psychiatry (33)


Psychiatric diagnoses have no reliability or validity and yet psychiatrists have been given the false authority to label totally sane men and women with psychiatric labels thereby often destroying their lives for ever. Psychiatrists often label sane men and women with psychiatric labels because psychiatry is a business which depends on a customer base so psychiatrists must generate customers to financially survive.
Many young people act inappropriately because of stresses in their families or at school and because of their inappropriate behaviour they are sometimes falsely diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder and that label sometimes destroys their entire lives.
Psychiatrists are currently being pressurised to infiltrate schools by paying kickbacks to school councillors to refer students to psychiatrists who might then falsely diagnose such students with disordered thinking or bipolar disorder if the student does not conform to what the psychiatrist regards as social norms and such false diagnoses often have life long negative consequences for such students.
Most drugs which are administered in psychiatric hospitals have severely negative side effects such as akathisia which generates feelings of inner terror and inner restlessness which makes the patient continually pace throughout the hospital without the ability to relax. This is a form of silent torture. Other negative side effects which are being generated by such psychiatric drugs are found to be tardive dyskinesia which causes the limbs or trunk or other body parts of the psychiatric patient to tremor continuously. Still other negative side effects of psychiatric drugs are feelings of having been poisoned, constant feelings of extreme fatigue, being unable to think clearly, permanent brain damage and even death. When the psychiatric patients line up to take their psychiatric medication each morning and evening they are sometimes asked by the psychiatric nurses who are in attendance to open their mouths in order that the psychiatric nurses can be sure that they have swallowed the drugs which they have been given. Some psychiatric drugs such as abilify can now be tracked going through the alimentary can of the patient because abilify and possibly most if not all others now contains bio-sensors.
Whenever the psychiatric patient reports to their psychiatrist that they are experiencing extremely negative side effects from their prescribed drugs, most of the time the psychiatrist will refuse to allow them to stop taking those drugs and instead will mandate that the patient take a second drug as well as continue to take the first drug and it will be claimed by the psychiatrist that the second drug will alleviate the negative side effects of the first drug. However, in my experience and in the experience of many other former psychiatric patients the negative side effects of the first drug are not at all alleviated by the addition of the second drug and now the patient is experience the side effects from two poisonous drugs instead of one.
Before the psychiatric patient is due to leave the psychiatric hospital they are often required to fill in a survey form outlining their experiences of their psychiatric hospital stay. If at that time they should report that their stay in the psychiatric hospital was in any way negative, then, as a consequence of that negative report, they might be wrongly presumed to be depressed or still too unwell to be released from the psychiatric hospital at that time. This is the reason why psychiatric patients who are due to be released more often than not give a false positive and even glowing account of their experiences of their stay in whatever psychiatric hospital they happen to be in, in spite of the fact that most psychiatric patients hate their experiences of psychiatry in general and of their stay inside psychiatric hospitals in particular.
When the psychiatric patient is released from the psychiatric hospital they can not then go to their general practitioner and report that the psychiatric drugs that they are still mandated to ingest are having negative side effects because if they do so, they will be mandated to immediately return to the psychiatric hospital for at least a week in order to be placed under supervision while their psychiatric medication is being changed. They know that if they return to the psychiatric hospital their release may be delayed for as long as their psychiatrist deems it necessary.
If a psychiatric patient refuses to take their prescribed psychiatric medication it then can be injected into them against their will in a slow release formula every two weeks even if the side effects which are being experienced are extremely severe such as the side effect of inner terror or restlessness. This legally mandated poisoning often leads many psychiatric patients to take their own lives.
Psychiatrists do not wish to ever lose any of their psychiatric patients so to that end they will ask former psychiatric patients to attend for psychiatric evaluation approximately every three months for the rest of their lives and those former patients are also asked to bring their psychiatric medication with them in case the psychiatrist who is evaluating them decides to refuse to allow them to return home and instead mandates that they either voluntary or involuntary return to a psychiatric hospital. The former psychiatric patient is sometimes too frightened to refuse to attend for these three monthly psychiatric evaluations because they are afraid that such a refusal might lead to police involvement and a forced return to a psychiatric institution. They continue to attend for unnecessary psychiatric evaluations through fear. Please refuse to attend for such psychiatric evaluations and by that means you will eventually break free from the net of false psychiatry. If you continue to attend for such unnecessary psychiatric evaluations you can be asked to return to the psychiatric hospital on the whim of the psychiatric who is evaluating you.
I was once a psychiatric patient many years ago due to the fact that I am unwillingly and non-consensually being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation and I have experienced both akathisia and tardive dyskinesia and other extremely negative side effects of psychiatric drugging. The extreme side effects of psychiatric drugging which I experienced gradually disappeared after a number of months after I stopped taking the psychiatric drugs because my body detoxified from them a short while after I stopped taking them If you are suffering from the side effects of psychiatric drugs please take activated charcoal in order to help speed up the detoxifying process.

Please intervene to put a stop to evil practices within psychiatry.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Mary Fahey
Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
I am posting my name and address here in order to validate this statement about extremely evil practices within psychiatry some of which I have directly experienced. Today's date is 4th May, 2023.

Neuronal activity in the brain creates a shifting electrical pattern that has a shifting magnetic flux. This magnetic flux puts out a constant 30-50 Hs, 5 milliwatt electromagnetic wave. Contained in the electromagnetic emission from the brain are spikes and patterns called 'evoked potentials.'

Every thought, reaction , motor command, auditory event, and visual image in the brain has a corresponding 'evoked potential' or set of 'evoked potentials.' The EMF emission from the brain can be decoded into the current thoughts, images and sounds in the subject's brain.

NSA SIGNAL INTELLIGENCE uses EMF-transmitted brain stimulation as a communications system to transmit information as well as nervous system messages to intelligence agents and also to transmit information to the brains of covert operations subjects on a non-perceptible level.

EMF Brain Stimulation works by sending a completely coded and pulsed electromagnetic signal to trigger evoked potential events in the brain, thereby forming sound and visual images in the brain's neural circuits. EMF Brain Stimulation can also change a person's brain-states and affect motor control.

Two way electronic brain link is done by remotely monitoring neural audiovisual information while transmitting sound to the auditory cortex bypassing the ears and transmitting faint images to the visual cortex bypassing the optic nerves and eyes. The images appear as floating 2D screens in the brain.

Two-way electronic brain link has become the ultimate communications system for CIA/NSA personnel. REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING which is remotely monitoring bioelectric information in the human brain has become the ultimate surveillance system. It is being used throughout the Republic of Ireland and throughout most of the rest of the world. I am being subjected to both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation for approximately twenty years that I am fully aware of. My name is Gretta Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. I am placing my name and address on this post because a crime is being committed against me and it should be investigated but the Gardai don't have to investigate it because they can simply deny that it is occurring and I can not yet prove that it is occurring on a continual ongoing basis. I know of many other Irish people who are experiencing both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation and the gardai wont investigate their claims either. Why is that? Today's date is 26th April, 2023. If the Gardai don't investigate and put a stop to all cases of Remote neural Monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation throughout the Republic of Ireland it will eventually lead to permanent enslavement of the human race for all eternity, including themselves and their own children. Why dont they at least warn their fellow men and women of Ireland that this could happen to them in the near future.
I experience direct communication which is sometimes known as voice to skull or microwave hearing or synthetic telepathy, which is in widespread use by militaries throughout the world. I do not know who is communicating with me but I often record what they are saying to me and I post it online at a later date so that members of the public will know what it is like to experience direct communication voice hearing. I was recently going over some old files and I found some old records of some of what has been communicated directly inside my head by direct communication in the past. I am not sure if I have posted some of these voice to skull records online already but I am posting them here again in case I have not posted them online already.. Here is a small sample of what those who communicate with me by this means have been saying both to me and about me to each other at various different times and different days in the past as follows:-
It is a hidden world that we march to and she is exposing it.
Polarize the system against this lady.
She needs to feed.
I can't help you unless I get access to your home.
I am paid to stand here or sit here if I wish and watch you all day.
We don't like people who fantacise.
A field hospital. We will take her in there then on the grounds that she is insane.
You were unsuccessful in your pursuit of her.
Get a hobby or something.
There is a lady here who isn't going to expose this unless we nudge her.
Go out and wash yourself.
We accept that measures have been put in place to deteriorate your bowel health.
Can we place her somewhere such as in residential care.
Acid in her face treatment.
Just to get out of here is all I care about and in order to get out of here I have to kill this lady.
I was just doing incision work on her knee.
She will eat what we want her to eat for breakfast.
If nobody can hear her screaming make her scream all you like.
We wish to make a criminal out of Gretta Fahey. How do we do it.
You don't make a criminal out of someone. She is either a criminal or she isnt. Is she a criminal. No. She is a good will, good living lady.
We could derail her by interfering with her hormone release.
I'll put you down as having a shit load of shit in the bowel.
There is nobody here. I reiterate "There is nobody here." "Who is hosting this body then."
"Is Gretta Fahey a transactional participant in our research." "No. She is not and never has been and never would be of her own free will. "
The scientists here believe that this woman doesnt have anything to hide and that you have been enforcing this woman through extreme punishment.
I thought this woman was generous of spirit.
Get out of that house and get out and meet a man.
We have no face time with her and we have nothing on her.
She is forever spending money.
We need these people to be sexually active so we can then observe their behaviour.
A proper bedtime will be arranged for you.
Green Screen and then mission accomplished.
What did you eat.
Did she shit.
Her face has been structured so that we control it.
She is not allowed to hear the question and we supply the answer through her mouth by moving her structured face.
Does she put out for men. No.
Groom her for something because we can't deal with this any longer.
She has no operative conditioning. She is not programmable. However, what we are trying to do is to bio-robotize her so as to physically remote control her in the future while leaving her fully cognisant of her situation. She will then have zero free will. We will control her physical body continually from then on.
We wont allow the kettle to switch on by remote control technology if you continue to make too many cups of tea.
We are coding everything in this woman's body.
She is non-responsive to the voices. Responding is a requirement. We punish people who don't respond to our inner voice enquiries.
Send her for psychiatric evaluation. "She is not involved with psychiatry. She is a good lady." "A good lady is no good to me. I need to find something I can censure her about."
"Torpedo her home then."
"Go out to the toilet."
"She is hurting me. Hurt her." (I can not physically hurt those who transmit voices to me but I insult them.)
"A celibate lady taking a shower and this is what we are doing -promoting her image." (They imply that they can see images of me while I am alone in the privacy of my own home while taking a shower. I don't know if this is true.)
"A husband is a requirement."
"How do her pits smell."
"How long has she been online today."
"I want her hunted down and killed. Kidnap her."
"She won't be able to get out of her bounds when we bind her. We can then do what we like with her."
"We wish her to eat some quaker oats right now and if she doesn't do so she will receive pain which I will personally, in a short space of time, administer to her right knee."
"Who is paying for the shoes on Gretta Fahey's feet." "The Tax Payers." "Well, the tax payers have a right to know everything about her then."
" If we activate the known system in the woman called Gretta Fahey we can then make her say anything and do anything we wish."
"If I tell her to go to the bathroom she won't then go. She refuses to do what I say."
"We don't like committing crimes but we do them when we have to like what we are doing to you now."
"How do we float this information about Gretta Fahey on the world stage. We will get Gretta to do most of the work herself by sending out information online about what we are doing to her."
"We can not tell the difference between the thoughts and intentions of our clients and those who are not our clients but who we surveil and manipulate without the permission of the still unregulated control system."
"Pub time is zero" (I never go to public houses which are also known as pubs.)
"Bind every muscle in her body so she couldn't move a muscle."
"If you care about this lady you are not one of us."
I sometimes publish my name and address on my online posts because an ongoing crime is being committed against me by means of both directed energy weapons and voice to skull. As this ongoing crime is silent and invisible the Gardai would not take me seriously when I reported it and they mandated that I attend for psychiatric evaluation on that occasion. I can not return to them to report this ongoing crime a second time because I still have not found a way to prove that it is really happening to me, and they will possibly again respond by mandating that I again attend for psychiatric evaluation which I do not wish to do and which I won't do of my own free will. My name is Gretta Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. Today's date is 8th May, 2023.

