Yan Xu (PretendGovnmentModifiedMyMessages's Posts (59)

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Those who do not want to immediately expose the two technologies: EM remote surgery and remote mind control are useless to humankind. Humankind would not stand tens of thousands innocent people being killed every day. The 500 people killed in Egypt recently were made by Rockefeller family. The dominating individuals in Rockefeller family (probably the queen and the Scottish son in law) are useless to humankind, since they do not want to immediately expose remote surgery and remote mind control technologies. They are paying more affords on finding excuses of not exposing the secrets. Without exposing the true history of Rockefeller family, it is very hard to make the Rockefellers give up the original plan, which was to kill all the CIAs who know the secrets. Killing me is to hide the secrets of CIA, which is equivalent to the secrets of Rockefeller family. Hiding the secrets of Rockefeller family will kill those who know CIA secrets.


It was suspected that the deaths of President Kennedy and President Johnson were all related to tycoon family controlled CIA. The real Vietnam War started after the death of President Kennedy. Rockefeller family had been running weaponary business. Did Rockefeller benefit from the death of President Kennedy? Nelson Rockefeller started to run for president after the assassination of President Kennedy. Coincident? Former CIA officer Mark Philips said (in Jesse Ventura’s TV show) the Church investigation on CIA mind control Project in 1975 resulted in the transferring of the secret technologies (include remote surgery and remote mind control technologies) to private FIRMs under tycoons. Rockefeller foundation and Ford foundation had been used as conduit of CIA fund. Eileen Rockefeller Growald (born 1952), the youngest daughter of David Rockefeller had been studying mind-body interaction. Did she participate in the secret remote mind control and remote surgery project? The WTC twin towers and the CIA headquarter WTC 7 collapsed by 911 robots were sponsored by David Rockefeller and Nelson Rockefeller. Coincident? In history, Many “Rock” style stars died of bazaar drug abuses, including Michael Jackson. Coincident?

Hearings by US government officials on CIA mind control since 1995 were not reported in mainstream media as what they did to Snowden’s leakage. Why?  In history, nearly 1000 Americans killed in Jonestown in 1978 was suspected to be made by Rockefeller family controlled CIA mind control FIRM. Who else could use advanced technologies to kill innocent humankind except tycoons in <God Father>?


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If human robots can kill, there is no reason that they can not give feelings of remote surgery and feelings of being mind controlled to other people. Unless, they cannot kill anyone at all and all the killings were made by Rockefeller family members who are controlling human robots produced by the DOLL HOUSE.


In the BUS drama, in which some people playing human-robots and some playing the CIA boss family members, it had been announced that there would be no death penalty (no killing). However, the killing still happened. What do these Rockefellers really want? Should others do the same thing to them as well?

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Never dream any of us can survive without deleting the female British boss who looks similar to the one in TV series <DOLL HOUSE> and the male in charge who looks similar to the one in TV series <HOUSE> in CIA mind control FIRM, who did not help immediately expose remote surgery and remote mind control technologies in mainstream media massively.  They are likely undercover Rockefeller family members.


The slow motion (delay and distraction) in CIA mind control FIRM is to kill every CIA who knows the secrets of remote surgery and remote mind control. Killing every CIA is the only real purpose, so that only Rockefellers (nature family member not adopted) survive.


CIA indicated to me that on July 3, 2013, many CIA software workers were killed by the Rockefeller technicals (the British female boss and the House in Charge are responsible). The two Rockefeller in laws are extremely selfish as they sacrificed too many innocent people’s lives for their power, not for their lives.


Never trust the two Rockefellers (in charges) who used too many lies to kill too many innocent people. Rockefeller shifted targets remotely. So you have to start from CIA firm’s sub-boss. They are those who can directly reach the two evil Rockefellers. If your sub-bosses do not help immediately expose remote surgery and remote mind control in mainstream media massively (every media every day report), deleting them is helping humankind and helping everyone.


