Party (1)

There may be a way of deciphering exactly who our real enemies are.  Worldwide social engineers such as MK Ultra or Tavistock strive to create small realities for us through their control over public education, the main stream media, organised religions, book clubs and think tanks among other areas of new idea generation.    According to most archaeologists strong evidence exists which proves that humans have walked the earth for at least five hundred million years.  Some archaeologists have provided evidence that humans have walked the earth for more than four thousand, five hundred million years.   When we think about organised religions and their origins we are strongly encouraged to think in time frames of two thousand years, which does not make sense to the average thinker.   There must have been belief systems in  existence for hundreds of millions of years.  What happened to those belief systems and why did they suddenly end?     According to the late Dr Paul Marko of the online youtube channel Pine Cone Eutopia,  dark Luciferians have strongly influenced human life from behind the scenes for nine thousand years.  He has claimed that up to six thousand years ago said dark Luciferians created many of our organised religions so that they could funnel us all into various belief systems so that they could then overlay those belief systems with mind control which they have been doing successfully since then.
I believe that these dark Luciferians kept their reproductive lives among themselves and they still do.  They do not inter marry with the rest of the human race.  They do not spread their knowledge or wealth to the rest of the human race.  They have come to regard the rest of the human race as inferior to them.   I believe that they have infiltrated all of our power institutions but they never put themselves forward for public elections.   They stay in the background of our lives where they remain in control of the money and weapon supply of the world regardless of what political party gets into office.  They have become so exclusive and power hungry that the inner circle of the dark Luciferians do not even like the outer circle but they tolerate them in order to get political work done.  They live modest unassuming lives so that their vast power and influence over the human race never comes to light.  However, they have a weak point.   In order to save ourselves from enslavement be these dark dark individuals we aught to take many and varied DNA samples until we find a pure strand of DNA which has not been contaminated by other more common DNA for thousands of years.  We will have found them then .  We need to know our enemies.
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