I am being subjected to remotely conducted neurological research which I have not consented to. It is being carried out on me by unknown evil doers who transmit digital signals into either nano or micro technology inside my body and brain. This research being conducted on me has been ongoing for more than twenty years. It invovles the transmission of data to the visual cortex, auditory cortex and sensory cortex of my brain among many other unwanted experiences. I regularly write about my unwanted experiences and I then post my writings to many social media sites on a continual basis in order to warn the men and women of the world about what type of wireless and invisible attacks are now possible to experience without ever knowing who the attackers are.
Tonight, on 8th May, 2023, at three am G.M.T., I was made to experience momentarily losing all sensation in my right hand, my right arm and my right shoulder. The ability to feel my right hand, arm and shoulder came back again almost immediately. Those who conduct brain and body experiments on me have once in the distant past caused me to momentarily lose all sensation in my entire body. The ability to feel my entire body came back against instantly. I have also felt loss of sensation on my left side on several other occasions but not an instantaneous loss of sensation on those occasions. Instead, what I have experienced on those other occasions is the experience of loss of sensation moving around my body slowly as if someone was moving an object around my body and everywhere it went I would feel a momentary loss of sensation to that area. I did not know how to describe this in words in the past because I was very frightened anytime that I experienced it so I wrongly described it in the past as interference of the energy field of my body which is known as the bio-field or the aura.
This is only one of many unwanted experiences which I am being made to experience by those unknown evil doers who conduct brain and body research on me from an unknown remote location while they themselves remain anonymous cowards. Other unwanted experiences which I experience are direct voice communications which I hear coming from inside my head which are sometimes known as voice to skull or microwave hearing or synthetic telepathy, and I also experience seeing moving images inside my head, holograms in my bedroom, all types of sensations on the surface of my skin including the sense of being touched, pain, electric shock, and forced muscle movement. I also experience sleep deprivation. Those who conduct brain and body experiments on me can partially control me as if I am a mechanical robot. They can control my brain to such a degree that they can force me to speak words and phrases and whole sentences against my will and they can force some of my body parts to move against my will. I am very frightened of this and I gain some relief from the fear I feel by constantly writing about my experiences and placing those writings on line. I have found this type of journaling to be very therapeutic.
When I speak and write about these experiences I am then sometimes asked if I take drugs or drink alcohol but I do neither of these things ever. I am totally clear thinking at all times and I am never under the influence of any type of alcohol or drugs. I am also not superstitiuos and I don't ever give my experiences supernatural meanings because they are all easily achievable by means of remotely conducted brainwave science.
I have also been asked if I get paid for writing my posts and making videos of my experiences and the answer to that is no. I do not get paid for writing these posts and making vidoes of my unique experiences which I have placed on line in many social media sites. I do it for free because I find it therapeutic to write about it and I also wish to warn members of the general public about it.
I am placing my name and address and phone number here on this post, not to receive phone calls from any member of the public which I don't wish to receive but simply to verify my identify because a wireless crime of extreme proportions is being conducted on an ongoing basis against me. I no longer report the matter to the police who are also known as the Gardai because I no longer trust them. In my opinion their brains have been interfered with by electronic mind control programming or by some other means and they can no longer be trusted by myself or by other targeted individuals of wireless crime because wireless crime which uses silent and invisible directed energy is widespread and the police have never warned the public about it on any occasion wever which means that they are neglecting their duty to all members of the public who they have promised to protect and serve.
My name is Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Mary Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.


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Psychiatric drugs cause chemical imbalance in the brain.
Every psychoactive drug disrupts brain function thereby causing harmful disfunction similar to what happens when someone takes alcohol or marajuana. Psychiatric drugs are an anasthesia of the brain. They suppress or disable higher brain function such as cognitive function and memory function. Such drugs do not stop psychosis but instead they block the pathway to the frontal lobe of the brain to the extent that the patient is being given a chemical labotomy.
Stimulants such as Ritalin work to suppress spontaneous behaviour such as exploring surroundings and instead intreases compulsive, obsessive behaviour unhealthy behaviour.
Psychiatric drugs work by making you less than your really are.
All of the above is a quote by psychiatrists Dr Peter R Breggin who works in Ithaca, New York. His website is
I was mandated to take psychiatric drugs in the distant past which gave me severe tardive dyskinesia and also tardive akathisia. Further to that , I could not think clearly while I was taking them. I felt as if I could not access part of my brain. They also made me felt very sick as if I was being poisoned. Psychiatric drugs should never be made mandatory.
I was mandated to take psychiatric drugs at that time because I was being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring which is also known as being wirelessly connected to the internet of living things and psychiatrists are not being made aware that such things are happening on a widespread scale throughout the world so they are falsely diagnosing people who complain of such an experience as being mentally ill. My name is Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Mary Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.


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I believe that Electrodes and other types of nano technology have been injected into me and have formed networks inside my body and brain. Internal EEG activity being generated by my brain is being continually recorded and transmitted to unknown remote locations. My Brainwave tracings which show distinctive patterns are then automatically translated into individual words whether spoken or thought by me and this is achieved using a computerized EEG dictionary. In this way my thoughts are being read. Unknown others then reply to my thoughts and words in real time and I hear their voices or simulations of their voices coming from inside my own head against my will and without my permission. Down through the years I sometimes have published small selections of what is transmitted into my head against my will and without my permission. I have never agreed to this and I dont know who is conducting experiments on me. Psychiatry is now and always has been irrelevant partially because psychiatrists are under strong mind control programming to the extent that anyone who informs them that they are being wirelessly experimented on from unknown remote locations and experience inner voice hearing as part of those experiments is automatically and wrongly presumed to be mentally ill.

"Have we a perogative for this."
"We would never abandon this program even if Gretta Fahey bas back to full health because we are getting an enorous amount of money from experimenting on her."
"She lives alone and she has no family. What are we waiting for. Go out and pick her up and bring her in here now."
"She is in her own home"
"I dont care where she is . She has no right to live."
"She is going out to the yard now." (a running comentary of what I am doing sometimes.)
"Leckie Bill." (on one in Ireland ever uses the term "leckie bill which is slang for electricity bill in the north of England.")
One voice which was broadcast into my head said to one of their colleagues as follows "I was desperate to generate attitude." Their colleague responded as follows "It is not your job to generate attitude. It is your job to copy synonems."
"Is it under tenure." (I dont know what was meant by that.)
"Am I mind controlled programmed to hate Gretta Fahey. ?" "Yes."
"She is always feeding herself."
I myself said the following as follows:- "I will choose death rather than enslavement." Then a v2k voice responded as follows "You may as well go now then."
"We can't get into the works" "I'd get in." "You wouldnt get out alive." " O Jesus I would. I would make her head spin."
"I dont like this lady. I am happy to continue it."
"I will see her in hospital." "Why did you say you would see her in hospital." The response i heard was as follows "This is not appropriate. I am running late."
My name is Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Mary Fahey and my address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo,
Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. I am being subjected to remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation and this situation has continued without a break for nearly nineteen years.

