We are watching you ( The CCTV revolution lies )

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http://www.ussscctv.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWCATS&Category=4&gclid=CMjSl9yJz5oCFQVaFQodxlH-2AWhat a mess our liberties are becoming with New Labour, in the coming months we will see the roll out of ID cards and the further use of a toy called CCTV, it's not there to cut crime indeed most footage ends up on TV shows with-out the permission of those being filmed for Chav shows like Brits get P----sed on sky or some dumb down cable TV show.They said it was to help capture criminals and to deal with the ongoing hard drugs problem on our streets. Well, its that good those crimes are still going up.And we now have the issue of our teenagers killing one-another with Gun's so if ever we needed proof the technology was ineffective for fighting crime I think we have it right there.The biggest example to date of the way CCTV security can be tampered with comes with the terrible events of 7/7 if like me you where caught up in the events as they unfolded you can't help but wonder why the CCTV did not work that day on London Transport and how one bus out of the 1000s on the streets that day was diverted with all others leaving Euston not effected.And not one of us where told the truth as we emerged from the underground that morning, we where told it was an electrical fault causing trains to blow up and then the Bus went up again the story continued it's a shortage or outage of the mains supply.Its been some time since that day and we still have not had a full public enquiry into the events, we still don't know why an Israeli politician was warned not to leave the hotel due to the impending attack but we where not.This new Big Brother State was not the creation of New Labour it was started under the Tory 18 years of control, all hidden from view by their incompetent ministers and MP's taking bribes or their privet sex lives being exposed by the media missing the real issues that would effect us in the future.When Blair said he wanted a more open Government we might have believed him, but what we got was a time of war and fear, this enabled him and his elite gang to roll out even more control with new laws intended for preventing terrorism, but those laws are abused ( Mainly by Tory councils ) to spy on local people, creating a vast web of tracking you from the moment you leave the home to when you get back in the evening, but its not going to end there with all your e-mail and telephone calls being monitored.This is a vast NAZI state control that our grandparents and parents fought and died fighting against during WW2, what a terrible and tragic waste of millions of lives.What is happening is being rolled out under or noses and in such away we have missed it to some degree but no longer can we allow this to continue.So when we hear Cameron saying he will not accept the ID cards in there current form we must ask what form he would accept, and we need to remind him that it is his party that has used and abused the new laws far more than any party at both a national and local level and it was after all his party that started this corrupt control.And when Labour talk about transparent government remind them of the lack of transparency they have created now, and we don't want there ideology anymore.

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