command (13)


I am  connected to the illegal worldwide human control system  by wireless means from implants which I illegally received without my consent.  I  recently received the instruction from the voice command centre by wireless means to join a slimming assistance group called Unislim and I was informed that if I did not join Unislim I would have fifty points deducted from my social credit score.  I am aware that if too many points are deducted from my social credit score I would then be blacklisted to the extent that I might no longer be allowed to have a pass port or use public transport or use a public library or I might be given a variety of other punishments.  

Why is Unislim which is  a privately owned business allowed to profit financially from a worldwide social credit score scheme.  That would in fact be illegal.  The social credit score system is illegal because it was installed in my life without my consent.  The fact that I am wirelessly connected from my brain and central nervous system to a human control centre is also illegal.   Anyone who supports this system is supporting a worldwide criminal network and therefore they are deemed to be a criminal.  I have been wirelessly and non-consensually connected to this illegal system for many years and I know of what appears to be hundreds of thousands of other individuals who are also connected to it.   The whole story is being covered up by the main stream media which is now mostly privately owned by the same criminals who own and run the worldwide human control system and who govern what type of information is given to psychiatrists while they are students.

Those at the top of the worldwide hierarchy of power are unelected corrupt individuals who are using their false power to abuse those underneath them in the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command in many ways, especially through financial irregularities. What can we do to change all of these situation?

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According to renowned neuro science and neuro technology expert, Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University medical center, United States, minimal sized electrodes can now be placed in a network inside a human brain which would allow neuro operatives to read and write into the brain function of that human being in real time. These aforementioned electrodes have already become lodged inside the brains and bodies of most human beings in both the United States and Europe and in fact most of the world through both inhalation and ingestion in most cases. These electrodes wirelessly transmit and receive encoded information to and from a super computer network for real time brain state monitoring and data extraction.
Because most of us now have the aforementioned electrodes lodged inside our brains and bodies without our consent we can now be murdered wirelessly without anybody becoming aware of it. We can also be experimented on in a wide variety of ways by wireless means without us ever knowing who is wirelessly experimeing on us. Because of this wirelessly enabled capability, random human beings have been selected for non-consensual experimention where all of the electrical activity being generated by their brains and bodies are being uploaded via a bi-directional wireless link to a super computer network where it is being automatically translated in real time into everything that human being thinks, says and does and this happens on a continual basis throughout each moment of their lives. The unknown criminal black budget neuro scientists and other neuro operatives, while working by wireless means from remote locations use the bi-directional link to upload images, mirages, voices, other sounds, odors, sensations, pain, forced muscle movement and other experiences to the brains and bodies of the aforementioned non-consensual experimentation victims. The forced muscle movement capability can be used to force a human being to hit themselves with their own fists or even to jump off a cliff against their will or even to drive their vehicle into a group of people.
Because of the fact that electrodes have become lodged inside the brains of psychiatrists, general practitioners, the police and many other government staff they are now receiving encoded information into their brains which makes them predisposed to believe only information which comes down from the top of a false heirarchical based chain of command where it is believed that individuals who mostly practice a dark form of Luciferianism reside at the top. Because of this situation, many individuals who are fully aware of the ongoing abuses of neuro science and neuro technology are afraid to speak openly because of a real fear of psychiatric intervention.
Many individuals throughout the world are being forced into experiencing virtual reality experiences for short spaces of time which has led to further confusion about what is happening behind the scenes in the world today. In order to cover up the existence and widespread abuse of neuro science and neuro technology combined with directed energy weapons, many cover stories have been invented to misdirect the public so that they would not be able to realize what is really occurring behind the scenes of their lvies. Some of the false cover stories which have been invented to cover the vast capabilities of neuro science and neuro technology are as follows :- the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the extra-terresterial visitation hoax, the channelling hoax, the psychic ability hoax, the moving statue hoax, the poltergiest hoax, and many other hoaxes. Objective reality is real but it is being allowed to be confused with virtual reality and this situation is being supported by both governments and the press. The dark luciferians wish us to believe in all types of supernatural falsehoods and other types of deception so that they can more easily control us. A differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power and they have been lying to us for multi generations both through the school system and through the main stream media and they continue to do so to this day.
Professor James Giordano can be found online presenting many youtube videos outlining the current vast capabilities of neuro science and neuro technology. We must urgently disassemble all wireless enabling capabilities and have them banned before fifth generation millimeter wave technology is fully operational because if we wait until 5G is fully operational you may then be forced to hear voice commands being transmitted inside your head as well as applied pain if and when you fail to carry out the commands issued by those voices, some of which may be generated by artificial intelligence. 5G which is also known as fifth generation millimeter wave technology has the well known capability to carry pain signals and it is currently being erected throughout my country Ireland and most other countries throughout the world in order to technologically enslave us. Further to this, preprogrammable microchips exist which can induce pain in the microchip implant victim if they should attempt to cross pre-set boundaries such as the boundaries of their own town or city. The non-consensually inserted microchip could be programmed to send signals to the electrodes which have already become imbedded inside the brains and bodies of most individuals causing the electrodes to induce pain in the individual. A microchip actually picks up and amplifies ambient electrical energy. If you have a micro chip inserted in you either non-consensually or consensually and you then get in the range of a powerful electromagnetic field the microchip can actually be used to burn you!
If we act urgently we can save ourselves from technological enslavement to the dark luciferian would-be slave masters. Please share.