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We all have neural dust inside our brains and bodies and it got there mostly through inhalation and ingestion. Each neural dust mote contains a piezoelectric crystal. The neural dust motes inside our brains and bodies are being used to read our brain signals and the data gathered from our brains and bodies is collected by whatever smart phone is registered to the name of each individual. The smart phones automatically transmit the data to a central control system. This has all been achieved without the permission of the majority of the human race by individuals who wish to wirelessly enslave or else torture or genocide us.
When our neurons fire and pass signals to each other they reach what is known as an action potential when generates and electrical pulse. These electrical pulses are measured using EEGs and are automatically translated into what you see, hear, feel, smell, touch, taste and they are also translated into all of your muscle movement including the smooth muscle movements of your intestines. Some of this information is extracted from your brain and is transmitted wirelessly to a central storage system. This system is called A BRAIN COMPUTER INTERFACE.
A COMPUTER BRAIN INTERFACE writes information into your brain using transcranial magnetic stimulation or by a number of other means. Phosphene induction is used to write information into the brain. The process of writing information into your brain is used to stimulate your action potentials which generates electrical pulses. The process is called SSVEP. The electrical pulses which are generated by this process cause you to see, hear, feel, smell, touch and taste what is not actually real. It is simply an illusion but yet you can be made to feel as if you are inside a virtual reality setting which can be used to either torture you or to allow you to experience a state of bliss. Some of the electrical pulses which are generated when information is written into your brain can be used to cause the muscles of your face and your body and even your vocal cords to be remotely controlled against your will, which can be used to turn you into a bio-robot. This process is currently being used throughout the world as a form of wireless remote controlled secret torture. I am one of the victims of this type of secret torture.
A BRAIN TO BRAIN INTERFACE is created by attaching a BRAIN COMPUTER INTERFACE TO A COMPUTER BRAIN INTERFACE. By means of brain computer interface the brainwaves are extracted from one human being and they are stored inside a computer. They can then be sent instantly thousands of miles across the world to another computer which can be owned and controlled by criminal neuro operatives. The criminal neuro operatives write this information into the brain of a second human being, often against the will and without the consent of that second human being.
The industrialist Elon Musk has stated that he plans to inject a neural lace into the brains of members of the public in such a way that the neural lace would form a brain computer interface which would in turn enable him and and his colleagues to connect the brains of members of the public to the internet. However, brain computer interfacing the general public has been largely achieved already through chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads with nano materials which we later inhale and ingest.
Further to that, in the past microchips were forceably injected into some non-consenting individuals but those non-consenting victims were sometimes able to have them removed. What is now being implemented to be injected into us might never be never be removed for the following reason:- A former contractor for Homeland Security and FEMA called Celeste Solum has informed us that DARPa have developed a method of injecting nano particles into human beings by combining them in a bio-compatable gel called hydrogel A combination of nano material, hydrogel and self-replicating material is planned to be placed in a syringe and then injected into us. The hydrogel then begins to self assemble inside us and it then fuses to our tissue, it fuses to our cells, it fuses to our ligaments, it fuses to our muscles and it fuses to our our bones. It grows and grows inside our bodies and we then become interfaced with our own computers and smart phones. We become part of them and they become part of us. We become one with artificial intelligence then. Please do not accept vaccines for the forseeable future until we are fully informed of their contents. Further information about Celeste Solum is to be found at the following link
If you have the relevant nano materials inside you then artificial intelligence will report your health status to the department of health without your participation or consent. You will not be allowed to ever leave your own home unless you accept the hydrogel injection. You will not be allowed to buy or sell unless you accept the hydrogel injection.
Targeted individuals whose brains are already permeated with neural dust can now be accessed by thousands of criminals with knowledge of neuro science who the targeted individual victims do not know and who work at remote locations which are unknown to the targeted individual victims. The victims can be remotely harassed, tortured, enslaved, bio-robotized and even genocided by any number of unknown brain and body hackers. Targeted individuals of remote wireless torture can have their bodies externally controlled to such a level that a hoax of demonic possession was created as one of many cover stories in order to cover up the extremely advanced current capabilities of science and technology. The cover story that the targeted individual is mentally ill is simply another method in widespread use which covers up the existence and now widespread abuse of directed energy weapons and other advanced wirelessly enabled weapons. Targeted individuals can now have their facial muscles and their speech controlled to such an extent that criminal neuro scientists and neuro operatives can actually speak through the targeted individual and by this means force the targeted individual to confess to a crime that they did not commit and even to force the targeted individual unwillingly sign a statement to that effect. Targeted individuals can now have their moods, their appetite for food, their sexual appetites, their internal bodily functions and even their belief systems wirelessly and non-consensually externally controlled by unknown operatives while these aforementioned unknown operatives work from a location which is unknown to the victims and could possibly be thousands of miles from the location of the victims.
American Universities Brown University and Rice University received nineteen million dollars to create layers of nano chips on the human cortex for the purposes of direct brain computer interface, and also for the development of artificial intelligence equipment, psychotronic equipment, nano chips and so on. There American Universities do not create these technologies themselves. They accept information which has already been discovered using illegal black budget experimentations which have already been conducted on non-consenting human research subjects and which has been in secret development for many decades. These American Universities along with other Universities throughout America then falsely claim that they developed those aforementioned technologies themselves so that all traces of black budget research which has been conducted on non-consensual and extremely unwilling human subjects can be deleted from public knowledge forever.
Professor James Geordano of Georgetown University Medical Center, United States is one of the official spokesmen for the United States government on the subject of Weaponizing Brain Science. He validates the existence of the aforementioned capabilities in nearly all of his online presentations. Here is a link to his latest online presentation which is called Weaponizing Brain Science.
Professor Geordano informs us while speaking on that video that drones and other aerial vehicles can be used to deliver pay loads of neurological viruses, neurological microbes as well as neurological toxins to targeted individuals or targeted groups. He also informs us that nano technology can be used to provide scaffolds that then allow the auto assembly of molecules inside a biological system. When Professor Giordiano refers to a biological system it is understood that he means a human being or any other sentient being.
If fifth generation wireless technology becomes fully activated in the Republic of Ireland then the bandwidth will be available to criminal neuro scientists and their assistants to wirelessly enslave every man, woman and child in the world and this can all be achieved from an unknown remote location.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. I am a non-consensual and extremely unwilling victim of ongoing neuro research which is being conducted wirelessly by unknown criminal neuro operatives while they work from an unknown remote location. I have been embedded with either nano or micro technology or even some even larger technology throughout my brain and body. which allows those unknown criminals to speak to me whenever they wish using voice to skull technology or some similar means of direct brain communication. The electricity that travels through my brain and body which allows me to move my muscles and to think my thoughts is being usurped to allow unknown others to externally control some of my muscles, some of my brain patterns and some of my internal bodily functions. When I reported the matter to the Gardai they did not believe me and they instead sent me for mandatory psychiatric evaluation. Anti-psychotic medication is extremely poisonous and I personally found that it has such extreme side effects that being mandated to ingest it was akin to being tortured from the inside out. This has made me become more afraid of psychiatry than of death to the extent that I would never again report anything to the Gardai or anybody in officialdum. I would simply invoke the right to remain silent if any government official ever asked me anything. Because of extreme fear of psychiatry in former patients they never tell the truth to psychiatrists again. They simply tell psychiatrists whatever they think that their psychiatrists wish to hear in order that they may eventually escape the net of psychiatry. Psychiatry is a pseudo science which is backed by the violence of the state. Psychiatry should be erased from the face of the earth. It is being used to cover up all evidence of wirelessly enabled remote controlled torture.

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A simple, minimally invasive procedure inserts nanobots (blood cell-sized devices) into the bodies of often unaware and non-consenting human beings. These microscopic machines are self-guided towards the neurons in their brain responsible for visual, auditory and other senses.
Whenever some evil neuro scientist or neuro operative wishes to force the non-consenting human being to experience a virtual reality hell they can remotely have the nanobots move into place suppressing all of the inputs coming from the real senses and replacing them with signals corresponding to the virtual environment. In that way the non-consenting human being can be forced to experience a virtual reality hell. I have been forced to experience virtual realities against my will over many years of being a non-consenting victim of wireless remote controlled research.
This technology which is now inside our brains and bodies can be used to force our muscles to be moved against our wills by wireless external means. Some individuals have experienced whole body take over where they have been forced to walk or talk against their wills. I myself have experienced external wireless takeover of my facial and neck muscles as well as external takeover of my vocal cords where some unknown neuro operative was enabled to speak through my mouth against my will and without my permission.
Police and psychiatrists can no longer stay in a state of denial about this capability because we have at least two easy proofs that this is happening to us. We shine an inexpensive ultra violet light into our eyes and our pupils manifest as fluorescent green. We place small neodynium magnets against our faces and they stick to our faces because of the various technologies inside our faces. If non-linear junction detectors were made available to us we would be able to ascertain where the signals which cause us such extreme distress were coming from. There are at least five hundred thousand of us, non-consensual victims of wireless neurological experimentation throughout the world, and some claim the figure is alot higher. This can be made to happen to a small child or a baby. When will our government take action to have it stopped.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland
Landline Home Phone Number 0949360901

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I am being subjected to non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation which is now also known as gaining wireless cybernetic control of my central nervous system for the purposes of overt domination of me and of all other human beings who come under similar categories to mine which is all human beings who are in receipt of disability allowance for Irritable Bowel Syndrome and similar problems such as bladder problems. My unique brain signature was entrained into a frequency of terror for at least a full year around 2008 and 2009 as a punishment for attempting suicide on two occasions. On several occasions during that time I used to wake up suddenly late at night and I would instintly sit rigidly bolt upright in bed immediately upon waking and I would be in a state of extreme terror. This symptom of my extreme distress is widely regarded as a symptom of someone who has been tortured, either psychologically or physically.
Anybody who experiences non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation is automatically and falsely classified as being mentally ill by both state psychiatrists and the police in order to destroy all credible information sources relating to Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation.
I hear the voices of the Remote Neural Monitoring operatives coming from inside my own head because I may have been illegally implanted with a hearing device which I hope to prove in the future in a natural law court. Man made law which is the law we are governed by is no longer in harmony with moral law to the extent that some of its laws are deemed to be seriously deranged. Man made law is not fixed and is not immutable and it is therefore illegal under natural law which is the only law that we aught to be governed by. It has become illegal to write those last few sentences because it is now deemed illegal under deranged man made laws to tell the truth in all cases. That is why, when I eventually take a law case against my aggressors I will do so under fixed and immutable worldwide natural laws.
I have erroneously asked for psychiatric assistance in past times because of being frightened of my experiences of being under Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation. In all occasions the psychiatric medication which I then became obligated to take had extremely distressing side effects and if one were to complain to the mandating psychiatrist about those extremely distressing side effects then the psychiatrist would invariably insist that I would keep taking the distressing psychiatric medication and would ask me to take extra medication which they would claim would dampen down the distressing side effects. I feel that I would then be obliged to take two different toxic formulas which would accumulate in my bloodstream and which would give me further devastating side effects. When the psychiatric patient returns home and should he or she complain about the extreme side effects of the medication at a later date then the psychiatrist would mandate that the patient then return for a stay inside the psychiatric hospital so that the medication could be changed while under observation in case the new medication would cause a severe reaction. While inside the psychiatric hospital the psychiatrist could then extend the stay or make the in-patient status a permanent arrangement at his or her own free will with any political oversight whatsoever. That is why patients don’t generally complain at all. This situation occurs across the board to all psychiatric patients. The reason I bring it up is because I and other former psychiatric patients have such an extreme fear of this situation ever occurring in the future that we would never knowingly speak to a psychiatrist again ever, and if we were ever forced to do so we would have to falsify all statements to them for fear of ever being mandated to take such toxic formulas again. Because of this extreme fear of psychiatric medication and the fear of communicating clearly and precisely with psychiatrists that it engenders and for many other reasons previously mentioned on this website, I now firmly believe that psychiatry is a sham designed to cover up all knowledge of electronic harassment and torture by individuals wielding directed energy weapons and other advanced weaponry. Many psychiatrists themselves may be under mind control.
One of the voices which I continually hear coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission was this morning heard by me to say the following “I often endeavour to get top management to accept vicious likes about Gretta Fahey in order to get paid enough money to live on. Otherwise I would probably starve.” This and other comments lead me to believe that the Remote Neural Monitoring staff have been constantly lying about me down through the years.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control is called

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My brain is wirelessly fused to either a supercomputer or a computer network and I may or may not have become connected to the cerebral internet which is an enslavement and torture system and which I believe is meant for us all. I am a long term victim of non-consensual human experimentation and I am being sent voice commands through the wireless control system as well as pain, visual images, sensations and a wide variety of other unwanted experiences the worse of which is forced muscle movement.
Unfortunately my brain is now decoded to the extent that now it can be wirelessly linked into by many security personnel who work in the intelligence services who are further employed either directly or indirectly for dark Luciferian occultists. I believe that these dark occultists wish to enslave and torture the whole human race by wireless means by the use of wirelessly enabled brain weapons.
It is being claimed that computer to brain interface technology does not rely on the non-consensual human experimentation subject being implanted with a microchip but instead it is being claimed that the unique EMF brainwave print of the subject is connected to the computer to brain interface technology by a bi-directional stream of energy without the need for there being any technology inside the human subjects brain other than various inorganic compounds which may come through the food and water supply and which are deemed to be necessary for successful brain weapon testing. I am questioning parts of that narrative. Non-consensual implantation of human subjects with a wide variety of implants have been taking place illegally for the past one hundred years or more throughout many parts of the world in order to conduct wireless experimentation on them. The individuals who conduct the wirelessly enabled experimentation on the non consensual human subject do not wish us to examine the fact that they are breaking all known laws by the act of non-consensual implantation of human subjects so they may wrongly wish us to believe that no implants are necessary.
I am also questioning a second narrative. If satellites exist the signals which they would send from space would need to travel sixty five thousand miles through extreme conditions in order to relay digital signals to satellite dishes and telephone towers. No science exists that supports this situation. I know that nearly all signals are transmitted throughout the world via undersea fibre optic cables. I also know that many if not all of the voices of neuro scientists and other neuro operatives which I hear coming from inside my head due to the fact that I am non-consensually linked to a human control and enslavement network have American accents and use American terminology and they often mistakenly believe that I myself am an American citizen. However, I was born and reared in the Republic of Ireland and I have always lived in the Republic of Ireland and I have never visited the United States in my entire life. I long for the day when the Irish government directs the Irish military to sever all under sea fibre optic cables coming in to the Republic of Ireland in order that this act of severing may block unwanted digital signals containing voice commands and pain which come by wireless means into my brain and body.
Further to the above, law enforcement are now enforcing evil laws. Evil laws are being enacted on an almost daily basis. Law enforcers have been inculcated into the cult of false law enforcement to the extent that they are now unquestioningly obedient to a false hierarchical based chain of command which demands that they continue to enforce evil laws unquestioningly. Some examples of these laws are grossly unfair tax laws, laws which allow government staff to take children away from loving parents if or when said parents question their government about anything whatsoever, laws which allow murderers to remain uninvestigated under the false guise of protecting national security interests, laws which force psychiatrists to administer highly poisonous substances to in-patients in psychiatric hospitals which said patients are legally obliged to ingest and which makes them suffer with extreme side effects in almost all cases, laws which give rights to corporations as if they had the same rights as human beings, laws which leave legal guardians of children unprotected from criminal government agents, as well as any number of other equally evil laws.

