alternate (1)

Check these:

1. Does it feel like when you are reading the news, it is referring to you, specifically because what is described in the daily news almost always describes what is happening in your daily life?

2. Have words suddenly taken a dictionary life all their own? Does it seem like when you read thru an article or you hear statements, normal/regular words suddenly mean a different thing? Have you noticed the semantics change? Do they run in conjunction with item no. 1?

3. Do you keep receiving spam or unsolicited email that describe your daily life, even the most private which no one is supposed to even know?

4. Do you feel like you are being made a pawn in somebody's fantasy sports or reality TV story or live feeds? Do you feel like you are being portrayed as one of the main players without your knowledge or permission?

5. Do you experience all these yet are afraid to speak out lest you be called paranoid? (Have you been referred to as one every time you tried to research or speak out on what you are experiencing? 

If you answer yes to any of these, what industry are you in? (Let's check out if there's something common to those experiencing this type of harassment).


Here are some tips:

1. Check Internet Options (for IE). Click on the security tab. Look for META REFRESH. Disable it.

Here are some links about Meta Refresh and augmented reality:

A number of marketing practitioners use these to redirect traffic to their sites.

Unethical competitors use this practice to play with the minds and the lives of those they consider threats. (This transcends web browsing and is done alongside the use of other hardware and software exploits that allow the perp to control the camera and recorder of the victim without the person's knowledge). 



How do they get the info they toy with so they can play with your minds? (Meta refresh and spamming are the tools they employ to feed you back the info they got... so HOW were they able to get it?)

Check how they can access your real-life info:

1. Go to My computer

2. Right click on it, choose properties

3. Check security

4. Check user profiles by clicking advance or edit

5. Once you see this Trusted Platform Module, and you tried to remove it but it reverts to the old settings and overwrites your new config, BEWARE!

The trusted Platform Module gives ANYONE WHO CONTROLS it super admin access to your computer and can overwrite any config you do on your PC.

This just means the one who controls it has full access to your  PC. FULL ACCESS. The person will see what you are seeing, what you are typing, what you are browsing. The person can turn the camera on and the sound recorder on without our knowledge. The person can edit the conversations, the videos or your encoded data. The person can broadcast everything on a nearby receiver - PC or wifi or antenna or cellsite.


6.Your windows OS also has ehome. It allows remote control of your pc by people in and outside your LAN.


7. Your PC if it's powered by Intel most likely has

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