My thought for the week - the NSA (a division of the military) has the capability to access computers, does that mean they can also access any device that has a computer in it - including cars, heart devices, home automation systems, etc. Since when
I think I've been a victim of EH for over 10 years since 1997 when I was in U.S until now I found incident my self and I've been exposed (Broadcast) as well.
First thing that notice me when friends were teased about my thoughts, da
Long story short, I ticked off a freemason by showing the world what an a a-hole he really is and what unspeakable acts of cruelty and violence they commit. Now every one of his "brothers" are out in force harassing me everywhere I go. The only time
I was this video online. We can contact this people. Join us and campaign internationally, contact governments with support of red cross and amnesty international to stop the mind and body control we experience
we have to start thinking about the future, and when we think the perps will know what awaits them and the ones around them and one maybe will speak out… ...they are committing many crimes but they all have a name: EUGENISM – “…The methods of impleme
One of the twenty-first century’s greatest violations of human rights is the proliferation of mind control technologies and their accompanying abuse and torture.
Despite of disagreements of religions, I indeed believe that everyone should fight agai
GLENN GREENWALD and friends have launched their WEBSITE called, "The Intercept," (First Look Media). It is notable that the news organization has opted out of a Facebook presence but you may "Follow" on Twitter. [MORE:
it explains life more clearly and what these abusers do not know is that they are actually helping us in the best possible way!! i know its hard to understand right now but once you read the book, you wi