bio-robotizing (1)

Brain computer interfacing is being illegally used to acquire brain signals from unaware human subjects and to then transfer them to an external device where translation algorithms are then used to translate the acquired brain signals into most if not all of what the unaware human is doing, saying, thinking and feeling.
Because brain computer interface technology is bi-directional subliminal information is then being sent to the unaware human subject to bio-digitally program him or her without their knowledge or consent. The human subject or subjects can be programmed to hate a member of their own family or their own community or even a senior politician and this is being done by the use of engineered artificial intelligent algorithms.
The frequencies which are eminating from your smart phone are being used to entrain your brain so please keep your smart devices in faraday bags when they are not in use.
There are many methods of stealing your brain signals and one of these involves placing a device inside one of your ears while you are unaware that it is occuring in order to collect your brain signals using the science of EEG.
Brain computer interfacing is being used to send voice commands, images, pain, electric shock, artificial feelings and forced muscle movement to men and women who are known as targeted individuals. This is all being covered up by false psychiatry or deliberately created hoaxes such as the demonic possession hoax or the hoax of an extra-terresterial presence. Bio-robotizing a real human being is also being planned so that the all of the free will of a human being can be taken away completely and they would never be able to move a single muscle again while all of their muscle movements would be controlled externally by wireless means. The individuals behind brain computer interface crime are extremely cruel. Some of the staff who work for them may be being externally controlled themselves.

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