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Dr Robert Duncan is a scientists and has worked in the development of psychotronic weapons for many years. Further to that he has written two books about the current capabilities of psychotronic weapons which are called "Project Soul Catcher" and "How to Tame a Demon. Dr. Robert Duncan has worked for government agencies like CIA, DARPA, Department of Defense (DoD) on a technology which is called Voice of God (VoG). Voice of God means that the military and intelligence services can put voices into an individuals head and then control these individuals. The individuals that are being targeted are known as Targeted Individuals (TI’s).
I am such a targeted individual and I hear constant voices coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission. Here is an example of some of what I heard coming from inside my head in the past few days as follows:-
"Central Fugal systems are in evidence here. This is not excellent. Anyone can tell that we have been inisde this womans body and brain."
"Doctor her."
"Why are you eating that now."
"Every limb in her body will be broken." "Why did you say that" "Because she has been rejected and we can't make any money out of her."
"Thats a live one." "You are playing it rough with this lady." "Thats Gretta Fahey. She is live. She is electrified."
"Her body will be pulled out of a river some day."
"We will have to get money into this lady."
"Can we bio-robotize a corpse. " "Yes."
"What annual percentage of her income does she spend on charity."
"What the f is she eating bacon for this hour of the night."
"Is there a man in her life." "No." " She will get more than she bargained for."
"How about you lose some weight."
"The view from the scene of the crime."
"Initiate a bowel and bladder problem right now." (They wish to place restrictions on anyone who is claiming disability allowance for Irritable Bowel Syndrome which I am claiming and I have been claiming for many years.)
We all have smart dust inside us which allows military and private contractors to conduct medical experiments on us and it also allows them to speak to us, to hurt us and to enslave, torture and genocide us from unknown remote locations without us ever knowing who they are. However, there is an easy solution. In order to clear the smart dust from your brain and body so that you can then no longer be tortured by remote means you aught to drink ozonated water because ozone is the greatest detoxifying agent known to man. It deactivates every known negative compound that exists in the world. You will find one hundred reasons to use ozone at the following website I am currently drinking several glasses of ozonated water daily and I hope that in this way I will be able to deactivate the smart dust inside my brain and body and thereby stop the wireless torture which I endure constantly.

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I suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and I have tried many and varied healing modalities over the years. During the months of March and April 2012, for a total of twenty three days I fasted on absolutely nothing but distilled water. I was sure that it would cure my irritable bowel syndrome but it made no difference. However, I did succeed in detoxifying the cells of my body at that time and a number of red spots disappeared from my face which had been there for a number of years and I also cured a chronic bladder problem because of that fast.
I carried out quite alot of medical research before I went on the twenty three day water fast. I also carried out several shorter water fasts before I embarked on the long twenty three day water fast. I had already fasted for periods of five days, ten days and eleven days previous to the long water fast.
Some of the books which recommend water fasting and which I had read before embarking on any of my water fasts are as follows:- "Rational Fasting" by Professor Arnold Ehret, "Fasting for Renewal of Life" by Herbert M. Shelton, "Mucusless Diet Healing System" by Professor Arnold Ehret, "The Miracle of Fasting" by Patricia and Paul C Bragg and "Life from Light" by Michael Werner and Thomas Stockli. The first three books which I have listed here are very old books. In fact, the book "Rational Fasting" was first published as early as 1926 and has been republished many times since. I personally believe that both the book publishing industry and the medical industrial complex have now been infiltrated by some individuals who do not have the best interests of the general public at heart and because of that the information to be found in some modern health books are believed to be not as reliable as the information which is to be found in these old books.
I have recently discovered dry fasting which is also called true fasting or absolute fasting. I had not heard anything about it until recently. I learned that dry fasting purifies the human bio-field. I have read a book called "The Dry Fasting Miracle" by Luke Coutinho and I have listened to some online information about dry fasting. In this book the author Luke Coutinho gives the following information and I quote
"Pathological bacteria and microbes love wet terrain. A wet environmnet is ideal for the proliferation of pathological bacteria, viruses and worms and any water shortage is as devastating as fire for them."
During Ramadan, Muslims dry fast during daylight hours for a full month each year with absolutely no adverse effects. They do not water fast. They appear very healthy as a group because in general they do not suffer from obesity or they do not normally wear eye glasses.
I am now dry fasting for sixteen hours each day and I eat and drink liquids during the remaining eight hours. I find it very easy to do and I plan to continue this practice indefinitely.

