麥太(麥嘉)  (1)



1.     腦控賤人用銀行戶口名”Cheung Wing Ming”, 每天提取港幣$1,000, 作為在空間害人的開支.


2.     據稱, 特首向腦控空間負責人索取幾位在空間人士的個人檔案, 有人將腦控賤人的檔案同我的個人資料調換, 將白變成黑, 企圖意圖將滿手血腥的賤人洗白, 將我抺黑, 好在特首有判斷力, 下令重查, 否則我將在不知的狀, 一世蒙上不白之.


3.     腦控空間日常運作, 包括同富豪乞討利益大部份都由五位重量級巴閉女人負責, 據講是拉姑, 徐小鳳, 汪明荃, 麥太(麥嘉), 鄧太(鄧光榮). 她們為避免失面子, 經常用”Monita”名出面乞討, 令人以為”Monita” 貪得無厭. 實際上, 真正的”Monita”全不知情, 也未從中取得絲毫行益. 為免我正牌Monita受到電子武器摧殘, 在此恳請五位巴閉女人, 高拾貴手, 用他人之名去乞討, 相信成功機會更高. 清楚知我的清已被妳所毀, 對妳再沒有任何利用價, 放手吧!


4.     據了解, 警方辦案時, 經常需借用腦控空間取證, 同時也需明星藝人帮手佈局. 因此明星藝人趁勢指令遙控電子武器摧殘受害者賺錢, 另一方面利用警方作為擋箭牌, 當被警方發覺後, 以帮警方破案有功, 功過相抵而輕輕帶過. 許多被腦控所引起的謀殺案, 自殺案都在同一期間發生, 敬請警方留意!



5.     香港各政黨都有派人在腦控空間搜集資訊, 有政黨因為帮被腦控受害者出聲, 其政黨的撥款受到多方掣肘. 由此解釋到何以各政黨打住為民請命, 為市民伸張正義, 但偏偏帮不了被腦控受害者. 我相信資金控制者的政治獻金有部份是來源於被腦控受害者, 而他們背後真正的政治目的是搞亂香港, 搞殘香港人.



6.     變態控芯片賤人同時將幾隻害人畜牲同我併芯片, 通過我的眼睛透視我家中場境, 當他人同他們併芯片調查時, 以為我家中的場境是畜牲的家居而記入記憶, 每當同任何人併芯見到相同場境都以為是害人的畜牲. 此舉令受害者變成施害者, 我蒙上不白之冤! 可想而知, 腦控賤人何其毒, 實殺人不見血.



另一方面, 將我同腦控空間最乞人憎的賤人併芯片, 並將我的樣貌變成她的樣貌, 同時投射於電腦上, 令人以為我是乞人憎的賤人, 當變態賤人施用電子武器時, 沒有人出口喝停.



而更奇怪的是, 腦控空間有人經常指鹿為馬, 指住我告訴他人我是姓”, 當我糾正是姓後仍有人指住我是姓鄧, 不知意若何為?


以上種種, 我相信是有人意圖利用我將他的賤人洗底, 同時混和誤他人以為我是施害者.



Mind Control Space News this week (July 22 to July 28, 2019)


1. The brain control perp uses the bank account name "Cheung Wing Ming" to withdraw HK$1,000 per day as an expense in space.

2. It is alleged that the Chief Executive obtained few personnel files including mine from the head of mind control space. But my file have been change with the perp who work in mind control space as a microwave killer, the perp deliberated attempts to turning white into black, and ruined me as well. Fortunately, the chief executive got a good judgments and ordered a re-investigation. Otherwise, I
have to suffer any wrongful accusation with self-unawareness.

3. There are five important and overweight women, including
Deborah Lee, Paula Tsui, Liza Wan, Mrs Mak (Karl Mak), Mrs Tang (Alan Tang), they in charge of begging money and any interests from rich men in mind control space. In order to avoid embarrassing, they often use the name "Monita" to begging, makes people thought that Monita ‘s personality was so greed. In fact, the real "Monita" is completely innocence and never ever got any benefit from them. In order to avoid being tortured by electronically Weapons when begging fail.  


To five women, please free your hand, let me go, use the other name to obtain the gifts may get more change of success. As you know, you have had ruined my reputation as your wish, so I have not any utility value to you for begging that you already known, please let me out of mind control space will be appreciate.


4. It is understood that when the police handle the case, they often need use brain control space to obtain evidence, and also need the artists acting in plan. Therefore, the artists used such opportunity order electronic harassment to victims for making money.  On the other hand, using the police as a shield, if catch by the police, they will using help the police to solve the case as merits, tmerits offset faults way to avoid prison. Many of the murders and suicide cases occurred in the same period, they all cause my brain manipulated. Warning to the policy, please pay attention to this issues.

5. There are some political parties sending a representative to collect information in the brain-controlled space. When someone helping victims, the parties funding will be stop.
Such case gave me an answer why most being mind control victims cannot got a help from political parties. All political parties flag they slogan that plead for people, Serve justice for the citizens, but no targeted individuals. Why? Because the political funding sourcing from the experiments of mind control victims, and the real political purpose behind them is to mess up Hong Kong and ruin Hong Kong people. What’s your opinion?

6. The metamorphosis chip controlled used group stalking and through my eyes as their saw, including my home view. When someone within the perp chip for investigation, what the investigator saw was my home view replace the perp home, get a memory
record, so when someone see the same home view will report as mind control perp, such make victims become perp. All above true experience can prove that the mind control perps used tricky to killing victims without blood, and without your awareness, so all the victims should be careful all the time, watch out the trop that perp set you up.


On the other hand, the metamorphosis chip controller mix my appearance with someone who was most nasty, turn my appearance into her appearance, and cast it on the computer, which makes the people think that I am a nasty one. When the perp applied the electronic harassment to me, no one will call to stop.

Also have some odd even that when someone ask the perp who I am, all the perps said she is Tang, When I correct them that my surname is Choi, the perps still point out me said she is Tang, When I ask who is Tang? And nobody give me an answer, what’s the perps playing on, using me to replacing someone in nasty? OMG!


I guess such may relative to above cases, confuse and misled people from perps to victims or victims to perps.

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