bio-digital (4)


I am a wirelessly controlled slave due to the fact that my brain and body have become embedded with technology and that technology is wirelessly connected to and controlled by individuals who run a wireless computerized enslavement system. This wireless computerized enslavement system is also meant for you and your loved ones so you need to understand how all pieces of the worldwide wireless enslavement jigsaw fit together in order to ensure your freedom in the future.
Under the vast capabilities explained in patent number US6965816 a human being can now be physically remotely controlled through wireless control of their central nervous system. At least one and a half million American citizens and about as many more European citizens are already partially controlled by this means. As these individual wireless slaves are isolated from each other physically and as their situation is being heavily compartmentalized in all areas except from internet sharing they approach the police or the military as an isolated case. Said police and military then then wrongly assume that the wireless slave is simply mentally insane rather than genuinely wirelessly enslaved.
All agents of governments across the western world are required to use smart phones throughout the course of their working days. These smart phones set up a flow-cycle of bio-digital programming inside the brains of these government staff. After a short time these staff begin to display excessive trust in the system where they receive their information from. That system of information comprises of information which they obtain from the top of their workplace hierarchical based chain of command as well as information which they obtain from the official news on the main stream media as well as information which they gain through the officially endorsed education system. Almost all of this official information originates from unknown slave masters who control most of the western world from behind the scenes because they control the financial and many other resources throughout the world. They are constructing a false reality for the rest of the world. Many of their agents are now wirelessly controlled to the extent that they are unable to recognise this truth.
The fact that we do not live on a ball shaped earth is the key to understanding how to escape from our wireless electronic enslavement. The earth is flat and fixed and the seas are held in by the antartic ice wall which surrounds the earth. Nobody can ever get past the antartic ice wall because the further out you go the darker and colder it becomes and in this way a natural boundry exists which man can never pass through. Stationary drones are being wrongly identified as being satellites. The existence of satellites is well known hoax. Drones are possibly low enough to shoot down from the sky. We have been informed repeatedly that satellites which surround a ball earth are able to monitor all of us and that none of us could possibly be outside this monitoring capability . That would only hold true in a ball earth situation. However, the earth is flat and it is widely believed that Madagascar is not being chemtrailed and those who live on it can escape all monitoring and control. However, they are frightened that most if not all will wake up to the flat earth reality so they go to extra lenghts to insert the word 'Global' at every available opportunity. The first item a child is likely to see on their first day at school is a globe. Constant repitition from birth until death is the only way we can be made to believe that people actually walk upside down at the bottom of a ball earth. Constant repitition is the corner stone of all forms of mind control. Please research the information provided here because your freedom is at stake.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland
My website which I alone own and control is called

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I have somewhat stopped unknown neuro scientists from bio-digitally codeing by brain to respond to their wireless commands by placing a roll of repelling neodymium magnets on my crown chakra or thereabouts each night and keeping it there for the course of the whole night. A roll or repelling disc shaped neodymium magnets can be anchored in place by securing them together with a wooden skewer placed through the holes which are in the middle of the neodymium magnets as well as using some duct tape to keep them in place.
I have placed the aforementioned roll of repelling neodymium magnets into a pocket which I have sewn into the middle of a woolen cap and I secure the cap in place each night by tying a ribbon from the base of the cap around my chin. I find that it is comfortable enough to wear throughout the night.
Others have claimed that they have successfully stopped hearing the voices of the unknown neuro scientists which they were being forced to hear coming from inside their own heads by wearing much lighter rolls of repelling magnets which they place on their forehead, possibly by means of a head band. The repelling magnets which are placed on the forehead must remain there constantly for thirty six hours at the very least in order to stop what is commonly known as voice to skull or microwave hearing.
It is also possible for a targeted individual to make their entire identity go dark so that they can not be wirelessly detected by the criminal neuro scientists who are attempting to bio-digitally code the brain of a human being to a point where said human being loses all free will and could in fact be totally externally wirelessly controlled from a remote location by said neuro scientists. You must place all of your digital devices and your wireless modem and your wirelessly enabled car keys inside faraday bags each and every time that you are finished using them. These faraday bags and also faraday boxes are widely available to purchase online. Do not own a smart phone because they have been weaponized to bio-digitally program the user automatically to cause blockages in their ability to think as clearly as they otherwise would. Wear a roll of repelling neodymium magnets over your crown chakra on top of your head each night while you are sleeping.

