silvia miras sanchez's Posts (245)

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Conducta exponencial

Cuando un tonto coge el camino...hace SEGUIDORES....
Nuestra "semilla psiquica" es como una concha de nautilus, parte de la programacion hormonal puramente animal.
Un animal libre de la VIOLACION PSIQUICA a la que los someten para estudiarlos remotamente hace que el ser OBSERVADO MIRE AL OBSERVADOR y adquiera referencias humanas civilizadas..por lo cual no tendra jamas una conducta pura.
TELEMETRIA PSIQUICA o PSICOTRONICA como la llaman en latinoamerica. Un chip rfid..y observacion remota hace que el mono sufra la imprimacion psiquica de una mente mas evolucionada y se destruye el estudio puro....porque el obgetivo es la observacion de la conducta de un ser animal que se muebe por la TIRANIA BIOLOGICA.
La mente de una persona es como la concha de un nautilus tenemos una conducta exponencial a partir de una semilla padre que es la programacion macho o la programacion hembra.
Esta programacion es:
Los monitos ven y oyen lo que los mayores hacen de forma contidiana por lo que reciben un CONSICIONAMIENTO OPERANTE por el entorno..SON Y SERAN lo que han CONOCIDO. Cuando el cataclismo hormonal hace la diferenciacion sexual los machos adquieren una personalidad opuesta a las hembras....ya dejan de ser lo mismo y de jugar con la naturaleza.
Es entonces cuando la mona recibe descargas de EXCITACION DE SUS GONADAS y se abandona en el macho como una sumisa..porque es lo que ha VISTO en su manada toda su vida desde el nacimiento....
El macho se ve EMBRUTECIDO por la descarga hormonal y se vuelve posesivo y violento para lograr el proposito de ser el que manda...
Partimos de esta GRAN CAUSA DESCONOCIDA por la ciudadania....Esta semilla esta guardada en el INCONSCIENTE pero nos esta influenciado cada instante.
Nuestra mente animal es como el punto origen de la concha de nautilus..dependiendo de nuestra CONSCIENCIA, VOLUNTAD y PERSEVERANCIA en trabajar una conducta NO VIOLENTA seremos una cosa u otra.
El punto origen es nuestra CASA y gracias a ella podemos SER CREATIVOS y GOZAR de la HUMANIDAD...Pero se ha de modelar como una PIEDRA BRUTA.
Es TREMENDAMENTE DIVERTIDO observar la conducta de uno mismo y de los demas ...y lograr colocarla en la SINGULARIDAD ANIMAL de la que procede...
Tanto los hombres como las mujeres que me tienen secuestrada psiquicamente estan encadenados a una conducta puramente animal y territorial...El utilizar aparatos electromagneticos que ACRECIENTEN LA CONCIENCIA sin estar preparado para ello CREA MONSTRUOS MALTRATADORES...Porque aflora la conciencia animal hacia la superfie y el ser humano que la habita justifica sus actos asesinos con el INTELECTO HUMANO.
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Covens of witches

A sociopath evolves

I have a sociopath and psychopathic evolving together ..

help who can help me

I am a single targeted and see psychically

Someone is letting evolve

to form a large taskforce

Russians left many eggs in CATALUÑA

Now the groups are picking with electronic harassment

only they need a female sociopath

that is the archetype MOTHER DEAD.....stimulating them remember who they are


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Covens of witches


Into the coven: The woman is a very dangerous animal;  HER NEED of Belonging a group ...the necessity of belonging to a man...and have accepted socially...makes it= Schizophrenic as social individual.

You can not trust...If you belong to a patriarchal culture, sexist and patronizing.Because it is a MONA ELECTRA.

Look for a male referent which follow and obey...And use emotional intelligence to self-deception...

If a psychiatrist or a psychoanalyst tells ....=we will use a person to "excite her psychically" study their behavior...And I need you to do some plunge in its UNCONSCIOUS...

And we will play to make it wake...He forgets the education received by the church and his family....because "DEAR FEELS" by Pope

A coven of Witches: It is a dramatization of women with "cultural sexual repression" a closed place where nobody can recognize...which they are delivered to a sexual which his unresolved erotica part manifests....n a scene "Dantesque and PRIMITIVE"...And where his part thanatic....evolves to create in the march..

