One of the twenty-first century’s greatest violations of human rights is the proliferation of mind control technologies and their accompanying abuse and torture.
Despite of disagreements of religions, I indeed believe that everyone should fight agai
GLENN GREENWALD and friends have launched their WEBSITE called, "The Intercept," (First Look Media). It is notable that the news organization has opted out of a Facebook presence but you may "Follow" on Twitter. [MORE:
it explains life more clearly and what these abusers do not know is that they are actually helping us in the best possible way!! i know its hard to understand right now but once you read the book, you wi
Christian, transhumanist, I don't care what religion this is, it's sick and born of satan and evil. People torturing other humans and animals is just plain sick and they need to be tortured in return. My dog who is also young is not fairing well eith
TI's suffer a lot of verbal abuse. Try not to add to the problem if you are in a lousy mood by venting on people here. You might not insult endlessly but all of the negativity adds up. Take a moment to remember what people have been through. Spread p