Majority CIA technical staff who are supporting the electromangetic (EM) remote surgery and remote mind control technologies didn't know they are working for a tycoon Mafia family. which might be the Rockefeller family which is ethinic Italian Americ
Remember people we are fighting for the right reasons and we are the patriots of this country let the people know. this is the cause of mass murder and a'lot of suicide in our country . Use my tools we are making head lines the CIA is in the News. wo
Myron May was a TI his story started like the rest of ours how we at first did not realize who was targeting us we blamed neighbors loved ones local government because who's mind can actually wrap instantly on the thought that it's an experiment cond
In this lecture we investigate the phenomenon of brainwashing. We describe the 20th century British psychiatrist William Sargant's ideas regarding how the vict