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A Voice to skull human speaker has informed me this morning that I will have my bowel forceably removed by theml because of a bowel malfunction which  I suffer from due to extreme stress which mainly comes from them and their direct interference into the workings of my brain and central nervous system and into all aspects of my personal life while I am in the privacy of my own privately own home and they inflict this extreme and constant stress on me by continually forcing me to listen to their voices which I non-consensually hear coming from inside my own head and by forceably moving my own muscles against my will which they are enabled to do not by use of the scientific capabilities which are outlined in patent number US 6965816.  My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland and my landline home phone number is 0949360901.

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I am connected to the wireless internet of things which some are calling the brain net and I have been non-consensually connected it for many years. As the years go by I am finding out more and more of the current extreme capabilities of smart phones and other smart devices. One of the reasons that I may have been connected to it was because I was and still am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome. Half of my disability allowance is paid for by Irish tax payers and the other half is paid by tax payers from the rest of Europe. Those European tax payers have no way of knowing if those in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome are genuinely entitled to it or if they are claiming for it dishonestly so somebody or some group had me connected to the wireless internet of things against my will and without my permission.
I am informed that if you own a personal smart phone and you carry it around with you on a constant basis, the smart phone will record everything you think, say and do while you have it close to you, at least within five feet of you. Every time you think a thought you generate a unique electromagnetic frequency which is downloaded to the smart phone and it is then wirelessly transmitted to a central location where it is automatically translated into that unique thought. . All of your other thoughts, words and actions which also generate their own unique electromagnetic frequencies are stored at that central location as well. That central control centre stores unique details about you such as how long you sleep each night, how often you eat, what your moods are like and many other personal details.
I don’t carry a smart phone with me and I don’t have any digital media devices on my bicycle which is my mode of transport. I live out in a rural area and I don’t often encounter any digital media devices other than my personal computer. Because of a lack of digital media devices in my environment, the engineers who monitor me via smart engineered technology can not obtain as much detail about my daily habits as they would like and this is causing consternation among the team of bio-engineers who keep me on file with regard to my claim for irritable bowel syndrome.
Not alone are all of the electromagnetic frequencies which are generated by the brains and bodies of individuals who are wirelessly and non-consensually connected to the smart grid automatically stored at a central location and also automatically translated into everything we think, say and do but as well as that, a frequency modulator is used to send us back other electromagnetic frequencies which are made to over ride our own electromagnetic frequencies to the extent that now our arms and legs can be forced to move against our wills among many other unwanted experiences. Information is being wirelessly sent to my brain and central nervous system over many years to the point that now I can be grounded at the will of the unknown bio-engineers who illegally remote neural monitor and remote neural manipulate me. At this stage, my right leg can be disabled for a short space of time by wireless means at their will. When I am cycling my bicycle I can be made to come off it in a state of pain and I am unable to complete my journey until I recover, a process which can take between five and twenty minutes. This has happened to me on many occasions while said bio-engineers speak to me by live link directly to the hearing centre of my brain.
These unknown bio-engineers who I regard as criminals sometimes tell me what I should eat, what time I should get up in the morning at, what I should spend my money on, and even when I should visit the bathroom. Wireless technological capabilities now exist that can enslave human beings while it appear to their own families that they are free will human beings. Are NASA staff wirelessly enslaved because they continually lie to us about everything they inform us of?

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Posted on September 16, 2019 by gretta fahey
I am a non-consensual targeted individual of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation. The electromagnetic frequencies which are being generated by my brain and body are being collected wirelessly and translated into everything I think, do, say, feel, how often I eat, how often I visit the toilet, and how much exercise I take on a constant basis among other things. Electromagnetic frequencies are also being sent to my brain and body in order to force me to hear voice commands, feel electric shocks, feel pain signals, see visions, see pictures, be deprived of sleep, be artificially made to feel extremely cold, be artificially made to feel extremely hot, and have my own muscles move against my will among a number of other things. I have been placed on this program because I am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome and the so called world management team wish to create a policy where individuals who are in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome can have their lives controlled by government agents and government laws. I hear the voices of the criminals who terrorise me all day long every day of my life. They threaten my life, they insult me and demean me on a constant basis. I often post online some of what they say to me in order to prepare other targeted individuals of these programs for what they might experience in the future themselves if these programs are not stopped by banning all transmitters and wireless enabling capabilities. Here is some of what the perpetrators of this technological enslavement program have said to me today as follows:-
“Showing your arse to the men.” (I was alone in my yard and I bent down in order to free out a water channel that had become blocked.)
“We will take you down with that action, you stupid cunt.” ( I was alone in my yard and I held my hand behind my back in order to stop the perpetrators from place swirling energy around my nether regions which they often do because they wish to establish if I have any bladder or bowel problems which I am claiming disability allowance for.)
“My staff need to get readings of bowel anomalies so that we can verify that you have irritable bowel syndrome.”
“Put a marker on this system.”
“She shouldn’t be living alone for one thing. Should she?”
“Put an end to her life. That’s all I’m saying.”
“Well done. We have now got a system in place where we can now monitor her from inside for the rest of her life.”
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My website is called