A Bolshevik sociopath...I am destroying, my family, neighbors ...And they are manifesting parallel psicopatas...evolve....toward sexual perversion and sadism

Infantalize men ............... weakening us with coercive pressure of BIORESONANCE QUANTIFIED...

The drunk with sex indulgence ... giving space travel TIME / SPACE to fuck women ...They buy them with virtual sex



Cultures that do not put limits to women are a danger ...These people are gestating a future in Barcelona...How many sociopaths Bolsheviks are being used for gentrification?

9143186683?profile=originalEuropean ancient culture of worship SATAN

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Man is a very honest creature
which faces the enemy naturally ..... when it sees it .

9143184868?profile=originalThe man calls himself: fagot

Because it kills women from astral.

The operator psychotronic man

Come work of the "fellow women"

When women cry .... and manipulate the thinking of the victims

with his face painted and arranged

The man subconsciously observed

as they destroy lives

unconsciously reflect on his life

They realize that they have sabotaged as free men.

other women were killed and incapacitated ...

Hatred of women inherent in this environment and solidifies.

that hatred is the fuel to be violent


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College of Journalists of Catalonia

I am writing an email

I send web

question: which department we send?


They write:

Thank you, we wrote about: "related news" to the college of journalism.

Les escribo y les digo que esta web es importante, que es el segundo congreso que hacen.
Me reenvian y me dicen que en que departamento deseo que sea enviada.
Yo les contesto y les hago la observacion de que seguro que interesa al departamento de SEGURIDAD CIVIL..
Me reescriben y me agradecen la informacion...Y me aclaran que su boletin es especifico para noticias vinculadas con el colegio de periodismo...
Re: [Web Col·legi de Periodistes] - Missatge enviat des de la pàgina de contacte

Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya
silvia miras sanchez<>; mié 10/02/2016 10:09
Bon dia,

Agraïm la teva informació.

En qualsevol cas, el nostre butlletí és específic per a notícies vinculades amb el Col·legi i el periodisme.

Rep una cordial salutació.

El dia 9 de febrer de 2016, 12:53, silvia miras sanchez <> ha escrit:

Doncs jo diria que es un tipus de noticia que deu interesar al medi de seguretat se quin departament es l'idoni.

De: Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya <>
Enviado: martes, 9 de febrero de 2016 11:00
Asunto: Fwd: [Web Col·legi de Periodistes] - Missatge enviat des de la pàgina de contacte

Bon dia,

Vols fer arribar aquesta informació a un departament en concret?

Restem a l'espera de la teva resposta.

Rep una cordial salutació.

---------- Missatge reenviat ----------
De: <>
Data: 4 de febrer de 2016, 16:54
Assumpte: [Web Col·legi de Periodistes] - Missatge enviat des de la pàgina de contacte
Per a:

Resultat del formulari enviat des de el 04/02/2016 a les 16:54:15 des de la ip

Nom: Silvia
Cognoms: Miras Sanchez
Missatge: Hola volia informar-vos de aquest congrés EUROPEU ..s´han fet dos de moment..gràcies.
Ocupació: Atur
Rebre resposta : Rebre resposta per correu electrònic
Població : BArcelona

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Buddhism does not SPEAKS OF BLACK ELEPHANTS! We have an elephant and "focus" on the great room AWARENESS! At the time of the Nazi regime cruel and bloody experiments with people of all ages were performed ..

The ladies and gentlemen who performed the supervision of these investigations "abductees" in concentration camps were saved and "wash them" face to keep experimenting with people in other countries and protected by governments form.

global events for papers grounded in suffering and sorrow too many people marked by hatred.

This today no one remembers that not interested.
A film about paperclip project would help us understand how science has used prisoners in concentration camps to be used as human guinea pigs.

In Catalonia people are too busy with Buddhist meditation and letting the universe take over the human karma.

Perhaps in other regions of the world people are more receptive to public denunciation.
I am a "victim" of ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT telemetry psychotronic and I are used to remotely psychiatric research.

TEDDIES CONCERN without shame.

