suzy's Posts (25)

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prayer request

For those who are believers or even if you're at all spiritual I thought it would be a good idea if we all say a short prayer or spiritual request for all TI's each morning on waking & evening on going to bed.

Prayer/spiritual requests are powerful and this is a way we can all do something together to request a better future for us all.


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everyone involved

Do other TI's experience this?? Everyone I mean EVERYONE in my town and people I come across (including the church priests) are involved in my harassment. Car number plates have all been tailored to give me messages, every time I go anywhere perps just appear out of nowhere. This is HUGE.

And on top of it they all seem to have mental telepathy - its such a large network of people who can read into my mind and are harassing me accordingly. How can so many people be able to read my thought?

I feel like they are robots or aliens or demons, I cant get away from it anywhere.

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help pls

Hi the perps are convincing me Im in hell, that life is an illusion, this is
hell and there is no such thing as a God of goodness, or that the God of
Goodness is also the God who tortures. I know this is completely illogical but
my brain is being seduced. I have discovered that EVERY person who has been in
my life has been involved in my abuse, starting first with my immediate family,
then extending to realtives and friends. No-one has ever truly loved me and they
say it has something to do with what ive done in past lifetimes. If they've all
been like this I can see why. I live with my mum and she's now forcing me to
take medication and suggestively threatening me with torture. They want me to
submit to their way or they are going to abduct and torture me in person. I have
dug thru my past, letters and photos and my whole life has been a staged event.
Maybe they are right, I am a tortured soul in hell for eternity they want me to
Im so scared now Im passing the point of hope, they have even convinced me Jesus
is a lie, good religion is a lie, the entire world is a lie.
Please someone give me some hope, some light....LOVE is true isnt it?? Its not
just a programmed concept thats been installed in my mind. I am lsoing hope,
losing my mind, losing everything I believed was reality.

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picking the perps is EASY

Picking the perps is EASY!!!

They bog these sites down with MC technological information non-stop. Constant reading about the technology doesnt do anything to help a victim it makes them feel more helpless.

They BOG you down with technological info but NEVER have offer any protection methods. They seem to know so much yet so little to actually help anyone.

They also talk in ways that are confusing and not straight-forward -  one of the groups on peacepink I am in, the group host talks like he's on acid 24/7  -   anything to boggle the mind MORE.

AND they NEVER reply to peoples requests for help, or if they do they say something useless. Its always cold, clinical, information posting they send.

I always find it DISTURBING that a post about the latest mind control technological information receives 200 replies and a poor person asking for help gets 2 or 3 if they're lucky.

IM WITH YOU GREG - people dont care enuf around here. Its TOO bizarre. You are right, most of the REAL TI's get chased off. 

I dont even trust the moderators of this site. BE AWARE reading too much mind control information is no good for you and there ARENT any solutions in the reading!!

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