Hats and caps are in shielding brain wiki:
Partially shields radar
Wet 100% wool.
Read more…There is a signal on your head! On your head!! And we're just running around like headless roosters just chit chatting. We should do more! We need to get this horrible technology out in plain view of the public. Even if it means handing out pamphlets
Read more…Watch my TV Show called Signs of The End Times (WWJD) Tonight Pacific coast time 11:30.
Tonight a number of TV Shows that concern the TI Community.
If 11:30 pm is over your bedtime then you can watch the same show later in the week once it gets archive
Please read my website. I have document some of the symptoms that people have who are victims of mind control:
Read more…V2k. You may think it's a machine with banks of computers and assholes hooking up their minds to yours. Truth is no one can think that fast. So the human element is left to serve and live within the bounds of was deployed. I believe they rely on tele
Read more…today ive been attacked pretty bad for writing here on pp. they claim to be many things, which i hold doubt for. Theyre main goal seems to be suicide, but they seem to enjoy playing with there high tech toys on me until i do croak, but it wont be a
Read more…THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT IF YOU ARE A VICTIM OF MIND CONTROL. DO NOT BUY A WEAPON THAT COULD CAUSE SOMEONE ELSE TO LOSE THEIR LIVES. Even if you know you are a victim the people behind this can put you into a trance and make you commit a ACT OF VI
Read more…Hi Everyone,
Here's my video testimony. Please share on social media and let me know if you have any questions. As with most of our stories, it's a 100% true and full of sadness. Thanks for your support.
Read more…Who created street theatre
[Illuminati] Subscribers have 2 months to substantiate illuminati theories or I will make them off topic as they are in /r/targetedenergyweapons.
Internatioal human rights community , UN and International criminal court ,please, work together with Canadian government to stop Toronto police,Canadian torturers on-going torture, terror,threats, administering poison, murder...by every possible me
Read more…Greetings to all the people on site, everyone, health, salvation, happiness. For a long time, persecute me, and for several months, I find, under the effect of an electronic remote weapon. I'm in isolation, a life and health, called into question. Th
Read more…Hello,
I created this website to find a solution for mind control. It is public and will have a forum for people to add their ideas.
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