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Smart phones create a bio-digital flow-cycle with the human beings who owns them allowing information to move at rapid speeds to and from the person and the smart phone. The flicker rate of the smart phones is also being used to transmit coded data through their eyes. Electronic mind control is also being transmitted wirelessly from microwave transmitters and many other sources. Those who have already had their minds bio-digitally programmed have been programmed to resist heavily all information which contradicts their programming. Therefore, the voices of reason among them remain unheard. If a topic which they have been programmed to resist is brought up for discussion they immediately either change the subject, scorn the speaker, inform the speaker that they will discuss it later or even walk away from the speaker. Because they have no idea that they have been programmed to resist all discussion on the topic of concern they also dont know how to go about attempting to override their programming to check if they are able to do so. We must urgently disassemble and ban microwave and millimeter wave transmitters and thereby we would then have to stop using smart phones. There are attempts to turn the whole world into a type of wifi hot spot by electrifying the atmosphere and if that is successful there will then be no point in banning microwave and millimeter wave transmitters after that time because mind control would then be ubiquitous, except for Madagascar which is where our slave masters would possibly live. There are online suggestions that Madagascar has never been sprayed with chemtrails and also that large tracts of land have been purchased in Madagascar by the super-rich new world order cabal. Many of us have already become wirelessly tethered to computerized control systems where we are already partially permanently enslaved. Many of the rest of us are so heavily bio-digitally programmed that they resist all information we give them on the topic of our enslavement. If all of us eventually become wirelessly permanently enslaved we will never be allowed to see the faces of our slave masters or ever be allowed to know who they are because all transmittions of data to and from them will be transmitted by bi-directional wireless means. The type of data that those of us who have already become wirelessly permanently enslaved receive are voice commands, visual information, pain, electric shocks, forced muscle movement, forced paralysis, and other bodily sensations which are wirelessly transmitted to us which feel like remote wirelessly enabled sexual violation. Government staff have been so heavily bio-digitally programmed at this late stage that they have been programmed to enslave their fellow human beings on behalf of the slave masters of this world. They have been programmed to enforce our enslavement rigidly using extreme discipline. They have been programmed to lock down each and every country in the world from an economic perspective so that the slave masters can take complete control of each and every business in the world and so that we can be denied the right to even leave our homes. There are easy cures for coronavirus and all who are awake and aware are fully aware that the imposed economic lock down is largely a hoax so that the slave masters can further empower themselves and disempower us. Many of us who are already wirelessly enslaved are now afraid of those in government who have been given the false authority to have us locked inside psychiatric hospitals if we dare to speak publicly about our wireless enslavement. We continue to do so even though we do so at great risk from this development. The Richard C Walker PNF TRAC Patent no US6965816 describes in detail the ability to aggressively go in, take over, control, track and manage any system whether it be a human being, an airplane, a car or a motor cycle. You as a human being will be called wetware and there will be control mechanisms, devices and chips put into your body at different places without your awareness and consent which can actually control your muscles even against your own will.

For further information about the bio-digital flow cycle between humans and smart phones please read a book called "Artificial Intelligence, Dangers to Humanity," by Cyrus A. Parsa.

My website is called

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Many non-consensual human beings are being bio-digitally encoded so that external wireless control can be taken of their central nervous systems and when the bio-digital encoding program is completed they could then be instantly paralysed from head to toe by wireless means if they failed to agree to be obedient slaves to the worldwide centralized control system which is being set up around us. Whenever these victims of non-consensual central nervous system encoding programs complain to the police in their locality the police erroneously believe them to be mentally ill and refuse to validate any and all statements from them on that grounds and the victims are then unnecessarily mandated to attend for psychiatric evaluation before they are allowed to return home. If they continue to press on with their story to the attending police psychiatrist they are then unnecessarily mandated to enter a psychiatric hospital until they are deemed to be well again.
According to Cyrus A Parsa in his book "Artificial Intelligence, Dangers to Humanity" your smart phone connects to your bio-digital field creating a replicating software that reprograms you layer by layer in mostly an unconscious state that takes years under the current 4G speeds which will exponentially increase its replication reporgram of you in 5G. As the police are obliged to use a variety of digital media devices during the course of their work many of them are now unable to think clearly because of the aforementioned reprogramming. Will both of these matters be investigated and if so by whom and how soon?

Many non-consensual human victims of central nervous system encoding have had some success at blocking the process by fixing rolls of repelling magnets bound together by wooden skewers and duct tape to caps and wearing them close to their crown chakras each night while sleeping.  For more information on this and other anti-nano devices see a youtube channel called HerbsPlusBeadWorks which is owned by a Canadian Engineer and Naturopathic Doctor called Tony Pantalleresco.

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