Mind Control News this week (October 10 to 16, 2020)
1. Once again, I would like to remind everyone that the Hong Kong bank has a A/C same as my Chinese and English name, but with a different ID number, such account used by a brain-controlled bitch for money laundering. The mind controller used my reputation to blackmail people's money and deposit it into a money laundering account with the same name. Since the money laundering account continued to have money deposited. If you are being blackmailed, please contact me ASAP.
2. According to reports, 40% of Hong Kong movie stars and actors are being changed to robots. They look exactly the same as original, and the real human have also disappeared. If keep on replace to robots from human, the hi-technology end up helping people or murder people?
The advantage of robots can solve the problems of food shortages in the future, but they can also replace humans and being use by mind controller to do something illegal.
On the other hand, our laws have not yet complete with Hi-technology in same time. Robots commit crimes. Who taking legal responsibility? Is the robot manufacturer, or the user, or someone behind it for manipulate with high-tech? How to proof? How to discriminate? It is a new issue.
3. The trouble makers whom involved in electronic harassment are radio DJs and media. Today all news come from data collecting machines, the foreign news can be publish after translation, There is no need out for news, It saved the time and the human resources than before. So there are a lots of media people loss their jobs, and some people prefer wrote a articles for the column without paid, only for becoming famous, and then use electronic harassment in the brain-controlled space for harm innocents to lives. Now you understood why most of metamorphosis mind controllers are media sluts.
4. The problems caused by mind mapping:
Some elders are lost by mapping with perp’s mind. the perp leads the elder to a place where the elder never been before, and then separates his mind, which makes the elder instantly lost. Warn to the elders, keep your address with you all the times;
One day, when you wake up, you found yourself in a strange place? How can you do? guide the body which mapping you to the nearest police station to tell the police that you are being mapping by mind control technology, and ask the police who help you to separate your minds as soon as possible.
5. The cases in this week, the mind hacker targeted to the elders, used the hacker’s mind leading the elders back to their home, transfer their luxury products to someone who connected to the hacker.
And other case leading the elders withdraw the cash from the bank and imperceptibly misled them which was dirty tissue and then throwing them into the trash box for stalker to pick up. Please pay more attention to the elders when they being targeted to prevent property losses.
1. 又一次提醒大家,香港銀行有同我相同中英文名,但不同身分證號碼銀行戶口存在,據說是腦控賤人用於洗黑錢的戶口。變態賤人利用我的名譽,勒索他人金錢後存入相同姓名的洗黑錢戶口,因洗黑錢戶口持續有錢存入。如您是被勒索者,請同我聯絡。
2. 據透露,香港娛樂圈明星有四成是機械人,同明星,藝員原來真人的樣貌一模一樣,而大部分真人也告失蹤。科技的進步到底是帮助了人類或是害了人類?機械人的好處是可以解決食物短缺的問題,但它們同時也可取替人類,被別有用心的人用於做犯法的事情。
3. 現時在腦控空間搞事者都是電台DJ,新聞傳媒。現時做新聞很容易,每天經電腦資料搜集,將外國新聞翻譯後,即可刊登,不需採訪和出外採集資料。寫專欄的世界文章一大抄,大部分都沒有薪金,只搏知名度,然後於腦控空間遙控電子武器害人賺錢為生。至此大家明白為何腦控空間賤人大部份是傳媒人。
4. 併思維所引起的問題:
當一覺醒來時,發現自己被併思維到陌生的地方怎麼辦? 引導身體擁有者到就近警局,向警方表明被腦控的景況,希望警方盡快將兩者思維分開,還彼此自由。
5. 本週案件,有賊人同長者併思維,以賊人的思維為主導,引領長者到自己家中,將家中寶物轉走。