's Discussions (4867)

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원격무선주파수..범죄기물셋트에 의한 ..피해가 생기지 않도록 강력히 탄원합니다.

사례와 탄원서  
 성명: 이주영
주소: 울산광역시 중구 반구2동 105-

원격 ..범죄기물셋트인 원격 전자 성희롱기기 및 원격 전자기 고문상해기기('medusa ray gun 란 미군용 무기이나 국내의 퇴역한 관인들 중에 ..부패한 자들이 이런 무기로 그네 식구들을 동원하는등 하여 ..범죄를 한다는 말이 있더군요.) 등이 이용된 갱 조직스토킹 ..범죄자들로부터  눈에 보이지 않는  테크놀로지 대인 지향성무기 마인드컨트롤 음/전파 방사

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"Today we rule Germany, tomorrow the world" ---- the scum of the earth ! Not Human Being (60 million) !!

To cut open the blood vessels of the German "people" the poured out blood is brown (Turkey).

Is German a race? (Switzerland).

German Genetics ---

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Die Funktion von Deutscher RNA

"Today we rule Germany, tomorrow the world" ---- the scum of the earth ! Not Human Being !!

To cut open the blood vessels of the German "people" the poured out blood is brown (Turkey).

Is German a race? (Switzerland).

German Genetics ---- ... Genes o

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Perps out there!!!!!

To all be care full there are Perps  out there on the different sights leaving messages on sights and sending e-mail to you using this line....................

Good Day, How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your s

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Need advice

Please help. As I am new to the group and not completley sure of the proper forun or ediquette in which to approach this, please forgive me in advance. My question is how can I get my family to at least believe what has happened to me. They are worki

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Using alcohol

Anyone out there have trouble using alcohol.  Last time i was intoxicated these perps showed me some brainwash thing.  It was terror.  I am trying to arrange a time to get drinks with friends and it doesnt seem possible with these perps harassing me.

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