Heart Surgery InnovationsWatch this video on cache.gettyimages.com 26:47

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Heart Surgery InnovationsWatch this video on cache.gettyimages.com 26:47 - 3 years agoDr. Bartley Griffith, chief of cardiac surgery at the University of Maryland Medical Center, explains innovations in heart surgery, including minimally invasive repairs for aortic valves and mitral valves, improvements in stent technology (UMMC offers an innovative hybrid procedure combining angioplasty with bypass surgery) andthe latest advances in heart pumps, including describing the surgery to implant these devices.On March 8, at 5:30 p.m. CST, during a live global Webcast from Memorial Hermann Heart & Vascular Institute in Houston, Texas, cardiovascular and thoracic surgeons Miguel Gomez, M.D. and Donald Gibson, M.D., will give the general public a rare glimpse into the operating room to view surgery "off pump," on a beating heart. In 2006, the surgical team at the Institute's Memorial City location celebrated a milestone with the completion of its 1,500th off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Dr.'s Gibson and Gomez began using the off-pump technique in 1999 and have performed more of the innovative, beating-heart procedures than any other team in the Houston area. "We began using the off-pump technique because of the advantages it affords patients, such as faster recovery and fewer complications," Dr. Gibson said. Traditional bypass surgery requires channeling the patient's blood through a heart/lung machine and stopping the heart while vessels are repaired. More than 800,000 patients worldwide unde...all » On March 8, at 5:30 p.m. CST, during a live global Webcast from Memorial Hermann Heart & Vascular Institute in Houston, Texas, cardiovascular and thoracic surgeons Miguel Gomez, M.D. and Donald Gibson, M.D., will give the general public a rare glimpse into the operating room to view surgery "off pump," on a beating heart. In 2006, the surgical team at the Institute's Memorial City location celebrated a milestone with the completion of its 1,500th off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Dr.'s Gibson and Gomez began using the off-pump technique in 1999 and have performed more of the innovative, beating-heart procedures than any other team in the Houston area. "We began using the off-pump technique because of the advantages it affords patients, such as faster recovery and fewer complications," Dr. Gibson said. Traditional bypass surgery requires channeling the patient's blood through a heart/lung machine and stopping the heart while vessels are repaired. More than 800,000 patients worldwide undergo this type of procedure each year.«

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