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Posted on September 20, 2019 by gretta fahey
I hear the intelligence sounding voices of unknown individuals coming from inside my own head and this is happening without my consent. When I was interviewed in the distant past by a number of psychiatrists none of them advised me to have myself tested for the presence of cochlear implants. Why was this?
I am experiencing constant broadcast assaults as follows. All of the electromagnetic frequencies being generated by my brain and body are being non-consensually wirelessly transmitted to a network of supercomputers where they are being translated into evoked potentials which are in turn being automatically translated and categorized into the words that I speak, the thoughts that I think, the sounds that I hear, the muscle movements that I make, the images that I see, the feelings that I feel, as well as the internal activity of my bodily organs. A frequency modulator can then be used to send electromagnetic frequencies back into my brain and body to force me to hear inner voices and to see both external images and internal minds eye images, to experience forced muscle movements and to experience having my vocal cords manipulated against my will to produce words which I did not generate of my own free will, among a vast number of other unwanted and non-consensual experiences.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Claremorris, Ireland and I am a victim of non-consensual experimentation and I have been so for many years. The voices which I hear coming from inside my head were heard by me to say the following ” We have bound ninety percent of the body of Gretta Fahey at this stage. When we have one hundred percent of her bodily movements placed under our control we have been informed numerous times that we will then disable her own ability to move her own muscular structure and we will than take over complete and total control of all of her bodily movements from that day forward. Gretta herself can put a stop to this by ceasing to be in the company of any and all digital signals.”
For many years I have been experiencing forced muscle movement. I now experience forced and vigorous movement of my facial muscles, neck muscles, eye muscles and vocal cords among some other muscles against my will and this often occurs while the voices which I hear coming from inside my head speak among themselves about having external control of many of my muscles. A Boston, Massachusetts, based online journalist called Ramola Dharmaraj has interviewed many individuals, including myself, who have reported both forced muscle movement and whole body takeover, on her youtube channel which is called Ramola D Reports.
A patent exists which outlines a method of controlling the central nervous system of a human being by external means and the patent number for this patent is US6506148 B2 and it is dated 14th January, 2003 and the patent holder is Hendricus G. Loos, who is said to be an inventor from California. He holds approximately nine other patents which give information about how to either manipulate or control the central nervous system of a human being by wireless external means. For further information on this patent please click on the following link

If the day ever came when the individuals who place a simulation of their voices inside my head ever gain one hundred percent control of my bodily movements would even my closest relatives be able to discern that I would no longer be acting of my own volition? The inner voices have informed me that the answer to the aforementioned question is definitely no. If this is in fact true how many individuals alive in the world today are under external wireless control with no ability whatsoever to speak or move a muscle of their own free will. I imagine they would rather be dead. How can we, the human race, discern who if anybody is under total external wireless control with no free will whatsoever and how can we set them free from this type of imprisonment? How can we, the human race, gain back control over the ninety five percent privately owned main stream media which is owned by a cabal of central bankers and their associates who work out of the London Financial District and who will not allow their associates from ever mentioning the subject of wireless control of human beings in any of their top newspapers to date and which is in opposition to the wishes of the rest of the human race?.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. Landline Home Phone Number 0949360901. Mobile Phone Number 0870692278.

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My brain is wirelessly fused to either a supercomputer or a computer network and I may or may not have become connected to the cerebral internet which is an enslavement and torture system and which I believe is meant for us all. I am a long term victim of non-consensual human experimentation and I am being sent voice commands through the wireless control system as well as pain, visual images, sensations and a wide variety of other unwanted experiences the worse of which is forced muscle movement.
Unfortunately my brain is now decoded to the extent that now it can be wirelessly linked into by many security personnel who work in the intelligence services who are further employed either directly or indirectly for dark Luciferian occultists. I believe that these dark occultists wish to enslave and torture the whole human race by wireless means by the use of wirelessly enabled brain weapons.
It is being claimed that computer to brain interface technology does not rely on the non-consensual human experimentation subject being implanted with a microchip but instead it is being claimed that the unique EMF brainwave print of the subject is connected to the computer to brain interface technology by a bi-directional stream of energy without the need for there being any technology inside the human subjects brain other than various inorganic compounds which may come through the food and water supply and which are deemed to be necessary for successful brain weapon testing. I am questioning parts of that narrative. Non-consensual implantation of human subjects with a wide variety of implants have been taking place illegally for the past one hundred years or more throughout many parts of the world in order to conduct wireless experimentation on them. The individuals who conduct the wirelessly enabled experimentation on the non consensual human subject do not wish us to examine the fact that they are breaking all known laws by the act of non-consensual implantation of human subjects so they may wrongly wish us to believe that no implants are necessary.
I am also questioning a second narrative. If satellites exist the signals which they would send from space would need to travel sixty five thousand miles through extreme conditions in order to relay digital signals to satellite dishes and telephone towers. No science exists that supports this situation. I know that nearly all signals are transmitted throughout the world via undersea fibre optic cables. I also know that many if not all of the voices of neuro scientists and other neuro operatives which I hear coming from inside my head due to the fact that I am non-consensually linked to a human control and enslavement network have American accents and use American terminology and they often mistakenly believe that I myself am an American citizen. However, I was born and reared in the Republic of Ireland and I have always lived in the Republic of Ireland and I have never visited the United States in my entire life. I long for the day when the Irish government directs the Irish military to sever all under sea fibre optic cables coming in to the Republic of Ireland in order that this act of severing may block unwanted digital signals containing voice commands and pain which come by wireless means into my brain and body.
Further to the above, law enforcement are now enforcing evil laws. Evil laws are being enacted on an almost daily basis. Law enforcers have been inculcated into the cult of false law enforcement to the extent that they are now unquestioningly obedient to a false hierarchical based chain of command which demands that they continue to enforce evil laws unquestioningly. Some examples of these laws are grossly unfair tax laws, laws which allow government staff to take children away from loving parents if or when said parents question their government about anything whatsoever, laws which allow murderers to remain uninvestigated under the false guise of protecting national security interests, laws which force psychiatrists to administer highly poisonous substances to in-patients in psychiatric hospitals which said patients are legally obliged to ingest and which makes them suffer with extreme side effects in almost all cases, laws which give rights to corporations as if they had the same rights as human beings, laws which leave legal guardians of children unprotected from criminal government agents, as well as any number of other equally evil laws.

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A system of control is being set up throughout the whole world behind the scenes of our lives, which has been engineered by dark occultists to be a severe and unrelenting control system. I am under direct contact with this cruel control system because I was selected by individuals who work within the control system to be placed on continual monitoring and manipulation via a two way wireless link from my brain and body to one of their computer networks. Because they employ directed energy weapons and some other energy systems to monitor and manipulate me this dark occultist owned and managed control system leaves very little trace of evidence of its existence or of its power.
I have been informed that there is a policy of demeaning the staff who work within the control system if they show signs of disobedience to the code of behaviour created by the dark occultists for their staff. The male staff are forced to remove their lower clothing and display their posterior to their employers as an act of unquestioning and submissive obedience to the code. The female staff and indeed all women throughout the world will no longer be allowed to work outside the home at all if the dark occultists ever succeed in taking over control of the whole world. They plan to set up a rigid hierarchical based chain of command where dark occultists would own and run the whole world by wireless means. We would not even be allowed to know who they are because we would all be connected by two way wireless means to the computerized control system where our daily lives would be micro-managed possibly by computer generated voice commands via a voice induction process which is commonly known as voice to skull. These voices would give us orders throughout each moment of each day and if we failed to obey said orders we would possibly receive a pain signal or be paralysed for a few hours or even a few days at a time. I know this situation is on the agenda for everybody because I and many others throughout my country, the Republic of Ireland and indeed most other countries have been subjected to parts of this system for many years. We are all continually warning the world of our plight in the hope that they can over ride the electronic mind control they are under long enough to believe us. There are easy ways to circumvent this system if we all act urgently to tear down all microwave transmitters, millimetre wave transmitters and related paraphernalia now.
Inculcation methods as well as electronic mind control is in widespread use against politicians, senior civil servants, university staff, the police, the military, psychiatry and students and many other individuals throughout the world. Many of us are aware that there are many ways to circumvent this control and eventual enslavement system which is currently moving towards you and your family. I offer a few suggestions here below.
Supply the lower level police forces with technology which can easily detect anomalies in the human energy field of all individuals who come to the attention of the police. You can no longer trust some members of the higher level police because I believe that all police forces throughout the world have been infiltrated and manipulated by the afore-mentioned dark occultist would-be controllers and enslavers. I firmly believe that the United States patent office is currently under the control of the afore-mentioned dark occultists and I believe that they have been stealing patents for many decades because a differential in knowledge eventually leads to a differential in power. We must take back control of and make public all available patents. We must stop registering babies at birth because by doing so you are legally handing over your baby to enslavement by the state. We must refuse to recognise and legitimise psychiatry because it is a pseudo science which is backed by the violence of the state and it has provided false cover for criminals who are targeting individuals with directed energy weapons for many decades. Please spread this warning to others to let them know that they will be enslaved if they do not act urgently. My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividuals

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Psychiatrists throughout the world are extremely abusive towards their patients in the sense that they force their patients to ingest or have injected into their bodies extremely toxic psychotropic substances which in many instances cause said patients to feel as if they are being tortured from the inside out as a direct result of being forced to ingest or have injected into them said toxic psychotripic substances. The decisions of psychiatrists to force their patients to ingest or have injected into their bodies extremely toxic psychotropic substances is backed by the violence of whatever state the patient resides in. If the patient should fail to take these extremely toxic substances, they are then mandated by psychiatric law to have a nurse come to their abode and inject them on a fortnightly basis with a long acting injection of the toxic substances, which has been mandated by law to be injected inside their bodies, mostly against their wills and without their permission. If the patient should refuse to allow their nurse to inject them with the prescriped toxic psychotropic substance they are then escorted by their local police back inside the psychiatric institution where they will remain until they become compliant. On some occasions if the patient continues to refuse to ingest or to have injected into them the mandated toxic psychotripic substance they are then placed in solitary confinement until they decide to become complaint. This policy of placing non-compliant psychiatric patients in solitary confinement in order to get them to comply with the mandated policies of psychiatry is now coming onstream throughout the European Union.
If a psychiatric patient should experience severe side effects from their mandated psychotropic poisons and if they then complain to their psychiatrist about that the psychiatrist will not allow them to stop taking said psychotropic poison and instead they will mandate them to take an extra substance which the psychiatrist will claim will alleviate some of the side effects of their mandated psychotropic substance. This extra substance will also go on to affect side effects in the brain and body of the patient. These poisons from both mandated substances will build up over time in the brain and body of the psychiatric patient and have been known to eventually cause brain injury.
To prove my point, I enclose herebelow a list of possible side effects a patient may experience as a result of of ingestion or having injected aripiprazole which is more commonly known as Abilify into their brain and body. Other psychotropic drugs have similar side effects in similar measures for the most part.