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There is a false hierarchical based chain of command being set up right now in secret across the world. It involves having dark occultists such as Luciferians and Satanists at the top, followed possibly by corporations which may by then be privately owned by the dark occultists because the dark occultists are using corrupt banking laws to print money out of nothing and they are using this money to purchase all of the resources on the planet. I believe that national boundaries would be dissolved because national identities unite people and the dark occultists do not wish that to happen. They prefer to divide and conquer. Each man would be affiliated with whichever corporation he worked for. Nobody could exist outside the work system. Women would be subservient to men and they would not be allowed in the work force at all. It would be mandatory for men and women to marry at a very young age and stay married for life. Children would be seen to be owned by the state and they would be raised to have a satanic mind set which is a belief in moral relativism rather than a belief in objective right and wrong. All human beings other than the Satanists and Luciferians at the top of the false hierarchical based chain of command would by then be wirelessly tethered from technology inside their brains and bodies to a computerized control and enslavement system. The reason I have become aware of this is because I myself am already non-consensually and extremely unwillingly wirelessly tethered to this computerized control and enslavement system where I receive voice commands on a regular basis.
Globalists are doing everything in their power to centralise all world power in their own hands and to ultimately disempower all of their fellow human beings totally and utterly. Hundreds of people who have realised this have been investigating all worldwide legal documents which allow a small group of men to take control of more and more of the management of this world and its citizens in secret. The hundreds of independent investigators who have been scrutinizing the paper trail and who are all reporting their findings to a group of spokes people known as The American Intelligence Media have discovered that three small independent sovereign states which are landlocked inside large countries but which have no legal affiliation with those large countries are responsible for this ongoing attempt at the takeover and wireless control of the world and of their fellow human beings. They are the City of London Financial District which is an independent state which is landlocked inside the United Kingdom, Washington DC which is an independent state and which is landlocked inside the United States, and the Vatican State which is an independent state and which is landlocked inside Italy. Some if not all of the individuals who work inside these three small independent sovereign states are working towards enslaving the whole human race.
The British Privy Council who work inside the City of London Financial District work for the Crown. The Queen of England owns the bank of England. The British Privy Council and others who work inside the City of London Financial District run the bank of England on behalf of the Queen of England. In fact, the whole worldwide banking system is run from this location inside the City of London Financial District. A British company called Serco now controls and runs the United States Military. The British Privy Council is a major player in the United States, and most especially in Silicon Valley. . The British are setting up an initiative to drive the Chinese government against the United States. The British are also attempting to drive Russia against the United States according to the American Intelligence Media. The American Intelligence Media support the fact that The British Monarchy is a cover for the greatest insider trading group that has ever existed.
I am not in favour of monarchies or indeed any type of hierarchical based chain of command. I am an anarchist and I would love to live in a world which would be run by a system of rules without rulers. This world is self-regulating . We do not need rulers, just rules. However, I do not believe that the British Monarchy are evil. I believe that they are being controlled. The dark occultists never place themselves at the forefront of any hierarchy in case the people ever turned against the hierarchy and had them killed. The dark occultists always hide in the darkness of anonymity.
I also do not believe that most members of the British Privy Council are evil. They also have high profile positions which makes me believe that they are being influenced by the real evil dark occultists whose names we do not yet know. The British Privy Council may be victims rather than evil men and women. They could be under extreme electronic mind control, something which there is no defence against as yet. Many of the British Privy Council have titles such as Sir or Lord. Examples are Lord Mark Mallock-Brown and Sir Geoffrey Pattie. When a member of the British Privy Council is given a title they are obliged to take an oath to the Queen of England for life. If they break the oath they could be found hanging upside down under Blackfriars Bridge in London. We do not know what constraints they are under. We must rescue them rather than punish them. It is against the law to speak about the Queens business. They are obliged to take their secrets to the grave. If we gain the trust of the The British Privy Council they will then tell us who their overlords really are. One of the main reasons I believe that the great evil which has befallen our planet does not stem directly from the British Privy Council members themselves is because the dark occultists love to insult those who work from them by called them derogatory names. They have names the British Privy Council after an outside toilet.
My website is called

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When I attempt to log on to  the dashboard of my own website which is called why am I being redirected as per the enclosed link herewith?

I have become non-consensually implanted with a programmable bio-chip and as a consequence I have become wirelessly tethered to the smart grid which allows unknown neuro operatives to speak to me against my will and without my permission on a continual basis via neural link if they wish.   In reply to the above question, these unknown neuro operatives have replied  via neural link as follows 

"Somebody else is governing her website."