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Elephant in the room


HAVE AN ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM DOES HAVE A PROBLEM I have it in my head: I am a victim individually targeted. ; I channel sound to sonically brain to hear what they do me or infrasonic channel so the brain to study the psi factor. I am aware of it since 2009 in Vilanova i la Geltru that I made a real mobbing. ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT Radio Frequency, a conference annually Europe two years ago to warn citizens that something bad is happening and to seek support from justice. Humans are used for remote experimentation psychic psychic who are sick, psychologically and physically because of electromagnetic radiation pulses and to which we are subjected daily 24 hours. A film about paperclio project would help people understand how easily you can use humans to experience medicine and legalize PAPERCLIPS or university with medical staff and faculty to control the more cynical and unscrupulous.

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Es mostra la traducció de PRESUNCION DE DELITO ECOLOGICO por "CUASIDELITO CIVIL": "Acto negligente" que causa daño INTERNACIONAL con el agravante de poner en peligro al planeta entero. INDICIOS DEL DELITO: Efecto invernadero. CAUSA DIRECTA: acumulacion de detritus de procesos industriales en la ATMOSFERA e incapacidad de ESCAPAR DE ELLA. Creacion de CAMBIO CLIMATICO que perjudica el BIOSISTEMA para la SUPERVIVENCIA. CAUSA INDIRECTA: "Trampa ionica" que genera "campo electromagnetico" que hace de "bolsa de plastico" que asfixia la atmosfera.. LAS TELECOMUNICACIONES tienen "CUERDAS ELECTROMAGNETICAS" por las que pasa cada instante "EL PESO VIRTUAL de la INFORMACION" que las MULTINACIONALES NECESITAN PARA CONTROLAR LAS "ACCIONES DE LA BOLSA de WALL STREET". El peso virtual de la informacion es "ENERGIA CINETICA" gestada con ELECTROMAGNETISMO.. Crea una "PRESION TELEMETRICA" a causa de los "pulsos constantes electromagneticos" que TRANSPORTAN INFORMACION VIRTUAL. La presion telemetrica= PRESION ATMOSFERICA y APLASTA los gases hacia la TIERRA calentandola y provocando una serie de catastrofes ECOLOGICAS..Deshielo, desertizacion, etc... ¿QUIEN ES EL IMPUTADO? ¿El ingeniero fisico industrial que tiene una solida formacion en matematicas, ciencias naturales y computacion? ¿El jefe de estado que regula el espacio aereo nacional? ¿Los metereologos que en teoria han ido a la universidad y han estudiado fisica? ¿SATAN o LOS EXTRATERRESTRES? ¿Quien tiene la culpa de que nos estemos AUTODESTRUYENDO por CODICIA?
Tradueix del PRESUNCION DE DELITO ECOLOGICO por "CUASI DELITO CIVIL": "Acto negligente" que causa daño INTERNACIONAL con el agravante de poner en peligro al planeta entero. INDICIOS DEL DELITO: Efecto invernadero. CAUSA DIRECTA: acumulacion de detritus de procesos industriales en la ATMOSFERA e incapacidad de ESCAPAR DE ELLA. Creacion de CAMBIO CLIMATICO que perjudica el BIOSISTEMA para la SUPERVIVENCIA. CAUSA INDIRECTA: "Trampa ionica" que genera "campo electromagnetico" que hace de "bolsa de plastico" que asfixia la atmosfera.. LAS TELECOMUNICACIONES tienen "CUERDAS ELECTROMAGNETICAS" por las que pasa cada instante "EL PESO VIRTUAL de la INFORMACION" que las MULTINACIONALES NECESITAN PARA CONTROLAR LAS "ACCIONES DE LA BOLSA de WALL STREET". El peso virtual de la informacion es "ENERGIA CINETICA" gestada con ELECTROMAGNETISMO.. Crea una "PRESION TELEMETRICA" a causa de los "pulsos constantes electromagneticos" que TRANSPORTAN INFORMACION VIRTUAL. La presion telemetrica= PRESION ATMOSFERICA y APLASTA los gases hacia la TIERRA calentandola y provocando una serie de catastrofes ECOLOGICAS..Deshielo, desertizacion, etc... ¿QUIEN ES EL IMPUTADO? ¿El ingeniero fisico industrial que tiene una solida formacion en matematicas, ciencias naturales y computacion? ¿El jefe de estado que regula el espacio aereo nacional? ¿Los metereologos que en teoria han ido a la universidad y han estudiado fisica? ¿SATAN o LOS EXTRATERRESTRES? ¿Quien tiene la culpa de que nos estemos AUTODESTRUYENDO por CODICIA?
Presumption of environmental crime "civil tort"
"Negligent act" causing damage INTERNATIONAL aggravated endangering the entire planet.
SIGNS OF CRIME: Greenhouse.
Direct cause: accumulation of detritus of industrial processes in the atmosphere and inability to escape it. Creating climate change harms the biosystem for survival.
CAUSE HINT: "ion trap" that generates "electromagnetic field" that makes "plastic bag" that suffocates the atmosphere ..
TELECOMMUNICATIONS have "STRINGS ELECTROMAGNETIC" by passing every moment "THE VIRTUAL weight of information" that multinational NEED TO CONTROL "shares of stock of Wall Street."
The virtual weight of the information is "KINETIC ENERGY" concocted with ELECTROMAGNETISM ..
Creates a "PRESSURE TELEMETRICA" because of the "constant electromagnetic pulses" carrying VIRTUAL INFORMATION.
Telemetric pressure = atmospheric pressure and crushes the gases towards Earth by heating it and causing a series of ECOLOGICAS..Deshielo disasters, desertification, etc ...
Is the physical engineering industry which has a strong background in mathematics, natural sciences and computer?
Does the head of state to regulate the national airspace?
Do meteorologists that in theory have gone to college and studied physics?
¿SATAN or aliens?
Who is to blame for that we're self-destructing by greed?9143185268?profile=original