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 What humankind should do to prohibit people to behave like Rockefellers who rejected changing when they holding power and knowing what they are doing are damaging humankind and they can stop the killing, torturing and fooling by exposing the two secret technologies electromagnetic Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control in mainstream media massively? Their changes would be useless to humankind when they lose their power.


My suggestion is if they are still alive when humankind establishes a new system to monitor the two technologies, we should tag them forever and let everyone around them know what bad things they did wherever they go. Mind controlling them to tell everyone the lessons they learned from the bad things they did to humankind in the past might also be necessary if they can’t voluntarily do the right thing. What good suggestions do you have?

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Whoever is using young human robots that were brain damaged when they were young, who did brain surgery on children. More likely they are still doing brain surgery on more kids today, as if they had stopped doing surgery on innocent children, they had exposed the secret remote surgery and remote mind control in mainstream media massively.


They did not expose the two secret technologies (remote surgery and remote mind control) could only because they do not want any CIAs who know the secrets to be alive before allowing the general public to know the two technologies. The technical boss did not stop doing bad things that already damaged a whole generation of humankind.


CIA young morons should stop helping their boss and lock themselves up if they can’t concentrate on exposing the two secret technologies (remote surgery and remote mind control) in mainstream media only. That is a help to the whole humankind.


CIA technicals should delete their technical boss who did not help to immediately expose the two secret technologies(remote surgery and remote mind control) in mainstream media massively, as they would be killed by that technical boss after more human robots being produced. The technical boss does not need to use the human robots to do complicated things. As long as the human robots can be used to delete every technical, it is good enough for the technical boss, as his main concern is he could not hide his secret deeds forever.

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Whoever is using Human Robots, who did brain surgery on children. More likely they are still doing brain surgery on more kids today, as if they had stopped doing surgery on innocent children, they had exposed the secret remote surgery and remote mind control in mainstream media massively.


They did not expose the two secret technologies (remote surgery and remote mind control) could only because they do not want any CIAs who know the secrets to be alive before allowing the general public to know the two technologies. The technical boss did not stop doing bad things that already damaged a whole generation of humankind.


CIA young morons should stop helping their boss and lock themselves up if they can’t concentrate on exposing the two secret technologies (remote surgery and remote mind control) in mainstream media only. That is a help to the whole humankind.


CIA technicals should delete their technical boss who did not help to immediately expose the two secret technologies(remote surgery and remote mind control) in mainstream media massively, as they would be killed by that technical boss after more human robots being produced. The technical boss does not need to use the human robots to do complicated things. As long as the human robots can be used to delete every technical, it is good enough for the technical boss, as his main concern is he could not hide his secret deeds forever.

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The undercover tycoon family member CIA technical boss is the evil source, because he/she did not immediately expose the remote surgery and remote mind control secret technologies in mainstream media massively. He/she made tens of thousands innocent people being killed every single day. Those CIAs who did not try to delete that technical boss is evil’s helper.


29-year-old CIA contractor Snowden did the right thing by making part of the CIA contractor’s behaviors transparent. The US government should make the Surveillance Program transparent if they are trying to attack terrorists rather than attacking anti-terrorists. The monitoring behavior of a government would not be violating individual’s privacy if the government told the general public the bad behaviors (e.g. plan to kill innocent people, do something damaging other innocent people. Victims of mind control are innocent people.) of certain people rather than hiding the information and only allow a few tycoons know the secret criminal behaviors. The monitoring behavior of a government would not be violating Individual’s privacy if the government did not tell the general public the not-bad behaviors of an individual and caused damages to the individual.


Ordinary people are not afraid of being monitored by non-bad people, since we have nothing to hide. Only bad people who do not want to stop doing bad things do not want the general public to know what they are doing. CIA real boss belongs to such people. Majority CIA employees are victims. They did not want to do bad things if they were not forced to do so due to being tortured mentally, physically or economically.


I support transparent monitoring by governments for good purposes. I also support Snowden for making certain CIA behaviors transparent. CIA should be completely transparent if CIA’s existence was not for damaging humankind.

