Whenever somebody commits suicide their friends invariably ask why the suicide victim did not let them know that he or she was undergoing trauma and stress in their life so that those friends could have then helped them in some way. I believe I have a possible answer as to why this situation is occurring. Targeted individuals are attempting to inform the world about their targeting but they are being subtly shouted down by good will and caring friends who appear to be strongly mind controlled to resist any messages which are not coming from central control and command. I give several examples of this resistence to our messages herebelow:-
When a targeted individual attempts to speak to a friend about their targeting the friend appears to have been programmed to shout them down before they are finished speaking. The shouting down is done under the sincere attempt at being sympathetic but nevertheless it drowns out the message. For example the targeted individual may say " Somebody is attacking me with directed energy weapons and they are attempting to bio-robotize me". Before the targeted individual is finished speaking the friend may repeatedly say in a loud voice "This is not happening". They repeat it over and over again so that the targeted individual can not continue speaking about their problem. The friend means well but they appear to be programmed to deliberately drown out the profound message of the targeted individual.
When a targeted individual attempts to show their friend a youtube video of a respected health professional who is informing the general public of the existence and abuse of directed energy weapons, the friend will then repeatedly say in a loud voice "Send me the link and I will watch it later". Therefore the topic of conversation is closed at that time.
When a targeted individual goes to the police to inform them that they ares being targeted with directed energy weapons and voice harassment technology , the police officer will speak over them before they are even half finished informing the police about their traumatic experiences and the police officer directs them instead to a psychiatrist. Therefore the targeting then goes unreported.
If we ever attempt to tell the world of our voice hearing experiences, we are immediately transported to a mental hospital, where no one can access us, and we are given large doses of dumbing-down, anti-psychotic concoctions posing as medication, which serve to render us unable to ellucidate our experiences from that time on.
Why are voice hearers discouraged from ever discussing the content of their conversations?.
"Traditional practice in behavioural psychology concentrated on either distracting the patient or ignoring references by the patient to the voice hearing experience, with the hope that the patient would concentrate on ‘real’ experiences, which would then be positively reinforced (the assumption being that the voice hearing was a delusional belief). The effect of this approach is to discourage the discussion about the voice hearing experience but without eradicating it (P.D.J. Chadwick, Birchwood, & Trower, 1996). " http://www.intervoiceonline.org/about-voices/essential-facts
Because of this policy of censuring all public discussion of what voice hearers actually hear, the fact that all of the voices are being transmitted by the use of directed energy weapons, using advanced psychological torture methods, goes unreported. Who gains from this criminal policy of suppression of information?
Article 19 of the UN Human Rights Charter explicitly states:
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."