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I am wirelessly linked to a network of computers and possibly a supercomputer where I am continually monitored, manipulated and psychologically tortured on a permanent basis and I have been so for more than sixteen years. At 7.50pm on 11th August, 2019 I heard a voice coming from inside my head who said that he was nervous about the task at hand. I asked him the following question "Why are you a peeping Tom". He replied as follows "We have a bowel problem to expose." I then asked him "Why have you a bowel problem to expose?. He then replied as follows "I have no response."

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A diet high in carbohydrates and sugar causes an increase in the levels of insulin in the human body. High levels of insulin causes the intestines to become inflamed which is just one of many possible reasons to experience chronic irritable bowel syndrome.
A diet high in carbohydrates is recommended by nutritionists who developed the food pyramid. It is not the optimum diet for human health. When the levels of insulin in the human body become far too high due to eating a diet high in carbohydrates this invariably leads to the that human being experiencing false hunger. This false hunger then leads to constant eating of still more carbohydrate food which allows the chronic hunger to increase which often leads to irritable bowel syndrome, type two diabetes and obesity among many other chronic illnesses.
The real reason we have been wrongly encouraged to eat a diet high in carbohydrates instead of the optimum diet for human beings which is a diet very low in carbohydrates is because slaves are more easily controlled when they are chronically hungary and the individuals who created the food pyramid belong to the new world order cabal whose ultimate aim is to enslave the rest of the human race by any and all means possible.
When human beings avoid carbohydrate and sugar rich foods their insulin levels then stabilize. After several weeks of eating a low carbohydrate diet of mostly above ground vegetables, freshly ground flax seeds, chia seeds and a large variety of other seeds as well as any and all animal products the cells of their bodies then become adaptive to burning fat as their body fuel instead of glucose as their body fuel. Fat is a much cleaner fuel to sustain the human body than glucose. Once the human being who adheres strictly to a low carbohydrate diet becomes effecient at burning fat as their fuel they lose all of their false hunger, the can easily skip a meal without becoming weak, they lose excess weight, the recover from type two diabetes and they cure their irritable bowel syndrome over time.
I suffered from irritable bowel syndrome for many years and I received disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome during that time. I still am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome. As there is no legal medical model to assess if somebody who is in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome is entitled to it I was secretly placed on a new type of a constant monitoring and control system by wireless means from what I believe are either illegal implants inside my body or micro technology inside my body or else my unique brain signature or unique DNA signature or my energy field or all of the above. This new type of constant monitoring and control system is now known as the cerebral internet-of-things and it is a human enslavement and psychological torture system which I have written about in extreme detail in my website which is called
I now eat only a low carbohydrate diet which is composed of mostly above ground vegetables, a large variety of freshly ground seeds and any animal products I wish. My irritable bowel syndrome is almost completely cured but it will probably be a few more months before it is entirely cured. The individuals who have illegally wirelessly tethered me to the human control and enslavement system which is called the cerebral internet-of-things have informed me that they wish to introduce legislation to control all applicants of disability allowance under the cerebral internet of things so that they become enslaved by the system. However, I believe that it would be much preferable if they promoted the optimum diet for human health instead. However, I belive that they do not wish to do this because their ultimate aim is to enslave the whole human race and they know that they can not enslave a vibrantly healthy and intelligence race of human beings. Therefore it is in their interests that we remain unaware of the optimum low carbohydrate diet and continue to live lives of chronic ill health.
I have been illegally wirelessly tethered to the cerebral internet-of-things for sixteen years. I am wirelessly tethered to it by what I am led to believe is a two stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy which allows unknown neuro operatives to send me voices, images, sensations, feelings, forced muscle movements and a wide variety of other experiences. These unknown neuro operatives collect data from my body and brain and they translate this data into what is occurring throughout my brain and body throughout the course of every day as I go about my life, while I myself am totally aware that I am being monitored to a level bordering on the forensic. These neuro operatives speak to me constantly and I am forced to hear their voices coming from inside my head. They interfere with my minds eye to the extent that they often send me unwanted and upsetting mental images whenever they wish. They can and have sent me visions of various kinds. They force some of my facial muscles to move whenver they wish. They have once nodded my head vigorously against my will and on another occasion they have shaken my head against my will. They have moved my eye balls around in many directions against my will. At this advanced stage of brain scientific and technological research anybody who has access to specific brain scientific and technological equipment can enslave a human being by wireless means and from a remote location, while leaving no trace of their crime.
I have so far been unable to prove that this has happened to me and that I am now a neuro slave. However, I write about it constantly in the hope that somebody, somewhere will believe I am telling the truth and will come to my aid and free me from wireless enslavement. I know of many others throughout the Republic of Ireland who are currently undergoing the same fate as myself and I know of one young lady who committed suicide because of being targeted by this technology.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland.