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Everyone knows if there are no bad technical staff, the killing and torture of innocent people remotely using electromagnetic remote surgery and remote mind control two technologies would not be possible. Initially, I thought it was the tycoon (such as Rockefeller family) kidnapped the technical staffs using the tycoon family security guards who have guns and forced them to do bad things. However, the killings had lasted for over 10 or even 20 years. The likelihood of using kidnapped technicals to kill people systematically without being exposed is very low, because the technicals should have tried to kill their boss if they can give order to the robots. Why didn’t they in so many years? Were they trapped in the traps built by themselves or they are addicted to what they are doing everyday including torturing and bullying CIA employees and people outside CIA?


Of course, the number of technical staff and scientists, who can think and are working for the CIA is very few. Majority good scientists had been killed long time ago. Those people who could plan and control victims so systematically could not possibly be victims being kidnapped. They might be in laws of Rockefeller family who benefited from the ruling using a slavery system that had lasted for many years since 1950’s.


Why did they kill and torture people willingly when knowing nothing can be secret forever? (1) They might be waiting for the death of certain family member who did bad things (2) They might be trying to kill the CIAs who know the secrets when playing the killing game. Some of the to be killed CIAs might suggested the boss to kill more innocent people in order to distract the attention of the boss. They even recruited international students to bully and torture them to distract the attention of the boss from themselves as what they were trained to do in CIA. In the original plan proposed by those people to their boss might be to kill every CIA who knows the secrets of the two technologies after the PROJECT. The idea might be based on their previous experiences in the assassinations of President Kennedy, President Johnson and around 1000 Americans in Jonestown in 1978 under the same boss.


The number of innocent people killed due to the delay of exposure of the electromagnetic mind control and electromagnetic remote surgery technologies is much more than the number of technicals who are helping the evils to hide the secrets. Who should be sacrificed?


Brain damaged CIA robots are following the rules set by the boss and helping to hide the secrets, for instance, they hide the names of the victims in China (to my knowledge over 10 victims had been killed) that reduced the cost of killings to the CIA real boss. They did not know following the rules set by the boss only make every victims and CIA robots killed secretly with lower cost to the boss. All the killings would be secret when every CIA is killed. (Boss knows it as boss was not brain damaged robot. Only brain damaged robots think what is written by me could change what they boss planned to do) Those robots did not know they are deleting traces of themselves by deleting names and information of the victims killed. There were so many reports on Boston Bombing in mainstream media. Why didn’t the boss allow any report of the killings of former CIA employees by mentioning their CIA mind control experiences? Did they encourage killings while hiding the secrets of electromagnetic remote surgery and remote mind control at the same time? Why did the boss hide the secrets if they did not plan to kill every CIA who knows the secrets?

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There is no game, no rule in the CIA mind control FIRM in reality, although CIA trainees were told many rules about a killing game that does not exist at all. Otherwise, the CIA real boss, who does not allow exposing the two secret technologies (electromagnetic remote surgery and remote mind control) in main stream media massively, had been killed a long time ago. The secrets had been exposed a long time ago. I said countless times that “American morons dare not kill the CIA real boss (who is a tycoon) who does not allow exposing the two secret technologies in main stream media massively. They dare not expose the two secret technologies in main stream media massively”.


Only CIA employees and other innocent people are being killed and tortured. The CIA real boss (the tycoon) never suffered. Don’t mention about being killed. The only thing really going on is killings of CIA employees and other innocent people mentally and physically to protect the tycoon family e.g. Rockefeller family, so that no one knows what the tycoon family did using the CIA mind control FIRM. Killing every CIA employee who knows the secrets is the only real plan of the Tycoon boss.

