kaela creighton's Posts (88)

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Dear Children of Satan

To start with, I didn't actually like your dad like that.  I really liked him though.  I thought he was God and that Russia was paradise and that I had to beat the four directions to get back there.  They made me truer than blue, however.  Some things appear to be connected and if you believe on thing, as Boole illustrated, then you believe something else as well.  I'll make a post on that later.


Only with numbers can we win.


But even after corrupted, I like a fictional version of him, and he was just a mirage to begin with, you know?  Have either of you had a crush?  No, of course not. +rolls eyes+  He was hot in 1976.


This is what I get stuck with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKmPKVGzjOg  They stick me with this for a few reasons.  One, it completely destroys me and the other humans are always trying that.  Two, it makes them feel better about their justifications and so on.  It's a conformity thing.  I live outside of reality, but I'm still stuck in the cube.

I'm celibate.


Trust me, I probably don't like your dad.


This is why they targeted me.  Anyone else fighting awkwardness?


Just to make you feel weird, my brain is wired to do that in extreme stress, as is evident by the consequences.  What is the likelihood that I'll survive that as opposed to my reality?  He's either going to throw my in prison, make me a nun or an array of other things.  I'm 100% flesh and bone, and I'm weak to the vein.  This is an unbelievably crappy life with no hope.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQPek8bHjGk  Oh, you get to accept the garbage can.  Fuck you too.  I wanted to go to school, but this destroys me.  And yes, it's compared to my group.  It causes me to get demoralized and icky.  If we were all digging through the dumpster, it would be okay. 




As usual, it's all about me.  You make me fight alone, destroy me and my bones.  I just want to be alone.



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So the CIA Makes Us Weak to Kill

As if being singled out weren't bad enough for us, now we have all these cliches to fight along with mental disability, as we will automatically be dumbed down if they chose to use us.  And you know, these cliches work because most people are so caught up in themselves that they don't care to think.  They don't really search for the answers, just their answers.


I say, screw redeeming qualities.  They've won before they've begun, so they think.  Get comfortable, please.



This is wrong on so many different levels.  It's obvious that my mind is gone, but they'll press on.



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htsDFvzKjkI this game is called, "Don't Face My Back" ever again.  We're going to play with agents.


As far as family values go, I want that to be an ER trip because it's always gonna be me.  You destroyed my chances of having a family with that, not that I want one.  I seem to sin the same way over and over again.  Why do we play these games?  Obviously, you should have fixed it the first time.  Us low caste females need to be circumcised to be safe.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdNlMWIiE6E&feature=relmfu




More confessions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOCT4MuH8HE&feature=relmfu

more confessions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hhfHhJO7VY&feature=relmfu

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I usually don't post other sites because they are all surrounded with the usual defaming tactics.  I try to focus my attention on the bands since that's obvious.  I apologize for any member that I made uneasy.  I don't have normal emotions, and I've noticed that I cause people to get really upset a lot of the time.  I don't mean to. 


I also spam a lot because it's the only way to get their attention.  It comes at a high cost in that I get a lot of their attention, but I'm seriously trying to get this out.


I know that we don't have the experience to know everything, but it affects us.  It's like going to the doctor.  You get to pick your doctor, and you can chose to not have an operation.  They are not giving us any choices.  They are forcing this down our throats, and all it's becoming is a caste war.

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Yeah, I have a problem, and I told them so.


This little problem made me very angry.  No, I don't want the hobo, and I don't want that either.  Welcome to Quaker central.


Since I totally said that I needed to be fixed, then I think it's only fair to fix my brain?


Anyone else have this problem?  Have you ever been attracted to someone that you shouldn't be attracted to, and you're like, there has to be a solution to this?


In conclusion, I am the devil.


Let's talk about this and the mind control stuff.

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We have to stick together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=playnmJB_TI&ob=av3e  This stuff is some bullshit.  Where's my speedo baby 1976?  Hey, grandpa, like obese girls? I can't partner.  That's why this happens to me.  This makes me trash myself out, man. My hallucinations say that it's the difference between a good life and a bad life, but it shouldn't be that way.  They read my mind and will use my voices against me.  They aren't me, man.  They're demons, but I love them anyway.  I'll tell you how it shouldn't be.  Perhaps I won't say "should."  I simply will not survive.


Did we stop progress when we invented the gun? No.

Did we stop progress when we invented the camera? No.


Give me one reason why we don't have peace?

Because it appears we have to trash the lower castes out somehow, and it leads to crime.

Could we stop doing this?

Not without ending up equal.


They said something about prison as well.  I don't care anymore.  Your fragile ego doesn't impress me.


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Now, this running is an illusion.  Most people are oblivious.  Others are not the smartest and run from anything, like an animal.  Others have been so tortured that they just stare.   Others of us laugh at everything.


You scared you could be like me? My syntax is getting a little iffy, but I don't give a shit.  If it happened to us then it can happen to you.  You can serve their stupidity, or you can flip them off and show them the respect they deserve.  You still don't get anything.  Hope is a whore.