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I Awareness


The consciousness of the animal is in the atom.The REDOX time.

A thermodynamic effect is created .. gases ...Chemical exchanges generate "gas bubble" quantum froth.


Thus, each cell ...eliminates outside...nano vesicles...his inner state...the system to the brain to take control.We are matter and energy.We are fooling with the term "non-invasive"..If an electromagnetic pulse generates an electronic movement in the biological system ... it is altering our consciousness.


Galactic fight: Photon "against" "artificially vibrating electrons" .EFECTO OVERLAP de QUANTUM SUPERPOSICION.



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I am a victim of the a Balkan woman.

She uses telemetry psychotronic to channel their PERSONAL dramatization...on the drama of his life for me to SUFFERED suffer mentally and psychologically.

is a sociopath who does not understand: Do not harm others to friendship.SHE wants you to understand his pain through the ... and become famous in a television as "great victim of mind control" to defend women.

Everyone is working hard to denounce ...I "must hear" his dramatization of EVIL MOTHER..To understand the suffering of his tribe...And neglecting the study of physics and my private life ..The enthronement of the lady suffering....


SAlvada por la plataforma kosovo...


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CHURCH CHILD ABUSE: Telemetry is a scientific military psychotronic weapon to destroy societies.An "intelligent overall" known human behavior.If an entity destroys the "offspring of human animal" ... will be hated.

People leave the Catholic Church..Also Muslim hate churches ...By killing her children with terrorism.

And Buddhism may enter without paragon,,,,They are collaborating with AVATAR PROJECT 2015..



A PAINFUL TRUTH INVISIBLE lives among us because of the silence of good :"We are psychically VIOLATED" with "neighborhood specialist groups" that have a "front man" covered by concealing them to the neighborhood.

Aparatologia hospital used as the "TELEMETRIA psychotronic" ... which is basically what a Magnetic Resonance apparatus makes brain when you get into it.

"Teleport quantum" information to study the cognitive system remotely.

They have the power to channel sound audible infrasonic or our head mode according to the operation of the service.

" IMP"PRIMER Psychic" and "quantum superposition" or OVERLOAD .. "twin photons parasites" colonize our brains creating a "state of absence 'to use our system as" avatars, AUTOMATAS "with the intention of creating problems for families ... .. "shaping the will" of the people and inspiring ideas to create perverse conflict.