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There is no Marathon or any type of competition going on. It is Rockefeller technicals figuring on how to kill every CIA who knows the secrets


The CIA mind control FIRM under the control of a tycoon family, which might be Rockefeller family, pretending they are competing on something. There is no competition or Marathon as what the CIA real boss told the CIA employees and other victims (targetted individuals around the world). The only thing that is really going on is the CIA Rockefeller family relatives (or other name of the tycoon family that is controlling CIA) are figuring about how to kill every CIA who knows the secrets, so that the killing of two US presidents: President Kennedy and President Johnson can be secret forever and no one knows the killings made by this generation Rockefellers using electromagnetic Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control technologies.


By making the brain damaged and being tortured CIA employees kill innocent people, the Rockefellers are trying to justify the killings of the CIA employees who know the secrets.


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CIA top technicals and the Rockefeller tycoons did not kill each other. They only killed innocent people. That is evidence the CIA top technicals and the Rockefeller tycoons are the same thing.


Rockefeller CIA technicals are pretending some of them are red and some of them are blue. They put up many phony shows to fool the victims inside CIA and outside CIA. The only real purpose is to buy time to figure out how to kill everyone who knows the secret remote surgery and remote mind control technologies and other CIA secrets.


The CIA technical staffs deserve being killed. They dare not kill their boss. They only dare to kill innocent people mentally or physically. Without garbage like that there would not be so many people killed and there would not be any one killed remotely.


Same surgery to those who dare not to do anything to prove they are useful to humankind rather being harmful to humankind is justified by what those technical staffs are doing every day.


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Many people knew Rockefeller family and relatives had been controlling CIA for many years. The WTC towers collapsed in NY911 attack were sponsored by David & Nelson Rockefeller, which was suspected being allowed by the CIA real boss to release the hatred of being tortured CIA employees towards the boss family. Rockefeller family's female offsprings' specialties in emotion and humanity and that the family had been controlling major banks of America indicated that their control of CIA that lasted around 50 years might be related to the Remote Mind Control and Remote Surgery technologies developed by CIA between 50's and 70's. It was suspected they had been killing CIA trainees and targetted people using the remote surgery and remote mind control technologies as playing games among family members that killed many CIA kidnapped kids.

TV series Doll House indicated creating terrorists is one of the ways to kill the CIA employees. One of the CIA technicals became suddenly crazy (due to remote brain surgeries and they were mind controlled) and did some thing that looked he wanted to kill someone. That CIA technical was killed because of the strange behavior. Many CIA did not know most bad behaviors of CIA human robots (dolls) were mind controlled by the boss, which is highly likely Rockefeller family members.


It was the CIA real boss who on purpose made the CIA dolls kill innocent people (including Margaret Thatcher) in the name of education. The real purpose was to justify killing every CIA employee who knows the secrets, which was the original plan. CIA sent me the original plan by showing me only one part of the movie starred by Judy Foster, in which a tycoon holding a small box talked to Judy Foster that there was a big secret in the box and no one else knew it, indicating everyone else who knew the secrets had been killed.


As the CIA real boss planned to kill everyone in the original plan. It would be too stupid to trust such boss as everything is consistent and everyone is consistent. Normally, people do not change especially when they are holding power. In history, Hitler did not change before he killed himself. To Hitler, no power means no life.

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Only those who know remote mind control are responsible for their behaviors

Those who did not try to delete or disfunction the CIA real boss who does not allow exposing the two secret technologies: remote surgery and remote mind control, in main stream media massively (every media, every day, like the report on Boston bombing rather than the report on Iran earthquake) are helpers of the CIA real boss, who planned to kill every CIA employee who know the secrets.


Killing killers who do not allow exposing the secrets (Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control technologies) in main stream media massively is saving lives. Every single day, there are tens of thousands people being killed mentally or physically due to the hiding of the secrets.


Those who on purpose fool the CIA robots by making them expose the secrets in non-mainstream media are on purpose making the killings continue. They are the people who are using the time to figure out how to kill every CIA who know the secrets secretly. There is less than 1 person increase per minute in the number of people who know the secrets. However, there are more than 2 more people per minute being killed mentally or physically. The speed of increase is not compatible with the speed of decrease. How could any secrets be exposed without allowing mainstream media report every day?


