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2nd Are you intimidated from reporting remote battery and outrageous g/a {health attacks} attacks using legal and other hotlines such as the FBI crime tip/hotline and other hotlines.
Yes, I was intimidated from using the hotlines and other resource
I have been learning more about how my system works and the best way to overcome to attackers, which has ed me to the ability to control the attackers and the tempo of my torture transmission that has been on me since 2012.
UN, UN Human Rights and UN Human Rights Council swear to collect evidence worldwide about "psychological torture" and strongly condemn "psychological torture" attempting at controlling humans' behaviour, personality or choices...
Während er arbeitete, hatte und konnte sogar ein kleines Haus für die Familie bauen. Aber die Firma hat geschlossen und ich bin mit nichts geblieben. Und das Haus muss eingerichtet werden, und die Frau arbeitet nicht. Hilfe!
Does anyone's perpetrators intimidate them with brutal means of electromagnetic harassment such as remote battery of private parts some causing extreme misery if you, the victim, --try to write or think freely and try to help them improve their ethic
I too have been subject to same along with other staff members at a market research company named Sutherland Smith where the directors had sought advocacy from a body that some refer to as "God who have access to EMF technolog