Like all medicines, Aripiprazole also known as Abilify can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
Common side effects (may affect up to 1 in 10 people):
diabetes mellitus,
difficulty sleeping,
feeling anxious,
feeling restless and unable to keep still, difficulty sitting still,
uncontrollable twitching, jerking or writhing movements, restless legs,
shaking and blurred vision,
decreased number of or difficulty making bowel movements,
feeling sick,
more saliva in mouth than normal,
feeling tired.
Uncommon side effects (may affect up to 1 in 100 people):
increased blood levels of the hormone prolactin,
too much sugar in the blood,
altered or increased sexual interest,
uncontrollable movements of mouth, tongue and limbs (tardive dyskinesia),
muscle disorder causing twisting movements (dystonia),
double vision,
fast heartbeat,
a fall in blood pressure on standing up which causes dizziness, light-headedness or fainting,
The following side effects have been reported since the marketing of oral aripiprazole but the frequency for them to occur is not known:
low levels of white blood cells,
low levels of blood platelets,
allergic reaction (e.g. swelling in the mouth, tongue, face and throat, itching, hives),
onset or worsening of diabetes, ketoacidosis (ketones in the blood and urine) or coma,
high blood sugar,
not enough sodium in the blood,
loss of appetite (anorexia),
weight loss,
weight gain,
thoughts of suicide, suicide attempt and suicide,
feeling aggressive,
combination of fever, muscle stiffness, faster breathing, sweating, reduced consciousness and sudden changes in blood pressure and heart rate, fainting (neuroleptic malignant syndrome),
serotonin syndrome (a reaction which may cause feelings of great happiness, drowsiness, clumsiness, restlessness, feeling of being drunk, fever, sweating or rigid muscles),
speech disorder,
fixation of the eyeballs in one position,
sudden unexplained death,
life-threatening irregular heartbeat,
heart attack,
slower heartbeat,
blood clots in the veins especially in the legs (symptoms include swelling, pain and redness in the leg), which may travel through blood vessels to the lungs causing chest pain and difficulty in breathing (if you notice any of these symptoms, seek medical advice immediately),
high blood pressure,
accidental inhalation of food with risk of pneumonia (lung infection),
spasm of the muscles around the voice box,
inflammation of the pancreas,
difficulty swallowing,
abdominal discomfort,
stomach discomfort,
liver failure,
inflammation of the liver,
yellowing of the skin and white part of eyes,
reports of abnormal liver tests values,
skin rash,
sensitivity to light,
excessive sweating,
abnormal muscle breakdown which can lead to kidney problems,
muscle pain,
involuntary loss of urine (incontinence),
difficulty in passing urine,
withdrawal symptoms in newborn babies in case of exposure during pregnancy,
prolonged and/or painful erection,
difficulty controlling core body temperature or overheating,
chest pain,
swelling of hands, ankles or feet,
in blood tests: increased or fluctuating blood sugar, increased glycosylated haemoglobin.
Inability to resist the impulse, drive or temptation to perform an action that could be harmful to you or others, which may include:
strong impulse to gamble excessively despite serious personal or family consequences
altered or increased sexual interest and behaviour of significant concern to you or to others, for example, an increased sexual drive
uncontrollable excessive shopping
binge eating (eating large amounts of food in a short time period) or compulsive eating (eating more food than normal and more than is needed to satisfy your hunger)
a tendency to wander away.
Tell your doctor if you experience any of these behaviours; he/she will discuss ways of managing or reducing the symptoms.
In elderly patients with dementia, more fatal cases have been reported while taking aripiprazole. In addition, cases of stroke or "mini" stroke have been reported.
Additional side effects in children and adolescents
Adolescents aged 13 years and older experienced side effects that were similar in frequency and type to those in adults except that sleepiness, uncontrollable twitching or jerking movements, restlessness, and tiredness were very common (greater than 1 in 10 patients) and upper abdominal pain, dry mouth, increased heart rate, weight gain, increased appetite, muscle twitching, uncontrolled movements of the limbs, and feeling dizzy, especially when getting up from a lying or sitting position, were common (greater than 1 in 100 patients).
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme, Website: By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. I became a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation back in the spring of 2003. I was gang-stalked initially. My home was broken into and my belongings were interfered with in minor ways, just enough to emotionally destabilize me. I then began to hear voices coming from inside my head which I now know were transmitted into my head by the use of military communication technology by a direct wireless link which I had earlier unknowingly become linked to military technology by. The voices continually threatened me in a miriad of ways. Among other things that were said to me by the voices was the fact that the voices threatened to paralyse me from head to toe but they said they would leave me with the ability to feel pain and after I was paralysed they would send me endless pain signals for the rest of my life and I would not be able to inform anyone that I was being tortured. I attempted suicide on more than two occasions. I have been informed that I nearly died on two of those occasions. I was so frightened by the silent psychological torture that I was undergoing that I asked psychiatrists in the adult mental health section of Castlebar hospital if I could stay inside the psychiatric hospital for a short period of time in order to regain my equilibrium. I thought that the psychiatrists would believe me when I informed them of what was happening to me with regard to being silently tortured by the voices of military neuro operatives which I could hear coming from inside my head. However, the psychiatrists not only did not believe me, they falsely believed that I was mentally unwell and they wrongly mandated that I take a variety of different psychotropic medications including the above mentioned aripiprazole, all of which gave me such extreme side effects that I suffered greatly from said side effects. I am now no longer taking any type of psychotropic medication and I feel much healthier that I did when I was taking them. They are extremely poisonous and should never be given to anybody whatsoever. Psychiatrists have more than likely never taken any of the psychotropic medications they prescribe to their patients. If they did they would reconsider offering them as a solution to any type of mental health problem.
Psychiatrists now appear to be wrongly identifying any type of short term emotional crisis as a serious mental health problem where they can engineer the tax payer to pay for psychotropic medications from that particular patient for the whole of their lives as well as wrongly categorising that patient as being chronically mentally ill rather than suffering from a short term emotional crisis which is often the case.
I have become so frightened of the bogus psychiatric system that I can not now inform my own general practitioner that I continue to hear voices and I continue to be psychologically tortured by neuro operatives who use psychotronic weapons against me in case he wrongly decided to send me for further psychiatric treatment. In this way, and in many other ways, the people of Ireland and the wider world are hindered from communicating effectively with agents of their own government, thereby helping to take down the Irish government bit by bit through no fault of their own.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland
Landline Home Phone Number 0949360901

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Mass surveillance is not in our interests. Mass neuro surveillance is much worse than simply basic surveillance. Many Irish individuals down through the years have become secretlty implanted with extremely invasive neuro technology. Nanobots in our brains give us connectivity to the wirelessly enabled cerebral internet on a permanent basis. We are known as smart citizens or targeted individuals and I have been connected to the wireless cerebral internet for many years. We are permanently monitored. We have absolutely no privacy. We can be controlled by others. We can have our memories deleted. We can be subjected to a process known as human robotization.
I became connected to what is now known by some writers as the cerebral internet more than sixteen years ago. I am permanently connected by a two way wireless connection to a human control and enslavement network where the neuro staff who operate the system often issue me with voice commands as well as death threats and torture threats. The neuro operatives often send information to my brain and body in order to make my body malfunction for a short time now and again. They can make me develop a severe limp and have it completely eliminated within thirty minutes. They can give me stomach cramps and intestine cramps by sending digital signals through the two way wireless control system to my brain and body whenever they wish, and they have done so on occasion.
When we have become wirelessly connected to the computerized control system the activities of our brains can then be automatically translated into what we see, hear and perceive in nearly every way. If an individual who is wirelessly connected to the computerized control system sees a human face, the activities of their brain are then translated into the image of the human face that they then happen to be looking at by the neuro operatives who control and operate the human control system behind the scenes. The same applies to what ever we are hearing. This makes the computerized control system a system of spying on the human race. This system of having the human race spied on by unwilling targeted individuals from technology inside their brains has been in operation for many decades and because I am wirelessly and non-consensually connected to it on a long term basis, I am aware of its frightening capabilities.
“Technological implants like brain nanobots might cause losing mind control and thus, the carriers can be controlled by others and lose their autonomy; they can be spied on permanently with the cerebral Internet and can lose their privacy; their memory can be deleted and they can lose their identity. Thus, the humans who carry technological implants can be permanently spied on, mentally controlled, and lose their identity, becoming human slaves at the service of Transnational companies and the economic powers. An objective analysis reveals that Transhumanism is only an intellectual swindle that leads to digital fascism, a society where a millionaire elite will govern citizens with technological implants, who will be digital slaves at the service of an oligarchy.“
The above is a quote by Professor David Salinas Flores, Professor of Medicine at the Universidad Nacional, Mayor de San Marcos, Peru, which can be found at the following website of online journalist and political activist Ramola Dharmaraj
Another speaker on the subject of brain science and technology of note is Professor James Giordano of Georgestown University Medical Centre who can be found at the following link among many other links
According to Agenda 2030, all of the human race except our would-be enslavers are due to be connected to the wireless internet by the year 2030. There is a trap being set up for the human race behind the scenes of our lives and most of humanity may not realize this is the case until it is too late for them to escape from it. Hundreds of thousands of already wirelessly tethered individuals can not seem to get a warning out to the rest of the human race because every time we inform the police of our predicament their policy is to immediately send us for psychiatric evaluation. Psychiatrists are now legally obliged to place us under a psychiatric hold if we state that we are wirelessly linked to a computerized control network and that we are being manipulated by it in various ways. That is the main reason I can not inform the police or psychiatry about this matter. I have informed both the police and psychiatry before and I have not been taken seriously.
When ever a targeted individual who is sometimes known as a smart citizen informs the Gardaí or senior psychiatrists about their technological enslavement, because said targeted individual is under constant surveillance via technological implants, their handlers, some of who disguise themselves as Gardaí or psychiatrists, attend the scene and/or uses a code to inform central command that a targeted individual has become out of bounds. These handlers have unknown ways of controlling the situation so that the Gardaí and psychiatrists are dissuaded from believing the words of the targeted individual. Ways are immediately found to discredit the targeted individual so that the targeted individual immediately ends up under psychiatric hold where they will be caught in the net of psychiatry for as long as is deemed necessary.
I offer some solutions to the problem of long term technological enslavement. Please make changes to the way the Gardaí and psychiatry process anyone who comes to them complaining of electronic harassment and torture. Please provide the Gardaí with spectrum analysers and other technology so that they can detect anomalies in the energy fields of individuals who complain of electronic harassment. Please enact a law which would ban enforcement of the taking of poisonous substances posing as psychiatric medication because in many cases their strong side effects are akin to being tortured from the inside out.
I write a daily blog about my experiences of being an implanted and wirelessly tethered smart citizen. I do not, never have and never would accept payment for any post I place on my website or later on any social media site. My only aim is to raise awareness of this ongoing attempt to technologically enslave the people of the world by individuals within the new world order enslavement cabal.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website is called My landline home phone number which I include in order to verify that I am genuine is 0949360901.