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I have been subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation for slightly more than sixteen years. During all of that time I have been monitored twenty four hours per day for the entire sixteen years. This type of continual monitoring is achieved wirelessly because I am non-consensually linked by a two way stream of energy to a network of computers and other equipment from implants in both my brain and body. In this way all electrical activity being generated by both my brain and most parts of my body are available for scrutiny as well as data analysis and collation by teams of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation staff.

These criminal staff use the two way stream of energy linking me to their equipment to speak to me on a continual basis and I hear their voices coming from inside my head. Earlier today I heard them say the following “We have not ascertained any social problems with the human subject of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation so therefore we can not code the system yet.” My own response to that was as follows “What does the phrase “code the system” mean in the context of my own situation of being continually monitored?” The response which I heard from that particular voice which I heard coming from inside my head was as follows – “We can not code the system until we gain substantial evidence against you. Whenever some body causes a problem in the social world we then ascertain that they may cause a similar problem at some time in the future so we frequently make that problem occur ourselves by outside manipulation of either or both the human brain and/or human body of the human subject that we have earlier placed on both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation.

I have not been working since 1992. I was suffering from irritable bowel syndrome on and off for a large part of my life and I had been attending general medical practitioners and specialists in an effort to get help for it. I was refused disability allowance by Dr John Connolly of Pontoon Lodge, Pontoon, Castlebar for irritable bowel syndrome even though I had attended him on and off between five and seven occasions about my problems. He informed me at the time that people in receipt of disability allowance lead aimless lives and eventually commit suicide so he denied me my request for disability allowance. I was so worn down and impoverished by that time that I did not have any further energy to beg any other medical practitioners for help. Many years later I am now in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome and I don’t go out very often but when I do go out I am monitored by wireless remote means by teams of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation staff who have informed me that they have total wireless control over my bowel and they have also informed me that they plan to make me have a bowel malfunction in a public place in order to use the opportunity to then create laws which would disempower all individuals who continue to receive disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome so that they can bring them under strict government control

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If you breast feed your baby and align with nature and natural law then four generations later your descendents will not have developed crooked teeth or crooked bones, and they wont have become psychopathic or homosexual and they wont have developed irritable bowel syndrome and your female descendants will not ever menstruate. We have been falsely let to assume that having crooked teeth and needing to wear braces is natural when it is not. We have been falsely let to believe that outward manifestations of menstruation is natural but in fact the lining of the uterus is naturally absorbed back into the body in women who have not degenerated. We are not being told the full truth about how far we have degenerated over the past few hundred years or more. For further information please read a book called "Pottingers Cats" by Francis M Pottenger which is widely available at online book stores

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The new world order have created a deliberate universal policy of adding mostly toxic and wholly unnecessary substances to the public food, water, medication, vaccination, tooth filling and toothpaste supply as well as having created another policy of spraying the air with equally dangerous substances. Because of these policies a large percentage of the general public then go on to develop irritable bowel syndrome and a host of other ailments. Further to this, if one claims disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome one could then be placed on a covert program of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation, indirectly because of the dangerous policies of said new world order.

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I have become non-consensually wirelessly linked to the cerebral internet-of-things where technology inside my body has become wirelessly linked to a human enslavement system and I can not break free. My slave handlers speak to me through a two way wireless link on a continual basis. Last night, during the night I heard one of the voices of my slave handlers coming from inside my head saying the following about me as follows "How can you field test a system that has already been exposed". I have already explained in some of my other posts that the reason I was wirelessly tethered to this human enslavement system is because I am suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and the human control and enslavement system still has no way of legally assessing if someone is justly entitled to disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome so they wished to further investigate my state of health and they also wished to draw up legislation to control the area of disability allowance claims for irritable bowel syndrome and also to assess if they could conceive of a way to take some of the legal rights away from the irritable bowel syndrome claimant under the guise of offering them support for their health problems.
What I believe these would-be enslavers of the human race wish to do is to ban anybody from the public arena who state that they are not well enough to work because of the fact that they suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, under the false guise that they might create a public health problem if they spend any time in a public place such as a retail store or a community centre.
To that end, the military technologists who force me to listen to their voices on a constant basis have informed me via the internal voice process sometimes known as synthetic telepathy that they plan to do a systems analysis of me on some occasion my wireless remote means when I am out in public and at that same time while doing that they also plan to place my bowel in a permanent state of distalysis in order to make me have bowel problems in public so that they can then enact laws against anybody who claims disability allowance for the reason that they are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, in future. I have already posted information on my own website which is called and on some social media sites stating that technology now exists which can by used by military technologists and others to control the limbs of human beings by external means as well as to control the vocal cords, the body organs, the bowel, the muscles and indeed the whole body of a human being by external means . I myself and many other targeted individuals have stated publicly that some of our body parts have been moved and manipulated by external means against our wills on many occasions. Therefore the plan to manipulate my bowel against my will while I am out in public for the purpose of giving the Irish government a reason to enact new laws against the rights of all claimants of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome to go move around freely in public spaces is now an easy capability.

