is not just a few criminals targeting a few people! ALL OF HUMANITY IS IN CRITICAL DANGER AT THIS POINT IN TIME. Our own hearts and natural instincts can override SOME of the remote manipulations. BUT if we are not AWARE of what is happening we can easily confuse them with our own thoughts, feelings and instincts, and this can be devastating. . .to say the least. Through awareness and a strong will that we can avoid manipulations that are alien to our own nature. But when issues or feelings, that already have roots inside us, are triggered it is more difficult to resist.

It is critical that we quickly unite into an awareness that can form a peaceful stand to end these crimes and protect the Freedom and free will that enables our inner growth.

Perhaps the saddest part of this atrocity surrounds those of us who have figured out the full scope of what is happening. . .and have been heavily targeted, in order to discredit us and prevent our testimonies from reaching or being believed by the public. These targeted individuals have been put on a 'hit list' in a program that aims to literally destroy us in ways that are not obvious to the general public. Many are victims of remote weapon attacks and Hitler-style harassment programs (gang stalking groups). For decades now, they have been crying out for help that has not been there for them, due to our own lack of awareness. Many have died. Many have been falsely labeled with "paranoid schizophrenia" and sometimes even institutionalized. Many have been framed for crimes they did not commit. Many have been driven to commit suicide. Many have been murdered with microwaves that produce Lupus, Leukemia and other forms of cancer. Many are now fighting for OUR lives in a world that does not even acknowledge the crimes that are being committed against them.

Jerry E. Smith - HAARP & Mind Control

Jim Keith - Mind Control, World Control

Jerry E. Smith - Jim Keith's death and Conspiracy research

Weapons of Mass Destruction

CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons (1 of 2)

CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons (2 of 2)

Dr. Patrick Flanagan on Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons

Science Channel Admits Microwaves Used in Mind Control

Dr John Hall - ELF Technology and Microwave Based Mind Control

CBS News Admits Navy Yard Shooter Possibly a Victim of Mind Control

Mind Control with Jerry E. Smith & Jim Keith

The host of this documentary had originally declared that his research found the mind control parts of HAARP "true". This section has recently been cut out. Is this proof of another TRUTH seeker being mind controlled against mind control or something else? Your guess is as good as mine. But there sure are a lot of cover ups happening.

Note to medical, media and law enforcement personnel:

PLEASE investigate this for your own sakes. . .and do not blindly judge or label a Targeted Individual. Please care to at least have them scanned for microchips, tested for cell structure and brain damage, overdoses of microwave energy...etc., instead of making them have to prove their sanity (which is an impossible task with anyone who does not realize what is REALLY happening) on top of everything else that they are being hit with.


What kind of world can my weary eyes see -
What kind of world need grow to be?
A world where Love fills the void of hate
And freedom is delivered by hands of fate.
A world where everyone picks up paces
To lift broken people from wounded places.
A world where all is in a state of repair
And none are left in deep despair.

No matter how difficult life is today -
no matter how much is torn away
The sun will rise on all of humanity
As we embrace our hearts and set Love free.

I am a targeted individual. I am being slowly murdered with microwave weapons - I am being held under surveillance, stalked, threatened and attacked with remote technologies for witnessing, for knowing, for writing. . .and perhaps even for being a decent independent human being who had perfect credit and owned my own home and businesses prior to being heavily targeted. My birth name was Sharon Yvette LaBree.. My Married name: Sharon Y. Buck. My pen name was Namatari Neachi. I was born and raised in New Boston, NH USA and I believe that my family and residents of the Hillsborough County Nursing Home had been being used for remote technological experimentation since the 1970s. Please help this statement be recorded in the event of my death. My legal name is now Sharon R. Poet, PO Box 383, Mont Vernon, NH 03057 USA.

My websites are sometimes tampered with so please do your own research if they become unviewable or filled with questionable content. Authors Jim Keith, Jerry E. Smith, Tim Rifat, Nicholas Kirkland, Philip Coppens and Anna Keeler offer many references to documented proof of remote mind control technologies and their use on both military personnel and civilians since at least the 1960s. I believe that Jim Kieth, Jerry E. Smith and Philip Coppens were inconspicuously murdered when they began figuring out that remote mind control technologies have been being used on an unsuspecting populous for DECADES now. Lets not let their deaths be in vein. You can also do web searches and see what you find. But remember that many accurate sites have been taken down. And there are sites set up to intentionally misinform and confuse the public. So, please let the heart of your own instincts do the searching. And please help spread the word as quickly as possible.

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The Heart Bud is a little news paper that is exposing our plight. Please help support it through donations. The following link is a free download of the intro to the next printing.


Please send donations with a note that says, "FOR HEART BUD" to:

Poetic Publications

PO Box 383

Mont Vernon, NH 



Other information can be found on

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It is sad that the forces that target us work so hard to keep us apart. . .and that we are surrounded by so many sadistic operatives, who pretend to be TIs, that it becomes impossible for us to safely give each other the trust and support we need. My consolation has been that though we stand so painfully alone. . .our spirits are connected in our aim to survive and help prevent the rest of humanity from experiencing the indescribable pain we are being dealt. Sometimes I close my eyes and imagine us all standing in a circle of pure white Light, hugging each other and letting our tears heal our broken hearts. I hope to meet you there.   