"Why have you taken governership of Gretta Fahey's website."

"Tasteless information coming through".

My response to that is as follows " My website contains information which is profoundly important to the whole world because of the unique information I provide therein and it contains no tasteless information.   However, I do report accurately what I am being forced to listen to through said neural link, and some of it is upsetting.   Here is an example of some more of what I am being forced to listen to which comes from the messaging centres throughout the world and I hear it  via the aforementioned  neural link :-

"Why haven't you programmed this woman to be aquiescent?   I wish to purchase a slave."

"We are not interested in monitoring your intestines.  We are interested in monitoring your bowel."

"We have an alternation every twenty minutes and we can't work while the alternation is happening."

"Where is the cheque for the Simon Community that was promised.  I am the handler.  I am entitled to say this.   I am Gretta Fahey's slave handler.  Gretta Fahey will shortly be a slave.  We have bio-robotized her."

"I was told that I could get a measurement of bowel information from the toilet bowl but she keeps flushing the toilet so there is nothing there."

"Suture her mouth."

"Pitchfork in the heart is the way forward."

My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook,  Claremorris,  Co. Mayo,  Eircode  F12 Y560,  Republic of Ireland.  My landline home phone number is 0949360901.   The above is a true and honest depiction of what I am being forced to listen to without my permission  on a continual basis from both the  neuro staff and their clients the neuro operatives  who speak to me throughout each day via neural link from the voice command and control centre which is situated at an unknown location.

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I am non-consensually wirelessly linked to a computerized control network more commonly known as direct access control,  where I regularly hear voice commands from the control network supervisors. The whole field of psychiatry is being used to provide a cover for this human wireless control system by having largely uninformed psychiatrists falsely diagnose anybody complaining of being wirelessly linked to said wireless control system as being mentally unwell. The individuals who operate the computerized human control and command network have the capability of pushing a racist agenda against ethnic minorities by placing voice commands of a racist nature inside the heads of the non-consensually wirelessly tethered human subjects of which I am one and have been one for more than sixteen years. This morning, a racist comment was placed inside my head directly from the voice command and control centre by an individual who did not have such authority. Later this morning another voice command operative informed me that the offending staff member will be contained within a police station within the Island of Ireland before today is over.
I am Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I own and control is called My facebook page which I alone control is called My landline home phone number is 0949360901.

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1. Whoever sits at the top of the hierarchy can be secretly controlled by an enemy.
2. Psychopaths always rise to the top because they are prepared to kill anybody that stands in their way of attaining money, power, status and control.
3. In a hierarchical based control system such as the American Presidency, one man at the top of the hierarchical based control system is suddenly deemed to know everything about everything, and is suddenly deemed to be a fount of all wisdom, a situation which is unreal.
4. No individual will agree to remain at the bottom of a heirarchy unless they are put under either trauma based mind control or else electronic mind control or both. Before electronic mind control became main-stream trauma based mind control was used in the church and state controlled school system through corporal punishment and through various forms of brainwashing which was administered by largely unknowing staff who had themselves become brainwashed on an earlier occasion. After school students are successfully inculcated into the heirarchical based control system very few of them will ever raise their heads above the radar again. They will be unquestioninglfy obedient to the system for the remainder of their lives.
5. When one belongs to a hierarchical based control system, they abandon use of their own conscience for the rest of their lives and they unquestioningly obey whatever orders they are given. Because of this error of their judgement they can be persuaded to go to war and kill other good living human beings for no reason other they the individuals who are to be killed live on a different part of the world.
6. In order for hierarchies to work we need to invent a false concept called authority. Authority is the concept of a diseased mind. It does not exist under natural law which is the only fixed and immutable law on the earth.
Some individuals are mind controlled to believe that the ones who sit at the top of the heirarchy are entitled to be there for many false reasons, some of which I have listed herebelow -
As each human being has hundreds of different facets to their characters, there can be no objective way to classify a human being. An accident of birth can not be grounds for conferring a high status on a human being.
"We are not our positions in society, our occupations, our culture, our beliefs, our financial status, our social status, our matrimonial status, our sexuality, our clothes, or how we speak. Take away all of these and we are still ourselves underneath. All of these are superficial identities, like masks. All of these superficial identities are transitory. We are consciousness, having a human experience.
Some human beings attempt to convince their fellow human beings that they have a higher status than the rest of the human race. They achieve this by using mind control tactics over their fellow human beings. They also send messages of their supposed superior status by acting superior at all times. They enhance the message by displays of superiority in the public arena by the skilled use of oratory. They also employ uniforms, titles, credentials , possessions and opulent surroundings to further enhance the lie that they are superior to others in some way. They sometimes pay attendents to attend to their every need and to bow to them when they are in the public arena. They have their staff organise large gatherings of fawning fans whenever they wish to push the notion of their supposed superiority further.
We are all equal. We came into this world empty handed and we will leave this world empty handed approximately eight decades later. We must value equality in the world above all else. Unquestioningly following the orders of our equals leads to acts of extreme evil because when we do so we refuse to take responsibility for our own actions by refusing to assess whether the order given is moral before we carry it out.
School children are erroniously being taught to believe in the concept of survival of the fittest, which is one of the four evil tenets of Satanism.
The worldwide would-be controllers are attempting to create a top down chain of command throughout the world. We aught to instead organise ourselves into a linear based self-regulating system, a system of rules without rulers, a system of self-government where we take back all power which we have erroneously given away to members of the self-proclaimed elite. Such a linear based system is known as anarchy which is short for anti-heirarchy.