Once you affect them, they wake up to this personification thing and from there they appear to become more aware.  For awhile, they'll serve dominance but that usually falls apart after the third or fourth time. 

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You can post me dying.

You can get into my head and find out every. little. detail about me.  You're older than me with more wisdom and the manpower, man.  Somehow I just don't think this fight is fair or "moral."  Did I expect it to be?  But don't tell me.

And if I get confused and kill someone, then it was all me.  Of course, it's deep rooted in childhood abuse or it's that I was just spoiled, so I react.  I get boxed.  It's like, either jump off the cliff or light yourself on fire.  I usually chose fire.  It's more fun ;)

I guess that's what Putin will say his dedication to me is, and I'll laugh and say that it's a circle.

I'll love corruption and all that, and I laugh at "morals."



This is just one of million guesses. 


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Songs To Die For (Literally)

If you didn't think the music could be any worse, you were wrong.  It can kill you.  Talk about a bad date, but luckily my head was already on fire from the 5,000 other times and my suicide to save my family.  That was naive of me.  My bad. I don't care anymore.  Go for it.  I know that you need workers.


Here are the weapons:


"Loser" Beck -- Just check out that album cover.  That's a weapon.

"The Bitter End" Placebo  It's obvious that that satellite is not good for you.

"A Bedtime Story" Madonna  Ever want to fuck Madonna? here's your chance. Don't get stuck in the cobwebs.

"Evil Angel" Breaking Benjamin  He's so full of morals that he's bursting with nosense.  Try to crack a meaning, dare ya.

"Dance with the Devil" Breaking Benjamin  A copy of a gangster's song.  I know that he's with the FBI because he does that eye-thing.  he also talks about your eyes shining one last time.  Oh, those are not happy eyes.  Those are burning eyes. 

"Hope Dies Painless" Rome  Now I like this band.  Apparently, they're morale of some sort and also kill us.

"Cyanide Girl" Beck  He likes to say things two ways as is evident by "Youthless" (or useless)  Ever have a school crush?  You're dead too.  Take a break from work?  You're dead.

"Push It" Garbage  Now this is the icing on the low cake.  It kills pedophiles, so you like it.  It makes you accept the others.  I've decided to advocate for sexual deviants.   They need help.

"Perfume of Traitors" Death in June, "God is here. God is nowhere."  Remember, don't have any sort of belief system or you will get screwed.


Be afraid.  It's pointless.  Apparently, Crisscrossing kabbalah has killed everyone but those suffering from an autism spectrum disorder.  Oh wait, "Invalidy" Tatu will take care of them.  And if that's just for Russia, or so they'll claim it's for emotionally handicapped people, Death in June says that "God is disabled."  Class, where is God?


These are just a few.  Now I fit every category.  Does that not seem odd?  The first person to find a redeeming quality wins 10 points.


Oh baby, baby!  You should be embarrassed. XD


"We have you on camera," and I know what you're talking about.  If you read my blog, you would understand why I did that.  It ended up saving me.   That hurts my eyes to think about.  You should really be ashamed.  That's animal cruelty.


  What they do, and how I survived, is that they'll have multiple gangs come at you at once.  They all have opposing ideologies, and they're all told various things about you, but they'll fight each other.  I just wanted to get the FSB involved for political reasons.  They usually carry an agent within them, but even they are human.  You have to believe in something to stabilize.

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Our Endless Punishment

So a long time ago we agreed to laws.  We agreed to these laws because we got sick of bad karma.  Sure, snake eyes won for awhile, and we were enslaved by his wicked greed, but eventually, his limited awareness failed, and he needed us to sustain his gluttony, so he had to submiss to us. 


Some of his wickness remained because he has a fragile ego.  Apparenly, he needs to spend more time online or a week in the public education system.  You know what I'm talking about.  Basically, illogical, horrible punishments that don't really suit any purpose.  They usually pollute our society and cause massive sickness in various punishments that turn into punishments for realz.  Being the good person I was, I tried to stop these from happening.  I've given up :D


These and stupid morals have kept me in a prison worse than bars this lifetime.  Anyone agree?  I've decided that I'm not going to have morals anymore and I'm going to see how people like it.


Now some of you are targeted by petty gangs, others have unknowingly made a person of power irritated, and they've decided with some bizarre and fruitless stroke of their ego.  Others are forced into horrible lives and they just have had a mental breakdown.  It's all the same really.


I got to puke up koolaid while having a dinosaur? ask me if I wanted his fruit.  This was all for liking Prince-fing-charming.  Don't tell me you haven't ever window shopped.  You can just shutup Putin.


That's why I decided to help Cthulhu.  Maybe it is just my mind pushed to such an extreme that I'm desperately clinging to anything, but the fact that I would should scare you.  I hope he really is in a vault down there and going to come up.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfpDfBaOons

Now I can take a fairly good beating, and I do since I'm on the internet and people dont' have manners here, but I cannot take them being in my head or giving me hypoxia injuries. Some aspects of myself seem best kept to myself.  As for editing me, I seemed to have needed everything up there.


To the CIA, the truth, you can't handle the truth.  You couldn't even handle a young adult's head.