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I have been wirelessly connected to the cerebral internet-of-things where unknown neuro operatives have gained direct wireless contact with my brain and central nervous system.   The neuro operatives can force me to listen, speak, see visions,  force unwanted images into my minds eye, move my facial muscles, as well as forcing me to experience a wide variety of other unwanted experiences.   The neuro operatives force me to listen to their voices whenever they wish to communicate with me at any hour of the day or night and they often wake me when I am sleeping in order to force me to listen to them.   This morning I heard one of the unknown neuro operatives saying the following to some of his colleagues about me the following    "This woman remains unclean."    I replied as follows " I take a daily shower at least ninety nine days out of one hundred and I wash all of my clothes on a daily basis so why do you inform your colleagues that I remain unclean."   The neuro operative was then heard by me to say the following "You have a bowel and bladder problem that sometimes leaks."   Much later,  another inner voice was heard by me to say the following about the same subject as follows " There is no medical model for this."

The reason that I a posting this  information on my own and other public online forums is because I believe that the fact that I was and still am claiming disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome without significant legislation being made available to regulate claims for disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome is the one and only reason that I have been wirelessly connected to the cerebral internet-of-things sixteen years before everyone else is due to be connected to it.     I sincerely hate being connected to it.   It is hell on earth and I feel as if I am on a continuous virtual torture program.  Take me off it now.

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Many good living and good will individuals throughout  the world have been targeted by an illegal rogue criminal enterprise for the purposes of non-consensual human experimentation.    This system is sometimes known as Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation.   The individuals who are selected for this control system are commonly known as targeted individuals and they are electronically harassed and psychologically tortured on a constant basis, every waking moment by a myriad of mostly classified wireless technologies.   Whenever they complain to the police they are routinely being sent for psychiatric evaluation because they can not prove their claims due to the fact that the technologies being used against them are wireless and invisible.

I am a non-consensual targeted individual  of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation and I have been so since 2003.  I am wirelessly connected to a super-computer which is operated by unknown neuro operatives who work from a remote location and  who speak to me by wireless means throughout each day.  I believe that I was selected for this program of unlimited surveillance and human experimentation because  I was at the time and still am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome which they wish to research.   They have informed me that legal constraints will be placed on individuals who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome to the degree that they are no longer in the workplace, or even everybody who complains  to their general medical practitioner of suffering from irritable bowel syndrome to any degree.   I hear their voices coming from a location inside my head.   I record some of what they say to me and I post it online on an almost daily basis so that others may know the severity of my situation.   Here below is a  small sample of what these  unknown neuro operatives have said to me in the past day or two.

"Produce a recipe for simpering ass Fahey to see us in court."

"Do yourself a favour and stop writing this."

"Any photo shame."    Response   "No. nothing."

"Power outages do not benefit us.  Is there any way we can force her to leave the electricity on in her house each night."

"What the heck are you lying down for, Gretta."

"Remote Neural Monitoring is not only a system of analysis.  It is also a system of correspondence with the client.   Our correspondence is coming back to us."

"We have to deal with this ongoing system of control.  It is encroaching on all of us."

"You think you are the only one writing our comments online.  We hobbled those people straight away just as we are hobbling you."

"I will burn your house by wireless means."

"I don't really like her writing style.  She mentions too much of what we say, on her online social media posts."

"Has she washed yet today."

"Get out to work like the rest of us."

"Put a hole in her shit box so we can get access to her."

"I am taking a reading of the area outside of your anal canal to see if I could detect any leakages."

"This information is going to be posted online tomorrow by Gretta herself.  We will have to contain the information.  We can not allow it to get out."

"A dog wouldn't be treated with this level of disrespect."

"She is lifting the lid on everything.  I didn't see this coming."

"She has no respect for herself if she is going to write this."

"You have nothing on her.  Have you?"

