失眠 (3)


Mind Control space news this week (August 28 to September 3, 2020)

1. This week, the metamorphosis mind controller continued to remote control electronic harassment caused headaches for the victims. It is said that some perps used Hong Kong citizen’s microwave symptoms money for Taiwanese media to criticize Hong Kong. also paid for the media of other countries to support the opposition forces in Hong Kong. The mind controllers actually used Hong Kong citizen’s microwave symptoms money to destroy Hong Kong’s reputation and economy, betray Hong Kong people. Traitor, shameful!

2. The metamorphosis mind controller replaces an unknown woman with a look similar to me, and then arranges her to spread rumours to someone else, in order to misled others that I am a rumour spreader, used such cheap trick to destroy my reputation.


3. The metamorphosis mind controller took a experiment with two unknown sisters. Used the same team of perps. One side used to harm older sister, and other side acted as good role to younger sister. After many years, the older one suffered health problems, but keeping property without lost. The younger one who co-operated with perps, used mind control technology to got the family inheritance. Unfortunately, all the inheritance were total loss to perps’ bag, and finally the young sister commit suicide with hateful.

This story was told everyone that no matter what the brain-controlled perps acting how good to you, they ultimate goal is to taken your money. remember, never trust the brain-controlled perps at all.

4. This week, the girl Christy Chen case in court trial became a hot topic in the streets. The confessions from all witnesses and professionals which obviously was a typical incident of tortured to death by brain control. Why are judges and professionals making deliberately mystifying? A case where brain control technology can explain all the doubts, why confused the case into a mentally disordered? Why conceal the fact that brain control technology exists? Why the judicial system in Hong Kong today built on lies? now I understood why the listeners thought all the cases which involved mind control in Hong Kong were so dramatic.


1. 本週變態控機賤人持續遙控電子令受害者頭痛,據說有人意圖企圖將香港人的頭痛錢用於某台灣傳媒,唱衰香港。另一講法是除了台灣外,還支付其它國家傳媒,聲援香港的反對勢力。變態控機賤人居然用香港人的頭痛錢破壞香港聲譽,搞垮香港經濟。出賣香港人的健康。賣國賊,可耻!

2. 變態腦控賤人將某不知名女子換成同我相似的樣貌,然後安排她到處散佈謠言,意在令他人產生錯覺,以為我散播謠言者。以此破壞我的聲譽。

3. 變態腦控賤人將不知名的倆姐妹作實驗。用同一幚腦控人。一邊用盡方法害姐姐,在妹妹一邊扮好人,經多年後,被害一邊健康出現問題,但因對賤人有防範,財產幸保不失; 而被帮一邊的妹妹,因為利用賤人帮她奪得家族遺產,最後所有遺產被騙得一無所有而自殺。此實驗結果意在告訴大家無論腦控賤人如何扮好人,最終目的都是騙財,切勿相信腦控賤人。

4. 本週少女陳彥霖庭審事件成為街頭巷尾的熱話,從所有證人和專業人士口供所得,根本就是典型被腦控折磨至死亡事件,為何法官和專業人士都在故弄玄虛?一個腦控技術可解釋到所有疑點的案件,為何將死者變成思覺失調的病患? 為何要隱瞞腦控技術存在的事實?難道今時今日香港的司法制度是建立於謊言之上,難怪傍聽者以為他們在演戲。

