Mind Control space news this week (August 28 to September 3, 2020)
1. This week, the metamorphosis mind controller continued to remote control electronic harassment caused headaches for the victims. It is said that some perps used Hong Kong citizen’s microwave symptoms money for Taiwanese media to criticize Hong Kong. also paid for the media of other countries to support the opposition forces in Hong Kong. The mind controllers actually used Hong Kong citizen’s microwave symptoms money to destroy Hong Kong’s reputation and economy, betray Hong Kong people. Traitor, shameful!
2. The metamorphosis mind controller replaces an unknown woman with a look similar to me, and then arranges her to spread rumours to someone else, in order to misled others that I am a rumour spreader, used such cheap trick to destroy my reputation.
3. The metamorphosis mind controller took a experiment with two unknown sisters. Used the same team of perps. One side used to harm older sister, and other side acted as good role to younger sister. After many years, the older one suffered health problems, but keeping property without lost. The younger one who co-operated with perps, used mind control technology to got the family inheritance. Unfortunately, all the inheritance were total loss to perps’ bag, and finally the young sister commit suicide with hateful.
This story was told everyone that no matter what the brain-controlled perps acting how good to you, they ultimate goal is to taken your money. remember, never trust the brain-controlled perps at all.
4. This week, the girl Christy Chen case in court trial became a hot topic in the streets. The confessions from all witnesses and professionals which obviously was a typical incident of tortured to death by brain control. Why are judges and professionals making deliberately mystifying? A case where brain control technology can explain all the doubts, why confused the case into a mentally disordered? Why conceal the fact that brain control technology exists? Why the judicial system in Hong Kong today built on lies? now I understood why the listeners thought all the cases which involved mind control in Hong Kong were so dramatic.
1. 本週變態控機賤人持續遙控電子令受害者頭痛,據說有人意圖企圖將香港人的頭痛錢用於某台灣傳媒,唱衰香港。另一講法是除了台灣外,還支付其它國家傳媒,聲援香港的反對勢力。變態控機賤人居然用香港人的頭痛錢破壞香港聲譽,搞垮香港經濟。出賣香港人的健康。賣國賊,可耻!
2. 變態腦控賤人將某不知名女子換成同我相似的樣貌,然後安排她到處散佈謠言,意在令他人產生錯覺,以為我散播謠言者。以此破壞我的聲譽。
3. 變態腦控賤人將不知名的倆姐妹作實驗。用同一幚腦控人。一邊用盡方法害姐姐,在妹妹一邊扮好人,經多年後,被害一邊健康出現問題,但因對賤人有防範,財產幸保不失; 而被帮一邊的妹妹,因為利用賤人帮她奪得家族遺產,最後所有遺產被騙得一無所有而自殺。此實驗結果意在告訴大家無論腦控賤人如何扮好人,最終目的都是騙財,切勿相信腦控賤人。
4. 本週少女陳彥霖庭審事件成為街頭巷尾的熱話,從所有證人和專業人士口供所得,根本就是典型被腦控折磨至死亡事件,為何法官和專業人士都在故弄玄虛?一個腦控技術可解釋到所有疑點的案件,為何將死者變成思覺失調的病患? 為何要隱瞞腦控技術存在的事實?難道今時今日香港的司法制度是建立於謊言之上,難怪傍聽者以為他們在演戲。