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I am  connected to the illegal worldwide human control system  by wireless means from implants which I illegally received without my consent.  I  recently received the instruction from the voice command centre by wireless means to join a slimming assistance group called Unislim and I was informed that if I did not join Unislim I would have fifty points deducted from my social credit score.  I am aware that if too many points are deducted from my social credit score I would then be blacklisted to the extent that I might no longer be allowed to have a pass port or use public transport or use a public library or I might be given a variety of other punishments.  

Why is Unislim which is  a privately owned business allowed to profit financially from a worldwide social credit score scheme.  That would in fact be illegal.  The social credit score system is illegal because it was installed in my life without my consent.  The fact that I am wirelessly connected from my brain and central nervous system to a human control centre is also illegal.   Anyone who supports this system is supporting a worldwide criminal network and therefore they are deemed to be a criminal.  I have been wirelessly and non-consensually connected to this illegal system for many years and I know of what appears to be hundreds of thousands of other individuals who are also connected to it.   The whole story is being covered up by the main stream media which is now mostly privately owned by the same criminals who own and run the worldwide human control system and who govern what type of information is given to psychiatrists while they are students.

Those at the top of the worldwide hierarchy of power are unelected corrupt individuals who are using their false power to abuse those underneath them in the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command in many ways, especially through financial irregularities. What can we do to change all of these situation?

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According to renowned neuro science and neuro technology expert, Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University medical center, United States, minimal sized electrodes can now be placed in a network inside a human brain which would allow neuro operatives to read and write into the brain function of that human being in real time. These aforementioned electrodes have already become lodged inside the brains and bodies of most human beings in both the United States and Europe and in fact most of the world through both inhalation and ingestion in most cases. These electrodes wirelessly transmit and receive encoded information to and from a super computer network for real time brain state monitoring and data extraction.
Because most of us now have the aforementioned electrodes lodged inside our brains and bodies without our consent we can now be murdered wirelessly without anybody becoming aware of it. We can also be experimented on in a wide variety of ways by wireless means without us ever knowing who is wirelessly experimeing on us. Because of this wirelessly enabled capability, random human beings have been selected for non-consensual experimention where all of the electrical activity being generated by their brains and bodies are being uploaded via a bi-directional wireless link to a super computer network where it is being automatically translated in real time into everything that human being thinks, says and does and this happens on a continual basis throughout each moment of their lives. The unknown criminal black budget neuro scientists and other neuro operatives, while working by wireless means from remote locations use the bi-directional link to upload images, mirages, voices, other sounds, odors, sensations, pain, forced muscle movement and other experiences to the brains and bodies of the aforementioned non-consensual experimentation victims. The forced muscle movement capability can be used to force a human being to hit themselves with their own fists or even to jump off a cliff against their will or even to drive their vehicle into a group of people.
Because of the fact that electrodes have become lodged inside the brains of psychiatrists, general practitioners, the police and many other government staff they are now receiving encoded information into their brains which makes them predisposed to believe only information which comes down from the top of a false heirarchical based chain of command where it is believed that individuals who mostly practice a dark form of Luciferianism reside at the top. Because of this situation, many individuals who are fully aware of the ongoing abuses of neuro science and neuro technology are afraid to speak openly because of a real fear of psychiatric intervention.
Many individuals throughout the world are being forced into experiencing virtual reality experiences for short spaces of time which has led to further confusion about what is happening behind the scenes in the world today. In order to cover up the existence and widespread abuse of neuro science and neuro technology combined with directed energy weapons, many cover stories have been invented to misdirect the public so that they would not be able to realize what is really occurring behind the scenes of their lvies. Some of the false cover stories which have been invented to cover the vast capabilities of neuro science and neuro technology are as follows :- the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the extra-terresterial visitation hoax, the channelling hoax, the psychic ability hoax, the moving statue hoax, the poltergiest hoax, and many other hoaxes. Objective reality is real but it is being allowed to be confused with virtual reality and this situation is being supported by both governments and the press. The dark luciferians wish us to believe in all types of supernatural falsehoods and other types of deception so that they can more easily control us. A differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power and they have been lying to us for multi generations both through the school system and through the main stream media and they continue to do so to this day.
Professor James Giordano can be found online presenting many youtube videos outlining the current vast capabilities of neuro science and neuro technology. We must urgently disassemble all wireless enabling capabilities and have them banned before fifth generation millimeter wave technology is fully operational because if we wait until 5G is fully operational you may then be forced to hear voice commands being transmitted inside your head as well as applied pain if and when you fail to carry out the commands issued by those voices, some of which may be generated by artificial intelligence. 5G which is also known as fifth generation millimeter wave technology has the well known capability to carry pain signals and it is currently being erected throughout my country Ireland and most other countries throughout the world in order to technologically enslave us. Further to this, preprogrammable microchips exist which can induce pain in the microchip implant victim if they should attempt to cross pre-set boundaries such as the boundaries of their own town or city. The non-consensually inserted microchip could be programmed to send signals to the electrodes which have already become imbedded inside the brains and bodies of most individuals causing the electrodes to induce pain in the individual. A microchip actually picks up and amplifies ambient electrical energy. If you have a micro chip inserted in you either non-consensually or consensually and you then get in the range of a powerful electromagnetic field the microchip can actually be used to burn you!
If we act urgently we can save ourselves from technological enslavement to the dark luciferian would-be slave masters. Please share.