CATHOLIC CHURCH, which is what I know, being of my culture "crushed the woman" and "freedom of expression" from the beginning.The witch hunt ...ALL THIS WAS BY ALGO..son pure psychic weapons used for evil.If the woman is given to the profession it is a great danger to the country.

The church..I think the social chaos joining the power of the crown and used his power to put into practice perverse behaviors ...

This is history that nobody can deny ... But what happens in our time where clergy live with the people and is dedicated to teaching? I know many priests who are great people.

Why is there evil in the clergy?
We think that we are all people, we think they use the power of mind control and others.

But because an educated man ... acquires a "perverse sexual desire" to an innocent child?

This is not normal! It is quite normal that a priest go to a brothel and women use to indulge.

It is quite normal that a priest be greedy and aspire to be a personality in the church.

It is quite normal that a priest make with the political power to gain power and influential friends.

But rubbing a child ... and psychologically and physically mistreat this falls within the "CONDUCT DEPRAVED" ... "own people without culture" and mueben by the idea of the supremacy of ... The HERD stronger is the one that gets everything and the weak must submit.

I am a victim of women and observe all kinds of perverse behavior own paternalistic macho culture:

contempt for the female opponent ... and ... the "supremacy of delirium of power" to be like the man.

A woman mountain has grown sharply with the idea of supremacy racial or caste..

it has been created to "be the womb of the tribe" and where his worthless person finds a "headlong rush" when in a group of electronic harassment psychotronic.

"Suddenly," she works with men and this is something SUPERIOR.

"You increasing consciousness" of it ... so that it becomes smarter and think faster....... And can also spy on the lives of others .... and do whatever you want with them ... Their job is to confuse consciousness.

review and critique on the conduct of the women do not behave as they have been educated.

This prototype woman experiences the "spiritual asceticism SATAN" ... towards the sky omnipotence over other mortals ... And as a result rejects any male authority in men and women ...
"Authority is male" because it puts the brakes on "excitation AWARENESS FEMALE" their instincts of pleasure .

Everyone has a male part and a female we must develop ... These women are the "AUTHORITY OF ORDER" ... POSED all churches in the world ...

...The Old Testament parables apply to our reality ... when a holy man like us has a story and love us fits better to internalize and apply them to our behavior ...

These women suffer "neurotization PSYCHIC" and subsequently a psychosis .... that makes a "childlike CONDUCT" .. that only seeks to "make themselves look" ... the other ... For reasons of "mating ritual" and maternal teachings questions ..

Everything is very ANIMAL!
Because when neurotizan with "BIORESONANCE QUANTIFIED" ..... someone is eliminated, the human education that parents and the school as a way to insert for peace and civility ... and get the animal that we all have to "MIXED PULSIONES "according to the acquired perversions ...

THIS IDEA: .... receive it as an affront because they have been educated ... THE IDEA THAT "THE SUPERIOR ANIMAL" is the strongest and "he who must order" over the weak ...
So start using your emotional intelligence

A priest is an enemy who "love God" .... above the FEMALE SEDUCTION..

is a "little man" because it is weak .... He has to punish him for it.

They intended to force thinking "SEXUALLY repressed" the "animal behavior" ... for people,,,

"Histrionics by electromagnetic chutes" and belligerent by "delusions of grandeur" ... they have acquired .... to be like the man GOD ... and pervert the minds of men to see animals rather than INNOCENT CHILDREN ...

Childhood is a modern invention ...

The child is an animal born and more ..An object that has to obey the alpha male...

There is reality and you can try a "forensic psychiatrist" "EXPERT IN CRIMINAL CONDUCT" ... because .... they work in profiling from human and animal pulsion ...

destroy a man who "do not fornicate" is legal.

The man's semen "is to present" a woman ... To increase herd.,

The priest wants to implement the order and regulations .... It is normal for people who "have discovered the joy of making whatever they want want," ... with the use of psychotronic telemetry.

EVERYTHING IS PURE LOGIC! ... "Civilized Westerners" do not know the "psychological impulses EXYRAÑAS" ... that creates the minds of people TRIBAL ...

Telemetry is a scientific military psychotronic weapon to destroy societies.

