Mind Control & MKULTRA, Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, (Edmonton 2006-07-21) - 1:44:17 - Jul 23, 2006

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Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien expose the Federal Government's involvement in Mind Control projects, research, and abuse of its' own people. This is the National Shame of the United States Federal Goverment. Mark and Cathy tell all and underscore the insensitivity and involvement of our national leaders, judges, doctors, and many others to this nightmarish horror it has inflicted upon millions of people in the United States. Mark touches on the sources and history of mind control while Cathy unveils publicly the horrors she and her family have been subjected to, horrors which continue to this day. Her story will not only infuriate you, but will educate you to the reality of US mind control. Filmed 2006-7-21 in Edmonton Canada.«

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  • WIRELESS implants, virtually a person in another person,  digital senses data traffic.   About WIRELESS implants and popular "gang stalking" subject goin on youtbe and internet. gang stalking is part of disinformation as well as a tool . Real reason wireless implants subject: Person virtually has another person inside him. they copy the persons brain signals, and learn to do motoristic actions he does. the remote controll guy inside the person, starts to do actions of his own, slowly learning to do more. he can restrict the emotional state of the person, or even make him instantaneoysly laugh loud without reason. make him look crazy. way to shield the secret. real reason is they try make person medicated, so his own will is less, and he dont distinquish his own actions from the remote-controll actions. important information: short (and lengthening) flashes of imagination, happens many times in minute, and such moments the remotecotroll guy / system, tries to make person do action. it often works. They try make person mind visit into the imagination side often. gain control of that guy. person starts having hard time distingquishing his own actiosn from the remote-controll actions. They talk to his ear nervous system constantly, and derive attention from real life. Person is threatened the remote controll strangles him at night, with his own hand. The more informatical actions person does, the more the remote-controll system learns. psychiatrics are used to shield the secret. My state is , someone is learning / taught to forcefully speak, in the speaking synthetizator in this system. he tries to say opposite things i say: making me look crazy. ( they see my writing, expect disinformation ) About microwaves: the communication frequency is in microwaves frq. The senses transmission: they see the implanted peoples data, and know passwords and can remove data from internet. antti markus kantola only letter comes through ! tilhenkatu 14 20610 turku. i got active implants. You could reach someone to study them. im often home.  Write my emails:  hope.russia.3g5j498   ,  exaist@gmail.com , fotosynteesi@yahoo.com.  they block my emails often . Letter comes through.  i can talk physically about this often. i can also come to talk alot of this, if someone pays me flight / trip.  (currently poor, and trying to escape the implant effect )

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