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Ramblings of TI Book
Freely download the 1st edition
of a 412 page book of my blog:
I did not have the time to replace altered posts, but plan to do so in a second edition. This book is primarily the way the blog is right now.
A hard copy will soon be available on Amazon at minimal cost:

ISBN-13: 978-1490319575
ISBN-10: 1490319573

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Of Ignorance in Brilliance

Of Ignorance in Brilliance

Poem by Sharon R. Poet (sharon LaBree)

I wonder why you do not know
The value of the human soul.
I wonder why you can not see
The Heart of all we came to be.
I wonder why you don't respect
The things you choose to neglect -
Our lives, our needs - our right to choice,
Our feelings, our hearts, our souls, our voice. 


The mask:

FYI: I am being more heavily tortured and followed since delivering my paper to employees at the State House in Concord, NH. My computers and programs are being infiltrated again. And someone told me that the web can be manipulated in ways that can cause people to view my sight differently from what it really is. Listen to your HEART above all else.

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Poem by a Stargate Victim

Stargate Hell
by Sharon R. Poet (Sharon LaBree)

I wrote a poem in 2006, first entitled "Stargate Crip."
A curious name. . .I did not know from where it came
Although have lived it every day -
The pain of being the prey
Of ignorance that can not discern
The difference
Between a thing and a human being -
Between feeling and physical seeing.
I - the specimen
Fight for freedom I can not win
Inside a prison of radio waves and microchips
That quiver inside my brain and lips.
Cast aside by disbelief -
No help, no freedom, no relief.
Surrounded by foe masked as friend
Who can not discern lives being spent.
Ignorance judges circles
Beneath microwaved eyes
And sees nothing
Beyond criminal lies.
I reach for Light.

The mask:

FYI: I am being more heavily tortured and followed since delivering
my paper to employees at the State House in Concord, NH.
My computers and programs are being infiltrated again.
And someone told me that the web can be manipulated in
ways that can cause people to view my sight differently
from what it really is. Listen to your HEART above all else.

Read more…


1. Veteran Gordon Duff  Exposes Military Detection of Humanity being Victimized by Illegal Use of Mind Control Technologies:

2. The "Technological Holocaust" paper exposes Microwave Mind Control being used on humanity since at least the 1960s: Condensed Version:

3. The Heart Bud Reaches for the Heart of Humanity While Exposing Mind Control Technologies and the Plight of Primary Targeted Individuals:

Microwave Mind Control Technologies have been harming countries, communities, families and individuals since at least the 1970s. The ramifications of letting this continue are almost unspeakable! Human beings are being prevented from growing and evolving and healing and feeling and freely being who we were born to be.

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The Heart Bud is a little news paper that is exposing our plight. Please help support it through donations. The following link is a free download of the intro to the next printing.


Please send donations with a note that says, "FOR HEART BUD" to:

Poetic Publications

PO Box 383

Mont Vernon, NH 



Other information can be found on

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A Difficult Reality to Face

As I aim to write these three new articles for the Heart Bud I am being hit hard - I am being heavily microwaved and it feels like I may have a tumor growing in the back left side of my head for the past three days. Prior to this, the microwaving had shifted to happening more at night and less during the day. Since I do not know what is going to happen next, I have decided to share these unfinished articles with the hope that they may help humanity sooner rather than later or possibly not at all. Find this and other newly revised articles on

The Most Difficult Reality Humanity May Ever Need to Face

    There are all sorts of foolish “conspiracy theories” bouncing around the world. . .and the damaging outcome is that they lead us to disbelieve EVERYTHING that can be perceived as a “conspiracy.”  A similar thing is happening in Hollywood - where existing organized crime techniques and technologies are being depicted in science fiction movies - programming us to believe that they are merely science fiction.

   Now, in order to face a few Truths, which deeply need our attention, we must break through the mental programming and let our common sense realize that there ARE genuine “conspiracies” - that covert organized crime DOES really exist and even thrives due to our lack of awareness. . . and that there Truly are technologies that most of us are not aware of.
   Determining what is True and what is false (or is merely someone's theory) can be close to impossible, with all the misinformation that's intentionally covering up a few important Truths that humanity needs to become aware of. But it can be done.

   When we cast aside other people’s perceptions and projections and listen more closely to the Heart of our own instincts, we can feel  what is or is not True.

This is what we must now do, because blindly disbelieving the criminal use of things like remote microwave mind control technologies is  enabling lethal crimes against uncountable numbers of individuals, families and even whole communities since before the 1970s. With some of the main stream media foolishly ridiculing “Tin Foil Hat” people, its difficult to be objective, but we must be - for the sake of our safety and personal freedom. . .we must give this subject the benefit of our doubt.

Quote by (the late) Jim Keith: "Brain-computer radio communication has long been considered impossible by the majority of people and has consequently been relegated to science-fiction, but the fact is that the technology had been developed into reality by at least the 1960s, during which time the initial experiments were being performed on unwitting subjects."