Recent media report on the death of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, which was highly suspected of being murdered by CIA mind control FIRM, on purpose demolished her because of some of her bad behaviors towards the public, when she was Prime Minister and did not know what was remote mind control. People who did not know remote mind control should not take responsibly for what they did under remote mind control. It was the CIA real boss who on purpose made the CIA dolls kill innocent people (e.g. Margaret Thatcher) in the name of education. The real purpose was to justify killing every CIA employee who knows the secrets, which was the original plan. CIA sent me the plan by showing me only one part of the movie starred by Judy Foster, in which a tycoon holding a small box talked to Judy Foster that there was a big secret in the box and no one else knew it, indicating everyone else who knew the secrets had been killed.


When technology level had enabled human kind not need to worry about food and job, people started to worry about being killed secretly. What made that happen? Tycoon family control of CIA is the real reason that most CIA employees are leaving in hell and non-lethal weapon which should be used to save lives are being used to kill people on purpose.

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When talking about human, low quality means those who are morally low. A high quality street sweeper is more useful to humankind than those of low qualities. Same to the company bosses. Low quality boss is less likely to be useful to humankind than the others. If a company is on purpose doing things useless to humankind but only useful to the power of the boss and the administrators, the boss has to be of low quality.


The CIA mind control FIRM is only doing bad things to humankind. That is the only reason they dare not let the whole world know what they are really doing. What the mind control FIRM is doing is determined by the boss who set the rules and regulations.


Rockefeller family members who are controlling the CIA mind control firm today are of low quality, because what the mind control FIRM is doing is not only useless but also harmful to humankind. The CIA mind control FIRM’s real bosses are American low qualities, who did not care about the interests of majority Americans.


There is no relation between exposing the secrets and killings, as without shutting down the current CIA bad system (including all the regulations and rules), it is impossible to see anything good to humankind happen.


Exposing secrets and stopping killing are everyone’s responsibility. However, all the killings attributes to the boss who does not allow exposing the two secret technologies, as hiding secrets is the only reason that allowed killings with no cost to the real boss possible. Every CIA employee is suffering as testified by Brice Taylor and others. Only the CIA mind control FIRM real boss did not suffer because of hiding secrets.

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Collecting memory data of experimental targets when they are sleeping and making them think about the past is only for killing them mentally and physically.


These CIA technicals under the tycoon family are doing surgeries on ordinary people remotely. The purpose of turning normal people into moron robots is to hide secrets only. To hide the secrets of what really happened in CIA mind control FIRM and the secrets of killing 2 presidents of United States (President Kennedy and President Johnson). The non-lethal weapons supposed to be used to save lives are being used to kill people on purpose. What could make that happen if there is nothing extremely abnormal?


It all attributes to the tycoon family control of CIA, which was assessed to be around 50 years. There is no voting with reasons in that CIA mind control FIRM. A system similar to that of 200 years ago for Britain, and 100 years ago for China is being used to control the remote surgery and remote mind control technologies, which supposed to be controlled only by people who are rich in knowledge and moral. What is the real next step besides the continuous similar lies that are being given each year? I believe killing people inside the FIRM and outside the FIRM is the real next step. There is no other possibility at all.


The real original plan was to kill everyone who knows the secrets after using them. They dare to show the plan in TV, proving they are quite confident to achieve the goal due to reasons most people don’t know. One important factor could be the number of people who know the secrets is extremely limited, far less than people’s imagination. Same to the number of bad people who are helping to do bad things. This makes the plan of killing everyone a completely feasible goal.  When you are busying on helping to make other people busy, did you manage to find time to think once again how likely you yourself could be allowed to be alive when the plan was to kill everyone?