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I am wirelessly and non-consensually linked to neuro operatives who force me to listen to their voices throughout each and every day entirely against my will and without my permission. A selection of neuro operatives, who I have been informed are core volunteers in playing a part in my electronic harassment and psychological torture, wake me up and place my in a hyper alert state in the middle of the night, many nights, in order to speak to me and insult me and threaten me and keep me awake for hours at a time when I should be sleeping. When I complained via the two way bio-communication link which allows them to communicate with me against my will and without my permission they said that they could not get a time slot during the day to perform their electronic harassment duties and that is why they harass me during many nights.

I am a victim of the brutal hacking of brains and bodies of human beings which is now widespread and growing throughout Western European Countries and further afield. The main stream media are keeping the populace in the dark about this psychological torture mechanism which is getting ever closer to their own doors. They are more than likely under strong microwave mind control. Further to that, authoritarian psychiatry use fraudulent mental health labelling on anybody who attempts to whistle blow about the existence and abuse of wireless weapon electronic harassment and torture. Neuro weapons have been in field-testing for at least sixteen years in the Republic of Ireland and possibly for many decades before I became a victim of it. This is an ongoing crime against humanity. The only way forward is to disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities together with all microwave mind control capabilities, so that people can begin to think clearly again. Currently many appear to be programmed to only believe what they hear from the mouths of the main stream media announcers. However, the main stream media is now privately owned and controlled by the dark new world order evil cabal and they use said main stream media as their mouthpiece in order to misdirect the rest of the humanity and to lead them into a false sense of security

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I am a non-consensual subject of an around the clock illegal wireless monitoring and manipulation system commonly known as remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation. I am wirelessly connected from imbedded implants in my brain and body to a super computer which is operated by criminal neuro operatives. They force me to listen to their voices throughout each day and into the night. I post what they say to me online on a regular basis so that others who are similarly connected will know some of what to expect. Here is a small sample of what these criminal neuro operatives have been saying to me over the past few days at different times of the day ...

"You are behaving yourself, I hope".

"Please excuse yourself whenever you leave the room in future".

"How many times a day do you eat food"?

"That is no way to talk to one of your systems advisors?.

"Place human bones in Gretta's garden. Then we could arrest her".

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The dark new world order crime cabal have publicly stated that there are too many people in the world and that we are consuming non-renewable natural resources. They have coined the term "useless eaters" to describe us. Their plan to kill billions of us is already underway. They have weaponized many electronic devices as well as smart meters, pharmaceuticals, psychiatry, food, water, vaccinations and many other products. . For further information on the over population hoax and the ongoing worldwide human culling program please watch the following youtube video by Dr Rima Labow

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If we, human beings, were socially engineering ourselves and our planet all over again, but with the knowledge we now have we would not allow refined sugar, alcohol or cigarettes, to ever be placed on the market. We would not allow false psychiatry which is a pseudo science to exist in any basis whatsoever. We would not allow the drug industry to deliberately blend its drugs with harmful substances in order to poison some and dumb down others for the true purposes of eventual world wide enslavement of the human race.

We would ban public forced schooling where our children are being taught unquestioning obedience to false authority and where they are not being taught to think logically in any area. They are being forced to believe scientism which is a false belief in what some dishonest scientists say rather than in what is empirical evidence. Instead we would home educate our children.  Children are being forced to think like schools of fish rather that enabled to draw their own individual logical conclusions.

We would never allow unreasonable man-made law to come into use in our world.  We would use natural laws which are constructed upon natural reason which is fixed and immutable.   We would use judges selected at random from our communities who would have no political affiliations and who would only be allowed to make a judgement once or twice in their lifetime.

What else would we do differently if we were organising our planet from the beginning?

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All of human kind are currently ingesting and inhaling particulates which eventually disperse throughout their whole bodies and brains. These bio-particulates coagulate to form larger nodes which are being linked by a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to large networks of computers. Neuro scientists send digital signals to the muscles of a human being which can be made to override the signals which come from the brain of that human being. With the use of a super-computer neuro scientists can figure out the pattern in which muscle groups need to be triggered to make somebody walk you can then reverse engineer the signal pattern and make somebody walk against their will. When this particular bio-engineered individual informs government officials about their experiences they are regularly being sent for psychiatric assessment which is normally followed by committal to a psychiatric institution. After that they have no further social credibility. Many targeted individuals have come forward in youtube interviews to inform the public of their experiences of forced muscle movement and slow and gradual bio-robotization. One Canadian woman called Rohinie Besaysar was remoted controlled to murder another woman that she did not know. She was disbelieved by her judge and is currently wrongfully in a Canadian prison.
Many non-consensual neuro research subjects have been interviewed on the youtube channel called "Ramola D Reports" where I and others have given in debth accounts of our non-consensual and extremely unwilling experiences of being slowly and incrementally wirelessly bio-robotized over many years. I recommend the following reports
Report No 85 - My own interview - Gretta Fahey
Report No 92 - Galina Kurdina
Report No 28, 29. 30, - Chris Burton
Report No 98 - Phillip Douglas Walker aka Omnisense,
I believe that forced muscle movement and partial human bio-robotization which is being made to happen by crimina neuro operatives in the only real and valid explanation for the hoax known as demonic possession. I have heard that there is a solution to forced muscle movement. A strong pulse of magnetic energy to the human body may destroy the arrangement of bio-particulates inside the human body. Please research Michael Chapala on youtube under the title "Targeted Individual Cure High Voltage EMP treatment in Mexico Success".
Many people continue to be unwilling to take targeted individuals of wirelessly enabled remote controlled electronic harassment and torture seriously because these people have been inhaling and ingesting bio-particulates which have now dispersed throughout their own bodies and brains, which enabled their brains to be entrained into a state of both unconcern and into a state of gullable trust in the new world order leadership.

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Many good will human beings throughout Ireland and the rest of the world are being monitored and harassed by criminal neuro operatives who use wireless electronic weapons while these good will human beings are trying to go about their lives peacefully. Wireless electronic capabilities are also being used to mass mind control the whole of society by entraining their brains into a state of false contentment while their civil rights are being slowly but surely eroded on a daily basis.

Individuals who have already been linked by wireless means to a covert in-home monitoring system are attempting to convince the rest of the human race to urgently have all wireless capabilities disassembled and banned across the board. Some others reply that wireless capabilities are essential to maintain the economy of our country which in turn would maintian our current standard of living. However, the economy can no longer be part of the equasion because wireless capabilities are being used to burn down homes by remote wireless means. Wireless capabilities are also being used to inflict pain and torture of a number of human beings via deeply imbedded implants and other means while these human beings are inside their own homes attempting to live peaceful lives.

Wireless capabilities can be used to burn  human beings to death in a covert war.  When metal objects such as spoons are placed in a microwave oven they catch fire.  We are now being informed that we have metallic particulates inside our bodies and brains which we inhale and ingest due to chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads in a process known as geoengineering.  These metallic particulates are currently  being found in our food supply.  The capability exists to turn microwave transmitters which are attached to telephone towers way up to a much higher power transmission.  It may be possible to control these microwave transmitters from one central location.  Therefore the capability now exists  to burn us inside our homes due to these metallic particulates being inside our bodies.   A cover story could then be provided that we were burned to death by the spread of wildfires during hot weather.


Wireless capabilities are being used to force private human beings to hear intelligent voices issuing commands to them via implants during which these intelligent voices are being heard by them coming from inside their own heads. If the victim should refuse to obey the commands of these inner voices they are being informed by these inner voices that their utilities including electricity, water and waste collection will be stopped and their bank accounts will be disabled and if their are in public housing they will be evicted forthwith. These intelligent sounding inner voices are telling the human subjects concerned that this wireless enslavement system is being means for everyone. It is currently being set up throughout the republic of Ireland. It is commonly known within the network as remote neural monitoring.

Please consider having all wireless enabling transmitters and related paraphernalia disassembled and banned urgently.

Individuals who have already been placed on remote neural monitoring attempt to explain to psychiatrists and others exactly what they are experiencing. A strongly conditioned false belief in the validity of psychiatry has been etched into the minds of society over many decades and centuries. They are giving credence to a university discipline that has can not be backed by scientific means. Psychiatry is based on non-science. Psychiatry is based on the subjective opinions of psychiatrists. There is no test available to support their subjective opinions.

Psychiatry is currently being furthered as a back door to currently disempower anybody who attempts to highlight the truth that they have been placed on a remote neural monitoring system. The victim is being told that there is no such system in existence as remote neural monitoring. They are being told that they have a chemical imbalance in their brain which is genetically determined and they will have it for life and there is nothing they can do about it and they will forever be limited and restricted and they must continually ingest tablets which dampen down their creativity, their sensitivity and their awareness. They are being told that they are sick and the psychiatrist can see this but that they can not.

The entire field of psychiatry is now implicated in covering up the crime of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation. However, because of the wide use of electronic mind control especially against individuals who live or work near telephone towers and because of the fact they all of Irish society are unknowingly ingesting and inhaling nano particulates which eventually become imbedded in their bodies and brains, their brains are now working to the dictates of external programming rather than the power of their own minds. The signals which subliminally influence them are coming from telephone towers in their environment and are redirected to their brains from smart engineered technology inside their homes and offices. We can easily return to wired technology without it impacting our quality of life. Please consider having telephone towers and related paraphernalia urgently banned.

There is currently a small hole in the Titanic.  It can very easily be repaired.  However, many on board are asleep and are unaware of the danger.  If we wait until 5G which is fifth generation wireless technology become operational within the next year the technological capabilities of our enemies to wirelessly enslave us will become infinitely more powerful.  5G can remote neural monitor hundred of thousands of human beings simultaneously, whereby they would hear a  voice issuing them commands  via voice to skull direct communication.  These commands would come from the hearing centres of their own brains.  If they failed to obey these commands they could receive an electric shock or they could have their utilities cancelled within days.  I know this situation to be the case because I have been on this cruel system for more than fifteen years, and I am aware of at least one dozen of my fellow Irish men and women who are also currently on a similar control and enslavement system.

My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo.  My website where I outline my experiences of being on a remote neural monitoring control and enslavement system  is called


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I received a letter today from the Health Service Executive of Ireland forcing me to attend an interview with a psychiatrist tomorrow. This force is normally backed by the violence of the state.
I will not attend for the following twenty or so reasons:-

Psychiatry, through intentional false mental illness diagnosis, is being deliberately used to cover the widespread existence and misuse of Directed Energy Weapons.
I went into the care of the psychiatric services of my own free will, fifteen years ago, due to a belief that I was being electronically harassed. I sought out the safety of the psychiatric hospital as a place of sanctuary, and for that I will always be grateful. All of the psychiatric staff who I interacted with were helpful and courteous and extremely kind to me at all times. However, that is not a good enough reason to turn a blind eye to huge problems within the psychiatric services, as by doing so, it could lead to the total destruction of human freedoms, in the not too distant future.