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There is a false hierarchical based chain of command being set up right now in secret across the world. It involves having dark occultists such as Luciferians and Satanists at the top, followed possibly by corporations which may by then be privately owned by the dark occultists because the dark occultists are using corrupt banking laws to print money out of nothing and they are using this money to purchase all of the resources on the planet. I believe that national boundaries would be dissolved because national identities unite people and the dark occultists do not wish that to happen. They prefer to divide and conquer. Each man would be affiliated with whichever corporation he worked for. Nobody could exist outside the work system. Women would be subservient to men and they would not be allowed in the work force at all. It would be mandatory for men and women to marry at a very young age and stay married for life. Children would be seen to be owned by the state and they would be raised to have a satanic mind set which is a belief in moral relativism rather than a belief in objective right and wrong. All human beings other than the Satanists and Luciferians at the top of the false hierarchical based chain of command would by then be wirelessly tethered from technology inside their brains and bodies to a computerized control and enslavement system. The reason I have become aware of this is because I myself am already non-consensually and extremely unwillingly wirelessly tethered to this computerized control and enslavement system where I receive voice commands on a regular basis.
Globalists are doing everything in their power to centralise all world power in their own hands and to ultimately disempower all of their fellow human beings totally and utterly. Hundreds of people who have realised this have been investigating all worldwide legal documents which allow a small group of men to take control of more and more of the management of this world and its citizens in secret. The hundreds of independent investigators who have been scrutinizing the paper trail and who are all reporting their findings to a group of spokes people known as The American Intelligence Media have discovered that three small independent sovereign states which are landlocked inside large countries but which have no legal affiliation with those large countries are responsible for this ongoing attempt at the takeover and wireless control of the world and of their fellow human beings. They are the City of London Financial District which is an independent state which is landlocked inside the United Kingdom, Washington DC which is an independent state and which is landlocked inside the United States, and the Vatican State which is an independent state and which is landlocked inside Italy. Some if not all of the individuals who work inside these three small independent sovereign states are working towards enslaving the whole human race.
The British Privy Council who work inside the City of London Financial District work for the Crown. The Queen of England owns the bank of England. The British Privy Council and others who work inside the City of London Financial District run the bank of England on behalf of the Queen of England. In fact, the whole worldwide banking system is run from this location inside the City of London Financial District. A British company called Serco now controls and runs the United States Military. The British Privy Council is a major player in the United States, and most especially in Silicon Valley. . The British are setting up an initiative to drive the Chinese government against the United States. The British are also attempting to drive Russia against the United States according to the American Intelligence Media. The American Intelligence Media support the fact that The British Monarchy is a cover for the greatest insider trading group that has ever existed.
I am not in favour of monarchies or indeed any type of hierarchical based chain of command. I am an anarchist and I would love to live in a world which would be run by a system of rules without rulers. This world is self-regulating . We do not need rulers, just rules. However, I do not believe that the British Monarchy are evil. I believe that they are being controlled. The dark occultists never place themselves at the forefront of any hierarchy in case the people ever turned against the hierarchy and had them killed. The dark occultists always hide in the darkness of anonymity.
I also do not believe that most members of the British Privy Council are evil. They also have high profile positions which makes me believe that they are being influenced by the real evil dark occultists whose names we do not yet know. The British Privy Council may be victims rather than evil men and women. They could be under extreme electronic mind control, something which there is no defence against as yet. Many of the British Privy Council have titles such as Sir or Lord. Examples are Lord Mark Mallock-Brown and Sir Geoffrey Pattie. When a member of the British Privy Council is given a title they are obliged to take an oath to the Queen of England for life. If they break the oath they could be found hanging upside down under Blackfriars Bridge in London. We do not know what constraints they are under. We must rescue them rather than punish them. It is against the law to speak about the Queens business. They are obliged to take their secrets to the grave. If we gain the trust of the The British Privy Council they will then tell us who their overlords really are. One of the main reasons I believe that the great evil which has befallen our planet does not stem directly from the British Privy Council members themselves is because the dark occultists love to insult those who work from them by called them derogatory names. They have names the British Privy Council after an outside toilet.
My website is called

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1. Whoever sits at the top of the hierarchy can be secretly controlled by an enemy.
2. Psychopaths always rise to the top because they are prepared to kill anybody that stands in their way of attaining money, power, status and control.
3. In a hierarchical based control system such as the American Presidency, one man at the top of the hierarchical based control system is suddenly deemed to know everything about everything, and is suddenly deemed to be a fount of all wisdom, a situation which is unreal.
4. No individual will agree to remain at the bottom of a heirarchy unless they are put under either trauma based mind control or else electronic mind control or both. Before electronic mind control became main-stream trauma based mind control was used in the church and state controlled school system through corporal punishment and through various forms of brainwashing which was administered by largely unknowing staff who had themselves become brainwashed on an earlier occasion. After school students are successfully inculcated into the heirarchical based control system very few of them will ever raise their heads above the radar again. They will be unquestioninglfy obedient to the system for the remainder of their lives.
5. When one belongs to a hierarchical based control system, they abandon use of their own conscience for the rest of their lives and they unquestioningly obey whatever orders they are given. Because of this error of their judgement they can be persuaded to go to war and kill other good living human beings for no reason other they the individuals who are to be killed live on a different part of the world.
6. In order for hierarchies to work we need to invent a false concept called authority. Authority is the concept of a diseased mind. It does not exist under natural law which is the only fixed and immutable law on the earth.
Some individuals are mind controlled to believe that the ones who sit at the top of the heirarchy are entitled to be there for many false reasons, some of which I have listed herebelow -
As each human being has hundreds of different facets to their characters, there can be no objective way to classify a human being. An accident of birth can not be grounds for conferring a high status on a human being.
"We are not our positions in society, our occupations, our culture, our beliefs, our financial status, our social status, our matrimonial status, our sexuality, our clothes, or how we speak. Take away all of these and we are still ourselves underneath. All of these are superficial identities, like masks. All of these superficial identities are transitory. We are consciousness, having a human experience.
Some human beings attempt to convince their fellow human beings that they have a higher status than the rest of the human race. They achieve this by using mind control tactics over their fellow human beings. They also send messages of their supposed superior status by acting superior at all times. They enhance the message by displays of superiority in the public arena by the skilled use of oratory. They also employ uniforms, titles, credentials , possessions and opulent surroundings to further enhance the lie that they are superior to others in some way. They sometimes pay attendents to attend to their every need and to bow to them when they are in the public arena. They have their staff organise large gatherings of fawning fans whenever they wish to push the notion of their supposed superiority further.
We are all equal. We came into this world empty handed and we will leave this world empty handed approximately eight decades later. We must value equality in the world above all else. Unquestioningly following the orders of our equals leads to acts of extreme evil because when we do so we refuse to take responsibility for our own actions by refusing to assess whether the order given is moral before we carry it out.
School children are erroniously being taught to believe in the concept of survival of the fittest, which is one of the four evil tenets of Satanism.
The worldwide would-be controllers are attempting to create a top down chain of command throughout the world. We aught to instead organise ourselves into a linear based self-regulating system, a system of rules without rulers, a system of self-government where we take back all power which we have erroneously given away to members of the self-proclaimed elite. Such a linear based system is known as anarchy which is short for anti-heirarchy.