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There is no rule in the robot killing game , which they called sport game. Previously, they said woman with children and pregnant woman would not be killed. However, they killed Princess Dianna. Many women with children were also killed. However, many CIA morons still believe Michael Jackson was not killed, Winnie Huston was not killed. The reason their boss kill those people rather than someone who really have power in America was because everything was completely controlled by the CIA real boss, who never tells anything not a lie. The only function of the CIA real boss was to keep the killing continue by not allowing the two secret technologies being exposed in American mainstream media massively. If cannot have massive report, one or two reports are much better than nothing at all. Saving majority humans lives, which is in danger due to the stupidity of CIA morons, is saving everyone’s live.


The only real purpose of the killing using robots was to buy time for the tycoon family, which had killed 2 presidents of United States: President Kennedy and President Johnson (who became president after the death of President Kennedy. He died suddenly in 1971, years after CIA can read his mind. The sophisticated application of the mind control technology was around 1968.). They want to find a way to hide the secrets forever. That is the reason they created human robots and planned to replace all ordinary people with human robots, who can’t think independently, so that people who knew the secrets including CIA robots can all be killed easily before the exposure of the two secret technologies. How stupid is that by trusting the boss who planned to kill everyone rather than trust victims themselves?


The tycoon boss of the mind control FIRM wanted to kill everyone who knew secrets in his original plan. The plan was indicated to me by showing me only one part of the movie starred by Judy Foster. In that part, a tycoon carried a small box and said to Judy Foster that there was a huge secret in that box, no one else knew it, indicating everyone who knew the secret were killed. Everyone is consistent. Everything is consistent. The behavior pattern is similar to what that tycoon family did before, which is erasing the traces of bad records.


The real purpose of killing me is to hide secrets, including hiding the secrets of killing everyone in CIA mind control FIRM who knows secrets except the tycoon himself and the tycoon family relatives in the top administration in the original plan. Hiding secrets will kill those who know secrets. The only way to survive is to let everyone on the earth know the two secret technologies: Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control, which enabled secret killings of anyone with no cost.


CIA mind control FIRM indicated to me the tycoon family that is controlling the mind control FIRM is Rockefeller family. The family had been controlling the United States for decades. Chase Bank, Citibank, Morgan Stanly are all controlled by the Rockefeller  family. The World Trade Centre attacked in NY911 was also built by Rockefeller family. The possibility of allowing robots to attack the building to release slaves’ hatred toward their boss does exist. There is no excuse of hiding secrets when more and more people are being killed after the emerging of non-lethal weapons which supposed to be used to save lives. Killing on purpose is only for hiding secrets of the tycoon family rather than for any nation or any government. If it is not family controlled, the two secret technologies had been exposed a long time ago.


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There is no rule in the robots game, which they called sport game. Previously, they said woman with children and pregnant woman would not be killed. However, they killed Princess Dianna. Many women with children were also killed. 


The only real purpose of the game was to buy time for the tycoon family, which had killed 2 presidents of United States: President Kennedy and President Johnson (who became president after the death of President Kennedy. He died suddenly in 1971, years after CIA can read his mind. The sophisticated application of the mind control technology was around 1968.). They want to find a way to hide the secrets forever by using the time of delaying the exposure of secrets. That is the reason they created human robots and planned to replace all ordinary people with human robots, who can’t think independently, so that people who knew the secrets can all be killed easily before the exposure of the two secret technologies.


The tycoon boss of the mind control FIRM wanted to kill everyone who knew secrets in his original plan. The plan was indicated to me by showing me only one part of the movie starred by Judy Foster. In that part, a tycoon carried a small box and said to Judy Foster that there was a huge secret in that box, no one else knew it, indicating everyone who knew the secret were killed. Everyone is consistent. Everything is consistent. The behavior pattern is similar to what that tycoon family did before.


The real purpose of killing me is to hide secrets, including hiding the secrets of killing everyone in CIA mind control FIRM who knows secrets except the tycoon himself and the tycoon family relatives in the top administration in the original plan. Hiding secrets will kill those who know secrets. The only way to survive is to let everyone on the earth know the two secret technologies: Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control, which enabled secret killings of anyone with no cost. The tycoon boss and his assistants can't kill everyone on the earth as they can't survive otherwise.


