MK-ULTRA means ...
MK-ULTRA ---- MK = Mind Kontrolle = BewusstseinsKontrolle (German) CIA Mind Control Operation MK-ULTRA
Read more…MK-ULTRA ---- MK = Mind Kontrolle = BewusstseinsKontrolle (German) CIA Mind Control Operation MK-ULTRA
Read more…To go in for sport regularly, better at every morning, keep the blood circulation and respiration well, to survive at first.
Read more…New Auschwitz concentration camp 1. Crimes, Lies, and Mind Control "Crimes, Lies, and Mind Control" is the tentative title of a Project Media Matrix docum
Read more…New Auschwitz concentration camp 1. Crimes, Lies, and Mind Control [2005/10/01 updated] "Crimes, Lies, and Mind Control" is the tentative title of a Proj
Read more…New Auschwitz concentration camp 1. Crimes, Lies, and Mind Control [2005/10/01 updated] "Crimes, Lies, and Mind Control" is the tentative title of a Project Media Matrix documentary. It's subject is that title. ...
Read more…It is an opportunity to test your WILL ! It is an opportunity to test your WILL !! It is an opportunity to test your WILL !!!
Read more… ELECTROMAGNETIC WEAPONS SUMMARY: Electro-Magnetic (EM) weapons are one of the newest and most serious military developments in the world today. Enormous secrecy surrounds their development,
Read more…The Third Generation of German Nazi (Remnant of WWII) has been attacking human being by means of mind control weapons (Microwave, Directed Energy Weapons etc.). They do this out of revenge for WWII.
Read more…1。谢谢来信讨论。 2。袭击从未停止,天花板上发射的定向声波从未断。 3。有方向感。有的是从天花板或四周的墙壁或固体上传出来的,周围没有固体时不知是否也能够打出声音。还不明白的是方向感是如何产生的。 4。 那是在青年旅馆里,大房间有多个床,是男女都可以住。那可能是它们的欺骗。欺骗,谎言是它们害人的重要伎俩之一。那可能是新来旅游的客人,他们照相是它们自己的事情,跟我无关,而害人者往往是即刻误导你,这种误导实在是太多了,刚开始很难鉴别。我的文章是刚刚从网上了解到事情的真相时觉得有必要回忆一下,把它记
Read more… New World Order and Nazi Germany - Operation Paperclip Operation Paperclip casefile Date: Fri, 08 Aug 1997 Dossier: Documented Evidence Case File: 5X067 Compiled by Agent Orange OPERATION PAPERCLIP A
Read more…"... neuroscience could alter the law, creating new methods and new visual evidence to determine criminal intent and criminal responsibility." ---- Mindcontrol itself is criminal and against humanity, such criminals MUST BE UPROOTED from our earth t
Read more…WHY are the Nazi Microwave Terrorists against human again? again?? and 3rd again??? !!! ...
Read more…The inhumane Microwabe Terrorists are not only real terrorists, but also are not humankind. One basic difference between humankind and non-humankind is morality, they have no more morality because they have attacked the Human Being's Central Nervous
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