"Today we rule Germany, tomorrow the world" ---- scum of the earth ! Not Human Being (60 million) !!
To cut open the blood vessels of the German "people" the poured out blood is brown (Turkey).
Is German a race? (Switzerland).
German Genetics ---- ... G
Dr Robin B. Webster concluded that with authorized facts and scientific method as follows:
"At least 70% of cases of organized stalking are real."
Mr. President of USA important remark on gang stalking was issued not long before.
Read more…International Review of the Red Cross on Non-lethal (Chemical) weapons
I restate here again. My case has nothing to do with politics. My case has nothing to do with the
Read more…It is normal dream; or, it is telepathy?( Part 2- Scenario 3 )
If this is a real telepathy and if don’t stop it, I will disclose more serious telepathy. So, we can understand how these torturers are not only atrocious but paranoid.
When I fall as
Read more…From SyntheticTelepathy.com, feel free to copy and print this document. You will likely find many witnesses by Googling for 'targeted individuals' and 'mind control victims' on the net and within mental institutions and psychatric wards.
The first i
Read more…Dear GanesamoorthyKayamuhan, I Have read all those web sites for nearly 8 years ago. I also thought the way you think now. I wasted a lot of time. You can call it research or disease or electronic waves or micro chips or whatever word you want. Final
Read more…I am a srilankan . I born in Jaffna Sri Lanka. I studied in a good school and got into university in Kandy. I did electronic engineering. I am 34 years old. My father was a regional bank manager. Now he is retired. When I studied in Peradenia univers
From 1937 to 1945, von Braun was the technical director of the Peenemunde rocket research center, where the V-2 rocket --which devasted England--was developed. As noted previously, his dossier was rewritten so he didn't appear to ha
Hi, I made a short movie about electronic harassment in Belgium.
You can watch it on vimeo:
You can also download it from www.mijnbestand.nl:
This link will work another 5
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