"She watches her Ps and Qs to an extreme degree.  There is no way that we could persuade her to do anything unforeseen."

"Twelve pounds of shit in the colon right now."

"Be careful with this system.  You are being far too incautious." 

"You are being incautious with our words."

"You will be punished suitably."

"We are going to cut back on your income."

This cruel control system is being expanded around the world by agents of the dark new world order evil cabal.   Unlimited money is being spent on this system in order for it to be used to eventually enslave most of the human race by wireless and other means.  The system of paralysing a human being by wireless means could possibly be fully automated in the future for the purposes of human enslavement.   We aught to urgently disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and other transmitters throughout the world as I believe that they are the linchpin that holds this human enslavement system together.  The existence of satellites are now believed to be an elaborate hoax.  NASA are the one and only source of satellite information in the world and they may all be wirelessly controlled or compromised in some other way.  

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 Unknown neuro operatives are  reproducing their voices inside my head using wireless embedded systems.  This process is known as microwave hearing, synthetic telepathy, or sometimes voice to skull direct human communication.  The military and intelligence services have been using this process to communicate with each other as well as their enemies for many decades.  It is being used on a world wide scale, mostly in secret.   Strong radio frequeny signals come from my ears at random times throughout each day as a result of this embedded system which possibly came about due to inhalation and ingestion of nano technology or through direct implantation of micro receivers and transmitters in the hearing centres of my brain.  

 I believe that the reason  that I am being non-consensually interrogated by voice to skull direct human communication technology every day for nearly sixteen years is because I am claiming disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome and the validity of my claim can not be verified by legal means. Therefore unknown individuals wielding advanced technology which enables them to reproduce their voices inside my head day and night  issue death threats and insults towards me and verbally harass me every waking moment for nearly sixteen years. They are also using similar technology to force me to feel unwanted sensations throughout my body.
When I reply to them by saying the following "Why am I hearing your voice coming from inside my head wholly against my will and without my permission,  that then would allow another of their colleagues to know without any doubt how they are obtaining the non-consensual data they are gathering on me.  They then react in a  frightened manner  as if their colleague now knows that they have used unethical means to collect data on me and that would enable any colleague who happened to be listening to blackmail them or even to steal the data for their own use.

These neuro operatives wish to know if I am responsible for causing my symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome by wirelessly analysing what I eat and they can easily establish what I eat by wirelessly receiving information from nano sensors in my stomach and intestines which are currently being blended into some processed foods.  This is happening on a worldwide scale mostly unknown to the general public.  

I do not drink alcohol at all. I do not smoke cigarettes or take any type of drugs and I do not drink tea or coffee. I almost never eat refined sugar. I eat a plant based diet as well as dairy products. I do not eat meat, fish or eggs and I have no plans to eat meat, fish or eggs at any time in the future. I am not responsible for causing my irritable bowel syndrome problems.

The neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head have attempted to persuade me to drink alcohol and to resume smoking cigarettes which I gave up more than twenty six years ago. They are not trying to help me recover from irritable bowel syndrome. They are attempting to find a way to gain control over my life and if they do so they would then attempt to extrapolate that control system over all other human beings who complained of suffering from irritable bowel syndrome throughout the world. These neuro operatives are knowingly or unknowingly assisting the dark new world order would-be dictatorship in attempting to rigidly control everybody throughout the world by any means possible. I have never broken any law in my entire life.  I can think of no other reason why I would be put on this non-consensual program which is sometimes called remote neural monitoring along with remote neural manipulation, which I also experience.

Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people are currently complaining of similar experiences to mine. We are not being taken seriously due to the fact that electronic mind control is now  in widespread use in my country, Ireland and throughout most countries in the world.

I constantly write about my experiences of being a targeted individual of non-consensual and extremely unwilling neuro weapons research.  I do not get paid for being a neuro weapon research subject and I do not get paid for my continued writing about my experienes of being a neuro weapon research subject and I never would accept payment from these evil criminal neuro weapon researchers  who have harassed and psychologically tortured me for nearly sixteen years wholly without my permission or consent.  

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I am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome and bladder problems.   Now, whenever I go to my bathroom I am being electronically harassed by individuals who use wireless energy weapons and who work from a remote location.   They use voice to skull military technology to force me to hear their voices which I hear coming from inside my head.  They sometimes analyse my urine flow when I sit on the toilet by means of pulsating strong surges of energy through the flow of urine which I am able to strongly feel.   They always  place strong surges of energy around my nether regions whenever I sit on the toilet.  They make derogatory personal comments about me at the same time.    I keep two analogue radios in my bathroom which I have switched on at all times while I am there.  I have one analogue radio switched to medium wave and the other one switched to FM in order to try to interfered with their harassment.  I believe that this works to some extent.   Have any other targeted individuals experienced this or similar situations.  I believe that classified molecular science is being used in this way.