When I first was admitted to St Teresa’s unit in Castlebar, Ireland, for mental health care, back in 2003, I was prescribed a drug called Haldol, also known as Haloperidal. According to Jon Rappaport of, this is a drug that was manufactured in Russia to be given to political dissidents. This drug causes some patients such strong Tardive Akathisia and Tardive Dyskinesia that it is akin to being tortured from the inside out, leaving psychiatric staff with plausible deniability. If you need convincing of this fact, please take this drug yourself for one month and see how bad it makes you feel. I myself experienced both Tardive Akathisia and Tardive Dyskinesia to an extreme degree. Tardive Akathisia left me with a strong compulsion to walk around constantly. I had an almost total inability to sit still. If I sat down or lay down for a short while, I would then feel an urgent compulsion to move again. I lost all my feeling of being able to rest and relax for even a short. All joy was squeezed out of my life. I felt as if I was being tortured. Please do not mistake this feeling for general agitation that might be caused by somebody who is mentally ill or overstimulated by drinking too much coffee or tea, as, at that time, I drank neither tea nor coffee. I also experienced tardive dyskinesia to an extreme degree. Tardive Dyskinesia made me experience almost constant involuntary movements of my arms and legs, even when I was in bed and trying to sleep. Psychiatrists are being informed by drug companies that the older anti-psychotic medications had more extreme side effects than the new ones. However, the majority of patients do not agree with this.
Under medical law, psychiatric patients are legally obliged to take whatever anti-psychotic medication their psychiatrist prescribes, and they are usually obliged to take it for the rest of their lives. If they refuse to comply with the taking of their medication, their psychiatrist must incarcerate them in a mental hospital until they decide to be compliant. Otherwise, they are forcefully given a long acting injection of their medication every two weeks. It is my opinion that one of the real reasons psychiatric patients commit suicide is because they cannot stand the side effects of their anti-psychotic medication, but have no legal way of coming off it.
Another real reason the psychiatric patients commit suicide is because psychiatrists refuse point black to believe their patients whenever their patients tell them that they are being targeted with directed energy weapons and voice to skull military communication systems and many other technological systems, thereby giving their patients no practical help, and hindering their freedom and unjustly stigmatising them, and making them chronically ill by forcing toxic substances into them. I believe the reason for this situation is that psychiatrists and all other medical personnel are legally obliged to carry phones that remotely entrain their brains. Because most medical personnel are not aware of the brain entrainment capabilities of smart phones, they normally choose to carry smart phones instead of the more innocuous dumb phones. Individuals who are being targeted with a large variety of directed energy weapons are unable to persuade heavily mind controlled psychiatrists of the true nature of their experiences. They can find nobody to fight their case and so in a large number of cases they commit suicide.
The American military openly admits that medications which have been found to have extremely distressing side-effects could possibly be useful as weapons. This practice of weaponised medicine has already been implemented, because people who are a threat to the would-be dictatorship often find themselves catagorised as mentally ill, and forced medicated with substances that cause extreme internal discomfort, for example, an inability to stay still, violent tremors, and confusion. If you complain about the severity of the side effects and ask to be taken off the forced medication, your psychiatrist will normally refuse to do so. They will just give you an anticholinergic agent in addition to your current medication, in order to suppress the worst of your symptoms. The anticholinergic agent also has severe side effects. The psychopaths who designed this torture program, under the guise of forced treatment, are evil to the core. Have psychiatrists taken the medicine they prescribe for even one week, themselves, in order to experience the severity of the side effects first hand? If not, why not?
If in-patients in psychiatric hospitals are hearing voices directly into their heads , which are being transmitted wirelessly by the use of Voice to Skull military communication technology, when asked by their doctors, the patients are obliged to lie to their doctors about whether they are hearing voices in order to be allowed to leave a psychiatric institution. If the patient tells their doctor the truth that they are still hearing voices on a continual basis, their doctor is legally obliged to detain them in the psychiatric hospital until they are willing to declare that they no longer hear voices. In this way, the voice hearer is gagged from going public about the fact that voices are being fed to them by the use of Voice to Skull military communication technology, and can only discuss their experiences of hearing voices in the past tense.
When I was released from the care of psychiatry, I was obliged to attend psychiatric review meetings every three months. At my psychiatric review meetings, I did not discuss by concerns about directed energy weapons with my psychiatrists any longer, as the balance of power between the patient and psychiatrist is so overwhelmingly in favour of the psychiatrist, that I was scared to admit that I still believed in the existence and misuse of electromagnetic weapons, in case it would lead to having a psychiatrist believe me to be mentally ill and re-admit me into a mental health facility immediately. At any review meeting I have ever had with a psychiatrist, I have only ever told them what I thought they wanted to hear, out of fear of being immediately re-admitted if I told them the truth. The truth is that these directed energy weapons are very real, and are being used to secretly torture many innocent members of the public, here in Ireland, and worldwide. The truth is that the world is slowly being turned into an electronic dictatorship. We can easily stop this electronic dictatorship at any time, by demanding that our government take down all mobile phone masts, thereby disabling the signals to our brains and bodies. We can go back to conducting our business and social affairs by using landline telephones. In order to disunify the planetary wide growing dictatorship, we may decide to sever the under-sea fiber optic cables which carry signals from the brains and bodies of weapons test subjects to black budget neuro scientists who may be thousands of miles away.
It is my belief that mental health patients have less rights than a hardened criminal. I can be involuntarily admitted to a psychiatric hospital on a whim, and not given a release date, which is something criminals enjoy.
Another reason I could not speak to psychiatrists, openly and frankly, about my experiences of being assaulted by directed energy weapons is because if a patient dare to question their diagnosis, they are then accused of having a lack of insight into their illness, and re-admitted and detained in a mental hospital until they are willing to admit they are mentally ill. Other patients have told me that this is standard procedure.
According to, the industry of modern psychiatry has officially gone insane. Virtually every human emotion experienced by a human being, sadness, grief, anxiety, frustration, impatience, excitement – is now being classified as a ‘mental disorder’, demanding chemical treatment.
According to investigative medical journalist, Jon Rappoport of , psychiatry is a pseudo, pseudo-science. The chemical imbalance theory is a fake. There are no defining physical tests for any of the three hundred so-called mental disorders, no blood test, no urine test, no antibody test, no brain scan, no genetic assay. All diagnoses are based on arbitrary clusters of menus of human behaviour. We have a potentially dangerous and completely unfounded model of the way psychiatric drugs work. The drugs are harmful, dangerous, toxic. Some of them induce violence, suicide, homicide. Some of the drugs cause brain damage.
For more information about the extreme dangers of antipsychotic drugs see…/antipsychotic-drugs-their_b…
Psychiatry is now being used as a weapon of war. Soldiers are being vaccinated and medicated with antipsychotic medication, totally against their wishes, for bogus reasons. When this is done on a large scale, it renders an army unable to fight effectively, which means they are unable to defend their country against domination by the planetary wide dictatorship. Perhaps the aspiring dictators wish to destroy the potential enemy before a war even begins. The use of nerve drugs in the military has led to record numbers of suicides. The only way most psychiatrists can get repeat patients is by using the false system of forced psychiatry, which is enforced by the police. Otherwise, these pseudo science trained so called specialists would have very few patients. I am being totally honest for the sake of the victims who are currently locked up in enclosed psychiatric wards against their wills, and who are crying out for help, but very few are listening.
Psychiatrists had to invent their own book of diseases because pathologists would have nothing to do with them. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (published by the American Psychiatric Association) is a work of fiction. Every disorder is invented, not discovered. A collective of quacks invents a fabricated disease, based on nothing but a consensus of opinion. Then they vote into existence whatever symptoms they wish to associate with this disease. Then they enter it into the D.S.M., which then enables them to sell more drugs. There is not one defining laboratory test for any of these three hundred disorders. In this way, most of us can be legally, and forcibly drugged, which renders us dumbed down and stupid. Psychiatrists have become pimps for the drug industry. – Dr Thomas Szasz – Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus.
"Psychiatric drugs create rather than reverse abnormal brain states. The chemical cure is a myth." Dr Joanna Moncrieff.
Psychiatrists are all getting their information from the drug companies, who go to extremes to cover up dangers. Psychiatric drugs shorten the human life span by twenty years. Second generation anti-psychotic substances, posing as medicines are worse than first generation anti-psychotic substances for causing metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, pancreatitis, and heart arythmias.
Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, prefer, and recall information in a way that confirms one’s beliefs or hypotheses while giving disproportionately less attention to information that contradicts. Psychiatrists often accuse their patients of confirmation bias, when, in fact, psychiatrists are equally guilty of this when trying to find reasons to prove their patients are mentally ill. Psychiatrists have the power to take away some of your birth rights and your freedoms, based on their subjective opinions. How did this situation come about in a democratic society.
It is being claimed that there is a simple and easy way to cure mental illness, through distilled water fasting. Fasting on distilled water for weeks at a time has been found to cure many illnesses. Somebody who is mentally ill needs to fast from all outside stimulation, including television, computer, reading and food. They must face their demons. In a Chinese mental prison, five thousand mentally ill patients were water fasted for several weeks, and all were sent home completely cured, except for a handful. However, there is no money to be made from water, so this cure is heavily suppressed.
I have a friend who has been through the psychiatric hospital system, due to confessing to psychiatrists that he is being attacked and persecuted by directed energy weapons, and voice transmitting technology. The psychiatrists totally dismissed the evidence he presented for the existence and misuse of directed energy weapons. He provided them with patent numbers, and scientific books and websites. He also provides them with the names of medical doctors, dissident psychiatrists and electromagnetic chemists who are supportive of his claims. Regardless of what evidence he provides, his psychiatrists were totally dismissive of his claims, and just kept repeating the mantra – "You must give your medicine a chance to work". It is a criminal offence to diagnose somebody as having paranoid schizophrenia, and force medicating them when they tell you they are hearing voices, without investigating the easily obtainable technology, which is capable of transmitting voices into people’s heads, by remote control, and from a distance. See
If a person comes before a psychiatrist and claims to be a target of electromagnetic directed energy weapons, then the psychiatrist should have an obligation to check if there are any radio frequencies coming from the body of that person, before deciding on a diagnosis. It has been proven that it is natural for some types of electromagnetic frequencies to be detected coming from the bodies of all human beings. However, a type of frequency called radio frequencies are only detected coming from the bodies of people who claim they are being targeted by directed energy weapons. See Lars Drudgaard of for further information. Psychiatry may be operating under legal paradigms but they are definitely not operating under moral paradigms.
Psychiatry is being used to cover up the gradual spreading of directed energy weapons, and psychiatrists in the know are afraid to speak up in case they are targeted. I believe most psychiatrists are fully aware of the existence of this voice transmitting technology, because this voice to skull, voice transmitting technology has been around for at least forty years. If this situation is allowed to continue unchallenged, we will all be locked down in rigid enslavement, in an electronic concentration camp, soon. We only have a small window of opportunity in which to take back our power, from the self-appointed, aspiring, global dictators.
When I was a psychiatric patient I was constantly under the influence of toxic drugs. I did not elucidate adequately what was happening to me to the psychiatric staff for a number of reasons as follows:- I felt strongly that the more information I informed psychiatrists of the more toxic drugs I would be given and I believe psychiatrists would agree with me on that point. Secondly, it took me many years to review my experiences of both hearing voices and psychiatry. It was only when I was no longer under medication that I was finally able to begin to write about my experiences in earnest. It took me many months to create this website. I could not have informed a psychiatrist of the information contained in this website in a few minutes at an interview. I am and have always been a much better writer than speaker as I am considered by many to be introverted.