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"We will put your name on the board of directors".
The above sentence among others is often said to individuals who have previously been placed under negative neuro linguistic programming in order to boost their egos so that they would become extremely controlling in the way they treat their colleagues. This type of negative neuro linguistic programming is being carried out among the British police as well as medical students and presumably many other professions.
A top down based chain of command is being set up throughout the whole human race. In order to achieve this purpose negative neuro linguistic programming is being implemented across the board. First of all, both students and staff of many disciplines are being asked to answer detailed questionaires as well as doing psychometric tests in order to identify the most suitable personality types, i.e. the people with the biggest egos in order that they would then undergo neuro linguistic programming so that they would then become dictatorial and controlling.
For information on neuro linguistic programming in the United Kingdom please watch the following youtube video featuring Brian Gerrish

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1. Whoever sits at the top of the hierarchy can be secretly controlled by an enemy.
2. Psychopaths always rise to the top because they are prepared to kill anybody that stands in their way of attaining money, power, status and control.
3. In a hierarchical based control system such as the American Presidency, one man at the top of the hierarchical based control system is suddenly deemed to know everything about everything, and is suddenly deemed to be a fount of all wisdom, a situation which is unreal.
4. No individual will agree to remain at the bottom of a heirarchy unless they are put under either trauma based mind control or else electronic mind control or both. Before electronic mind control became main-stream trauma based mind control was used in the church and state controlled school system through corporal punishment and through various forms of brainwashing which was administered by largely unknowing staff who had themselves become brainwashed on an earlier occasion. After school students are successfully inculcated into the heirarchical based control system very few of them will ever raise their heads above the radar again. They will be unquestioninglfy obedient to the system for the remainder of their lives.
5. When one belongs to a hierarchical based control system, they abandon use of their own conscience for the rest of their lives and they unquestioningly obey whatever orders they are given. Because of this error of their judgement they can be persuaded to go to war and kill other good living human beings for no reason other they the individuals who are to be killed live on a different part of the world.
6. In order for hierarchies to work we need to invent a false concept called authority. Authority is the concept of a diseased mind. It does not exist under natural law which is the only fixed and immutable law on the earth.
Some individuals are mind controlled to believe that the ones who sit at the top of the heirarchy are entitled to be there for many false reasons, some of which I have listed herebelow -
As each human being has hundreds of different facets to their characters, there can be no objective way to classify a human being. An accident of birth can not be grounds for conferring a high status on a human being.
"We are not our positions in society, our occupations, our culture, our beliefs, our financial status, our social status, our matrimonial status, our sexuality, our clothes, or how we speak. Take away all of these and we are still ourselves underneath. All of these are superficial identities, like masks. All of these superficial identities are transitory. We are consciousness, having a human experience.
Some human beings attempt to convince their fellow human beings that they have a higher status than the rest of the human race. They achieve this by using mind control tactics over their fellow human beings. They also send messages of their supposed superior status by acting superior at all times. They enhance the message by displays of superiority in the public arena by the skilled use of oratory. They also employ uniforms, titles, credentials , possessions and opulent surroundings to further enhance the lie that they are superior to others in some way. They sometimes pay attendents to attend to their every need and to bow to them when they are in the public arena. They have their staff organise large gatherings of fawning fans whenever they wish to push the notion of their supposed superiority further.
We are all equal. We came into this world empty handed and we will leave this world empty handed approximately eight decades later. We must value equality in the world above all else. Unquestioningly following the orders of our equals leads to acts of extreme evil because when we do so we refuse to take responsibility for our own actions by refusing to assess whether the order given is moral before we carry it out.
School children are erroniously being taught to believe in the concept of survival of the fittest, which is one of the four evil tenets of Satanism.
The worldwide would-be controllers are attempting to create a top down chain of command throughout the world. We aught to instead organise ourselves into a linear based self-regulating system, a system of rules without rulers, a system of self-government where we take back all power which we have erroneously given away to members of the self-proclaimed elite. Such a linear based system is known as anarchy which is short for anti-heirarchy.

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Have you noticed the relatively new phenomenon of national radio presenters grovelling to members of the self-proclaimed elite whenever said radio presenters are obliged to interview them?.  Why would an adult sane human being grovel to their own equal like  a sycophant?.   The radio presenter says such things as  " I am very lucky to be in the presence of such a great, great man as you.   I am very nervous to be in your presence.   I will struggle on humbly and attempt to interview you as best I can"   etc.

This radio grovelling has become widespread recently.   I understand why it is occurring.     We do not live in a democracy.     No matter who is elected to any legitimate government in the western world, dark occultist members of secret societies such as free masons, Satanists, dark luciferians and Zionists retain control of both the money supply and the weapons supply of all countries.  They are highly organised and they wish to set up a rigid hierarchical based chain of command throughout the world with themselves as all powerful dictators while the rest of us would be reduced to abject poverty.   In order to pull off the illusion of superiority they surround themselves with grovelling sycophants to are paid to proclaim their greatness to anybody who has the patience and gullability to listen.

This proverbial hierarchical based chain of command that is currently being set up throughout the world would involve children being totally owned and controlled by their mothers who in turn would be totally owned and  controlled by their husbands, who in turn would be totally owned and  controlled by their employers.  The employers would be totally owned and controlled by corporations who in turn are already totally owned and controlled by the  self-proclaimed elite who in turn are about to be totally owned and controlled by the pope.    To achieve this proverbial chain of command, false authority is now being handed out to many government connected authorities such as  main stream medical practitioners  to the extent that now some main stream medical practitioners are being given the false authority  to mandate vaccinations and to mandate psychiatric evaluations on a whim as well as to mandate visits to said medical practitioners whenever they see fit.

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Victims of a new human enslavement methodology called Remote Neural Monitoring are wirelessly tied to a super-computer for life by way of a continuous two way stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves via illegal implants. These implants have been illegally introduced into the brains and bodies of all populations throughout the western world through illegal chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads with nano particulates which we then inhale and ingest. These and other implants may also be introduced into our bodies by a variety of other means. A cabal of criminal super-rich individuals aspire to eventually be able to remotely monitor and measure all of the electromagnetic activity in both the brains and bodies of all human beings and all other living things on a continuous basis throughout each day.