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I have been in poor health for many years due to irritable bowel syndrome and bladder problems.  I attended many general medical practitioners and specialists to no avail.  I read many diet books and tried many diets which did not improve my general health.   I ate only raw food for several months but my general health did not improve because of that practice.   I once fasted on distilled water for a full twenty three days straight in order to improve my health.  My health  slightly improved for a while after  that.   However,  I now know I have found the ultimate cure all by following the late great Dr Sebi whose work is to be found online, in many youtube videos and websites.  For still  further information check you the youtube videos of Taylor Budd.

Natural plants found in nature contain the right balance of nutrients to keep us in abundant health.  When plants are combined together to create a new plant, it is called a hybrid plant and it contains starch which is highly addictive and nutritionally off balance.  In the past, starch based plants where considered suitable food for slaves because they kept the slaves in a state of constant hunger due to mineral imbalances, to such an extent that they were easy to control by the feeding them starch based non- foods.    Starch based substances posing as real food are so addictive that they are now being seen as a gate way drug to stronger starch based drugs such as alcohol and cocaine.    The solution if you suffer from any illness whatsoever is to stay away from all starch containing hybridized plants such as potatoes, carrots, garlic, cranberries, wheat, most forms of rice and many others.   To ensure good health  keep to a vegan diet of non-hybrid plants such as mushrooms, onions, romaine lettuce, cherry and plum tomatoes, avocados, spelt, quinoa, kamut, and a wide variety of fruit except most bananas which are mostly hybridized.

"By changing the genetic order the new plant is high in starch which is corrosive to human tissues. There are many people who are allergic to wheat and are not aware of these facts. Changing the genetic order of wild life forms and creates genetic mineral and chemical imbalances and mutations in the new species and all that eats it."

Non hybrid true natural food is in short supply throughout the world.   The whole human race must return to growing all of their own food in multi shelf greenhouses in suburban back yards.  If the dark occultists who have more and more world money and power in their hands control the food supply they could eventually enslave the rest of the human race by total control of the food supply.  Purchase only  heirloom seeds for your garden and your greenhouse.  When we are eating only pure non-hybridized food we only need to eat once per day.

I am a targeted individual of non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation.  I am wirelessly tethered by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves to a network of computers from implants which were placed inside my head and body at a time when I was unaware that I was being implanted.  This allows me to hear the  wirelessly enabled  voices of unknown  neuro operatives coming from inside my head.  These neuro operatives  monitor me on a continual basis, both day and night, and they  have done so for more than fifteen years.  They constantly taunt me about the fact that I am in poor health to the extent that  I no longer work.  When I eventually  found the answer to my poor health through eating a vegan diet of non-hybrid true natural food, which is free of starch for the most part, the neuro operatives decided that they must suppress knowledge of this health giving diet plan among the public.  Therefore, their intentions in all of their work is never  about improving the health and well-being  of the general public.  It is always about controlling and enslaving the general public in any and all possible ways, especially financially, mentally, legally, wirelessly and through addictive starch-based non food.




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I am a non-consensual and extremely unwilling wirelessly enabled neuro research subject which has also come to be known as being a subject of remote neural monitoring and I have been so for more than fifteen years.

Whenever I use my computer my energy imprint can be seen and investigated by the unknown criminal neuro operatives who remote neural monitor me by wireless means and from a remote location. In fact, they dont just see my energy imprint but they can also download stored details of how my energy imprint looked each time I used my computer any time in the past. They can tell alot about me from monitoring me in this way such as a stored history of what I have been eating in the past twenty four hours as well as what I have been drinking and if I have taken any illegal or prescription drugs among a multitude of other minor details.

However, I recently began to use my computer on battery mode only and never on full power. I also recently began to switch off the electricity to my computer room whenever I went in there. There is an electricity switch board in the front hall of my home. I am not sure if this is the case in more modern homes.

The criminal neuro operatives who speak to me via implants which have been both unknowingly and non-consensually  imbedded in my middle ears and who hear my reply by electronically translating the subvocalizations of my thoughts via implants which have been unknowingly and non-consensually  imbedded in my mouth, jaws and throat areas have now informed me that they can no longer investigate my energy imprint while my computer is being used in battery mode and while the electricity supply is switched off to my computer room.  Other bio-medical implants have also  been unknowingly and non-consensually imbedded in various sites around my body at a time when I was unaware that this was occurring.