  There is scientific proof of Microwave Weapons and their mind control capabilities. . .and there are many valid witnesses to the effects of their criminal use on humanity. However, through the past few decades, these witnesses are being heavily targeted (Hitler Style) with even our own family members being manipulated against us in efforts to publicly discredit/slander us and either label us as “mentally ill” or inconspicuously destroy us in ways that appear like a natural death, accident or suicide. The targeting that is happening to cover up the criminal use of these technologies on most of humanity is as inhumane as inhumane can get.  Find more on

What are these technologies and how do they work? I will direct you to a few knowledgeable scientists and researchers who’ve been uncovering a Technological Holocaust that proves how Remote Microwave Mind Control is being performed on humanity (very remotely) through the manipulation of radio waves - microwaves which utilize computerized links to technologies like HAARP, satellites, cell towers and other radio wave transmitters and surveillance equipment. . .on top of a eugenics based microwaving that is intentionally inflicting Lupus, Leukemia, Tumors and other terminal illnesses.
   I am a witness to more of this than I want to be. And I have fought to find the Truths about who is doing this to us. Who is part of this crisis that can only be theorized, at this point. But when I listen to my instincts, it feels important for us to know that, though many want to blame only the USA government, it appears that countries like Russia, Britain and Germany were perfecting and successfully utilizing remote microwave mind control technologies against an unsuspecting humanity long before parts of the USA government, and/or associated organizations, (like the CIA) lept into the hoop.

Quote by Philip Coppens’s published article - Russian Woodpecker - Experiments in Global Mind Control..., "In April 1953, CIA Allen Dulles gave a lecture at Princeton University, detailing Soviet developments in the field of mind control. He stated they were out to control the mind of free men, both individually and collectively. . . Dulles proclaimed that the Cold War was moving into a new era of psychological warfare, which Dulles characterized as the battle for men’s minds. “We might call it in its new form brain warfare. . .In the 1970s, some of this “secret war for our mind” was exposed. . ." In 1976 Time Magazine exposed a small part of the microwave targeting, "Last month the U.S. confirmed that for some 15 years the Soviet Union has been beaming microwaves at the hulking nine-story U.S. Embassy..." However, this was has been hushed and has had little, if any, media coverage since then. Find more information this link or by doing a web search for the original article:
  Continued criminal use of microwave technologies is covertly harming humanity in many ways. But the mind control part is by far the worst, because it is virtually undetectable to unaware victims and has the disturbing outcome of preventing us from freely living our own lives  - preventing our natural process of growing and evolving into healthy functional human beings. Not to mention the fact that whole countries can be taken over, and our precious freedom lost, through targeted control of the minds of key government officials and law makers. Sadly, too much of this appears to have already happened.

What will become of Humankind if not allowed a Free Mind? This a question deserves and needs serious immediate contemplation. Please start researching this and be aware that web searches on this subject can lead to an intentionally confusing array of misinformation. You will need to listen closely to the Heart of your own instincts. At this point in time it even appears that operatives of this Technological Holocaust are placing themselves in the front lines of the slowly emerging publicity campaign and offering only tiny glimpses of what many of us have already exposed to the point of its inability to be effectively denied. This was also the case when a hint of these crimes were exposed with what was left of the MKUltra files.
   Authors and researchers like Jim Keith, Jerry E. Smith, Philip Coppens, Tim Rifat and Anna Keeler were part of the leading edge of exposing this crisis to humanity. The fact that most of them died as they began uncovering and exposing the hidden depths of this criminal operation, gives their testimonies more credibility than those who now aim to inform or misinform the public. Many of us want to scream, “Would the WHOLE truth please be revealed, but the main stream media is not being allowed to do so.
   Jim Keith, Jerry E. Smith and Philip Coppens investigated the paranormal and had begun discovering that the wild stories about aliens, alien abductions and spaceships....etc., were an unbelievable cover up for criminal operatives who had been experimentating on individuals with remote microwave mind control and laser weapons on victims who THOUGHT they had been abducted.

I can attest to the fact that microwave weapons have been used on an unsuspecting public. . .interfering with (or destroying) the lives of countless numbers of individuals and families. Some of the things I’ve witnessed can appear crazy to those who are not aware of Microwave Weapons and their capabilities of remotely projecting recorded voices, sounds, odors and images as well as inflicting temporary mental disability or long term effects of altering a person’s thoughts, beliefs and personality.
   Prior to becoming aware of humanity being targeted with these technologies, I had felt harmful energy being directed at my family and I, but had perceived it on a spiritual level. Since then pieces to a horrible puzzle have been clicking together. . .and I have realized that I was a witness to the early use of Microwave weapons on unsuspecting victims. . .and have been heavily targeted since I began realizing what is happening.
    In 1974 I worked at the original location of the Hillsborough County Nursing Home in Goffstown, NH. I had experienced strange headaches and witnessed unusual things during my employment there. I now believe that this facility, which also included a small hospital and a low security prison, was being heavily microwaved. A report of an unusual amount of cancer cases in long term employees has validated my belief. A similar thing appears to have happened to original members of the Concord, NH area Spiritual Growth Network as well as some original members of the Concord, NH Yoga Center. I was associated with both of these organizations. Most of the victims seem to have completely forgotten whole chunks of the late 1980s and early 1990s. I had also. But my memories are returning. This is just a small part of crimes that extend into MANY families and individuals.

