呂良偉 (1)


  1. There is a murderer in the brain control space, who in charge of remote control electronic harassed victims for living over 10 years, someone call his name “Man” and someone call “Wei”, I don’t know which one for real name. When turn on his brain sound, he always within chip with Timothy Cheng for voice mixture. About one year ago, I eye stalking saw his body covered in a morgue, but the truth was a fake death. Recently I heard his voice again, starting at 4:30 pm on last Friday, He used electronic harass to me and victims in 8 degree headache over 48 hours. As known the lost mind to giving order perps behind the murderer are: Alan Tang, Chow Yun-fat, Simon Yam, Stephen Chow, Ray Lui, Peter Chan, Cai Lam, Joe Nieh, Ivan Ho etc. (I had email report to police station at the noon on Jan 13, 2019)
  2. According to my observation in the brain control space, a lots of people being mind control whom all got higher education and high-quality DNA, but being tortured until infertile. And the other hand, the animal perps under protected and non-stop developed their own child. In the long run, we are worried about high-quality DNA are extinct. But multiply metamorphosis DNA only. When asked why a high-quality DNA person does not have a child, the answer was being mind control, need concentra in professional career, unable to take care child. And the more important point was worry about their own children becoming targeted for blackmail and threating.
    3. There is a voice in the brain control space, claiming that the Hong Kong SAR government asked me for eavesdropping by eye gang stalking. I hereby declare that I am willing to join the government term only by black and white appointment letter from the SAR Government, I cannot accept only by brain sound.


  1. Recently I found that the brain control person has another trick. When I am stand beside the traffic light of stop sign, and seeing the car is coming, but I have a strong emotion to cross the road. According to the information, which was under brain control program, said willpower control, control your brain for instant impulse. Remind to the victims, the brain control technology can control the human mind to collide with the ongoing vehicle, so it is necessary to keep your mind clear all the time.
  2. 5. There are brain-controlled victims who follow the instructions of the perp to pay the protection fees. But the perp set the victim up, claim the victim paid only the cost of remote control of electronic weapons not protection fee, made the victims in guilt situation, even a hundred mouths cannot explain it away.
  3. All above detail you can refer to my other blog: http://weshare.hk/red8fireplace


  1. 腦控空間有一殺人魔, 長期同鄭子誠併芯片, 有人稱他叫阿文”, 有人稱他叫阿偉”, 長期以遙控電子武器摧殘受害者為生. 大約一年前, “眼透見到他滿身傷痕放於停尸間, 而實情是以化妝方式假死亡. 近日又聽到他的聲音, 由星期五下午4時半開始, 持續48小時遙控電子武器摧殘受害者5-8級頭痛. 其背後喪心病狂指使者: 譚泳麟, 周潤發, 任達華, 周星馳, 呂良偉, 陳可辛, 蔡瀾, 倪震, 何守信等.(我己於2019年1月13日中午報警備案)


  1. 據我於腦控空間觀察, 很多受到高等教育, 擁有優質DNA的人被腦控, 甚至被腦控人用各式各樣的方法令他們不育, 或者只是生女. 而在腦控空間的畜牲反而受保護而大量繁衍下一代. 長此以往, 實擔心優質DNA的人類被滅絕. 而有缺憾的DNA泛濫. 當問及資優人仕為何不生育時, 答案是生小孩會影響職業生涯, 增加經濟負擔, 也會成為腦控人勒索, 威脅的目標.


  1. 腦控空間有聲音傳出, 聲稱香港特區政府要征用我用眼部跟蹤竊聽. 本人在此聲明, 對於政府的征用我義不容辭, 但必須有特區政府白紙黑字的委任狀, 單憑腦音的委任, 恕難從命.


  1. 近期發現腦控人再有賤招, 當我在交通燈口, 呈現紅燈, 而前面有車快到面前時, 我有強烈的衝動想衝過馬路. 據分析, 是腦控人制用思維控制方式, 令人有瞬間的衝動. 在此提醒被腦控受害者, 腦控技術是可以控制人的思維去同行走中的車輛相撞, 所以必須時刻保持頭腦清醒.


  1. 有腦控受害者按腦控入的指示, 去交免受電子武器摧殘的保護費, 反被屈指是付款於腦控人遙控電子武器的費用, 令受害者百詞莫辯.
  2. All above detail you can refer to my other blog: http://weshare.hk/red8fireplace
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