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Gato de Schrödinger: overlap

9143186454?profile=originalOVERLAP...Gato de Schrödinger

Demonic possession has scientific name: OVERLAP.

"Quantum Superposition" with "inductive coupling" made with technology and computer programming.

Computer calculations of the area generate three-dimensional images with a virtual hologram.

Thanks to engineering thermodynamics of gases .And thanks to the ability VISCOELASTIC...The plasma generated in the biological airspace "particle acceleration" space / time relative.

A man with psychotronic telemetry equipment that can "geotag satelitely" targeted at can send via airspace of the ATMOSPHERE-generated virtual information apparatus BIORESONANCE QUANTIFIED..

to fool the proprioceptive system of the victim possessed ..he hears voices channeled RADIONICA in his head and will receive his bruised and lacerated body by fire with the feeling of having demons inside that are generating diverse symptomatology matando..y to create the staging of the punishment of hell.

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Military industry

Mind control is reduced to two paintings:REFLECT psychotronic without telemetry equipment ... only the conduct.

sexual climax with "WOMEN HYSTERIA" taken to the extreme of madness.

Androgyny after converting to the psychotic woman without femininity...FOR military industry.


Orestes pursued by the Furies, William-Adolphe Bouguereau.


The bacchanal of the andrians


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Sex dolls for paedophiles

Lifelike child sex dolls created to 'stop paedophiles committing crimes'

The dolls were designed by a man who admitted he is sexually attracted to children - and wanted to help others control their urges

Shin Takagi Japanese company manufactures lifelike child sex dolls for paedophiles
Business plan: Trottla creates childlike sex dolls for those with paedophile tendencies

A company is manufacturing sex dolls for paedophiles who want to control their sexual impulses.

And the founder says that they may well be a valuable weapon in the fight against the sexual abuse of real children.

Shin Takagi has founded Trottla, a company which produces anatomically-correct imitations of girls, with ages as young as five.

And the reaction from the general public has been one of outrage.

Read more: Mirror Online readers have their say on 'child sex dolls'

Commenter Macdaddypastyman said: "Surely this can't be healthy and it's not a massive step for some sicko who has been practising on a doll to snatch a kid and try it for real."

Read more: 'I have been a paedophile since the age of 13': Sex offender jailed after letter asking for paedophilia to be legalised

On Twitter, Omnipotent I Am said: "This is basically saying its ok if it's a doll, problem is, what happens when they want a real child?"

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EINSTEIN dinner in Barcelona

Quantum physics explains everything.
The menu relativistic Einstein explains the steps in Barcelona.Cynics were those who did and in a COSMOGONIA CATALAN

Catalan is cynical and creative to hide things in front of the noses of the people.

[Anverso]/ Cena en honor del doctor Einstein
pontífice de la ciencia
{Firma autógrafa} Albert Einstein 1923.
[Reverso]/Ciencia a priori
• Canelones8 a la Fizeau
• Langostinos y mejillones a la Gauss con salsa
mayonesa en el perihelio
• Habas a la Lorentz transformadas a la catalana
• Faisán plateado a la Minkowski en cuatro dimensiones
• Hombre platónico según Diógenes [Pollo] con
salsa a la Michelson
• Helado continuo euclídeo
• Enquesadas, del Horno de Sant Jaume, y repostería
a la Weyl, simultáneas
• Fruta de Galileo
• [Vino] Castell del Remei gravitatorio
• Jerez inercial Tío Pepe
• Manzana pequeña con efecto Doppler [sidra]
• Champagne Codorniu relativista que deflecta la
• Café de Sobral [Brasil] con licores espirituosos y
vectores de tabaco
Tiempo local
Día segundo antes de las calendas de marzo del año
XLIV de la era Einsteiniana [1923]
Residencia de Campalans, estudioso catalán de
En cada línea, al menos un detalle

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The Periegesis: counters experiences and personal discoveries, .. real or invented personages to offer the reader a a view ... with which power to reflect on and make decisions about the reality of the experience.
Periplo: navigation chart!
How many people offering a PERIEGENESIS of the experience you want to reveal to the world so that people who read it can get an idea of how horrible it is MIND CONTROL?

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