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"We will put your name on the board of directors".
The above sentence among others is often said to individuals who have previously been placed under negative neuro linguistic programming in order to boost their egos so that they would become extremely controlling in the way they treat their colleagues. This type of negative neuro linguistic programming is being carried out among the British police as well as medical students and presumably many other professions.
A top down based chain of command is being set up throughout the whole human race. In order to achieve this purpose negative neuro linguistic programming is being implemented across the board. First of all, both students and staff of many disciplines are being asked to answer detailed questionaires as well as doing psychometric tests in order to identify the most suitable personality types, i.e. the people with the biggest egos in order that they would then undergo neuro linguistic programming so that they would then become dictatorial and controlling.
For information on neuro linguistic programming in the United Kingdom please watch the following youtube video featuring Brian Gerrish

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1. Whoever sits at the top of the hierarchy can be secretly controlled by an enemy.
2. Psychopaths always rise to the top because they are prepared to kill anybody that stands in their way of attaining money, power, status and control.
3. In a hierarchical based control system such as the American Presidency, one man at the top of the hierarchical based control system is suddenly deemed to know everything about everything, and is suddenly deemed to be a fount of all wisdom, a situation which is unreal.
4. No individual will agree to remain at the bottom of a heirarchy unless they are put under either trauma based mind control or else electronic mind control or both. Before electronic mind control became main-stream trauma based mind control was used in the church and state controlled school system through corporal punishment and through various forms of brainwashing which was administered by largely unknowing staff who had themselves become brainwashed on an earlier occasion. After school students are successfully inculcated into the heirarchical based control system very few of them will ever raise their heads above the radar again. They will be unquestioninglfy obedient to the system for the remainder of their lives.
5. When one belongs to a hierarchical based control system, they abandon use of their own conscience for the rest of their lives and they unquestioningly obey whatever orders they are given. Because of this error of their judgement they can be persuaded to go to war and kill other good living human beings for no reason other they the individuals who are to be killed live on a different part of the world.
6. In order for hierarchies to work we need to invent a false concept called authority. Authority is the concept of a diseased mind. It does not exist under natural law which is the only fixed and immutable law on the earth.
Some individuals are mind controlled to believe that the ones who sit at the top of the heirarchy are entitled to be there for many false reasons, some of which I have listed herebelow -
As each human being has hundreds of different facets to their characters, there can be no objective way to classify a human being. An accident of birth can not be grounds for conferring a high status on a human being.
"We are not our positions in society, our occupations, our culture, our beliefs, our financial status, our social status, our matrimonial status, our sexuality, our clothes, or how we speak. Take away all of these and we are still ourselves underneath. All of these are superficial identities, like masks. All of these superficial identities are transitory. We are consciousness, having a human experience.
Some human beings attempt to convince their fellow human beings that they have a higher status than the rest of the human race. They achieve this by using mind control tactics over their fellow human beings. They also send messages of their supposed superior status by acting superior at all times. They enhance the message by displays of superiority in the public arena by the skilled use of oratory. They also employ uniforms, titles, credentials , possessions and opulent surroundings to further enhance the lie that they are superior to others in some way. They sometimes pay attendents to attend to their every need and to bow to them when they are in the public arena. They have their staff organise large gatherings of fawning fans whenever they wish to push the notion of their supposed superiority further.
We are all equal. We came into this world empty handed and we will leave this world empty handed approximately eight decades later. We must value equality in the world above all else. Unquestioningly following the orders of our equals leads to acts of extreme evil because when we do so we refuse to take responsibility for our own actions by refusing to assess whether the order given is moral before we carry it out.
School children are erroniously being taught to believe in the concept of survival of the fittest, which is one of the four evil tenets of Satanism.
The worldwide would-be controllers are attempting to create a top down chain of command throughout the world. We aught to instead organise ourselves into a linear based self-regulating system, a system of rules without rulers, a system of self-government where we take back all power which we have erroneously given away to members of the self-proclaimed elite. Such a linear based system is known as anarchy which is short for anti-heirarchy.

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Have you noticed the relatively new phenomenon of national radio presenters grovelling to members of the self-proclaimed elite whenever said radio presenters are obliged to interview them?.  Why would an adult sane human being grovel to their own equal like  a sycophant?.   The radio presenter says such things as  " I am very lucky to be in the presence of such a great, great man as you.   I am very nervous to be in your presence.   I will struggle on humbly and attempt to interview you as best I can"   etc.

