If you are a spirit to control weapons victims The rare opportunity of life. Letter and do not believe their choice. Miss the next trip to wait a long time
Journey of Hope Climate instability due to southern T
PastorHelloChinese in Korea as I sneak in a chip or I received a little over five years and got two drastic vivo.Tip of a human being treated like mobile phones and human willingness to suppress the humanity of devoured a fine and healthy people a
David Lynch has proven 'a cure' for many of the symptoms TI individuals suffer. I hope the following information may prove helpful for anyone who is suffering from known or unknown causes.
In light. In love. In peace.
I amheretoday,GregHalf-mailmothership010@gmail.coma lawsuitrelated to therecruitmentpracticesrelated toyourworkpracticesas follows:Ihave receiveda briefGlocer.
Lee Ju Young (이주영) E-mail: mmjuyk@hanmal.net Mobile Phone: 010-7258-73
Im new to the T.I Community. I am being attacked by Electromagnetic weapons every day for the past 2 years or so. I hear Voice to Skull. Its unbelievable but is happening. My internal dialogue is mostly positive except for sometimes wh
I haven't been able to access this here website for a minute now. It seems the perps are able to get into my computer and mess around with my passwords.Here's a video I posted on my youtube account detailing some of the harassment I experence. We got