As far as addressing falling for things, or skits, or the perps "games" must realize that you have fallen for certain things in order to not fall for other deeper things...
You must realize that if you know one thing, it is that you don't know
How the military want to control our brains Steven Rose The Guardian, Friday 1 June 2012 Science long ago struck its Faustian bargain with the military. From Archimedes and Leonardo to the physicists of the M
Hello to all TI's, regardless of whether you believe in God or a Higher Power let me first say that I pray for each and every one of you every night. I pray for our strength, protection, and power to fight back. I am a true TI, I always preface TI wi
It looks like the user "Deep_Thought" ,who wrote the series of articles "Can a Satellite Read Your Thoughts?" on Newsvine, deleted them all. Does anyone know of an online archive? They were probably the closest anyone has come to describing the the w
The Biobolt is a disgusting tool, used to help "vegetables walk". Oh, I forgot to mention, it can also help people walk against their will. You might not find much about it, but it was developed at the University of Michigan. It is composed of nan