Lack of political oversight is allowing the intelligence services, with the help of corrupt psychiatrists, to falsely incarcerate anybody in a mental health prison. When was the last time a psychiatrist was found guilty of falsely accusing somebody of being mentally ill? I have never heard of this happening, yet it should happen constantly, as diagnosing mental illness is totally subjective. According to John Rappoport of, psychiatry is not a legitimate arm of medicine. There is no proof that schizophrenia exists whatsoever. In my opinion, psychiatry needs to be eradicated from the face of the earth. It is one of the main tools the self proclaimed elite are using to enslave us. If anybody questions the authority of the self proclaimed elite, or accuses them of dishonesty, that person is usually gang-stalked by professional gang-stalkers for a number of months, until they are no longer able to take the sustained harassment. When they complain officially, they are discredited by being labelled as being mentally ill, forced medicated with poisonous anti-psychotic medication, imprisoned in a mental health hospital, and have some of their human rights taken away from them. What an ingenuous way, the self proclaimed elite have found of dealing with anybody who stands in their way of worldwide control and ownership.
There is a net in psychiatry that former patients find it difficult to escape from. When a man or woman leaves a psychiatric hospital forever, they are forced to attend psychiatric review meetings on a continual basis for several years. This is profoundly unnecessary, and is an enormous burden on the tax payers of Europe. Psychiatry is a pseudo science, and the major way psychiatrists can get patients is by force. Patients who pay up front for psychiatric services are few in number. When a human being takes most anti-psychotic medicine on a continual basis, over a number of years, it is known to damage their brains, and they become what is known as psychotic induced. What once was a vibrant and capable human being is now caught in the net of psychiatry for life.
When, in the past, the mentally ill were regarded as being possessed by demons, they were in fact suffering from poorly understood epilepsy.
Psychiatry is being used as a gagging order for directed energy weapon attacks. In order that totally sane people can be catagorised as mentally ill, the appearance of these wrongly accused individuals may be sabotaged in order to convince the public that perfectly sane people are mentally ill. When a totally sane person is falsely categorised as mentally ill and is forceably detained in a mental hospital, their clothes will be washed at an abnormally high temperature along with the clothes of all the other patients, under the guise of keeping the clothing extremely sanatised. When the resident of the mental hospital gets their clothes back from the laundry, the clothes may be shrunk to an extreme degree and may have fluff attached to it. The resident can not complain because there is nobody else available to do their laundry. When the resident sits outside the hospital on a park bench on a sunny afternoon wearing shrunken and shabby clothes and they their limbs periodically shake from the poisonous effects of the anti-psychotic concoctions they are forced to take, society has no trouble believing they are mentally ill, when in fact they are totally sane. The totally sane psychiatric resident is obliged to take part in demoralising activities such as papier mache, which is a suitable activity for a four year old child.
Mental health patients are offered a service whereby advocates can speak for them. The reason some patients ask for an advocate to ask questions on their behalf is because when a man or woman first begins to take anti-psychotic medication, this causes them to lose their ability to think clearly to an extent. Even if they are normally very articulate they then find it difficult to speak articulately when under the influence of large amounts of so-called anti-psychotic medication. Advocates have absolutely no power to fight for the right of the man or woman to walk away from what is often wrongful incarceration and from forced medication, with what sometimes are extremely powerful and brain damaging substances. The provision of advocates is just a smoke screen to give the illusion that mental health patients have legal representation.
When a patient enters a psychiatric hospital, they are generally asked to write an assessment of how they feel about the whole experience of psychiatry, and how they feel about their treatment plan. If they are an inpatient the writing of the assessment by the patient takes place several weeks before they are allowed to leave the psychiatric hospital. In order to be allowed to leave the hospital, the patient will always write something favourable, and they will never give their true negative feelings about psychiatry. When I was an in-patient in Castlebar general hospital, as a psychiatric patient, I filled in the assessment form without letting them know my true feelings. I was afraid that a psychiatrist would not release me if I displayed any negative feelings, so I gave a false positive appraisal. Asking a psychiatric patient to write an assessment of their experiences before they are released from captivity is a total and dishonest waste of tax payers money, because the psychiatric patient is afraid to tell the absolute truth, in case they are accused of being too negative, giving the psychiatrist a reason to detain them for a longer period of time.
In some cases, psychiatric staff are in fact jailers dressed up as health care professionals. I imagine they realise that themselves. They only way psychiatrists can acquire patients in the majority of cases is through force.
Massive amounts of brain and body research is being done for the purposes of completing The Brain Activity Map Project which was initiated by President Barack Obama. Research scientists need to be able to access the brains of the masses of humanity in order to complete this project, so that the information gained from this dubious project can be used by a dangerous dictatorship to wield power over humanity, in the future. Psychiatrists should be allowed to organise themselves in such a way that they are allowed to connect the current epidemic of so-called mental illness with illegal brain weapon research. This is currently not the case.
I know of one individual case where psychiatric intervention was used to cover up the mistakes of a psychiatrist. In that case the psychiatrist refused to grant disability allowance to an extremely debilitated individual, perhaps because of wrongly trying to save tax payers money. This act caused that extremely debilitated individual to lose all their dignity because of being forced to work when chronically ill in order to pay their rent. The individual was then seen as mentally ill and was registered as mentally ill. I can not prove any of this but I know authority abuse exists within psychiatry. Totally sane people who are wrongly categorised as mentally ill are disempowered to an extreme degree. I believe psychiatry is an extremely negative force in society and it should be removed from the face of the earth.
I was never forceably detained in a psychiatrist hospital. I signed a form, which indicated my willingness to stay there of my own free will. However, if I had refused to take the antipsychotic medication which had been prescribed for me, it is possible that structures would have been put in place to stop me from leaving the psychiatric hospital. I no longer am obliged to take anti-psychotic medication, which legally allows me to drive a vehicle again.
For information about human rights activism involving the institution of psychiatry, see
If you are ever forced to take medication or vaccinations against your will, there is a wonderful way you can help yourself and avoid being forcibly poisoned against your will. About twenty minutes before you are due to receive your forced medication or forced vaccination, just take several capsules of activated charcoal. Activate charcoal will absorb all of the harmful ingredients, and carry them safely out of your body. If you ever take a drug overdose, and you are rushed to hospital for medical treatment, you will be given a large quantity of activated charcoal internally, which will clear your system of all harm.
Activated charcoal is easily obtainable at any pharmacy/drug store, and is not expensive.
When a person is taking anti-psychotic medication on a regular basis, their ability to express themselves decreases to an extreme extent. When I was taking anti-psychotic medication on a regular basis my ability to express myself decreased by about ninety percent.
When an individual is give a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia by a psychiatrist, that diagnosing psychiatrist is using subjective reasoning to arrive at his/her conclusion because there are no physical tests that can be carried out in order to arrive at such a conclusion. When that diagnosing psychiatrist was a student of psychiatry at university he/she would have been inculcated into the cult of psychiatry and would no longer be able to see the individual in a true objective light.
I realise that my attitude towards psychiatry may appear very negative and condescending. I wish to apologise for my approach. I have found all psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses and patients to be really nice people. Psychiatrists have been misinformed about all manner of things at medical school. Toxic psychiatry has been covertly created by the self-proclaimed elite, and all of the blame lies with them-. However, I am so frightened for humanity, that I am willing to endure any type of hate that comes my way at this point so that humanity can live freely in the future.
My own general practitioner does not know what the voices have been saying to me because I have not informed him of this. He is a wonderful doctor who has helped to save my life on two occasions. However I did not inform him of everything that I was experiencing with regard to what the internal voices were saying to me and what sensations I was feeling, as he possibly would have been legally obliged to send me back to psychiatry if I informed him of everything. I imagine he has no idea of what psychiatry is really about. In my opinion it is merely a tool to incarcerate anybody and everybody who does not fit neatly into the plans of the self-proclaimed elite. I plan to tell my general practitioner about the two youtube videos I have published which inform the viewer of most of what the voices coming from inside my head have informed me of over a period of fourteen years. These youtube videos are approximately two and a half hours long and they are found under the titles of "Some of what the voices coming from inside my head have informed ne of Parts 1 and 2.
When people hear voices, for what ever reason, there should be a moral requirement that they transcribe everything the voices are saying to them, because, in all cases, these voices are being transmitted to them by the use of Voice to Skull military communication technology, which was widely reported as being used in the Iraq war as Voice of God weapons.
People who have experienced cancer or major transplant surgery are often featured in magazines, telling us of their experiences in great detail. They sometimes show us photographs of their breast surgery scars. Unlike victims of voice harassment, stories of the experiences of cancer survivors are never censored. Will victims of voice harassment, ever have accounts of what their voices are saying to them, published openly, in the main-stream press. If we ever attempt to tell the world of our voice hearing experiences, we are immediately transported to a mental hospital, where no one can access us, and we are given large doses of dumbing-down, anti-psychotic concoctions posing as medication, to shut us up.
Why are voice hearers discouraged from ever discussing the content of their conversations?.
"Traditional practice in behavioural psychology concentrated on either distracting the patient or ignoring references by the patient to the voice hearing experience, with the hope that the patient would concentrate on ‘real’ experiences, which would then be positively reinforced (the assumption being that the voice hearing was a delusional belief). The effect of this approach is to discourage the discussion about the voice hearing experience but without eradicating it (P.D.J. Chadwick, Birchwood, & Trower, 1996). "
Because of this policy of censuring all public discussion of what voice hearers actually hear, the fact that all of the voices are being transmitted by the use of directed energy weapons, using advanced psychological torture methods, goes unreported. Who gains from this criminal policy of suppression of information?
Article 19 of the UN Human Rights Charter explicitly states:
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
Below is a list of some of the technologies and various patent numbers, which have been published to support the existence of directed energy based technologies.
U.S. patent no 6506148, granted to Hendricus G Loos, in 2003, enables nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic frequencies, emitted from television screens and other monitors.
Microwave Hearing The Stocklin Patent # 4858612, and The Brunkan Patent # 4877027
Microwave hearing is a scientific fact. Existing radar units can be modified to transmit a beam of pulsed microwave energy into a person’s skull which causes sounds such as ticks, buzzes, hisses, knocks, chirps, and words. The sounds, which originate from within, above, or behind the head, are transmitted to the inner ear via bone conduction. This has been a capability since at least 1960.
Ultrasound transmission of Voice/Silent Sound The Lowery Patent #6052336, Monroe Patent #5356368, and Norris Patent #5889870.
Synthetic Telepathy Patent #6587729 and #3951134
Thought Reading Capacity Kiyuna Et Al Patent #5785653
Target Tracking Technology - Hablou Patent #5448501
and Fullerton Patent #6400307 and Rowan Patent #4893815.
It has been widely reported that the military has used the Voice of God weapon also known as LRAD during the Iraq war in order to create chaos within the ranks of the enemy combatants.
At least one method of Voice to skull transmission, using microwave pulses much like radar, is not particularly new. During World War II, technicians working in the path of energized radar antennas discovered they could hear a buzz, seeming to originate inside their skulls. For further information see…/article-what-is-vo…/
Psychiatrists use implied authority, by claiming that they are in the know regarding the existence or non-existence of voice to skull military communication devices. Psychiatrists could not have any knowledge of top secret military weapons testing, bearing in mind that top level security is employed in all areas when it comes to weapons testing on human beings.
The basis on which schizophrenia is diagnosed should be re-evaluated in light of the existence of directed energy weapons. The overwhelming power of ridicule is used at every turn against us, targeted individuals, in order to suppress the existence of these remote neural monitoring, and electronic brain link weapons. Please ensure that politicians in Ireland and elsewhere enact laws safeguarding people who claim experiences of voice harassment, from psychiatric intervention. Psychiatrists who falsely diagnose all voice hearers as being mentally ill are apologists for criminals, and should themselves be incarcerated, which will shortly be the case.

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