Identity (1)

Victims of Remote Neural Monitoring are wirelessly tied to a super-computer for life by way of a bi-directional stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves via illegal implants which have been introduced throughout their brains and bodies by chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads and by a variety of other means. Computer neuro personnel can then manipulate the visual cortex, audio cortex, motor cortex and sensory cortex of the victim in order to introduce sounds, visions, muscle movement and eventually pain signals into the victims brain and body.

Over thousands of years this world has been organised into twin heirarchies of church and state which are all controlled by the unelected deep state at the top level. If you belong to a heirarchy you are legally obliged to follow the orders of a fellow human being, who also is legally obliged to follow the orders of a fellow human being and so on, up the line, even though you can have no way of knowing the ultimate agenda of the order giver who resides at the top of the heirarchy.

The deep state plan to place the whole human race other than themselves on a system of remote neural monitoring from birth where every human being would be allocated a universal biometrics identity card which would contain a permanent indellible record of their whole life.

If a universal heirarchical based chain of command combined with universal remote neural monitoring for the whole human race ever becomes a reality, any one member of the deep state at the very top of the heirarchy, if they so wished, could command a super-computer to introduce extreme pain signals into the brain and nervous system of each and every human being on the planet forcing them all to commit suicide immediately. The inner circle of the deep state would then have this whole planet to themselves.

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