I have never committed a crime and I am not under criminal investigation.  I am claiming disability allowance for the hidden disability of irritable bowel syndrome among other problems and I believe that the super-rich who wish to control everybody and everything on this planet are attempting to find a way to legally investigate individuals who are claiming disability allowance for uninvestigateable disabilities.  My website which contains further details of my traumatic fifteen years experience of being remote neural monitored on a continual basis (except for approximately thirty minutes once or twice when I unexpectidely went for a walk on an undocumented track at a location where I was unable to be monitored because of undocumented terrain because there is no technology embedded in said ground) is called  ; My facebook page is called


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The dark luciferian control matrix who have been manipulating the affairs of our planet from behind the scenes for up to six thousand years wish us to be unhealthy, misinformed and egotistical in order that they might slowly and incrementally enslave us.
In order to destroy the health of their fellow human beings they constantly promote the use of refined sugar as well as fructose in our diets.
To that end, their social engineers... promote the idea of using cake in all of our celebrations and social occasions, for example, Christmas cake, wedding cake and birthday cake. They also promote the idea of eating sugar at easter time. They promote the idea of handing out sweets to school children as a reward at the end of term.
The dark luciferian control matrix strongly promote the idea of eating fruit and honey as part of a healthy diet.
Over hundreds of years fruit has been hybridised to the extent that it is now much sweeter than it was in the past, so that our bodies are unable to tolerate such vast quanities of fructose on a year round basis.
The dark luciferian control matrix are so extreme in their manipulation that they may have even introduced the idea of putting sugar in our dinners in the form of sweet and sour sauce.
If you wish to cure yourself of irritable bowel syndrome or a vast number of other health complaints stop eating all refined sugar as well as all fruit, honey, molasses, treacle, sweet and sour sauce, high fructose corn syrup, and any other sweet food. Eat liver and other organ meat. It is far more beneficial than muscle meat.. Eat a wide variety of food as long as it is not in any way sweet.

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I am in receipt of disability allowance for thyroid disfunction in combination with irritable bowel syndrome and a number of other health problems for more than twenty years. My irritable bowel syndrome is mainly stress related but may or may not be food related. I have tried many different diets over many years but I have failed to sustain any of the diets long term due mainly to stress.
I am a non-consensual and extremely unwilling subject of remote neural monitoring and I have been so for nearly fifteen years. I have never been informed as to why I have been subjected to this overwhelming and unwelcome control system.
At this stage of being remote neural monitored my brain has been partially mapped to a level where the muscles of my body can be controlled against my will if I do not obey the directives which I receive via electronic brain link from unknown individuals who speak to me from an unknown location.
Because my irritable bowel syndrome may be being caused to a certain degree by my overeating I have now been informed via electronic brain link that I will be partially neurologically paralysed in the future if I do not restrict my diet as these unknown remote neural monitoring staff see fit. These same staff first considered placing socio economic sanctions on me in order to try to restrict my diet, but then they decided that that method of controlling me was not possible.

Ironically, the reason I overeat is because of the stress that has been introduced into my life because of being subjected to remote neural monitoring. Ironically, the stress of being remote neural monitored is worsening my irritable bowel syndrome. I do not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes or take illegal or prescription drugs. I am not too overweight, just a little bit, however the remote neural monitoring staff informed me via electronic brain link that being overweight will be made illegal in the future if they ever take control over the whole human race..

I have been informed via electronic brain link that there are "shadow" government directives that this remote neural monitoring system stay in place throughout the world. Are these "shadow" government directives being issued from the European Union which is now a financial and economic dictatorship? Do the European Commissioners even know about the existence of the "shadow" government and about this remote neural monitoring system that I am being slowly enslaved under?

It is my firm belief that we can easily bring this remote neural monitoring system to a stop simply by demolishing all telephone towers and related paraphernalia. Telephone towers can be used to administer strong mind control to the masses of humans. Telephone towers can be used to both physically and psychologically torture human beings while these human beings are inside their own homes. Telephone towers can be used to send energy weapons to damage the structure of homes and buildings. Telephone towers can be used to cause illness or death to any individual be remote means. Telephone towers can be used to genocide whole towns or cities if the individuals who live in those towns or cities challenged the growing worldwide dictatorship. We must urgently demolish all telephone towers. It is now widely believed that all control technology is ground based. Space does not exist because air and space can not co-exist side by side. Sadly, our main stream media is controlled on a worldwide scale and is not allowed to question any and all untruths of which there are many.

Individuals who are being targeted by remote neural monitoring can not inform the police or psychiatry of their plight because there are regulations in place which would mean that they would be obliged to hand over all of their legal power to the police who would then be obliged to send them to see a psychiatrist, who may incarcerate them in a mental institution where they would be forced to ingest substances which are now known to be poisonous.

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