CIA mind control FIRM indicated to me the tycoon family that is controlling the mind control FIRM is Rockefeller family. The family had been controlling the United States for decades. Chase Bank, Citibank, Morgan Stanly are all controlled by the Rockefeller  family. The World Trade Centre attacked in NY911 was also built by Rockefeller family. There is no excuse of hiding secrets when more and more people are being killed after the emerging of non-lethal weapons which supposed to be used to save lives. Killing on purpose is only for hiding secrets of the tycoon family rather than for any nation or any government. If it is not family controlled, the two secret technologies had been exposed a long time ago.


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No matter they are tycoon family members or not, every technical in that mind control FIRM has the responsibility to expose the secret remote surgery and remote mind control technologies through media around the world. The abuse of the two secret technologies not only endangers other people’s lives, it would also endanger their own lives.


Humankind does not need to remotely mind control others’ minds. Reading others’ minds is enough for normal people. Doing surgery on normal people’s brain is damaging humankind for whatever excuses. The group of technicals who are doing it on others are extremely irresponsible to humankind. Who could dream a group people like that could allow any one who knows secrets to be alive?


Obviously, the tycoon family members are controlling the technicals very well. Those technicals still did not think they should take responsibility by exposing the secrets for the benefit of humankind and for the safety of everyone who knows secrets.


Anyone who has knowledge should know: lying is not sustainable. Hiding the secrets would not only endanger their own lives, it would also endanger others’.


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 Besides, “Allowing 80% population knowing the secrets (Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control) and what can be done with them”, “the second thing I want is the two secret technologies not being allowed to be used in doing bad things, such as killing (mentally or physically) directly or indirectly and teaching others to kill, fooling people and figuring out how to fool people, torturing people and figuring how to torture people, etc. There are too many good things to do, for instance turning genetic retarded people into people who can contribute more to human society, rather than turning intelligent ones into morons by remote brain surgery as what CIA is doing, curing diseases instead of creating diseases as that CIA did.”

When they said to me “We asked you what you want for yourself” I said “That is for the benefit of myself. I’m one of the majority. I believe everyone is consistent. Evil is viscous on everyone. Good people are good to everyone. If they can’t stop killing other people, they would not stop killing me.”


However, the tycoon family member CIA real boss determined to kill everyone who knows secrets by recording the process of killing me IN THE NAME of EDUCATION. The real purpose is to give CIA technicals fake hope, making them believe they are doing something good to humankind. There is no education. Killing me is to hide secrets by deleting those CIA employees who know more secrets than me.

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More people killed after the emerging of non-lethal weapons, Why?

CIA indicated to me, they killed one good person on March 14, 2013 who wanted to expose secrets and who had been working in CIA for a long time. CIA real boss used robots to kill him.


The real boss has to be a Rockfeller family member technical staff. He and his assistants might be pretending to be opposing what the old man is doing. Although he is not too old, but he still believe lying is sustainable. It is he and the old one who wanted to kill me and other good people in CIA who do not think damaging humankind by hiding secrets and encouraging more killings is sustainable. Otherwise, there is no reason that they are still insisting on hiding secrets by deleting traces of what really happened. They are trying to kill more good people like me.


Whatever lies the CIA real boss gives, they can’t lie on what they are really doing today and what they did yesterday. They are trying to kill more good people only.


The killing of President Kennedy gave them a deep impression that secrets can be hidden for very long long time. They are trying to make it a forever secrets. They are trying to delete everyone and every robot who know secrets. That is why the original plan was to kill everyone. Why is there no one puts the CIA real boss and the other helpers into sleep and let them sleep for a long time to give other CIA employees an opportunity to make good things happen?


Hiding the non-lethal weapons and on purpose killing people is completely not reasonable, no matter what excuses are given.


There would be no death penalty after good things happening. What else could they worry? What else could they lose? If they insist on not exposing the two technologies themselves, there is no reason other people cannot do it to stop killings.


Killing killers who do not stop killing is saving lives.

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