 Some people are not very susceptible to being controlled. (I’m glad to be one of these.) According to knowledgeable scientists the mind control parts of Microwave Weapons are most successful on people who are taking mood altering drugs like anti-depressants. In the 1980s, News reports stated that these sorts of drugs were being found in over 24 public water supplies in the USA. Think about this and you will begin to see how wide spread this crime has become, due to our lack of awareness.

Disbelief of Remote Mind Control Technologies
Is Enabling Lethal Crimes Against Humanity.

These technologies may soon be perfected to the point of becoming virtually undetectable without sophisticated technological detectors.But at this point in time the most common symptoms still appear to be a faint steady high pitched ring in our ears as well as mental fatigue and confusion, sinus problems, interrupted thoughts, body bloating, digestion problems, dehydration, unusual head and body aches, loss of hearing and vision...etc. These are just some the side effects of being a victim of microwave mind control. Being Targeted by the eugenics part of the microwave targeting produces lupus, leukemia, tumorous cancer, heart attacks, strokes and all sorts of organ failures aside from periodic medically baffling mutilations of intestines...etc., which probably happen when an inexperienced practitioner messes up.  More symptoms can be found on

Never, in the history of humanity has there been a more devastating holocaust or a more crucial time for humanity to rise into a peaceful fight for our freedom and well-being. What is now happening is not natural, not normal, not meant to be and is a criminal assault on an unsuspecting and defenseless populous. This is so outrageously inhumane that the natural response is to slip into shocked denial, overwhelm, or complete disbelief, but there is not time for this type of response. This situation needs our immediate awareness and attention.

What is the remedy?

   We must open and listen to our Hearts above what is being projected into our minds. We must take as few pharmaceuticals as possible. (This includes drinking only pure clean water) Purchasing or building a radio wave detector that do NOT have a filter, which prevents the detection of frequencies used for mind control. Radio wave blockers would come in VERY handy, but I hear they are becoming illegal to obtain and use in many countries. (coincidence?) I feel that we have a right to protect ourselves through creating and using radio wave blockers as long it does not interfere with other people’s right to receive the microwaves if they want to. I feel that this is what we must do as quickly as possible, because our governemnts appear to be doing nothing to help or protect us. It appears that water, lead, tin and other substances can help to block or interfere with the low frequencies that are used for mind control. Some hospitals  have something that blocks them. I have witnessed this in one hospital. (coincidence?)

The most dangerous and recent developments in Microwave Mind Control Technologies seem too outrageous for most of us to believe at this point. But PLEASE believe me when I say that this crisis can only get worse VERY quickly, unless masses of people become aware of what is happening and take steps to bring it to an end. All of humanity is Truly in serious danger at this point in time. I urge you to at least give this the benefit of your understandable doubt, so that you can start taking steps to protect yourself and your loved ones. If you think you will not be effected you are sure to be proven wrong. Most of humanity is already being effected.

This article is not finished yet but hopes to be soon

Resources that you can explore:
Jim Keith Books on Mind Control World Control, the Hidden History....
Jerry E. Smith Books on Haarp Mind control

Aside from the links shown above and below more can be found on the following sites when they are not being interfered with. A couple of my back up websites: or or

A History of Mind Control - Tim Rifat:

Mind Control by Anna Keeler:

The Silent Massacre by Nicholas Kirkland:

Plight of Primary Targeted Individuals
A call for compassion, instead of “tin foil hat” jokes.

(This article is not finished and hopes to soon be re-posted)

  Hitler’s Holocaust lurks in the shadows of the present crisis when we let our Hearts take an honest look at what is happening to individuals who are placed on the hit list in a corrupt program that holds victims under constant satellite surveillance, while literally torturing them with remote microwave laser weapons, mind control technologies and organized stalking and harassment groups that deliver almost constant (24/7) psychological harassment and mental abuse.
   Through covert manipulations (including microwave phenomenon, mind control - brainwashing and fabricated phone messages, emails, letters or rumors) the victim’s relationships and businesses or jobs are sabotaged. Family members are turned against them. They are forced into becoming completely isolated from anyone who can help them. The media carelessly ridicules them and calls them the crazy “tin foil hat” people. Law enforcement does nothing to stop the crimes that are being committed against them.
   They are often forced into positions where they have to prove their sanity, instead of investigations and tests being performed to prove the crimes that are being committed. (Needless to say, sanity can not be proven to people who are not aware of the criminal use of Microwave Weapons and organized stalking and harassment groups ) Many healthy victims have been shoved into institutions and declared mentally ill, by their own families or law enforcement agencies. Many have been psychologically mutilated. Many have been inconspicuously murdered in ways that appear to be suicides or natural deaths.
   Words can not begin to describe what is happening. Calling it cruel, evil or sadistic does not seem to help unaware people to understand that this is happening now - that we are in the middle of a holocaust - critical situation that is in desperate need of our awareness. Some victims are struggling to bring public awareness to these crimes while being threatened and tortured. Many continue to cry out for help in a world that does not help. . .although all of humanity will surely suffer, indescribably, if these crimes are allowed to freely continue and grow.

