monita (3)


Mind Control Space News this week (November 28 to December 04, 2020)

1. There is someone acting as chief executive Mrs. Lam in brain control space to chatting with people at night, making people so puzzle and nuisance, since they are questioned about the chief executive is real or fake one? If she is the real one, all should sit down and listen to his advice to avoid disrespect. Finally, it turned out that she was Cuson Law tone voice acting as the chief executive for disturbing people sleeping.

This reminds me why some people say that they felt so nuisance when they hear "Monita", I guessed which may the perps also uses the same technique, acting as "Monita" with the same voice to disturb people sleeping and cause people angry, as said, the perp used such cheap trick to nuisance someone to begging for benefits and money in mind control space . if it is true, makes me puzzled is why no one contact me to talk about it?

2. According to sources, the famous Cantonese opera actress has a stage name of Red Mum with surname Lee. The face is very similar to Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam. Honestly I don’t like Cantonese opera and can not recognized the actress in fact. When I searched the actress name, but I cannot found any relevant information. If you know Red Mum, please let me know to confirm.

3. In the brain-controlled space, There is a rich man order a lawyer to apply ten court injunction orders for his own ten perps in the mind control space for protection not being electronic harassment and got the court approval. But made me felt unfair was someone used the ten perps’ defecation, incontinence to mapping with victims to got same feeling for harassment; one of deliberately to made me spray when I drunk coffee, some of own respiratory diseases mapping with victims for archives of fake confirmed Covid-19, as well as various elderly diseases mapping the five senses with victims for physically and mentally abuse. This incident wake me up. The law of Hong Kong is used to protect the perpetrators not the victims. the law gave the right to perpetrators for torture and abuse the victims. why? What is going on the Hong Kong legal system, is it really dying as said?

4. Someone asked me what is my opinion for the Hong Kong government today? My answer is "When there are more pharmacies than grocery stores on street, what do you think? good or bad?" When asked how to improving the management for mind control space? I personally though that the only way is to have the death penalty in law. As our known, it is about mind control, the real die is brain death, Imprisoning penalty only the evil perps body, their brain can use high technology to hacking to outside victims’ brain and use victims’ body for doing illegal, only the death penalty can be completely resolved.


1. 腦控空間的特首扮演者,於夜䦨人靜時出來同人聊天,令不知者不知所措,因不知是真特首與否?如果是真特首,定必正坐聽教,以免不敬。但最後證實是羅啟新調聲扮特首滋擾人,令人不勝其煩。


2. 據消息人士透露,粵劇名伶藝名紅菊,姓李,樣貌同香港特首林鄭月娥極為相似,因我不好粵劇,不熟悉名伶,又未能在網上找到有關資料,暫未確認。

3. 腦控空間有富豪找律師帮他們在腦控空間的十個人申請法庭禁制令,禁止被電子武器摧殘而得法院批准。但奇怪的是,有人利用此十人的便溺,失禁,刻意令人噴飯,各種老人病同受害者併感覺,併身體,精神虐待受害者,更甚者用其中有呼吸道疾病者同被腦控受害者併五感而被確診Covid-19。

此事令我如夢初醒,原來香港法律是用於保護腦控施害者,而非保護被腦控受害者。是帮助腦控賤人攞正保護去精神虐待摧殘受害者,製造更多假性的Covid-19 確診者。唉!我已對香港的法律制度失去信心!

4. 有人問我對今時今日香港政府的管治有何見解?我的答案是”當市面上藥店多於米店時,您認為是好還是壞?” 當問到如何能更好管治腦控空間?我個人認為最好的方法是恢復死刑,需知人死腦死,囚禁腦控賤人只是肉身,其腦仍可利用高科技駭入受害者的大腦和侵佔受害者身體去作惡,只有死刑可徹底解決。

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Mind Control News this week (October 17 to 23, 2020)

1. Had been told that the mind control space used zoning control to facilitated the police to enforce the law, but the metamorphosis mind controllers still harassed victims across districts. We urge the manager who in charge of mind control space should strictly enforce and punish whom remote control electronic harassment and assurance cross-regional.

2. Last time I mentioned that the Chief Executive removed my name from the government list for my own freedom, but someone who did not set me free, also added my name to the list again. As said, someone tried to get me in just for got my own monthly salary 30,000 yuan, so put my name in list again. now I understood why the judger can not gave me a law protection order. It was unfair to me, I never ever got any salaries from government or mind control space, and now told me because someone want to got my salaries, so I had stay at mind control space being electronic harassment and mental torture. What is wrong with? Who got my salaries in the brain-controlled space those years? If it was a government official, why did they kept continue to paid the salary to wrong person? any hidden secrets in it?

3. Recently, the metamorphosis mind controller kept mapping me with the patients who got NIDDM and CKD, caused my mouth dry, bitter, stinky, puffy eyes, dark circles and blurred vision, and always felt tired. Although there were only a feeling, but I got a psychological threat, which was indeed a mental torture.

4. Recently, Hong Kong start to have a medical promotion, used remote control for diagnosis. The controller used the healthy people mapping with diabetic patient, the diagnosed result shows that the healthy people got diabetes after drank black coffee on an empty stomach. I believed which is a big big joke, Right?

The medical profession knows that all Hong Kong citizens are under mind control, mapping five senses can cause the same symptoms , why still promoted remote diagnosis, what is their intention, attempt to turn Hong Kong into a sick city? Or create miracles for drug sales growth?