A selection of good will, good living human beings have been selected for total brain readout analysis and brain and body manipulation via super-computer over the past few decades. These human beings are currently known as targeted individuals. According to well known cybernetic warfare researcher Bryan Tew, their unique digital brainwave imprint is secretly obtained by criminals and it is uploaded to a super-computer. The illegal nano-particulates which they have inhaled and ingested digitalise the brain of the targeted individual and turns it into a digital receiver. In combination with the super-computer, criminal neuro personnel then manipulate the visual cortex, the auditory cortex, the motor cortex and the sensory cortex in order to inject sound, vision, memory manipulation, muscle movement and even pain signals to that targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring.

Targeted individuals of Remote Neural Monitoring have nothing to gain and everything to lose from being illegally and immorally remote neural monitored. They go about their lives seemingly as normal. Nobody around them can tell that they are hearing voices and feeling unusual sensations throughout their body on a continual basis. Main stream medicine, psychiatry and the law are refusing to confront the by now widespread existence and extreme abuse of Remote Neural Monitoring. Victims of Remote Neural Monitoring are being wrongly evaluated as being mentally ill.

When non-consensual and extremely unwilling targeted individuals of Remote Neural Monitoring hear the voices of criminal neuro operatives coming from inside their heads they react with hostility towards the speakers of those voices. They refuse to be civil to criminals who insist on placing their voices inside the targeted individuals heads. On the other side of the equasion, the criminal neuro operatives themselves feign surprise that the targeted individual continually refuses to have a pleasant conversation with them via this new illegal methodology. The targeted individual sometimes wonders if all of the illegal speakers who force their voices inside the head of the targeted individual are even fully aware of the illegal methodology that is being used to hold the conversation. Some of the illegal speakers may be being misinformed as to the methodology that is being used to speak to the targeted individual.

The cabal of criminal super-rich individuals who own the rights to the Remote Neural Monitoring signalling process plan to place the whole human race other than themselves on this system of Remote Neural Monitoring, which has also come to be known as bio-metrics control, from birth until death. Every human being other than themselves would be allocated a universal bio-metrics identity card which would contain a permanent indelible record of their whole life.

If a universal, hierarchical based chain of command combined with universal remote neural monitoring for the whole human race ever becomes a reality, any one member of the deep state if they so wished, could command a super-computer to send extreme pain signals into the nervous system of all of their fellow human beings, other than the individuals at the top of the control hierarchy who are outside the current system of control and technological enslavement.

Luckily, there is a simple solution to the technological enslavement of the human race. The human race will disassemble and destroy all microwave transmitters, 5G millimetre wave transmitters and related paraphernalia. The existence of satellites and space based weapons is an elaborate and easily proveable hoax along with a multitude of other hoaxes.

The existence of satellites lie was invented in order to make NASA appear invincible.

If satellites really existed all of our satellite dishes would be pointing straight up to the sky in order to receive and transmit signals. However, our satellite dishes are pointing sideways in order to receive signals from microwave transmitters and these signals that said microwave transmitters are transmitting are being relayed from undersea fibre optic cables.

Further to that, so -called satellite navigation data is being obtained from triangulation of signals which are being transmitted from cell phone towers which are also known as phone masts.

Under sea fibre optic cables are responsible for transmitting all internet and other data across the world. Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft and Apple are all building and laying their own under sea fibre optic cables in order to transmit their own computer data across the world as per the enclosed video link.

Air and space can not co-exist side by side. The vacuum of space would suck the air from the atmosphere leaving us with no air to breathe. We can easily save ourselves from being permanently wirelessly tethered to a super-computer which is what happens to victims of Remote Neural Monitoring simply by outlawing all microwave and millimetre wave transmitters and returning to life without cell phones.

As well as the creation of the satellite hoax, many other hoaxes have been created to instill fear and confusion in the human race down through the centuries by the cabal of criminal super-rich who are sometimes know by a number of other names including the self-proclaimed elite.

These hoaxes were created by the self-proclaimed elite by the use of science and technology and many forms of trickery for example, the expedient use of magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain these hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past. The CIA, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means. In addition to this, because human beings have been unknowingly inhaling and ingesting nano technology for many decades, the dark occultists can now use this nano technology which is inside our bodies and brains to make our muscles move and contort against our wills.

Some of the other hoaxes that have been created by the would-be enslavers of the human race are as follows:-

The near death experience hoax, the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the past life regression hoax, the channelling hoax, the sixth sense hoax, the end times hoax, the saviour hoax, the rapture hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the space travel hoax, the existence of inter-dimensional beings hoax, the artificial intelligence has now become sentient hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and the existence of space based weapons hoax, the earth is ball shaped hoax.

Our life experience on this earth should be about experiencing problems and learning to solve them in a natural way. It should not be about obediently following orders from birth until death. Human beings who are subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring claim there is no joy in their lives. Their lives are being micro-managed as never before via receiving instructions and criticisms on a constant basis from the speakers of their internal technologically induced voices. They have absolutely no mental privacy and in most cases they now long for death. The majority of the human race do not wish to live in a planet of universal enslavement. Universal remote neural monitoring combined with a universal chain of command combined with universal bio-metrics identification only benefits a criminal cabal of the super-rich and nobody else.

Please raise awareness of the urgent need to dismantle microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia all over the world now.

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Victims of Remote Neural Monitoring are wirelessly tied to a super-computer for life by way of a bi-directional stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves via illegal implants which have been introduced throughout their brains and bodies by chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads and by a variety of other means. Computer neuro personnel can then manipulate the visual cortex, audio cortex, motor cortex and sensory cortex of the victim in order to introduce sounds, visions, muscle movement and eventually pain signals into the victims brain and body.

Over thousands of years this world has been organised into twin heirarchies of church and state which are all controlled by the unelected deep state at the top level. If you belong to a heirarchy you are legally obliged to follow the orders of a fellow human being, who also is legally obliged to follow the orders of a fellow human being and so on, up the line, even though you can have no way of knowing the ultimate agenda of the order giver who resides at the top of the heirarchy.

The deep state plan to place the whole human race other than themselves on a system of remote neural monitoring from birth where every human being would be allocated a universal biometrics identity card which would contain a permanent indellible record of their whole life.

If a universal heirarchical based chain of command combined with universal remote neural monitoring for the whole human race ever becomes a reality, any one member of the deep state at the very top of the heirarchy, if they so wished, could command a super-computer to introduce extreme pain signals into the brain and nervous system of each and every human being on the planet forcing them all to commit suicide immediately. The inner circle of the deep state would then have this whole planet to themselves.

