I need your helpsince you areanTIi need to knowif the doctorsyou had, have everprescribedmedication to you,andif so i do not mind if you don´t want to know what it wasjust need to knowwhat was thepharmaceutical company, for example:
Please review the Wiki page for online gaming addiction. It will help you understand the underlying pathology. "Victems or TIs" are not the ones being mindcontrolled.
I spoke with two ladies several days ago that could be labeled as on the perpetat
I had been a victim of mind control for almost 9 years and during those years i was speaking to God
No this is the truth. Many of you may not be aware but the mind control has stopped for those how not with an implant.
If you want more information g
1)By raising my trap muscles to the base of my skull I can disconnect the main laser which enters there. Also by tilting head to one side or the other disconnects lasers thru top of head. You will hear a slight popping noise. These methods have worke
Now if you are seeking more evidence please pray to God and the answers will come.
If you seek more physical evidence that can not happen at this time because the
military are covering up the Truth.