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Mind Control News this week (2020-08-01至少2020-08-07)
1. In Hong Kong, many victims suffered non-directional DEW harassment every day, the mind control are threaten their lives every day. when they can't stand the torture, they only choice is step to suicide.
As a targeted individual, my brain-sounded was force to turn-on 24/7, tortured by many perps in physically and mentally, harassed by electronics for headache all the time.
Therefore, I intend to apply for a legal restraining order through legal procedure, but found that most of the lawyers are not willing to accept the entrustment, when the lawyers whom understood what about brain control and know the person who in charge of the brain control space, but they are feared to help since all succumb to the power of mind control.
I hereby urge the chief executive of Hong Kong, would you please to issue a court injunction order for all Hong Kong citizens, prohibiting all harassments caused by brain-controlled electronic weapons, prohibiting forcibly mapping to harming the citizens’ healthy with five senses; prohibiting forcibly mapping the body with the people who got sick and disabled; prohibiting infringement to citizens' privacy by group stalking and eyes stalking; freedom the thought of all citizens.
For citizens, they only know that they are being brain-controlled, and no one knows who is the real mastermind of the brain-controlled group. Even if they intend to apply for a court injunction, they cannot be served.
I implore the Chief Executive to sign a court injunction and publish it in both of Chinese and English newspapers, so that Hong Kong people from all over Hong Kong and the world will know as well as the brain control group’s masters, they should take their responsibilities without any excuse.
The second wave of Covid-19 is raging again, most of are caused by remote control electronic weapons and mapping body with patients of cover-19. Signing a court injunction is the fastest and most effective way to stop the epidemic. Hope the Chief Executive will seriously consider our suggestion!
2. This week the metamorphosis mind controller switch my sense of smell with others, which made me smell the stench from nowhere. If you want to know whether your sense of smell has been changed, you can use my method, used to spray the perfume in your body, when you smell your own perfume, you will have a sense of smell in your own. If you sense other smell which not your own that means your sense of smell was being changed, If you can't smell any thing else that your sense of smell was being turned off on that time.
3. Did you have such experience? buying shoes that you have already try to fit, some day when you wear it felt too small, causing blisters and wear on toes. It’s not that the shoes don’t fit, but the metamorphosis mind controller mapping you with someone who got the bigger foot. When the big foot was bent inside the small one, the knuckles of the ankle will naturally arch and rub against the shoe layer, causing the toes to wear and blisters. Also when you wearing high heels with unconfortable. the reason is that you are mapping with a man who are not used to wearing high heels, so your feet are more likely to be injured.
The metamorphosis mind control always mapping me with some perps whom got bubble arms, bubble legs, and big feet with me, which seriously affected my appearance, and caused my legs sore and heavy, cramps, worn toes. The perps used such cheap tricky for long-term mental abuse.
1. 在香港,有很多被腦控受害者每天面對無定向電子武器摧殘,生命受到威脅,當受不了折磨下,唯有選擇自殺。
Covid-19 第二波又在肆虐,大部分都是因為遙控電子武器,併身體造成。簽署法庭禁制令是最快最有效竭止疫情的方法,祈望特首認真考慮我們的請求為盼!
2. 本週變態控機賤人將我的嗅覺同他人掉換,令我聞到不知來自何方的臭味。如果大家想知道自己的嗅覺是否被掉換,可用我的方法,噴香水,當聞到自己香水味即有嗅覺,如聞到其它味即被換嗅覺,如聞不到任何味道即被關嗅覺。
3. 很多被腦控受害者都有此經驗,明明買鞋時試好尺碼,但之後穿著時卻感覺太窄,令到腳趾起水泡。此並非鞋子不合腳,而是變態控機賤人將大腳八同受害者併腳部,當大腳屈曲於小腳時,腳趾關節自然拱起同鞋層發生磨擦而令腳趾磨損起泡。另外當你穿著高跟鞋時感覺腳痛,原因是併你身體者是男人,不習慣穿高跟鞋👠,所以更容易腳部受傷。
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1. 本週腦控空間賤人用我朋友名, 扮我的朋友,誤導他人以為在空間作孽的全是我的朋友,同時以虛假思維,間斷性發音,挑撥離間我同新相識朋友的關係,誤導旁聽者以為他們被賤人的錢收買而出賣我。


2. 本週腦控賤人持續將多位超重者同我併芯片,我本身體重只有40公斤, 變態控芯片賤人將多人同我併芯片, 令我體重上昇至70公斤, 令我腰粗硬, 腫脹和沒辦法透氣,非常辛苦。同時仍舊將多人同我併芯片飲食, 當我所食非賤人所好時, 關閉我味覺和嗅覺掣, 令我食不知其味. 另一方面, 將肚臍膿腫發炎流膿水, 肚生蟲痕癢者輪流同我併芯片精神虐待.


3.    本週溫哥華迎來2020年第一場大雪,雪深至小腿。變態控芯片賤人將多位老朽同我併芯片,美其名是讓身在熱帶地方的他們,體驗下雪的環境,實是利用他們意圖令我跌倒. 因老朽併我芯片時是處於坐的狀態,腳跟著地,腳尖向上,造成我行路時雙腳不能平衡踩地,所以令我步履維艱, 一步一滑一驚心,  好在最後都平安無事。據報, 很多人因此被滑倒, 甚至呼救緊急服務. 我奇怪的是為何賤人持續做出損人不利已的事情, 而時至今日沒有人出面去阻止? 


Mind control news this week (January 11 to 17, 2020)


1. This week, the metamorphosis perps used my friends’ name to pretended as my friends, misled someone sit it on to think that all harm to live perps in the mind control space are my friends. and at the same time using false inducing though and intermittent sentences,  cast a bone between me and my new friends, Mislead the observers that they were betrayed me by perp's money.

2. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller continued to mapping me with multiple overweight perps for group stalking. My weight was only 40 kg. The metamorphic chip controller mapping so many perps to increased my weight to 70 kg, caused my waist unable to move, swollen and felt breathe very hard.

At the same time, the metamorphosis chip controller still mapping me with few elderly perps and himself for dinning. When I eating some food which not the perps like, they turn off my taste and smell key, so that I cannot have my taste from my foods. 

On the other hand, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who got navel grow foul and fester, and someone who got navel itch caused by belly bugs take turns with me, such used for Physical and psychological abuse.

3. This week, Vancouver welcomes its first heavy snowfall in 2020, the snow was as deep as the calf. The metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with elderly perps when I went out. They said used to let the elderly perps to experience the snowy environment, but the actual intention was used them to made me falling down. The elderly perps all sitting and mapping with me, they heels on the ground and the toes pointing upwards, such caused my foots cannot keep balance on the road, so I was step by step with struggling and slipping at that moments, fortunately, I back home safety. Many people have reportedly been slipped falling down as a result of this, someone even call for emergency services. I don’t understand why the perps keep doing such harm others without benefit to himself case, and nobody stop them, why?

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