This radio grovelling has become widespread recently.   I understand why it is occurring.     We do not live in a democracy.     No matter who is elected to any legitimate government in the western world, dark occultist members of secret societies such as free masons, Satanists, dark luciferians and Zionists retain control of both the money supply and the weapons supply of all countries.  They are highly organised and they wish to set up a rigid hierarchical based chain of command throughout the world with themselves as all powerful dictators while the rest of us would be reduced to abject poverty.   In order to pull off the illusion of superiority they surround themselves with grovelling sycophants to are paid to proclaim their greatness to anybody who has the patience and gullability to listen.

This proverbial hierarchical based chain of command that is currently being set up throughout the world would involve children being totally owned and controlled by their mothers who in turn would be totally owned and  controlled by their husbands, who in turn would be totally owned and  controlled by their employers.  The employers would be totally owned and controlled by corporations who in turn are already totally owned and controlled by the  self-proclaimed elite who in turn are about to be totally owned and controlled by the pope.    To achieve this proverbial chain of command, false authority is now being handed out to many government connected authorities such as  main stream medical practitioners  to the extent that now some main stream medical practitioners are being given the false authority  to mandate vaccinations and to mandate psychiatric evaluations on a whim as well as to mandate visits to said medical practitioners whenever they see fit.

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Victims of a new human enslavement methodology called Remote Neural Monitoring are wirelessly tied to a super-computer for life by way of a continuous two way stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves via illegal implants. These implants have been illegally introduced into the brains and bodies of all populations throughout the western world through illegal chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads with nano particulates which we then inhale and ingest. These and other implants may also be introduced into our bodies by a variety of other means. A cabal of criminal super-rich individuals aspire to eventually be able to remotely monitor and measure all of the electromagnetic activity in both the brains and bodies of all human beings and all other living things on a continuous basis throughout each day.

A selection of good will, good living human beings have been selected for total brain readout analysis and brain and body manipulation via super-computer over the past few decades. These human beings are currently known as targeted individuals. According to well known cybernetic warfare researcher Bryan Tew, their unique digital brainwave imprint is secretly obtained by criminals and it is uploaded to a super-computer. The illegal nano-particulates which they have inhaled and ingested digitalise the brain of the targeted individual and turns it into a digital receiver. In combination with the super-computer, criminal neuro personnel then manipulate the visual cortex, the auditory cortex, the motor cortex and the sensory cortex in order to inject sound, vision, memory manipulation, muscle movement and even pain signals to that targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring.

Targeted individuals of Remote Neural Monitoring have nothing to gain and everything to lose from being illegally and immorally remote neural monitored. They go about their lives seemingly as normal. Nobody around them can tell that they are hearing voices and feeling unusual sensations throughout their body on a continual basis. Main stream medicine, psychiatry and the law are refusing to confront the by now widespread existence and extreme abuse of Remote Neural Monitoring. Victims of Remote Neural Monitoring are being wrongly evaluated as being mentally ill.

When non-consensual and extremely unwilling targeted individuals of Remote Neural Monitoring hear the voices of criminal neuro operatives coming from inside their heads they react with hostility towards the speakers of those voices. They refuse to be civil to criminals who insist on placing their voices inside the targeted individuals heads. On the other side of the equasion, the criminal neuro operatives themselves feign surprise that the targeted individual continually refuses to have a pleasant conversation with them via this new illegal methodology. The targeted individual sometimes wonders if all of the illegal speakers who force their voices inside the head of the targeted individual are even fully aware of the illegal methodology that is being used to hold the conversation. Some of the illegal speakers may be being misinformed as to the methodology that is being used to speak to the targeted individual.

The cabal of criminal super-rich individuals who own the rights to the Remote Neural Monitoring signalling process plan to place the whole human race other than themselves on this system of Remote Neural Monitoring, which has also come to be known as bio-metrics control, from birth until death. Every human being other than themselves would be allocated a universal bio-metrics identity card which would contain a permanent indelible record of their whole life.

If a universal, hierarchical based chain of command combined with universal remote neural monitoring for the whole human race ever becomes a reality, any one member of the deep state if they so wished, could command a super-computer to send extreme pain signals into the nervous system of all of their fellow human beings, other than the individuals at the top of the control hierarchy who are outside the current system of control and technological enslavement.

Luckily, there is a simple solution to the technological enslavement of the human race. The human race will disassemble and destroy all microwave transmitters, 5G millimetre wave transmitters and related paraphernalia. The existence of satellites and space based weapons is an elaborate and easily proveable hoax along with a multitude of other hoaxes.

The existence of satellites lie was invented in order to make NASA appear invincible.