Find more information on

Community Bullying
The Secret Criminal Part of Our Own Societies
(This article is not finished and hopes to soon be re-posted) 

There is a deep need for public awareness of this crime
   Organized Community Bullying is also referred to as gang stalking, organized stalking, cause stalking, covert harassment programs, predatory stalking, organized crime and Cointelpro. Its a lethal covert program that's designed to inconspicuously destroy literally every aspect of a person's life and then slander them, discredit them, manipulate them into being diagnosed as “mentally ill” or frame them for a crime. Most communities secretly have an organized bully group. . .often under the mask of “community watch” groups, when they are not members of a dark occult.
   Victims of these criminal Bully Groups have been thought to be only famous or political individuals, but this is not the truth. Hitler used occultism Community Bullying tactics against the Jews. Large corporations and some government agencies use them for psychological experimentation, to terrorize whistle blowers, dissidents, witnesses, outspoken journalists, “possible threats”...etc. Dark/Sadistic occult members use them against religious groups and anyone they hate. And the list goes on. . .
   Growing numbers of unaware people are being roped into these criminal or corrupt operations that list innocent people as “possible terrorists,” “pedophiles”...etc., in order to get Community Bully groups to terrorize or destroy them.

If you are involved in a Community Bully Group - organized stalking and harassment group, PLEASE STOP, before it is too late for you to escape being charged as an accomplice to the psychological and physical murders that are being performed.

Those Who Follow Others Sacrifice Themselves
In Shadows That Don’t Belong To Them

Please print this out and share it
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Those who'd like to help bring public awareness to the criminal use of microwave weapons, mind control technologies and gang stalking can sponsor a newspaper that is aiming to expose these crimes as well as encouraging natural healing methods...etc., as it reaches out to the Heart of humanity. You can place an ad that exposes crimes against humanity or for an online business. Your sponsorship will be greatly appreciated.

More sponsorship means more copies printed and more people reached. Please help pass the word onto others. Ads and payments are needed ASAP.

Advertising and Distribution Information:

Free Download of the Last Issue Published:

More Information about the Heart Bud:


 Other News Papers Exposing Our Plight:

Please send donations to

Poetic Publications
PO Box 383
Mont Vernon, NH 03057


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The internet is flooded with disinformation and various formulas that are called Essiac. Here is the place where accurate information on the authentic original formula can be found.
(Most of the following information is from this site.)

Essiac tea was "inspired by an old Indian medicine man's formula," and is "a proven cure for cancer" as well as being known to produce positive results against lupus, radiation sickness, AIDS, diabetes and almost any other physical ailment. The original tea combination can be purchased in the USA and Canada through or in the UK through But I believe it is better when we make it ourselves. So here is the recipe. . .

6 1/2 cups of burdock root (chopped - about pea size)
1 pound of sheep sorrel herb (powdered with roots included)
1/4 pound of slippery elm bark (powdered)
1 ounce of Turkish rhubarb root (powdered)

"Mix these ingredients thoroughly and store in glass jar in dark dry cupboard. The mixture can be steeped to make a mild tea or processed into "the formula" for a stronger concoction. To make the formula: Take a measuring cup, use 1 ounce of herb mixture to 32 ounces of water depending on the amount you want to make. I use 1 cup of mixture to 8 x 32 = 256 ounces of water. Boil hard for 10 minutes (covered) then turn off heat but leave sitting on warm plate over night (covered). In the morning heat steaming hot and let settle a few minutes, then strain through fine strainer into hot sterilized bottles and let cool. Store in dark cool cupboard. Must be refrigerated when opened. When near the last - when its thick pour in a large jar and sit in frig overnight then pour off all you [can] without sediment. This recipe must be followed exactly as written. I use a granite preserving kettle (10 - 12 qts), 8 ounce measuring cup, small funnel and fine strainer to fill bottles."

A common dosage is 2 oz twice a day and works best when joined
with a healthy cleansing diet and a lot of pure clean spring water.

How to Make Essiac Tea Video

In the spring of 2007 I purchased the four herbs, made the formula, took 2 ounces twice a day and started healing from Lupus, which I believe was caused by radiation from microwave weapons. If you are a Targeted Individual, who is lucky enough to still have your own kitchen, it would greatly benefit you to use this Essiac remedy. - Sharon R. Poet

Don't Give up

Don't ever think we will not escape,
Or that our rescue will remain too late.
Don't give them the power. Don't let them win.
Don't let hope fade. Don't give up again.
Cast aside their darkness and let the Light sing.
Climb up on their stones and raise your broken wing.
Read more…

Help for Targeted Individuals

If you are a Primary Targeted Individual who is searching the web for help you are probably being surrounded by the confusion and misinformation that is being created by web stalkers. Unfortunately there is not much authentic help for Targeted Individuals and most of us fight this battle alone. . .together.


I dedicate this song to you.

I've found that showers bring some relief from microwaves.
Some hospitals seem somehow able to block mind control frequencies.
I hear that sheets of lead block surveillance and radio waves.
Some say that a copper mesh is a semi-effective shield.

Listen to your HEART above all else
(Heart over Mind is the #1 remedy)

White Light offers good protection:

Visualization: Imagine a protective blanket of pure white light wrapped around you. . .and beams of white light streaming down from the heavens and into your head and body. Imagine this light washing away all the darkness ans all radio wave intrusions. Imagine the Light filling you with Peace, protection, strength and love.
Keep visualizing this as many times as you can within EVERY DAY.

