I wonder if there is such a thing as ancient soul saving technology given some of the voices I hear. I am going to assume that there is for the duration of this conversation.
There is a teaching in the Christian church that I disagree with. We are no
Read more…The other post won't let me reply! So my question is Where can I purchase one? just last night i was thinking on subject. I have Advanced Class Amateur Radio License and this sounds FEASIBLE. Marty Buss, my perp said his Implant Transmitter to my Nas
Read more…For the people that did not read this,this is some very good reading material. http://100777.com/nwo/barbarians LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THIS THANKS AND GOD BLESS..
Read more…Please if people could tell me if they are having simlar problems. ..? Pain in kidneys, blood in urine, constant leg Charlie horses but much worse than the ones you get when you were young and ran track.My brain and memory is non existent. Im losing
Read more…My thought for the week - the NSA (a division of the military) has the capability to access computers, does that mean they can also access any device that has a computer in it - including cars, heart devices, home automation systems, etc. Since when
Read more…Can somone start up a anti gang stalking petition For Illinois on change.org?
Read more…I have been tortured by mind controlling deviced and gang stalkers. Need urgent help.
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