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My V2K English book example

I've almost finishing typing my V2K transparent book in English. It should be the first V2K book typed by a TI. The length is over 100,000 words and the price would be around 15€. Interested?

November 29, 2013 21:32 (Medjugorje)

“I told you this is not good.”
“It's only for the Islams.”
“The Slavic teachers are so wealthy on the phonics and the UOP people are eager to follow your order.”

“There are true stories that they tried so hard and make it through. And this time we made it and we won against you.”
“Just see what we found out. You are Nazis.”
“I need to tell you something. Your faith is broken.”

“Oi, what to do with the Chinese mafia?”

“And Soka cults?”
“I think they are just the coincidence.”
“No, we can call the police immediately from now on.”
“We are paying for the money, bitch.”

“Our wealth surpassed the diplomats nowadays.”
“They can cancell the Moster's order legally.”
“There must be someone looking at everything all the time and it's you, right?”
“There is a person on the spotlight.”

“Who need warez?”
“They have Zenigata's claim and me.”
“There were Jewish population everywhere, right? What did they do with that?”
“There are homeless people out there and nothing to do with it.”
“Those homeless people had harassed in a different way than Jews. Period.”
“If you are married, everyone would be happy.”
“If you are still out there, we can pray for the priests to kick you out.”
“This is the millionaires' order.”
“We help each other for the Müstair, too.”
“We have the hub and the network of security.”
“Social insurance.”
“No more money, Jap.”
“I need to teach you a quite a good lesson today.”
“We need a Samurai bustard to be doing the Tobigeri thing. We filed the case of kissing incident also.”
“There is the dental floss issue. The teeth is yellow.”
“Wireless Lan, huh?”

“In a long run, our model is okey. And your model is a baby.”
“No more social check, chup.”
“Needle surgery was a mistake. It went through the nasal cavity nicht (not: German).”
“It could be replaced as well.”
“What a horror movie.”
“We made a mistake on the surgery and this woman would die soon.”
“Oh, dear!”
“There is a true story of Manga Michi (manga way: Japanese). One lesson and one retardity.”
“You never ever tried to follow Jesus. You are just hanging around and playing around for awhile in our church.”
“There are more serious people out there.”
“Ah, that's from the article.”
“Our lawyer is protecting the society and not the needle surgery mistake has nothing to do with it.”
“I don't think so.”
“We have a failure for the US president if 80% of people voting him for retire. Now, will he get a surgery failure in the same way? No.”
“Of course, that's a human error and the mistake has nothing to do with the life decision of the person's business or the lifestyle.”
“No more mocking.”
“We are sure she will be happy here than in Müstair now.”
“I know.”
“She is following Jehovas witness.”
“Do you know how much the Nichiren-women to repay?”
“It's not gonna hurt you at all. You are seriously taking the point into the right spot. Who is the Muslim?”
“There is a life threatening danger called COINTELPRO for her. She is socially assassinated all the time.”
“So the millionaires want to evict you soon from ...”
“If it is in the United States, it's easy.”

“We are seriously sorry for your mental disorder but we want a nice trip to Medjugorje.”
“I see.”
“So tomorrow, we call the security to check your bag contents.”
“Do you fart on the street? That's not good.”
“There is only one chance the victim is collected. She must be abussive.”
“No spotlight this time.”
“We don't like you filming.”
“Okay, there is a point. She can film anyone after the mass. That's right.”
“And it's not gonna be so easy to get out from jail.”
“We have the millionaire's club here and the United States is backing up for it.”
“I need to tell you this not in personally but through the lawyer's voice.”
“We can take your wallet for the education, of course.”
“If she shout for that, she gonna be..”
“I don't know. If she got money in the wallet and someone stole it already..”
“But the Mephistopheles can get you.”

“We have the Mephist, right?”
“I know you are hiding.”
“We are ready to take your watch, too.”
“I need your holy Bible to be mine.”
“Do you think this gonna work? We just approach you and try to talk to you indirectly.”
“The tricolor Leute (people: German) is here for the mental assistance.”
“I need someone who speaks the International marriage.”
“After the September 11th, we had the war. And we are securing the priests.”
“Then we can...”
“I know what you mean by it..”
“So, we steal the treasures when we want her to leave our village.”
“Yeah, the translator is hurt, too.”
“We know your limits. You are not matured.”

“And the Homeland Security is recruiting the guys from München.”
“We are assuring that she is a hate crime maker.”
“No more yellow badge, Jap.”
“We are legally collecting you.”
“Soka Gakkai cult is a trouble maker, too. Here in Tokyo, we have the Yamanote-sen killer and that's the Gakkai members.”
“We failed to protect you, but the millionaires' speech is important in München.”
“We are collecting you.”
“They are so terribly working forward in your case. We made the video like your body lying like an bow.. and..”
“We must be rich in future.”
“Not really retarded.”
“Tomorrow, we gonna take your camera.”
“We can do this, of course.”
“This is a coercive persuasion.”

“They have the arresting records for sure.”
“There is an International Criminal Court, but the judge says the Münchener police are great.”
“They work with the national security issues and no justice makers.”
“We have the people oppressed for sure. Now what should I do?”
“We want you to be evicted to your home town.”
“I need your wallet, too.”
“They are so eagerly disbanding your case now.”
“Their sentence is to bring you back to your town. Ni-hao (hello: Chinese) Leute (people: German) is surly pleased.”
“I need your drivers license back when you are in prison, so your sentence would be longer for sure.”
“We want you to take anything from us. And in return, we want you to be a million dollar lawsuit.”
“Gegen Stasi? What's that?”
“I hate the people from Turkey showing up here, too.”
“Shall I borrow your Katana?”
“Japan would be dead soon.”
“No more Hinomaru in Müstair.”
“If the German intelligence gets you, you are finished.”
“I think there is a special meal in this town again.”
“No way!”
“I've heard she is right back in Medjugorje.”
“If she is a sister, we need her to be a moron.”
“I want her to be scary and dangerous. Can you hear me now?”
“We are legally aiding the Nazis.”
“The Chinese mafia part is richtig (right: German) if it means the Chain Gang. It refers the connection between the companies.”

“How big is the suitcase?”
“It was the same model as before.”