If satellites really existed all of our satellite dishes would be pointing straight up to the sky in order to receive and transmit signals. However, our satellite dishes are pointing sideways in order to receive signals from microwave transmitters and these signals that said microwave transmitters are transmitting are being relayed from undersea fibre optic cables.

Further to that, so -called satellite navigation data is being obtained from triangulation of signals which are being transmitted from cell phone towers which are also known as phone masts.

Under sea fibre optic cables are responsible for transmitting all internet and other data across the world. Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft and Apple are all building and laying their own under sea fibre optic cables in order to transmit their own computer data across the world as per the enclosed video link.

Air and space can not co-exist side by side. The vacuum of space would suck the air from the atmosphere leaving us with no air to breathe. We can easily save ourselves from being permanently wirelessly tethered to a super-computer which is what happens to victims of Remote Neural Monitoring simply by outlawing all microwave and millimetre wave transmitters and returning to life without cell phones.

As well as the creation of the satellite hoax, many other hoaxes have been created to instill fear and confusion in the human race down through the centuries by the cabal of criminal super-rich who are sometimes know by a number of other names including the self-proclaimed elite.

These hoaxes were created by the self-proclaimed elite by the use of science and technology and many forms of trickery for example, the expedient use of magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain these hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past. The CIA, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means. In addition to this, because human beings have been unknowingly inhaling and ingesting nano technology for many decades, the dark occultists can now use this nano technology which is inside our bodies and brains to make our muscles move and contort against our wills.

Some of the other hoaxes that have been created by the would-be enslavers of the human race are as follows:-

The near death experience hoax, the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the past life regression hoax, the channelling hoax, the sixth sense hoax, the end times hoax, the saviour hoax, the rapture hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the space travel hoax, the existence of inter-dimensional beings hoax, the artificial intelligence has now become sentient hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and the existence of space based weapons hoax, the earth is ball shaped hoax.

Our life experience on this earth should be about experiencing problems and learning to solve them in a natural way. It should not be about obediently following orders from birth until death. Human beings who are subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring claim there is no joy in their lives. Their lives are being micro-managed as never before via receiving instructions and criticisms on a constant basis from the speakers of their internal technologically induced voices. They have absolutely no mental privacy and in most cases they now long for death. The majority of the human race do not wish to live in a planet of universal enslavement. Universal remote neural monitoring combined with a universal chain of command combined with universal bio-metrics identification only benefits a criminal cabal of the super-rich and nobody else.

Please raise awareness of the urgent need to dismantle microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia all over the world now.

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Victims of Remote Neural Monitoring are wirelessly tied to a super-computer for life by way of a bi-directional stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves via illegal implants which have been introduced throughout their brains and bodies by chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads and by a variety of other means. Computer neuro personnel can then manipulate the visual cortex, audio cortex, motor cortex and sensory cortex of the victim in order to introduce sounds, visions, muscle movement and eventually pain signals into the victims brain and body.

Over thousands of years this world has been organised into twin heirarchies of church and state which are all controlled by the unelected deep state at the top level. If you belong to a heirarchy you are legally obliged to follow the orders of a fellow human being, who also is legally obliged to follow the orders of a fellow human being and so on, up the line, even though you can have no way of knowing the ultimate agenda of the order giver who resides at the top of the heirarchy.

The deep state plan to place the whole human race other than themselves on a system of remote neural monitoring from birth where every human being would be allocated a universal biometrics identity card which would contain a permanent indellible record of their whole life.

If a universal heirarchical based chain of command combined with universal remote neural monitoring for the whole human race ever becomes a reality, any one member of the deep state at the very top of the heirarchy, if they so wished, could command a super-computer to introduce extreme pain signals into the brain and nervous system of each and every human being on the planet forcing them all to commit suicide immediately. The inner circle of the deep state would then have this whole planet to themselves.

