's Discussions (4873)

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Sky Spirit World (firmware)

Sky Spirit World
God has created the universe.
In the beginning God move the energy of the universe and He created all the stars and planets and the Earth.
God of the Earth and moving spirit of the earth, He created all things.
God designed the universe

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e l'Université de Nairobi chancelier Dean Jesy Romero Divo, Ulises Rojas torture au Venezuela - Venezuela Valencia fiscale dispose de 5 harcèlement électronique cautérisation cas cerveau voix dans le

L'hippocampe contient des niveaux élevés de récepteurs minéralocorticoïdes qui le rend plus vulnérable à terme, le stress biologique à long que les autres régions cerebrales64 Les stéroïdes liés au stress affectent l'hippocampe dans au moins trois fa

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我是一名脑袋里可以听到microwave voice to skull的美国卫星微波武器的受害者,居住在北京。自从2010年,我的脑袋里被敌人穿入microwave voice to skull以后,半夜里和白天,敌人每天用microwave voice to skull的卫星微波武器,让我听脑壳里的声音,产生思想,这种声音是利用微波穿到我的大脑听觉神经之后产生的,只有我一个人可以听到,我没有办法躲避。这种声音穿入我的大脑大约一年之后,我才发现,敌人正在利用我的思想打仗。我从microwave

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Inivèsite nan Nairobi Chanselye Dean Jesy Divo Romero, Ulises Rojas tortur nan Venezyela - Venezyela Valencia taks genyen 5 Elektwonik Dosyé Vwa Arasman koterizasyon nan sèvo nan zo bwa tèt.

Valencia, 04.02.2001.
Eta a Carabobo.
KA nan tòtire nan Valencia Venezyela
WIKILEAKS èd nan ELEKTWONIK asèlman KA Venezyela.
Krim kont limanite - Inivèsite nan Nairobi Chanselye Dean Jesy Divo Romero, Ulises Rojas tortur nan Venezyela - Venezyela Val

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Let´s try to see in wich cities are more TI´s, where we feel more consequences of being target and what´s near, please answer:

  • Denison, Iowa, USA - Iowa Army National Guard
  • Omaha, Nebraska, USA - Omaha District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

  • Lisboa/O

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但是,垂体有其自身的激素,它们分别是:乙醇脱氢酶(抗利尿激素)和催产素(涉及 子宫平滑肌的收缩)。 下丘脑的其他功能 - 参与情绪行为。激活下丘脑特定区域开展 特定的行为。

但是,垂体有其自身的激素,它们分别是:乙醇脱氢酶(抗利尿激素)和催产素(涉及 子宫平滑肌的收缩)。 下丘脑的其他功能 - 参与情绪行为。激活下丘脑特定区域开展 特定的行为。例如,当激活饥饿中枢(下丘脑外侧),发生 喜欢吃,或当你激活口渴中心是液体的渴求。 - 控制非自愿somatomotoras活动。下丘脑是能够直接somatomotores模式与愤怒的情绪,愉悦,疼痛,性活动等相关的。 - 参与体温调节。在这些机制,允许与其他地区的协调 神经系统的机制,促使生产或散热。 - 控制昼夜节律。视交

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That antimatter could be, if there is another dimension or other dimensions for reasons of force like gravity or other forces unknown as those generated from the interaction on the universe

That antimatter could be, if there is another dimension or other dimensions for reasons of force like gravity or other forces unknown as those generated from the interaction on the universe with other universes or multiple universes achieve balance w

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