Listen to peaceful music as often as possible.

Pray to a Higher Power for help:

I have found it effective to pray out loud for God's Love and Light
to protect me and also flow into those who are attacking me.

Do not drink public water, but drink a lot of PURE spring water
Fluoride and other toxins found in public water can be harmful to us

Talk to your Wisdom about not taking unnecessary pharmaceuticals
Mood altering drugs help technological mind control to be successful.


Stay on the move as much as possible:
This often gives us breaks from electronic attacks.
(Radio free zones are best)

Hold tight to Hope and Faith

Your new mantra is "I will be OK." Say it over and over again.

Let yourself cry. Its OK to cry.

God knows we have a lot to cry about

Keep a journal of what is happening to you

Writing will help you make sense of it all.

Deep breath and remain calm when under attack

Please don't take your anger out on other TIs
We already have enough of our own to deal with.

Don't let stalkers turn you into the angry lunatic they want you to become.
Give the stalkers information that lets them know the full scope of what they are accomplices to and often also victims of. If they do not find the Heart to stop criminal activity, take pictures of them and write down their plate numbers. Take charge of the situation. Don't be afraid of them.  But protect your camera and phone, because after I took pictures for an extended period of time my camera suddenly went completely dead and when I replaced the new batteries, and it asked me to log in the date, the date options jumped from 2003 to 2025! The present years were wiped out. ( FYI: only time/date stamped pics are accepted in court and they know this.) Similar things have happened with BOTH of my phones. Pictures even get erased. The battle often feels endless and hopeless, but just keep doing the best you can with what you have to work with. Your focus on exposing them makes them back off a bit. Then you can relax and ignore then until they again become too obnoxious to ignore and then you pull out your camera and pen and start the process over again. Someday it will all end. It will.
Until then take just one day at a time and do the best you can in that day.

Be VERY careful who you trust in web forums

There appears to be TI forums set up to entrap us, destroy evidence and inflict
more harm as well as sites that intentionally misinform us. Listen closely to
your own HEART and instincts above all else. And make lists of all the
perpetrators (puppets) you encounter - their day of judgment WILL come.
Learn to recognize their patterns. They are often the ones who will repeatedly
post a bunch of stories around the time when you make a post, so yours will get
lost in the shuffle; the ones who try to feed us misinformation; the ones who
will make inconspicuously demeaning (or blatantly rude) comments on your posts;
the ones who will tell you that you are just too "paranoid" if you do not instantly
trust them; the ones who will leave comments which insinuate that you are not a real
TI or are just mentally ill; the ones that will pressure you to call them or go meet
them and accuse you of having trust issues if you don't; the ones who degrade you and
insult you and then tell you that its just all in your head; the ones who do any array
of inconspicuous negative things that leave you feeling guilty or un-whole or mentally

Remember that just when you think you have the puppets all figured out, they may change their patterns and start fooling you all over again. Just be careful who you trust with important information. And protect your Heart - learn to give yourself the Love and comfort you need, because no matter how much we need it from our fellow human beings, it is often not genuinely or fully here for us, due to remote microwave mind control and puppets who pretend to be TIs.

The lyrics to the following song has meant a lot to me since the late 1990s.
Sometimes, when I'm surrounded by the most evil parts of the targeting,
(Like what speaks through those who intensely degrade me or my writings and try to convince me that I am
"mentally ill" and that none of this is really happening...etc.) I close
my eyes and imagine myself being surrounded by White Light and Angels who understand and care
and hold me in their Love. This often induces healthy tears and a level of
comfort that would not be found through my loved ones even if
they could be here for me.

Uniting with other TIs is a good thing WHEN IT DOES NOT DRAG US DOWN INTO ANGRY CYCLES. Many TIs are so mind controlled that they behave like perpetrators and its difficult to tell the difference.  And unfortunately many of us are so angry and hurt and wounded that we can easily get caught in cycles of complaining instead of grieving and channeling the remnants of our anger/energy into constructive endeavors that will help us as well as the rest of humanity. . .like passing out literature that can bring awareness of these crimes to the rest of humanity and/or creating a website or blog that shares links to proof of the technologies and crimes we are being hurt by.

I have been degraded and pulled down over and over again by what seems like either angry TIs or perpetrators who pretend to be TIs. But I keep returning to the process of finding the heart to focus on bringing awareness to the rest of humanity through my writings. . .and this has been my saving grace, thus far.



Use the ORIGINAL Essiac formula
Here is a bit of info on it. . .

The internet is flooded with disinformation and various formulas that are called Essiac. Here is the place where accurate information on the authentic original formula can be found.
(Most of the following information is from this site.)

Essiac tea was "inspired by an old Indian medicine man's formula," and is "a proven cure for cancer" as well as being known to produce positive results against lupus, radiation sickness, AIDS, diabetes and almost any other physical ailment. The original tea combination can be purchased in the USA and Canada through or in the UK through But I believe it is better when we make it ourselves. So here is the recipe. . .

