's Discussions (4863)

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Electrical current

Hi: I made a post a little over a week ago. It was regarding the use of non-lethal weapons. At the end of it two women came on and gave me the answer I believe, two women one from California and I apologize I do not recollect the other geo place. I

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Last Night

Last night as soon as i got into bed the bast...s started on me first it was like a metal band got put on around my head and was getting made tighter and tighter it felt like it was changing the shape of my head all the time it felt like the pulse in

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CODE PINK March 2010

We know all too well that our government values war above the health of our communities. It'sup to us to take these rotten apples and make apple pie by looking within, acting locally, and finding ways to feed our own communities with ripe opportunit

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i was reading yesterday about this large hadron collider (switzerland) of all the things that i have ever read or heard about to date this would have to be the most horrific scerry thing ever, dose anyone know any thing about this large hadron collid

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2010-05-06 14:47  来源: 国际在线(北京)       

  国际在线5月6日报道 据英国《泰晤士报》5日报道,印度最高法院裁定,印度警方将不再允许对嫌犯使用“吐真剂”,因为这种做法是违宪的。

  据悉,“吐真剂(Truth Serum) ”一词的创始人是美国妇产科

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