“Nothing new?”
“So far, I know she had a mental surgery and the surgical damage made her to be a bit confusion.”

“There are people out there hopeless and wanting to die.”
“We want a suicide bommer nicht (not: German) right in the church.”
“So, the scientists are donating the organs Forter (torture: German).”

“In case of a war breaks out, we are only following the orders by the millionaires.”
“We are seriously sorry about the Bill Gates Association.”
“We found the troupe and theolitically correct.”
“I need to know your name first, Jane Bauer.”
“How old are you? And the eternal license down.”
“We are pleased to sue you this time.”
“We found your blog.”
“There is no way out.”
“We feel sorry for sure.”
“I feel sorry for the Japanese embassy couple who came for informing about you as the Islamic religion.”
“I'm sure you are arrested by the second evening mass, the day after tomorrow.”
“We have the people who know you here.”
“I know Samurai is a monkey.”
“Japanese Samurai is not a wondering sheep but a wondering monkey, hahahahaha.”
“You are like a herpes, right?”

“You can't go up to the postlight because of your nationality and the life experience in the mental hospital.”

“So, you only drunk the mineral water for 2 weeks? That's a good one.”

“Our priests are really rich here. If you have an imagination of the Gates Association, we gonna give you some medicine.”
“We have some French nurse.”

“Actually, this theory is correct.”
“The Soka mafia would like you to be expelled from the church, not our church though.”
“We have the millionaires' messages here and there.”
“We cancel the scooter works.”
“The underaged are better for the preaching.”
“You are no longer arrested, only the preach is severe this time.”
“No way she posted that already?”
“I hate Allah due to the Muslim extremists.”
“Wow, that's a good one.”
“You will never go back to Japanese home.”
“What happened to you? She is now really a Islam hater.”
“This one is Ha Mosad's favorite.”
“Even you got a catchy information for Serbians.”
“Everyone wearing the similar clothes, right? So we don't go abroad and treat you like a foreigner here.”
“Only the mental disease part is a problem.”
“Who gonna make up a theory now? She is up to paradise for sure.”
“We found her writing very strange but now I understand. That's the world doing.”
“We found the top security officer of suicidal terrorist teaching. Hirohito is a possible one.”
“Now we have a problem, she hates Japanese style.”
“They got a wrong individual on the list and the officer is shoot to death by beheading.”
“No way!”
“We got it right. Too much suffering for her.”
“It was the guide from Japan. In Tokyo, more Chinese philosophers are accepted.”
“We are all arresting you. The survival game is over.”
“We have a better lifetime sentences for the wives of the Tenno (emperor: Japanese).”
“This tricolor color is great.”
“We are so healed right now.”
“I need you to be shut up and now leave.”

“There is a Islamic period on your record but that was a fake.”
“The officer thought you would accept the Islam without problem.”
“Ah... I seriously admire you to be a Christian. Now go home.”
“They want to scapegoat you for the future terrible attacks on us.”
“You have a natural long history of bagabond life.”
“It is unusual.”
“Then the cops are so intelligent on checking what happened to you.”
“We need a molester by now.”
“We cancel the confirmation of the church view.”
“We got a huge backed up file in the beginning. And that part is terrible. She collected so much data from us.”
“I don't think they are capable of escaping.”
“No way!”
“We have the trouble maker within us.”
“So, now you are no marked again. And back again. Peeeep!”

“We are now in total control of the society even within the stomach contents.”
“I hate this one, too.”
“There is no more of the Chinese mafia writing. Only Chain Gang is accepted.”
“That's about the Chinese ventures.”

“We will get the peace right back.”
“No civil militant here only the officers with brains.”
“There are Catholic vs. Israeli formula here also.”
“We have filed arrest.”
“That one goes with a millionaire's kid who did not obey our Catholic rule.”
“She got a mistreatment from us before and now we look childish not.”
“If something happens to our nation, you are not the one to be protected. Therefore, the millionaires will win against any criminal case from now on. This is the officers' rule.”
“UK is not a Nazis country yet, so don't spill it out.”
“There is NHK message sending going on. We have filed the case against Miyoko cancelled. How rude people are sometimes.”

“If her underwear went missing, we are responsible for sure, it says.”
“We don't want this kind of embarrassment spread out.”
“She talked about the millionaires' club.”

“And what about the drop and the abandoned door outside in Moster?”
“That one was made for the hidden trap for the new officers. They are called for the dispatch and then they walk through and the rest is the drop dead gorgeous Yukata.”

“You know what it means to be getting hurt?”
“I think this one is critical. Ni-hao is a criminal.”
“No, she does not say that.”
“I want you to shut up next time in the mass.”
“There is an obituary with an extended hanging.”
“There is a big controversy. The song with happy, happy, phrases. That one got a hidden message in it.”
“Just listen to it.”
“You now have an arrest order from the church office.”
“If you are so angry and aggressively accusing the military officers, they gonna church you for the mass murderer.”
“There are people who are arrested in this way here if the Pope is pleased.”
“And your website must be shut down ofter that. And we are out.”
“No more of the charge for the US drivers.”

“They did a crucial action against her. What happened to her legal rights?”
“There is no regal rights for her to stay safe without persecution.”
“If she has a higher educational goal than us, there is no way she is capable to handle the wallet theft after visiting the mass and one of the officer found it on the street as a safe depot for the hidden mic.”
“That's a computer mic.”
“I mean, Bill Gates made this joke against you. If you type them up, you are a paranoia.”
“There are special task forces come and get you if they are talking to you using the name of Bill Gates Associates.”
“We have a house rule here.”

“The regular people are arrested by murdering the people in front of the camera.”
“If you are just here for praying, the chain gang gonna make a suicidal bomber out from you and they gonna call an officer to take your...”
“We have a hub based on the UK's rule here.”
“We are not a Pais Bais. It was a way too unique for me.”
“Who said that?”
“Do you know Rama Kan?”
“The Muslims wanted the program to take someone out and the program will the millionaires to get the all property to be pocketed.”
“No way!”
“So, if you try to change your image, it's too late.”
“I want to tell you something. Can you quit smoking? Someone complained to the Soka police and now UK members are totally screwed about the naming of the chaing gang.”
“The first initiation is the rocket to the key.”
“The military girls are not that educated for sure.”
“I need to talk to your lawyer, too, in München if you have a severed record.”
“The person had no money.”
“Oh, my God.”
“If she is following the Islamic order, the military is capable of taking her down. But if she is a Muslim cheerleader...”
“I don't think it works. She is anti-Islam.”
“No way! This makes everything screwed. We need to recalculate.”
“There are things go wrong. For example, the empire is a person of small sheep.”
“We can't touch that.”
“I know how severe to be betrayed by the professors.”
“You know what, she needs her records.”
“I can imagine who would do what is unknown.”
“But there is a beginner time. We suppose to be begging for the sinfulness. In her case, she didn't take it. She had too much harassers around.”
“What should I do?”