6 1/2 cups of burdock root (chopped - about pea size)
1 pound of sheep sorrel herb (powdered with roots included)
1/4 pound of slippery elm bark (powdered)
1 ounce of Turkish rhubarb root (powdered)

Mix these ingredients thoroughly and store in glass jar in dark dry cupboard. The mixture can be steeped to make a mild tea or processed into "the formula" for a stronger concoction. To make the formula: Take a measuring cup, use 1 ounce of herb mixture to 32 ounces of water depending on the amount you want to make.
I use 1 cup of mixture to 8 x 32 = 256 ounces of water. Boil hard for 10 minutes (covered) then turn off heat but leave sitting on warm plate over night (covered). In the morning heat steaming hot and let settle a few minutes, then strain through fine strainer into hot sterilized bottles and let cool. Store in dark cool cupboard. Must be refrigerated when opened. When near the last - when its thick pour in a large jar and sit in frig overnight then pour off all you [can] without sediment. This recipe must be followed exactly as written.
I use a granite preserving kettle (10 - 12 qts), 8 ounce measuring cup, small funnel and fine strainer to fill bottles. A common dosage is 2 oz twice a day and works best when joined with a healthy cleansing diet and a lot of pure clean spring water.

How to Make Essiac Tea Video

In the spring of 2007 I purchased the four herbs, made the formula, took 2 ounces twice a day and started healing from Lupus, which I believe was caused by radiation from microwave weapons. If you are a Targeted Individual, who is lucky enough to still have your own kitchen, it would greatly benefit you to use this Essiac remedy.

Don't Give up

Don't ever think we will not escape,
Or that our rescue will remain too late.
Don't give them the power. Don't let them win.
Don't let hope fade. Don't give up again.
Cast aside their darkness and let the Light sing.
Climb up on their stones and raise your broken wing.

I dedicate this song to those of us who have been crushed to the point of losing hope. . .to those who sit watching. . .and to the rest of humanity.

We are worth saving.

Read, print out and share the info on these sites:

A bit of Sight for your Heart:

My writings are sometimes altered by the puppets, so please
listen to only the Heart of your own instincts with mine as well as ALL others.



IF YOU'RE NOT A Targeted Individual AND CARE TO HELP:

We need you to help us figure out how to

protect us and end this holocaust ASAP!

We also desperately need the following things from you:

SAFE REFUGES: where Targeted Individuals can be protected from electronic attacks are desperately needed.

Open Mindedness: Do not foolishly ass-u-me that TIs are just mentally ill, because this adds to our distress at a time when we desperately need the opposite.

Understanding: Educate yourselves as much as possible on the subject and practice empathy.

Compassion: Care enough to listen and not judge, degrade or look down upon a TI.We have already been through enough of that.

Surround each TI with compassionate people who have the courage to make a stand. This is good protection, because the organized stalkers do not want witnesses.

Public Awareness: Research this and pass the word around ASAP. The more publicity there is the better the chances are for honest parts of law enforcement and government to begin investigating and putting an end to these crimes.

Funding: A TI who is near the end of the destruction process, is probably left with no home, no family to turn to, physical health problems and not enough resources for protection. This is when a miracle is needed.

IMPORTANT: TIs may have difficulty trusting, because of long term harassment and deceptions performed by organized stalking groups. Although money seems to be the most difficult thing for people to give, this is what is needed most, by those of us who have already had our resources, homes, businesses and trusting family ties destroyed.

We need you to help us figure out how to
protect us and end this holocaust ASAP!!!

I hate to have to say this, but it is the sad truth: the avenues for good trustworthy help for Targeted Individuals are none - absolutely none, at this point in time. Due to the main stream media failing to inform the public of this crisis, which ALL of humanity is suffering.

Until the rest of humanity becomes aware of this crisis AND is able to stop it, there is no hope for our survival or for the recovery of the thousands of people who are now being murdered with Lupus and Leukemia and tumorous cancers...etc., that are created by Hitlers who are secretly and successfully aiming for complete control over humanity - control of who is allowed to live, of what we think, of what we do, of what we feel. . .of who we are. This a science fiction nightmare turned into reality!

I have reached out for help and support in every possible direction and have realized that some of the popular web forums, which are being set up to "help" Targeted Individuals, are also infiltrated by perpetrators who pretend to be "TIs" and use these forums to continue stalking, harassing and preventing us from getting the help we need.
These fake Targeted Individuals also put on shows to make the public think that ALL Targeted Individuals are just crazy. They even set up web sites to intentionally misinform the public, in order to prevent the REAL Truth from being exposed.
Please remain aware of this. Also become aware that the technologies that are used to target us are capable of recording voices and leaving messages that APPEAR to be from the target's phone number. They can also transmit such recordings to people who are standing near the target. . .making people think the target is the one who is speaking. EVERYTHING that happens to us is extremely covert and so you are being called to listen to your heart and give us the benefit of your doubt.

Estranged family members, neighbors, friends and strangers of primary "Targeted Individuals",
(especially medical, media, political and law enforcement professionals) are being called to find enough Heart,and courage to resist both past and present mind control manipulations. . .in order to save these masses of crumbling lives and free humanity's future.

We need you to help us figure out how to protect us and end this holocaust ASAP!!!

