Hi everyone. Some of you may be aware of tomorrow's Worldwide Conference Call for Targeted Individuals. Countries from across Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Australia and New Zealand as well as the US plan to be represented. Here are more specific de
CIA top technicals and the Rockefeller tycoons did not kill each other. They only killed innocent people (including people in Boston and other areas). That is evidence the CIA top technicals and the Rockefeller tycoons are the same thing.
I am currently under EBL & remote neural monitoring and my life is miserable. I experience frequent vibrations both on me & near me, (spine / neck/ foot / ankle/ hands)
I can actually experience this technology in a variety of ways. Voices turn from
Frequent journeys of minutes duration are a daily occurance. If they keep loading and unloading items like white appliances and furniture they feel and begin to appear sensitive about your observations (and the freaks will tell them of course) They w
CIA top technicals and the Rockefeller tycoons did not kill each other. They only killed innocent people (including people in Boston and other areas). That is evidence the CIA top technicals and the Rockefeller tycoons are the same thing.
CIA do not follow orders of doing bad things. Bad things include killing and damaging themselves, killing and damaging other robots and other innocent people. Your lives do not belong to yourselves. Your lives belong to humankind. It has to be the ge
When calls are made to your home with a pre recorded message you soon catch on someone has set up an information download from the stimulators in your body to a computer on the other end of that phone! Imagine all the information the perps would be d
My targeting began being upstepped Last January when I got a death threat. It was after I had joined some targeting groups (talking and sharing about what I endured) and so along came a death threat via internet and some atm fraud to scare me and
Who authorized the killings of nearly 1000 Americans in Jonestown in 1978 using CIA remote mind control? The death of one Rockefeller family member in 1979 could not be compared with the deaths of 1000 human beings in 1978 using remote mind control a
Never dream any of us can survive without deleting the female British boss who looks similar to the one in TV series <DOLL HOUSE> and the male in charge who looks similar to the one in TV series <HOUSE> in CIA mind control FIRM, who did not help imme
"Trust your gut, and not the advice of experts (who may have been compromised)".
I have experienced many situations where the advice I have been given by others (some were experts, others were family or friends) was not kosher, so it seems that if y
The CIA real boss, Rockefeller family member, had been fooling CIA robots by pretending they wanted to make the world better using different excuses, while the only thing they really did is killing.