“Is Chinese couple, ok?”
“No. Not at all. We are the one responsible for sending a wrong message to Himarayans.”
“I tell you Jesus, the stripper was not Miyoko.”
“I told you. It was a Japanese perpetrator who took off the pantie as a joke.”

“She is broke and aboard. What should I do?”
“No. She lives in a hotel here.”
“There are people out moron and Nigger was case officers, right?”
“And they must be assigned to a different jobs from now on.”
“What a story.”
“There are workless people who are looking for some free bedddings.”
“No way!”
“That's Müstair girls.”
“They got people who are from Hokekyo's clan.”
“There was the Tekondo girl who contacted to the owner. She said you are out of control.”
“No way!”
“The bill would be raising for sure.”
“I can assume that was a wrong step backwards. She is ganged and that would look like that.”
“I can imagine how the Husha speakers are now. They are all collected by the Nazis lawyers by sleeping around.”
“That's how the top officers think. If they are survivors, they should pick up the guns.”
“They don't really know, what meant to live in honor.”
“How to make a success? Take it with a possessive mind.”
“No mater light or black, it's all you get.”
“No more body reading.”
“The millionaire girl is dying.”
“How many people are reporting to the officers?”
“That's a normal promotion records for Miyoko's live camera.”
“UK camp for sure.”
“No body is listening.”
“You know what? We ignore her stories.”
“We just talk to her and she will be arrested for the sexual harassment on our kids, right?”
“That's the best for the Muslims.”
“Even for the women.”
“I do love that.”
“I think you should be holding a camera out and shouting.”
“Oh, what should I do? If she questions me back?”
“I need to take a photo of a baby, can you help me? Is this alright? Then we can call an officer.”
“Somebody can sit next to her and take her bag or something.”
“I need her room number immediately.”
“We might need an anatomical review.”
“We are seriously sorry for the nasal leek.”

“Ethnic gender gap is not really important. We just need a power horse and a lawyer.”
“Kissed on the tattoo, yuck!”
“We can do that.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“But the owners don't want.”
“There is no sign of the damage in the building.”
“What's the matter?”
“I found her bandage in her nose.”
“Oh, my.”
“And it was after the nose surgery.”
“What happened?”
“She got a cyst.”
“No complain.”
“We got a military order.”
“For the safety of the others, you are treated to..”
“Asylum seeker, huh?”
“No more.”
“I don't understand in English. Can you speak in German? Enough?”
“No. Croatian.”
“We could do that. But that is a defense team's total vacance for sure.”
“The vocational time is over.”
“There is a Noa's Ark Project by the power elites.”
“We take the millionaires' eggs and sperms.”
“We want you to be in. Just in case, Matsukiyo is dying.”
“The first scenario is better. Just a plain killer and the officers will tackle her down from the behind.”
“I can imagine. That is the USA's campus favorite tactics number one.”
“The military elite team win the match.”
“No more survival tips. Everything is taped, huh?”
“No more nose bleeding.”
“Oh, no. She is in the medical attention case.”
“If we make up a crime records like this way, we cannot bring her to the mental institution. It would be a matter of the unphilosophical leg opening carriers.”
“Oh, no. There is only one chance the theory is accepted. If she stabbed a person or something, the security will tackle her down.”
“Oh, no.”
“We are now assisting a fortress-type situation.”
“We have a Ni-hao's (hello: Chinese) Peeping Tom tool.”
“Oh, no. Is she typing up?”
“Yeah. She is typing everything up.”
“Help me. The owner is awake and worried about the canned mustered.”

“You know what it means? A Mustered gas.”

“Oh, no.”
“You know. Asking question openly is a good idea, but the UK girl is a bit tough for the suitcase damage to the lawyers.”
“I think she damaged our suitcase while we are in the same room. There was an inch screw driver...”

“What happened?”
“You are mental disease.”
“There are national drivers' license and some other special IDs in your belongings must be burned.”
“Simple bang.”
“What happened to the lawyer?”
“Who will bring the tattooed...”
“What an elegant woman or an gentleman.”
“We seriously admire you from the next mass.”
“If you are Miyoko, now is OK.”
“You have so much disadvantages in your life. She got almost killed sometimes and needed to shout for some assassins out there.”
“How come she was baptized in Egypt?”
“No idea. She is a freak sometimes but ultra ethically collect and super spy for the publishers.”
“No legal damage, no mark for sure.”
“Only the time she brings out camera is some suspicious people at the site.”

“What a tool!”
“That'd call a girl nitched.”
“Police officers do not like what you are writing.”
“They are all about our philosophical jokes and the special elite forces' tactics.”
“No. We don't want our grandchild to see it again. It is a tool for the persuasion of the mass.”
“You know why? We are charging you for the possible money laundering.”
“We must say that is ethically possible.”
“In your pocket, what else you got?”
“Wait a sec. It's not a common to lawsuit a woman from the old fascists.”
“You are immortal now.”
“As long as you stay in Müstair, Mother Teressa Leute (people: German) will come to the mass.”
“Notluf Geld (emergency money: German) making.”
“We have no more innings.”
“You will be hanged when you get back to Japan.”
“There is a small fly in Chiba doing the same scouting style.”
“What about the Japanese millionaires?”
“How I do it better?”