We are unheard victims
Lost beneath the lies.
We are the fading ones

Put on a list to die.
We are rising wounded

Begging for your aide
Becoming specks of dust

In an evil charade.

I'm a Primary Targeted Individual and I am in desperate need of financial help.
Sharon R. Poet

PO Box 383
Mont Vernon, NH 03057



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IMG0007A.jpgThis is not the first time that Bully Groups aim to sabotage my work. Its been an obvious ongoing thing since at least 2001. Most of my life has already been destroyed by the criminals who target me in a few different ways. But I'm trying not to give up - not to let them finish winning. So I'm making a stand to put out a new issue of my publication - The Heart Bud, which plans to help expose harmful microwave (mind control)  technologies, as well as containing the usual articles about using natural healing methods and bringing more Heart into humanity...etc. As I do this I am still being harassed by people who appear to belong to organized bullying groups (also called organized stalking and harassment groups or "gang stalking" groups). Since there is still no law enforcement help for most victims of this growing crime I'm going to start publicly posting events along with names and plate numbers when I can identify one of them and feel at least 99% sure of their involvement.

Since these criminals seem to have no conscience when it comes to bullying - harassing, stalking and threatening people, perhaps they can be publicly shamed into stopping such criminal behaviors. I encourage other Targeted Individuals to do the same. BUT have these criminal groups infiltrated our communities so heavily that those who speak out against it are the ones who are degraded and looked down upon? Time will tell. Lets hope not. Although the bullies who were harassing me at Wall-Mart in Concord, NH last year manipulated things to make it look like I was the one who was doing the harassing. . .and nobody cared to investigate and find the Truth.

Though many of these bullies are obvious sadistic occult members, I do realize that SOME of those who stalk and harass me THINK they are protecting their community and are acting on lies that are fed to them through a corrupt neighborhood watch type of system. I think the girl I mention below is in this category. (these are the ones I call "puppets") But I still see them as criminals, because this is NOT a functional or legal way to deal with ANYONE - not even REAL "suspected terrorists" or "pedophiles". . .or whatever else the criminals may have us listed as in their black market program. Their behaviors are cruel and inhumane and should not be allowed to continue. 
    I wonder if any of these puppets are wise enough to do a LEGAL background check on the people they are targeting. . .so they could realize that they are hurting and even being accomplices to the destruction of countless people, like me, who are witnesses to technologies that are harming them and their loved ones as much as the rest of humanity - that we are innocent people who have been hit listed in their criminal program as part of a sadistic effort to destroy us and prevent the public from realizing that what we say is true? I wonder how many of them just blindly follow their criminal leaders without even questioning it or thinking about it. I wonder if they are even allowed to question or leave the bully groups.

The Heart Bud and I Need Your Help
Please help us.

Sharon R. Poet
PO Box 383
Mont Vernon, NH 03057

   It appears that the targeting is getting vamped up, as I thought it would after I'd gotten a couple advertisers for the Heart Bud last Thursday. This is why I am publicizing what I'm doing. The criminals know so it is best that the rest of you do also. One of the shops that placed an ad was swarmed by one supposed buyer after another while I tried to talk to the owner. Like most covert organized crime tactics, this can be seen as "normal" to onlookers, but when it happens to EVERY business I go into. . .even at times that are not normally busy. . .it
becomes obvious to me. (Such is the way with covert gang stalking

   I'm talking to my customers about being targeted so they can take notice, and also make note of and report, anyone who tries to slander me, which is another gang stalking tactic. However, this may lessen the amount of support I get, because it appears that many people are afraid of community bullies and the covert difficulties they can cause for even those who support me. It appeared that at least some of my past advertisers were targeted! This is why I had pulled away from getting sponsors and had tried to fund my work through other jobs. But I now realize that the lethal targeting with microwave weapons and gang stalking groups is so wide spread that ALL of humanity will suffer indescribably if it is not exposed. I return to finding sponsors with the prayer that covert targetings will be exposed and ALL of humanity can be freed from it. (This last sentence had been erased from my original post)

   Literally EVERY time I take a shower at the Amherst NH Planet Fitness the toilets are repeatedly flushed, which drastically alters the water temp. I had been ignoring it, but am now making note of who is doing it. A young petite Planet Fitness employee (with dark hair died partly dark red) - who said her name is "Gabby" appeared to enjoy repeatedly flushing toilets, while pretending to be cleaning the bathroom, as I took a shower this morning. Is she part of a gang stalking group or just a foolish kid who's letting herself be manipulated by them. . .or could it be that she just happened to really be cleaning and was not aware of the effects of her flushing toilets while a customer is in the shower? This was around 9:30 am and it is my understanding that the night grew are the ones who clean bathrooms that thoroughly. And "Gabby" was working the desk just before and after this. . .and was not wearing cleaning gloves and had no cleaning solutions out. I got out of the shower to check. Due to this and some of her comments, there is absolutely no doubt in MY mind that Gabby is either part of, or is gladly being manipulated by, an organized stalking and harassment group of criminals, which is why I am posting this here.

3-11-13 - between 8:45 and 8:49 am: As I walked out of the Shell station on 101A (near planet fitness) I noticed that a black sedan (NH plate # 335 0481) had pulled up behind my car and appeared to be taking a picture of me.

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