大灣區  (1)


1. 據說, 腦控空間有腦殘人自知自己腦殘, 將自己同最強大腦併芯片, 以他人之大腦作為自己所用, 當兩腦分開時, 最強大腦絲毫無損, 腦殘人經檢查後杏仁核呈萎縮狀況. 此正所謂害人終害己, 大快人心!


2.     本週到廣州了解人造首飾市場, 但到達當地的第二天, 頭部受到電子武器強烈攻擊超過15小時, 身為中國人的我, 感覺有如歡天喜地的回到娘家, 却遭到欺凌般委屈和無奈. 在自已國家的領土上都得不到應有的保護, 令我倍添凄涼.  

        香港政府呼籲一帶一路, 企業家應該為大灣區出一分力, 但如果腦控的問題不解決, 大家用於對付腦控已筋疲力盡, 何來精力建設大灣區. 政府的一帶一路政策似乎忽略了帶一條沒有腦控的路. 哀哉


3.     本週變態腦控賤人持續遙控電子武器令我強烈頭痛, 剛平息的電子武器摧殘, 又有死灰復燃的跡象, 相信娛樂圈同傳媒又再搞風搞雨.




Mind Control Space News this week (August 5 to 11, 2019)



1. These are some perp awaked that they got brain dead, and then mapping their brain with someone who got super brain, use the super brain’s life as their own for a long-time, when the two brains are separated, after medical examination, the super brain still in super turbot, but dead brain’s amygdala shows in shrinking situation. This is the so-called retribution, the harm end up reflect to dead brain.

2. I went to Guangzhou to visit the artificial jewelry market this week, but on the second day of my arrival, my head was attacked by electronic weapons over 15 hours. In that moment, I felt so up sad, as a Chinese, I returning to Chinese big family with joy, but being bullied. It was so hurt and helpless. Why I have not being protected in my own country? Why my love country also in such unstable situation.

According to Hong Kong government has call on the Belt and Road Initiative. The entrepreneurs should have a contribution to the Greater Bay Area. But if the problem of brain control not solved, everyone is exhausted by against brain control. How can I have the energy to develop the big Bay area? The government’s policy of the Belt and Road seems to be Ignore the road which without mind control, where can I find the advertising said that “
more protected and more sustainable sense of fulfilment, well-being and security”, such environment only a dream, not the truth.

3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic weapons made me have a strong headache. The electronic harassment just stop few weeks, and seems there are signs of
back flame. I believed that the entertainment industry and the media will continue to making troubles as well as bigger.


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