行政拘留 (1)


1.     本週二下午開始, 腦控賤人持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛,1-5級程度的痛楚發展至週三8級頭痛, 背後始作俑者是汪明荃, 林建名, 周星馳, 曾志偉, 倪震, 其喪心病狂實令人髪指.

最令我百思不得其解的是以上人士全部是特區政府甄選出來的人大代表, 政協委員, 到底人大代表和政協委員的職是為什? 是以遙控電子武市民為生的人嗎?

2.     在現實生活中, 我發現有很多我相識的人, 有另一位樣貌同他們年青時一模一樣, 一樣的聲音, 一樣的舉止, 但有著不同的語言, 而年輕相似者大部份在中國. 到底他們是複製人還是另類科技? 他們有個共同的點就是都被腦控, 我懷疑可能有人將早期被腦控人士的芯片記憶體錄製, 然後將芯片同在中國的另一個人併在一起, 令疑似複製人與原樣的人有相同樣貌, 但不同年齡. 最其怪的是年輕者大部份都聲稱自小到大都是一樣的樣貌, 沒有大的改變. 奇怪

3.     本週羅啟新和鄭子誠因指使遙控電子武器而被行政拘留.


4.     自從我刊登螞蟻受手機頻率影響的視屏後, 我家中開始有螞蟻, 最其怪的是它們不近蜜糖, 只是幾只盲無目的的爬行, 相信是腦控人同我玩微波螞蟻遊戲.

5.     腦控空間有一位名叫曾惠文的女子, 經常將她肥胖的身型同我併芯片, 將他的家人用特技投於我家中進行滋擾, 據知是她嫌棄她家人失禮, 將他們的芯片同我併在一起以失禮我, 並向外訛稱他們是我家人, 將自家的羞恥寄托於他人的痛苦之上. 記住己所不欲, 莫施於人.



Mind Control Space News this week (July 08 to 14, 2019)

1. Starting from the afternoon of this Tuesday (9th), the brain-controlled monks remote control the electronic weapons caused me headaches. The pain from the 1-5 level up to the eight grade headache on Wednesday. The perps whom gave the order for harassment as know were Liz Wan, Lam Kim Ming, Stephen Chow, Eric Tsang, Joe Nieh etc. they are all as mad as microwave killers.

The most puzzling to me when I typing their name, all the above people are representatives of the
people's congress elected by the SAR government. Members of the NPC and CPPCC, what are the duties of NPC and CPPCC members? Are the SAR or NPC gave them right to harassment the citizens both in China and Hong Kong?

2.  I have a discover in the recent time, I found that there are many people whom I know, have the other one who face looks exactly the same as when they were young, the same voice, the same manner, but with different languages, and most of the youngers are resident in mainland China. Are they human clone or other high technologies? They all have in common were being brain-controlled. I suspect that someone might record the memory chip of the brain-controlled person in the early days, and then used the chip within to other person in mainland China. Causing the suspected copy person has the same appearance as the original one, but in different generation. I ask to the young one, they claim that they have the same appearance since childhood, no big change. They are surprising me. 


3. The DJ of Cuson Law and The TVB actor of Timothy Cheng were detention on suspicion this week for remotely controlled electronic weapons for harassment.

4. Since I share the video of ants affected by the frequency of mobile phones, I got some ants in my apartment that never saw before. The strangest thing is that it were not close to honey, but blind and purposeless crawlers. I believe that brain control perp playing the microwave ant’s game with me.

5. There is a woman named Tsang wei man in the brain control space. She uses her own obese body shape to
within chip with me.  Projected his family members with special effects to my home to nuisance and mental abused. As known that she dislikes her family since rude. So done above for embarrassing me, and misled people that her family was my.  Waning to Tsang Wei Man, I don’t even know you, don’t place your own shame on me ever you don’t want to.


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