5. About 5 million "Likes" on my Facebook were missing for no reason. I believed that our power for fighting brain control has shocked the nerves of mind control perps.

All my “likes” came from your support, and we will continue to against mind control, exposure more news for your study!


1. 據說,現時腦控空間實行分區管制,以便警方執法。但變態控機賤人依舊跨區施害。望空間管理者嚴格執行,懲罰無定向喪心病狂跨區施害行為。

2. 上次提到特首以我個人自由原因,將我名字從政府名單中刪除,但不知何故又被列入名單中,後來得知名單中的我月薪有三萬港幣,有人為取得我薪金而將我名字再次放入,但我自始至終不僅未取得分毫,而且長期受到精神折磨和電子武器摧殘。到底其中出現了什麼問題?這些年我在腦控空間的薪金由誰人所取?由何時開始?如果是政府官員,為何明知支錯薪仍繼續下去?其中是否有不可告人的秘密?

3. 近期變態控機賤人將糖尿病患者,腎病患者同我併感覺,令我口乾,口苦,口有異味,眼腫,黑眼圈和視力模糊,感覺疲憊。雖然只是感覺,但也造成心理威脅,實屬精神折磨。

4. 近期香港推出遙距診症,有人將健康者與糖尿病患者合併後,健康者在空肚飲黑咖啡的情況下,被診斷出有糖尿病,成本世紀一大笑話。


5. 不知何故,我 Facebook 約500萬個 ”Like” 被無故失蹤,相信反腦控的威力已震懾到腦控賤人的神經,這一切有賴大家對反腦控的支持。我們會繼續努力不懈!

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Mind Control News this week (October 10 to 16, 2020)

1. Once again, I would like to remind everyone that the Hong Kong bank has a A/C same as my Chinese and English name, but with a different ID number, such account used by a brain-controlled bitch for money laundering. The mind controller used my reputation to blackmail people's money and deposit it into a money laundering account with the same name. Since the money laundering account continued to have money deposited. If you are being blackmailed, please contact me ASAP.

2. According to reports, 40% of Hong Kong movie stars and actors are being changed to robots. They look exactly the same as original, and the real human have also disappeared. If keep on replace to robots from human, the hi-technology end up helping people or murder people?

The advantage of robots can solve the problems of food shortages in the future, but they can also replace humans and being use by mind controller to do something illegal.

On the other hand, our laws have not yet complete with Hi-technology in same time. Robots commit crimes. Who taking legal responsibility? Is the robot manufacturer, or the user, or someone behind it for manipulate with high-tech? How to proof? How to discriminate? It is a new issue.

3. The trouble makers whom involved in electronic harassment are radio DJs and media. Today all news come from data collecting machines, the foreign news can be publish after translation, There is no need out for news, It saved the time and the human resources than before. So there are a lots of media people loss their jobs, and some people prefer wrote a articles for the column without paid, only for becoming famous, and then use electronic harassment in the brain-controlled space for harm innocents to lives. Now you understood why most of metamorphosis mind controllers are media sluts.

4. The problems caused by mind mapping:

Some elders are lost by mapping with perp’s mind. the perp leads the elder to a place where the elder never been before, and then separates his mind, which makes the elder instantly lost. Warn to the elders, keep your address with you all the times;

One day, when you wake up, you found yourself in a strange place? How can you do? guide the body which mapping you to the nearest police station to tell the police that you are being mapping by mind control technology, and ask the police who help you to separate your minds as soon as possible.

5. The cases in this week, the mind hacker targeted to the elders, used the hacker’s mind leading the elders back to their home, transfer their luxury products to someone who connected to the hacker.

And other case leading the elders withdraw the cash from the bank and imperceptibly misled them which was dirty tissue and then throwing them into the trash box for stalker to pick up. Please pay more attention to the elders when they being targeted to prevent property losses.


1. 又一次提醒大家,香港銀行有同我相同中英文名,但不同身分證號碼銀行戶口存在,據說是腦控賤人用於洗黑錢的戶口。變態賤人利用我的名譽,勒索他人金錢後存入相同姓名的洗黑錢戶口,因洗黑錢戶口持續有錢存入。如您是被勒索者,請同我聯絡。

2. 據透露,香港娛樂圈明星有四成是機械人,同明星,藝員原來真人的樣貌一模一樣,而大部分真人也告失蹤。科技的進步到底是帮助了人類或是害了人類?機械人的好處是可以解決食物短缺的問題,但它們同時也可取替人類,被別有用心的人用於做犯法的事情。


3. 現時在腦控空間搞事者都是電台DJ,新聞傳媒。現時做新聞很容易,每天經電腦資料搜集,將外國新聞翻譯後,即可刊登,不需採訪和出外採集資料。寫專欄的世界文章一大抄,大部分都沒有薪金,只搏知名度,然後於腦控空間遙控電子武器害人賺錢為生。至此大家明白為何腦控空間賤人大部份是傳媒人。

4. 併思維所引起的問題:


當一覺醒來時,發現自己被併思維到陌生的地方怎麼辦? 引導身體擁有者到就近警局,向警方表明被腦控的景況,希望警方盡快將兩者思維分開,還彼此自由。

5. 本週案件,有賊人同長者併思維,以賊人的思維為主導,引領長者到自己家中,將家中寶物轉走。


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