Ozone (1)

Dr Robert Duncan is a scientists and has worked in the development of psychotronic weapons for many years. Further to that he has written two books about the current capabilities of psychotronic weapons which are called "Project Soul Catcher" and "How to Tame a Demon. Dr. Robert Duncan has worked for government agencies like CIA, DARPA, Department of Defense (DoD) on a technology which is called Voice of God (VoG). Voice of God means that the military and intelligence services can put voices into an individuals head and then control these individuals. The individuals that are being targeted are known as Targeted Individuals (TI’s).
I am such a targeted individual and I hear constant voices coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission. Here is an example of some of what I heard coming from inside my head in the past few days as follows:-
"Central Fugal systems are in evidence here. This is not excellent. Anyone can tell that we have been inisde this womans body and brain."
"Doctor her."
"Why are you eating that now."
"Every limb in her body will be broken." "Why did you say that" "Because she has been rejected and we can't make any money out of her."
"Thats a live one." "You are playing it rough with this lady." "Thats Gretta Fahey. She is live. She is electrified."
"Her body will be pulled out of a river some day."
"We will have to get money into this lady."
"Can we bio-robotize a corpse. " "Yes."
"What annual percentage of her income does she spend on charity."
"What the f is she eating bacon for this hour of the night."
"Is there a man in her life." "No." " She will get more than she bargained for."
"How about you lose some weight."
"The view from the scene of the crime."
"Initiate a bowel and bladder problem right now." (They wish to place restrictions on anyone who is claiming disability allowance for Irritable Bowel Syndrome which I am claiming and I have been claiming for many years.)
We all have smart dust inside us which allows military and private contractors to conduct medical experiments on us and it also allows them to speak to us, to hurt us and to enslave, torture and genocide us from unknown remote locations without us ever knowing who they are. However, there is an easy solution. In order to clear the smart dust from your brain and body so that you can then no longer be tortured by remote means you aught to drink ozonated water because ozone is the greatest detoxifying agent known to man. It deactivates every known negative compound that exists in the world. You will find one hundred reasons to use ozone at the following website www.in5d.com. I am currently drinking several glasses of ozonated water daily and I hope that in this way I will be able to deactivate the smart dust inside my brain and body and thereby stop the wireless torture which I endure constantly.

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