As of today, I´m a member of peacelink. I haven´t been able to find any answer to my specific question that I want to ask, so I thought I´d start a thread myself.
My question is: How do I know if I´m mind controlled?
Toronto Police, Canadian torturers, what are you doing to my body? They are torturing and terrorizing me by disabling my hearing in my home and workplace.
List your experiences. For me I'm in the Asian culture. I have been sleep deprived and blasted with radiation in my stomach every now and then . Sometimes I see red lines in my eyes at night . I have reportedly been shamed by them posting my intimat
Cannot login to Peace Pink from home anymore, could admins or moderators please check what is happening with my account (using google account to sign in). Cannot sign in using Chrome or IE. Thanks
The technology that is targeting the human brain to talk into people's heads and stimulate sensations in the human body by these terrorists is an emulation of the human nervous system signals. I've seen it cause different metabolic processes in mysel
As most of you know, this Thursday, we will be having a webinar - our first one - about meter reading. We will be presenting information about what meters d
Does anyone know how to recopy this invention for remote neural monitoring? Because Robert G Malech invented this program , there was a guy who said he remade what was described in the patent in 2012 in freedomfrom covert surveillance forum but haven
From Ontario Ombudsman’s email, it is Ontario Government that is directly and indirectly participating in and getting involved in, torture, murder, crimes against humanity.