“Not this time. The old Pope is very polite now.”
“She is a very good poet and knows me very well.”
“You know who he is?”
“The old boss.”
“Then we shall make a confession out from the monitoring people.”
“UK people are so stupid. They can open her bag so often.”
“How much did the callgirl's mother get?”
“I need 3 trillion from the Miyoko's scandal.”
“I can imagine, but impossible. Why she got so much money in her pocket?”
“I don't want to know.”
“What is your job?”
“We can kill her. Just imagine a rocket going a wrong direction.”
“We have a story teller here for our scandal covering.”
“Only 10 days left, huh?”
“I think it is enough time for her to spend more time with lawyers.”
“In a security state, we have a big back bone of the lawyers who are reliable of our jocks.”
“How about this? Why don't you travel to China at least once?”
“Who cares? Only millionaires care about our reputation.”
“No, thank you. You criminal girl.”
“I need to say good-bye to your hope.”
“This is better, right?”
“We are all damaged from the military scandal from you.”
“Does it cost few millions?”
“A note computer gonna fried.”
“Nothing happens.”
“Aren't you the one with the Keroid woman? Or with the veggie woman?”

“There is a priest who is filed a case against you. She is a mentally sick and the millionaire's kids are seriously damaged to go through the therapistic wards.”
“Do you like to talk to the translator?”
“I can imagine this. Is she a moron? We are the perpetrators not. But we acted like that and she filmed.”
“I told you. This is a pattern, right?”
“There is a problem. We overcame the poverty. Now is a problem of the defamation. We are filing all the cases one by one. Each case is renewed by the each visit.”
“You are dismissed from the channeling. I don't want you to sell our stuffs.”

“I don't want to help you making money.”
“We are totally childish talking and now the rare book is created.”
“How often visit Medjugorje?”

“I warn you. If you film four digit of numbers, security would come and take you stripped off.”
“I know realized that we found the scissors here and there. All against you.”
“Do you know München? That's a crime city.”
“We got so many Pope's crew around.”
“Is this an al-Quaeda operation?”
“What should I do? People are now thinking that Goethe Institut lawyers are helping militia.”
“Ok. Roger.”
“I sank this much from heaven.”
“We had a honeymoon here sometimes. All the time, the Pope's friends are complaining about the notorious couples.”
“This is not right. You are double punched!”

“So, she brought Jap issues and made it hit on the one side.”
“Taking one eye out? That's Koran message.”
“We have a missile charger.”
“We can ask you to leave during the mass.”
“The priest gonna call you from the top of the stage.”
“We must be so serious.”
“There is an ethics you know. You shall be okay to film us as long as it is a safety matter.”
“They want to stab on the weakest point, right?””
“If you cannot work, just perished already!”

“That's the military officers' favorite.”
“Are you a chain gang?”
“We don't accept the mental disease person no matter what.”
“And the Tsurugi (sword: Japanese) issue is now back stabbed. The DOD people did a wrong message sending.”
“If the victim does not know, it is a big loss.”
“What does it mean to own a sword?”
“Don't you understand? Why do you need to type it up?”
“I failed this time. We called a wrong person a mental patient.”
“Look at her, she speaks a perfect Croatian.”
“Officer is taken away by now.”
“The doctor can make an in-home visit for sure.”
“I think that would be better for the Moster people. They don't wanna be filmed.”
“I know you. You are the prisoner from the Massachusetts.”
“That's the best joke for the university doctorate procedure.”
“When you are a Nazis, you must made a big mistake. You filmed a wrong person and it hinted the educational video here in Medjugorje.”
“There was a limit for the soft speech.”
“No camera, no matter what.”
“But what if someone is filmed... you gonna get a lawsuit.”
“Will this make sense?”
“I hate this kind of conversation filmed in the camera.”
“Oh, the running part.”
“Someone run around and decided to become a priest.”
“I cancel this miss.”

“There are people who are laughed at the rugby ground. But that is ok. They are the show players.”

“If they are the bullies, they gonna get you.”
“We missed you again, again, and again.”
“How many times should we tell you. You are no longer accepted as a Catholic.”
“It was a Japanese officer, Kengo.”
“There is a serious poverty among the military officers. So if you film them, they gonna steal your wife and...”
“Jesus Christ.”
“We cannot accept you here.”
“How come you came back again?”
“I just found you very offensive in front of the camera.”
“You know about terrorism.”
“Terrorist is you.”
“Ah, military exercise using the innocent individual.”
“Japan optical group is trying to buy some time with your camera.”
“It can be used as a camcoder.”
“Military camp for sure. It will give a suitcase money.”
“Oh, yes.”
“But how come she became a Targeted Individual?”
“I hit the wrong button and the bloody nose started.”
“So, don't worry about the bandage. It's gonna be okay.”
“I think so.”
“We must tell it openly. Japanese girl must be banned from this church.”
“It's a military officer's order.”
“Oh, no.”
“We have the US Air Force monitoring. They show the terrorists in dots.”
“It's a territorial order.”
“How those kids are terrorized?”
“They are demanding the suitcase and all the property.”
“Just like the Jewish time, huh?”
“No. It's legal. We need some etiquette to make them fried.”
“Cops got Jinja keisatu (Shinto shrine police: Japanese).”

“I'm afraid this would be a public persecution if you come to Moster.”
“I feel sorry about you.”
“We need an email address to settle the fee.”
“The cost for the mistreatment of the kids openly in front of us.”
“Ah, I see.”

“Like hitting on the girls' legs.”
“So, this is how we can bring the case to take your worries of getting caught.”
“You know, nothing is new.”

“There is no winning for you, right?”
“We have the radio and you may listen by yourself.”

“They are all aware of the police state.”
“UK got canceled the order by now. She filmed the right spot on the stage.”
“If the priest is so close to you, what makes you to be aware of the others?”
“That's the mental patient in foreign country.”
“Cop's bringing so much kids, right?”
“But she doesn't wanna go out with them.”
“So, that's a disadvantages for them.”
“To you, especially to you, the old woman in ….”
“Shall I call you a Japanese woman?”
“We will never ever make your way up in heaven.”
“I seriously know you. You are the Mother Teressa's special gratitude destroyer.”
“The parish priest thinks you to be a Bhiddhist for the sake of the Chinese millionaires.”
“When she came to our house, tell her that Allah is abandoned her.”

“This is the message from Korean. Why not Soka Gakkai?”
“We rethink your marriage and educational gap between us.”
“If you are listed for the multi-millionaires's abandoned list, your social life is finished.”
“Do you know how sad for the church workers?”
“It was you to be above in heaven. Now what? Everything is ruined.”

“It was as a matter of fact, teenager gangs' joke.”
“Now officers are playing rude for the serial killer game.”
“How can you do that much?”
“I first discharged her and then she will go wild. How about it?”
“Do you have a copy of her drivers' license?”
“No. It was perished.”

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