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Space Command officials exceed GPS standardPosted 5/26/2009 Updated 5/26/2009 Email story Print story - PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. (AFNS) -- Air Force Space Command officials here maintain the Global Positioning System constellation that now has 30 operational satellites, six more than the standard."I have high confidence we will continue to sustain at least the 24 satellites required to maintain our current performance standard," said Gen. C. Robert "Bob" Kehler, the Air Force Space Command commander.The current number of satellites being used by Air Force for global positioning is the most satellites and the greatest capability to date, since GPS came into fruition in the 1970s."We are committed to maintaining our current level of service, while striving to increase and improve service and capability through on-going modernization efforts," said Lt. Gen. John T. "Tom" Sheridan, commander of the Space and Missile Systems Center, which is the acquisitions arm for Air Force Space Command. "The Air Force will continue to execute an achievable growth path maintaining GPS as the premier provider of positioning, navigation and timing for the military and civilian users around the world."Just as it was reported in the Government Accountability Office's report May 7, Air Force Space Command officials acknowledged the potential for an availability gap years ago, and has actively pursued and institutionalized procedures and processes to mitigate the potential gap or minimize any impact. Command officials developed key processes within the operational community as well as the acquisition community to extend the life of on-orbit assets and to ensure GPS capability is delivered in a timely manner.The Air Force launched the seventh of its current block of IIR-M satellites in April, and will launch another one this fall followed by the first of 12 Block IIF satellites in early fiscal 2010. The IIF's sophisticated L-band payload will include new hardware that serves the civil user community. The next generation of GPS satellites, the GPS IIIA, with additional navigation signals for both civilian and military users will improve the accuracy and availability for all users. GPS IIIA is scheduled for first launch in 2014."New acquisition approaches, including phased acquisition and prototyping, will reduce risk to constellation sustainment in the future," General Sheridan said."Let me state emphatically; since we declared Full Operational Capability in 1995, the Air Force has maintained the constellation above the required 24 GPS satellites on orbit at 95 percent. In fact, we have achieved sub-three meter accuracy," General Kehler said. "The Air Force has been a good GPS steward continually providing 'better than expected' service to our GPS users. At this point, we foresee no significant loss of service in the future, near or far."Space operations vital to Air Force, nationPosted 5/26/2009 Updated 5/26/2009 Email story Print story Staff Sgt. J.G. BuzanowskiSecretary of the Air Force Public Affairs5/26/2009 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Air Force officials discussed the importance of space as a warfighting domain before members of the Senate May 20 on Capitol Hill.Senior Air Force leaders in the space realm answered questions from the Senate Armed Services Committee Strategic Force Subcommittee, telling them that Air Force officials were postured to make the most of their assets as part of the joint fight.Gen. C. Robert "Bob" Kehler, the Air Force Space Command commander, told the subcommittee that the command's efforts to provide the services with resources to maintain a strong presence in space have been and continue to be a vital part of the national defense strategy."Our mission is to provide an integrated constellation of space and cyberspace capabilities at the speed of need," General Kehler said. "Our vision is to be the leading source of emerging and integrated space and cyberspace capabilities."General Kehler spoke of two key decisions the Air Force made: The creation of Air Force Global Strike Command and the assignment of cyberspace tasks to AFSPACE."Space capabilities contribute across the spectrum of regular and irregular combat and noncombat operations, and provide joint commanders a decisive advantage," he said. "The cyberspace domain is inextricably linked to the other domains in which the U.S. military operates."With the recent budget release and the cancellation of the TSAT program, the Air Force is "harvesting" the technologies, systems and lessons learned so it can apply them to the next generation of satellites."What's important is that we synchronize capabilities with needs," General Kehler said.Gary E. Payton, the deputy undersecretary of the Air Force for space programs, also testified."Our space systems are the envy of the world," he wrote in his official statement. "Our surveillance satellites are able to detect missile launches anywhere in the world, our communications systems allow the president precise and assured control over nuclear forces, our wideband systems rapidly transmit critical information to our warfighters, our weather satellites allow us to predict future weather half a world away, our Global Positioning Systems enable knowledge down to centimeters and timing down to nanoseconds."Mr. Payton said a strong space presence enhances the joint fight."These sophisticated systems make each Soldier, Sailor, Marine and Airman safer and more capable."Space Preservation Act of 2005(H.R. 2420)(See also: GN Response) To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by prohibiting the basing of weapons in space and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit, and for other purposes.Sponsor: Rep Kucinich, Dennis J. [OH-10] (introduced 5/18/2005) Cosponsors (34)Latest Major Action: 5/18/2005 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committees on Armed Services, and International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.COSPONSORS(34), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]: (Sort: by date)Rep Abercrombie, Neil [HI-1] - 5/18/2005Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2] - 5/18/2005Rep Brown, Sherrod [OH-13] - 5/26/2005Rep Conyers, John, Jr. [MI-14] - 5/18/2005Rep Davis, Danny K. [IL-7] - 5/18/2005Rep Fattah, Chaka [PA-2] - 5/18/2005Rep Filner, Bob [CA-51] - 5/18/2005Rep Frank, Barney [MA-4] - 5/26/2005Rep Grijalva, Raul M. [AZ-7] - 5/18/2005Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22] - 