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Who Knows Who the Enemy Is?

Of course, we all have various theories. 


Some people are against Seattle.  Some people are against America.  Some people are against the mafia.  Some people are against billionaires.  I personally fight off millionaires and their security services--to the extent of my knowledge.   This makes me reflect for a moment.  What do the billionaires do to millionaires?  You'd think the millionaires would be singing all peace and love and brotherhood to us.  Save us.  I'm also busily boxing Putin, which seems unwise, but I have my horrible reasons.  I'm American.  I don't have a soul.  I have to survive.  I'm hitting him up for brain surgery.  Hint, hint, wink, wink I'm hitting on you now.  I dare you to kill me :P  Same to the CIA.


All we really know is that something external is really making life difficult.  I've got some proof, but since I'm a peasant, they use this diatribe and other extremely disrespectful material to make me looney.  It's to put me in my place, but I don't get it and it causes me head problems.  I end up reacting like an animal and cutting myself up good from my lack of control.


Some people attribute this to chips, mircowaves, rays, but we're all lost and confused, twisted and used.   You can't point a finger at what isn't there.  It's air.  They'll confuse us and have us blame ourselves but most of us have realized past this and realize the futile position we're currently trapped in.

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Concerning Retardation

I still make a 116 on IQ tests because the knowledge required to do them is in a limited section of the brain.  Basically, I can talk and copy and that's about it.  I scored in the 3% on global tests such as the tower test, and I also made a low score on trail making.  I'm a pretty determined kiddo,  and I'm a kid again, so I keep doing whatever I can.


I'd like to say that I don't blame Putin for this, even if he did it.  You'll see me lash out at him ever so often, mostly trying to attract his attention.   But, anyway, I blame the CIA and the army for not protecting me.  You guys are losers.


I was hit again for wanting to be a hero.  I like my video games.  Yeah, I love to live in fantasy.  You'll never get me to be apart of this world.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VzqM9YK2vM :P

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That's pretty much the logic that this place runs by.


I just wanted to say, "bye-bye" and go be a peasant in peace.  They can't honestly expect that much out of a single person.  They are just illusions, mirages of something that doesn't exist.


I want to be left alone.


Enjoy your worthless lies.

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What Makes @_@ Eyes?



Hey, man, the Bible says not to make your people desperate.  The Bible has wisdom.  There is a reason for everything :P


You made yourself too appealing.  What do you expect? I want to eat too.  I am attract to you like a magnet.


Plus, the majority of humanity seems confused.  They don't understand your Kabbalah.  You should know this.


Then you program your society with demons for various reasons (another book). 


And when you're king of the world from all of this, don't be surprised when you have a million groping your leg.



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Putin's Apparent Immature Hatred of Me

So I like him, and I will destroy my life over liking him because I honestly love him.  Maybe not him.  Maybe just the idea of him. Maybe just his stuff.


I think he's trying to scare other people away from him by ripping my eyes out.  They're still huge, buddy boy. 


However, with that much money and power and access to cool things, he's number 1 on my list.  I simply won't marry my equal even if this refusal equals my untimely death.  It isn't practical, and I'm not scared.


He can't kill us all.


We all die anyway, which simply makes life pointless, especially a crappy life like that's set up for me.  Why justify a shitty, horrible life?  It's like I have to work to fail.  You do that, man.  Prove your stupidity.


What would you die for?





Immortality--which he mentioned, and i'm interested.  I just need my brain fixed first.


I have no morals.  Society has sucked those out of me.  Don't expect them because I know you don't have them.

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So I guess Putin's security services have a lot of time on their hands.  Otherwise, and probably more logically, the CIA is trying to off me and blame Putin. 


I get my evidence for this by the images that are generated by Yahoo: http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=AiKeFgAQ8HHaqodgIsi.RJGbvZx4?p=kaela+creighton&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-701

It doesn't appear that Yahoo likes me very much.


Compare these results to Google's "opinion:" 



Now remember that I love Putin and am beyond honored by his attention.  However, this seems odd.


Anyone else's search have an "opinion?"

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They were so terrified that I was going to kill them that they made me illiterate because it will be cheaper.  (I have proof of my feats prior.)


That doesn't seem like a logical argument, but it makes sense in robot land (no, I am not literally a robot, just have the mind of one).


They said, "she's trying to get in on our good."

They said to the public, "she's trying to kill you."

They said, "she costs too much."


My infuriating arguments:


I say, "I have to produce taxes for you to eat."

I say, "I am trying to defend myself."  If killing a bunch of people keeps them out of our heads, then a bunch of people need  to die.  It's self-defense.  Am I going to? No, but that's the logical answer.  I have no emotion, but I'll do it if it means my survival. 

I say, "The dementia patients are everywhere."


Output: They were so terrified that I was going to kill them that they made me illiterate because it will be cheaper.


I don't have understandings of context, and I have to observe everyone's emotions. 

I guess the upside to this is that I'm no longer dragged down by illogical human sentiments.  I don't read emotion, so I do not use it.   That makes me even more offensive as it turns out.

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