5/18/2005Rep Holt, Rush D. [NJ-12] - 5/18/2005Rep Honda, Michael M. [CA-15] - 5/18/2005Rep Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [IL-2] - 5/18/2005Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9] - 5/18/2005Rep Maloney, Carolyn B. [NY-14] - 5/26/2005Rep McDermott, Jim [WA-7] - 5/18/2005Rep McGovern, James P. [MA-3] - 5/18/2005Rep McKinney, Cynthia A. [GA-4] - 5/18/2005Rep Meeks, Gregory W. [NY-6] - 5/18/2005Rep Michaud, Michael H. [ME-2] - 5/18/2005Rep Miller, George [CA-7] - 5/18/2005Rep Moore, Gwen [WI-4] - 5/18/2005Rep Nadler, Jerrold [NY-8] - 5/26/2005Rep Owens, Major R. [NY-11] - 5/18/2005Rep Rahall, Nick J., II [WV-3] - 5/18/2005Rep Sanders, Bernard [VT] - 5/26/2005Rep Serrano, Jose E. [NY-16] - 5/18/2005Rep Stark, Fortney Pete [CA-13] - 5/18/2005Rep Tierney, John F. [MA-6] - 5/18/2005Rep Towns, Edolphus [NY-10] - 5/26/2005Rep Velazquez, Nydia M. [NY-12] - 5/26/2005Rep Waters, Maxine [CA-35] - 5/18/2005Rep Watson, Diane E. [CA-33] - 5/18/2005Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] - 5/18/2005REP. DENNIS KUCINICH:STOP THE WEAPONIZATION OF SPACE-- (House of Representatives - May 19, 2005)[Page: H3586] GPO's PDF CONGRESSIONAL RECORD(Mr. KUCINICH asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, the administration, through senior Air Force officials, wants the U.S. to achieve military supremacy in outer space. Dominating all earth from outer space will have an out-of-world price tag, perhaps more than $1 trillion.A question: Why reach for the stars with guns in our hands? Are there weapons of mass destruction on Mars?Yesterday 28 Members of Congress signed on to H.R. 2420, a bill to stop the weaponization of space, urging the President to sign an international treaty to ban such weapons. If we work together towards creating peace on earth, we would not bring war to the high heavens.While some fantasize about being ``masters of the universe,'' there are 45 million Americans without health insurance. Corporations are reneging on pension obligations. Social Security is under attack. We are headed towards a $400 billion annual budget deficit, a $600 billion trade deficit, an $8 trillion national debt. The cost of the war in Iraq is over $200 billion. While we build new bases in Iraq, we close them in the United States.Earth to Washington, D.C. Earth to Washington, D.C. D.C., call home.TEXT OF Space Preservation Act of 2005 (Introduced in House)HR 2420 IH109th CONGRESS1st SessionH. R. 2420To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by prohibiting the basing of weapons in space and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit, and for other purposes.IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESMay 18, 2005Mr. KUCINICH (for himself, Mr. ABERCROMBIE, Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California, Mr. TIERNEY, Mr. HOLT, Mr. FATTAH, Ms. WOOLSEY, Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. RAHALL, Mr. SERRANO, Ms. LEE, Ms. MOORE of Wisconsin, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. HINCHEY, Ms. MCKINNEY, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. STARK, Mr. OWENS, Mr. HONDA, Ms. WATERS, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. JACKSON of Illinois, Ms. WATSON, Mr. FILNER, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. MEEKS of New York, and Mr. MCDERMOTT) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committees on Armed Services and International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concernedA BILLTo preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by prohibiting the basing of weapons in space and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit, and for other purposes.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.This Act may be cited as the `Space Preservation Act of 2005'.SEC. 2. REAFFIRMATION OF POLICY ON THE PRESERVATION OF PEACE IN SPACE.Congress reaffirms the policy expressed in section 102(a) of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 (42 U.S.C. 2451(a)), stating that it `is the policy of the United States that activities in space should be devoted to peaceful purposes for the benefit of all mankind.'.SEC. 3. BAN ON BASING OF WEAPONS IN SPACE AND THE USE OF WEAPONS AGAINST OBJECTS IN SPACE IN ORBIT.The President shall--(1) implement a ban on space-based weapons of the United States and the use of weapons of the United States to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit; and(2) immediately order the termination of research and development, testing, manufacturing, production, and deployment of all space-based weapons of the United States.SEC. 4. INTERNATIONAL TREATY BANNING SPACE-BASED WEAPONS AND THE USE OF WEAPONS AGAINST OBJECTS IN SPACE IN ORBIT.The President shall direct the United States representatives to the United Nations and other international organizations to immediately work toward negotiating, adopting, and implementing an international treaty banning space-based weapons and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit.SEC. 5. REPORT.The President shall submit to Congress not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 6 months thereafter, a report on--(1) the implementation of the ban on space-based weapons and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit required by section 3; and(2) progress toward negotiating, adopting, and implementing the treaty described in section 4.SEC. 6. SPACE-BASED NONWEAPONS ACTIVITIES.Nothing in this Act may be construed as prohibiting the use of funds for--(1) space exploration;(2) space research and development;(3) testing, manufacturing, or production that is not related to space-based weapons or systems; or(4) civil, commercial, or defense activities (including communications, navigation, surveillance, reconnaissance, early warning, or remote sensing) that are not related to space-based weapons or systems.SEC. 7. DEFINITIONS.In this Act:(1) The term `space' means all space extending upward from an altitude greater than 110 kilometers above the surface of the earth and any celestial body in such space.(2) The terms `space-based weapon' and `space-based system' mean a device capable of damaging or destroying an object or person (whether in outer space, in the atmosphere, or on Earth) by--(A) firing one or more projectiles to collide with that object or person;(B) detonating one or more explosive devices in close proximity to that object or person; or(C) any other undeveloped means.
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